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LokiNET admin api
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].
message format is jsonrpc 2.0 like api serialized with bittorrent encoding (BEncode) over
messages are prefixed with big endian 16 bit length field indicating how many bytes the next
message is.
a version 1 aRPC message is structured as the following message:
"aRPC-method": "llarp",
"id" : "some-id-here",
"params": {
"key1": "val1",
"key2": "val2"
"v" : version_integer,
"z-key" : "<optional 32 bytes public key>",
"z-sig" : "<64 bytes siganture of the entire message requried if z-key is provided>"
serialzied it would be:
given the signature is 64 bytes of 'A' and the public key is 32 bytes of 'A'
responses are signed by the identity key and MUST be verified by the caller.
an example of a call to llarp.nodedb.getrc:
"aRPC-method": "llarp.nodedb.rc.getbykey",
"id" : "<12 bytes random>",
"params": {
"key" : "<32 bytes identity key>"
the reply MUST be signed by the router's identity key
"aRPC-method" : "llarp.nodedb.rc.getbykey",
"id" : "<12 bytes from before>",
"return": {
"value" : [RC, RC, RC]
"time": uint64_milliseconds_since_epoch_timestamp_now,
"z-key": "<32 bytes identity public key>",
"z-sig": "<64 bytes sig>"
and on error:
"aRPC-method" : "llarp.nodedb.rc.getbykey",
"id" : "<12 bytes from before>",
"return": {
"error": "error message goes here"
"time": uint64_milliseconds_since_epoch_timestamp_now,
"z-key": "<32 bytes identity public key>",
"z-sig": "<64 bytes sig>"
if requests are signed then they are authenticated by the signer's public key
requesters can be granted access based on their public key, some methods MAY
require this in order to be called.
the methods currently provided are:
get a pong back
required parameters:
ping: integer
get rc by public identity key
required parameters:
key: 32 bytes public identity key
a list of RCs (see protocol v0 spec) that have this public identity key
usually 0 or 1 RCs
get a list of RCs in an address range
required parameters:
cidr: ipv6 network cidr string, i.e. "::ffff." or "fc00::/7"
limit: integer max number of items to fetch, zero or positive integer,
if zero no limit.
a list of 0 to limit RCs that advertise themselves as being reachble via an
address in the given CIDR.
llarp.admin.sys.uptime (authentication required)
required paramters:
an integer milliseconds since unix epoch we've been online (authentication required)
get a list of connected service nodes on all links
required parameters:
list of 0 to N dicts in the following format:
"connected" : uint64_milliseconds_timestamp_connected_at
"ident" : "<32 bytes public identity key>",
"laddr" : "local address",
"raddr" : "remote address"