You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

153 lines
4.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include "json_bt.hpp"
#include "rpc_request_definitions.hpp"
#include <llarp/config/config.hpp>
#include <nlohmann/json_fwd.hpp>
#include <oxen/log/omq_logger.hpp>
#include <oxenmq/address.h>
#include <oxenmq/message.h>
#include <oxenmq/oxenmq.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string_view>
namespace llarp
struct Router;
} // namespace llarp
static auto logcat = llarp::log::Cat("lokinet.rpc");
} // namespace
namespace llarp::rpc
using LMQ_ptr = std::shared_ptr<oxenmq::OxenMQ>;
using DeferredSend = oxenmq::Message::DeferredSend;
class RPCServer;
// Stores RPC request callback
struct rpc_callback
using result_type = std::variant<oxenc::bt_value, nlohmann::json, std::string>;
// calls with incoming request data; returns response body or throws exception
void (*invoke)(oxenmq::Message&, RPCServer&);
// RPC request registration
// Stores references to RPC requests in a unordered map for ease of reference
// when adding to server. To add endpoints, define in rpc_request_definitions.hpp
// and register in rpc_server.cpp
extern const std::unordered_map<std::string, rpc_callback> rpc_request_map;
// Exception used to signal various types of errors with a request back to the caller. This
// exception indicates that the caller did something wrong: bad data, invalid value, etc., but
// don't indicate a local problem (and so we'll log them only at debug). For more serious,
// internal errors a command should throw some other stl error (e.g. std::runtime_error or
// perhaps std::logic_error), which will result in a local daemon warning (and a generic
// internal error response to the user).
// For JSON RPC these become an error response with the code as the error.code value and the
// string as the error.message.
// For HTTP JSON these become a 500 Internal Server Error response with the message as the
// body. For OxenMQ the code becomes the first part of the response and the message becomes the
// second part of the response.
struct rpc_error : std::runtime_error
/// \param message - a message to send along with the error code (see general description
/// above).
rpc_error(std::string message)
: std::runtime_error{"RPC error: " + message}, message{std::move(message)}
std::string message;
template <typename Result_t>
void SetJSONResponse(Result_t result, json& j)
j["result"] = result;
inline void SetJSONError(std::string_view msg, json& j)
j["error"] = msg;
class RPCServer
explicit RPCServer(LMQ_ptr, Router&);
~RPCServer() = default;
void HandleLogsSubRequest(oxenmq::Message& m);
void AddCategories();
void invoke(Halt& halt);
void invoke(Version& version);
void invoke(Status& status);
void invoke(GetStatus& getstatus);
void invoke(QuicConnect& quicconnect);
void invoke(QuicListener& quiclistener);
void invoke(LookupSnode& lookupsnode);
void invoke(MapExit& mapexit);
void invoke(ListExits& listexits);
void invoke(UnmapExit& unmapexit);
void invoke(SwapExits& swapexits);
void invoke(DNSQuery& dnsquery);
void invoke(Config& config);
LMQ_ptr m_LMQ;
Router& m_Router;
oxen::log::PubsubLogger log_subs;
template <typename RPC>
class EndpointHandler
RPCServer& server;
RPC rpc{};
EndpointHandler(RPCServer& _server, DeferredSend _replier) : server{_server}
void operator()()
catch (const rpc_error& e)
log::info(logcat, "RPC request 'rpc.{}' failed with: {}",, e.what());
fmt::format("RPC request 'rpc.{}' failed with: {}",, e.what()),
catch (const std::exception& e)
logcat, "RPC request 'rpc.{}' raised an exception: {}",, e.what());
fmt::format("RPC request 'rpc.{}' raised an exception: {}",, e.what()),
if (rpc.replier.has_value())
} // namespace llarp::rpc