You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

549 lines
20 KiB

#pragma once
#include "crypto/crypto.hpp"
#include "dht/key.hpp"
#include "router_contact.hpp"
#include "router_id.hpp"
#include "util/common.hpp"
#include "util/fs.hpp"
#include "util/thread/threading.hpp"
#include <llarp/router/router.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
namespace llarp
struct Router;
// TESTNET: the following constants have been shortened for testing purposes
/* RC Fetch Constants */
// fallback to bootstrap if we have less than this many RCs
inline constexpr size_t MIN_ACTIVE_RCS{6};
// max number of attempts we make in non-bootstrap fetch requests
inline constexpr int MAX_FETCH_ATTEMPTS{10};
// the total number of returned rcs that are held locally should be at least this
inline constexpr size_t MIN_GOOD_RC_FETCH_TOTAL{};
// the ratio of returned rcs found locally to to total returned should be above this ratio
inline constexpr double MIN_GOOD_RC_FETCH_THRESHOLD{};
/* RID Fetch Constants */
// the number of rid sources that we make rid fetch requests to
inline constexpr size_t RID_SOURCE_COUNT{8};
// upper limit on how many rid fetch requests to rid sources can fail
inline constexpr size_t MAX_RID_ERRORS{2};
// each returned rid must appear this number of times across all responses
// the total number of accepted returned rids should be above this number
inline constexpr size_t MIN_GOOD_RID_FETCH_TOTAL{};
// the ratio of accepted:rejected rids must be above this ratio
inline constexpr double GOOD_RID_FETCH_THRESHOLD{};
/* Bootstrap Constants */
// the number of rc's we query the bootstrap for; service nodes pass 0, which means
// gimme all dat RCs
inline constexpr size_t SERVICE_NODE_BOOTSTRAP_SOURCE_COUNT{0};
inline constexpr size_t CLIENT_BOOTSTRAP_SOURCE_COUNT{10};
// the maximum number of fetch requests we make across all bootstraps
inline constexpr int MAX_BOOTSTRAP_FETCH_ATTEMPTS{5};
// if all bootstraps fail, router will trigger re-bootstrapping after this cooldown
inline constexpr auto BOOTSTRAP_COOLDOWN{1min};
/* Other Constants */
// the maximum number of RC/RID fetches that can pass w/o an unconfirmed rc/rid appearing
inline constexpr int MAX_CONFIRMATION_ATTEMPTS{5};
// threshold amount of verifications to promote an unconfirmed rc/rid
inline constexpr int CONFIRMATION_THRESHOLD{3};
inline constexpr auto FLUSH_INTERVAL{5min};
template <
typename ID_t,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<ID_t, RouterID> || std::is_same_v<ID_t, RemoteRC>, int> = 0>
struct Unconfirmed
const ID_t id;
int attempts = 0;
int verifications = 0;
Unconfirmed() = delete;
Unconfirmed(const ID_t& obj) : id{obj}
Unconfirmed(ID_t&& obj) : id{std::move(obj)}
int strikes() const
return attempts;
operator bool() const
return verifications == CONFIRMATION_THRESHOLD;
bool operator==(const Unconfirmed& other) const
return id ==;
bool operator<(const Unconfirmed& other) const
return id <;
class NodeDB
Router& _router;
const fs::path _root;
const std::function<void(std::function<void()>)> _disk;
llarp_time_t _next_flush_time;
/******** RouterID/RouterContacts ********/
/** RouterID mappings
Both the following are populated in NodeDB startup with RouterID's stored on disk.
- known_rids: meant to persist between lokinet sessions, and is only
populated during startup and RouterID fetching. This is meant to represent the
client instance's most recent perspective of the network, and record which RouterID's
were recently "active" and connected to
- unconfirmed_rids: holds new rids returned in fetch requests to be verified by
subsequent fetch requests
- known_rcs: populated during startup and when RC's are updated both during gossip
and periodic RC fetching
- unconfirmed_rcs: holds new rcs to be verified by subsequent fetch requests, similar to
the unknown_rids container
- rc_lookup: holds all the same rc's as known_rcs, but can be used to look them up by
their rid
- bootstrap_seeds: if we are the seed node, we insert the rc's of bootstrap fetch
requests senders into this container to "introduce" them to each other
- _bootstraps: the standard container for bootstrap RemoteRCs
std::set<RouterID> known_rids;
std::set<Unconfirmed<RouterID>> unconfirmed_rids;
std::set<RemoteRC> known_rcs;
std::set<Unconfirmed<RemoteRC>> unconfirmed_rcs;
std::map<RouterID, RemoteRC> rc_lookup;
BootstrapList _bootstraps{};
/** RouterID lists // TODO: get rid of all these, replace with better decom/not staked
- white: active routers
- gray: fully funded, but decommissioned routers
- green: registered, but not fully-staked routers
std::set<RouterID> _router_whitelist{};
std::set<RouterID> _router_greylist{};
std::set<RouterID> _router_greenlist{};
// All registered relays (service nodes)
std::set<RouterID> _registered_routers;
// timing (note: Router holds the variables for last rc and rid request times)
std::unordered_map<RouterID, rc_time> last_rc_update_times;
// if populated from a config file, lists specific exclusively used as path first-hops
std::set<RouterID> _pinned_edges;
// source of "truth" for RC updating. This relay will also mediate requests to the
// 12 selected active RID's for RID fetching
RouterID fetch_source;
// set of 12 randomly selected RID's from the client's set of routers
std::set<RouterID> rid_sources{};
// logs the RID's that resulted in an error during RID fetching
std::set<RouterID> fail_sources{};
// tracks the number of times each rid appears in the above responses
std::unordered_map<RouterID, int> fetch_counters{};
/** Failure counters:
- fetch_failures: tracks errors fetching RC's from the RC node and requesting RID's
from the 12 RID sources. Errors in the individual RID sets are NOT counted towards
this, their performance as a group is evaluated wholistically
- bootstrap_failures: tracks errors fetching both RC's from bootstrasps and RID requests
they mediate. This is a different counter as we only bootstrap in problematic cases
std::atomic<int> fetch_failures{0}, bootstrap_attempts{0};
std::atomic<bool> _using_bootstrap_fallback{false}, _needs_rebootstrap{false},
_needs_initial_fetch{true}, _fetching_initial{false}, _initial_completed{false};
bool want_rc(const RouterID& rid) const;
/// asynchronously remove the files for a set of rcs on disk given their public ident key
void remove_many_from_disk_async(std::unordered_set<RouterID> idents) const;
/// get filename of an RC file given its public ident key
fs::path get_path_by_pubkey(const RouterID& pk) const;
explicit NodeDB(
fs::path rootdir, std::function<void(std::function<void()>)> diskCaller, Router* r);
/// in memory nodedb
const std::set<RouterID>& get_known_rids() const
return known_rids;
const std::set<RemoteRC>& get_known_rcs() const
return known_rcs;
std::optional<RemoteRC> get_rc_by_rid(const RouterID& rid);
bool is_initial_fetching() const
return _fetching_initial;
bool initial_fetch_completed() const
return _initial_completed;
bool needs_initial_fetch() const
return _needs_initial_fetch;
bool needs_rebootstrap() const
return _needs_rebootstrap;
void ingest_bootstrap_seed();
bool ingest_fetched_rcs(std::set<RemoteRC> rcs);
bool process_fetched_rcs(std::set<RemoteRC>& rcs);
void ingest_rid_fetch_responses(const RouterID& source, std::set<RouterID> ids = {});
bool process_fetched_rids();
void fetch_initial(bool is_snode = false);
// RouterContact fetching
void fetch_rcs(bool initial = false);
void post_fetch_rcs(bool initial = false);
void fetch_rcs_result(bool initial = false, bool error = false);
// RouterID fetching
void fetch_rids(bool initial = false);
void post_fetch_rids(bool initial = false);
void fetch_rids_result(bool initial = false);
// Bootstrap fallback fetching
void fallback_to_bootstrap();
void post_snode_bootstrap();
void bootstrap_cooldown();
// Populate rid_sources with random sample from known_rids. A set of rids is passed
// if only specific RID's need to be re-selected; to re-select all, pass the member
// variable ::known_rids
void reselect_router_id_sources(std::set<RouterID> specific);
void set_router_whitelist(
const std::vector<RouterID>& whitelist,
const std::vector<RouterID>& greylist,
const std::vector<RouterID>& greenlist);
std::optional<RouterID> get_random_whitelist_router() const;
// client:
// if pinned edges were specified, connections are allowed only to those and
// to the configured bootstrap nodes. otherwise, always allow.
// relay:
// outgoing connections are allowed only to other registered, funded relays
// (whitelist and greylist, respectively).
bool is_connection_allowed(const RouterID& remote) const;
// client:
// same as is_connection_allowed
// server:
// we only build new paths through registered, not decommissioned relays
// (i.e. whitelist)
bool is_path_allowed(const RouterID& remote) const
return known_rids.count(remote);
// if pinned edges were specified, the remote must be in that set, else any remote
// is allowed as first hop.
bool is_first_hop_allowed(const RouterID& remote) const;
std::set<RouterID>& pinned_edges()
return _pinned_edges;
void store_bootstraps();
size_t num_bootstraps() const
return _bootstraps.size();
bool has_bootstraps() const
return _bootstraps.empty();
const BootstrapList& bootstrap_list() const
return _bootstraps;
BootstrapList& bootstrap_list()
return _bootstraps;
void set_bootstrap_routers(BootstrapList& from_router);
const std::set<RouterID>& whitelist() const
return _router_whitelist;
const std::set<RouterID>& greylist() const
return _router_greylist;
std::set<RouterID>& registered_routers()
return _registered_routers;
const std::set<RouterID>& registered_routers() const
return _registered_routers;
const std::set<RemoteRC>& get_rcs() const
return known_rcs;
// const std::unordered_map<RouterID, RemoteRC>& // get_rcs() const
// {
// return known_rcs;
// }
const std::unordered_map<RouterID, rc_time>& get_last_rc_update_times() const
return last_rc_update_times;
/// load all known_rcs from disk syncrhonously
void load_from_disk();
/// explicit save all RCs to disk synchronously
void save_to_disk() const;
/// the number of RCs that are loaded from disk
size_t num_rcs() const;
size_t num_rids() const;
/// do periodic tasks like flush to disk and expiration
void Tick(llarp_time_t now);
/// find the absolute closets router to a dht location
RemoteRC find_closest_to(dht::Key_t location) const;
/// find many routers closest to dht key
std::vector<RemoteRC> find_many_closest_to(dht::Key_t location, uint32_t numRouters) const;
/// return true if we have an rc by its ident pubkey
bool has_rc(const RouterID& pk) const;
bool has_rc(const RemoteRC& rc) const;
/// maybe get an rc by its ident pubkey
std::optional<RemoteRC> get_rc(const RouterID& pk) const;
std::optional<RemoteRC> get_random_rc() const;
// Get `n` random RCs from all RCs we know about. If `exact` is true then we require n
// matches (and otherwise return nullopt); otherwise we return whatever we found, or nullopt
// if we find nothing at all.
std::optional<std::vector<RemoteRC>> get_n_random_rcs(size_t n, bool exact = false) const;
/** The following random conditional functions utilize a simple implementation of reservoir
sampling to return either 1 or n random RC's using only one pass through the set of
- begin iterating through the set
- load the first n (or 1) that pass hook(n) into a list Selected[]
- for all that pass the hook, increment i, tracking the number seen thus far
- generate a random integer x from 0 to i
- x < n ? Selected[x] = current : continue;
std::optional<RemoteRC> get_random_rc_conditional(std::function<bool(RemoteRC)> hook) const;
std::optional<std::vector<RemoteRC>> get_n_random_rcs_conditional(
size_t n, std::function<bool(RemoteRC)> hook, bool exact = false) const;
// Updates `current` to not contain any of the elements of `replace` and resamples (up to
// `target_size`) from population to refill it.
template <typename T, typename RNG>
void replace_subset(
std::set<T>& current,
const std::set<T>& replace,
std::set<T> population,
size_t target_size,
RNG&& rng)
// Remove the ones we are replacing from current:
current.erase(replace.begin(), replace.end());
// Remove ones we are replacing, and ones we already have, from the population so that
// we won't reselect them:
population.erase(replace.begin(), replace.end());
population.erase(current.begin(), current.end());
if (current.size() < target_size)
std::inserter(current, current.end()),
target_size - current.size(),
/// visit all known_rcs
template <typename Visit>
void visit_all(Visit visit) const
_router.loop()->call([this, visit]() {
for (const auto& item : known_rcs)
/// remove an entry via its ident pubkey
void remove_router(RouterID pk);
/// remove an entry given a filter that inspects the rc
template <typename Filter>
void remove_if(Filter visit)
_router.loop()->call([this, visit]() {
std::unordered_set<RouterID> removed;
for (auto itr = rc_lookup.begin(); itr != rc_lookup.end();)
if (visit(itr->second))
itr = rc_lookup.erase(itr);
if (not removed.empty())
template <
typename ID_t,
std::is_same_v<ID_t, RouterID> || std::is_same_v<ID_t, RemoteRC>,
int> = 0>
void process_results(
std::set<ID_t> unconfirmed,
std::set<Unconfirmed<ID_t>>& container,
std::set<ID_t>& known)
// before we add the unconfirmed set, we check to see if our local set of unconfirmed
// rcs/rids appeared in the latest unconfirmed set; if so, we will increment their
// number of verifications and reset the attempts counter. Once appearing in 3 different
// requests, the rc/rid will be "verified" and promoted to the known_{rcs,rids}
// container
for (auto itr = container.begin(); itr != container.end();)
auto& id = itr->id;
auto& count = const_cast<int&>(itr->attempts);
auto& verifications = const_cast<int&>(itr->verifications);
if (auto found = unconfirmed.find(id); found != unconfirmed.end())
if (++verifications >= CONFIRMATION_THRESHOLD)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ID_t, RemoteRC>)
itr = container.erase(itr);
// reset attempt counter and continue
count = 0;
itr = (++count >= MAX_CONFIRMATION_ATTEMPTS) ? container.erase(itr) : ++itr;
for (auto& id : unconfirmed)
/// remove rcs that are older than we want to keep. For relays, this is when
/// they become "outdated" (i.e. 12hrs). Clients will hang on to them until
/// they are fully "expired" (i.e. 30 days), as the client may go offline for
/// some time and can still try to use those RCs to re-learn the network.
void remove_stale_rcs();
/// put (or replace) the RC if we consider it valid (want_rc). returns true if put.
bool put_rc(RemoteRC rc, rc_time now = time_point_now());
/// if we consider it valid (want_rc),
/// put this rc into the cache if it is not there or is newer than the one there already
/// returns true if the rc was inserted
bool put_rc_if_newer(RemoteRC rc);
void verify_gossip_bfetch_rc(const RemoteRC& rc);
bool verify_store_gossip_rc(const RemoteRC& rc);
} // namespace llarp
namespace std
template <>
struct hash<llarp::Unconfirmed<llarp::RemoteRC>> : public hash<llarp::RemoteRC>
template <>
struct hash<llarp::Unconfirmed<llarp::RouterID>> : hash<llarp::RouterID>
} // namespace std