You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

292 lines
9.2 KiB

#pragma once
#include "definition.hpp"
#include "ini.hpp"
#include <llarp/bootstrap.hpp>
#include <llarp/constants/files.hpp>
#include <llarp/crypto/types.hpp>
#include <llarp/dns/srv_data.hpp>
#include <llarp/net/ip_address.hpp>
#include <llarp/net/ip_range_map.hpp>
#include <llarp/net/net.hpp>
#include <llarp/net/net_int.hpp>
#include <llarp/net/traffic_policy.hpp>
#include <llarp/router_contact.hpp>
#include <llarp/service/address.hpp>
#include <llarp/service/auth.hpp>
#include <llarp/util/fs.hpp>
#include <llarp/util/logging.hpp>
#include <llarp/util/str.hpp>
#include <oxenmq/address.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace llarp
using SectionValues = llarp::ConfigParser::SectionValues;
using ConfigMap = llarp::ConfigParser::ConfigMap;
inline const std::string QUAD_ZERO{""};
inline constexpr uint16_t DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT{1090};
inline constexpr int CLIENT_ROUTER_CONNECTIONS = 4;
// TODO: don't use these maps. they're sloppy and difficult to follow
/// Small struct to gather all parameters needed for config generation to reduce the number of
/// parameters that need to be passed around.
struct ConfigGenParameters
ConfigGenParameters() = default;
virtual ~ConfigGenParameters() = default;
ConfigGenParameters(const ConfigGenParameters&) = delete;
ConfigGenParameters(ConfigGenParameters&&) = delete;
bool is_relay = false;
fs::path default_data_dir;
/// get network platform (virtual for unit test mocks)
virtual const llarp::net::Platform* Net_ptr() const = 0;
struct RouterConfig
int client_router_connections{CLIENT_ROUTER_CONNECTIONS};
std::string net_id;
fs::path data_dir;
bool block_bogons = false;
int worker_threads = -1;
int net_threads = -1;
size_t job_que_size = 0;
std::string rc_file;
std::string enckey_file;
std::string idkey_file;
std::string transkey_file;
bool is_relay = false;
std::optional<std::string> public_ip;
std::optional<uint16_t> public_port;
void define_config_options(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params);
/// config for path hop selection
struct PeerSelectionConfig
/// in our hops what netmask will we use for unique ips for hops
/// i.e. 32 for every hop unique ip, 24 unique /24 per hop, etc
int unique_hop_netmask;
/// set of countrys to exclude from path building (2 char country code)
std::unordered_set<std::string> exclude_countries;
void define_config_options(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params);
/// return true if this set of router contacts is acceptable against this config
bool check_rcs(const std::set<RemoteRC>& hops) const;
struct NetworkConfig
std::optional<bool> enable_profiling;
bool save_profiles;
std::set<RouterID> strict_connect;
std::string if_name;
IPRange if_addr;
std::optional<fs::path> keyfile;
std::string endpoint_type;
bool is_reachable = false;
std::optional<int> hops;
std::optional<int> paths;
bool allow_exit = false;
std::set<RouterID> snode_blacklist;
net::IPRangeMap<service::Address> exit_map;
net::IPRangeMap<std::string> ons_exit_map;
std::unordered_map<service::Address, service::AuthInfo> exit_auths;
std::unordered_map<std::string, service::AuthInfo> ons_exit_auths;
std::unordered_map<huint128_t, service::Address> map_addrs;
service::AuthType auth_type = service::AuthType::NONE;
service::AuthFileType auth_file_type = service::AuthFileType::HASHES;
std::optional<std::string> auth_url;
std::optional<std::string> auth_method;
std::unordered_set<service::Address> auth_whitelist;
std::unordered_set<std::string> auth_static_tokens;
std::set<fs::path> auth_files;
std::vector<llarp::dns::SRVData> srv_records;
std::optional<huint128_t> base_ipv6_addr;
std::set<IPRange> owned_ranges;
std::optional<net::TrafficPolicy> traffic_policy;
std::optional<llarp_time_t> path_alignment_timeout;
std::optional<fs::path> addr_map_persist_file;
bool enable_route_poker;
bool blackhole_routes;
void define_config_options(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params);
struct DnsConfig
bool raw;
std::vector<SockAddr> bind_addr;
std::vector<SockAddr> upstream_dns;
std::vector<fs::path> hostfiles;
std::optional<SockAddr> query_bind;
std::unordered_multimap<std::string, std::string> extra_opts;
void define_config_options(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params);
struct LinksConfig
// DEPRECATED -- use [Router]:public_addr
std::optional<std::string> public_addr;
// DEPRECATED -- use [Router]:public_port
std::optional<uint16_t> public_port;
std::optional<oxen::quic::Address> listen_addr;
bool using_user_value = false;
bool using_new_api = false;
void define_config_options(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params);
// TODO: remove oxenmq from this header
struct ApiConfig
bool enable_rpc_server = false;
std::vector<oxenmq::address> rpc_bind_addrs;
void define_config_options(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params);
struct LokidConfig
fs::path id_keyfile;
oxenmq::address rpc_addr;
bool disable_testing = true;
void define_config_options(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params);
struct BootstrapConfig
std::vector<fs::path> files;
bool seednode;
void define_config_options(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params);
struct LoggingConfig
log::Type type = log::Type::Print;
log::Level level = log::Level::off;
std::string file;
void define_config_options(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params);
struct Config
explicit Config(std::optional<fs::path> datadir = std::nullopt);
virtual ~Config() = default;
/// create generation params (virtual for unit test mock)
virtual std::unique_ptr<ConfigGenParameters> make_gen_params() const;
RouterConfig router;
NetworkConfig network;
PeerSelectionConfig paths;
DnsConfig dns;
LinksConfig links;
ApiConfig api;
LokidConfig lokid;
BootstrapConfig bootstrap;
LoggingConfig logging;
// Initialize config definition
void init_config(ConfigDefinition& conf, const ConfigGenParameters& params);
/// Insert config entries for backwards-compatibility (e.g. so that the config system will
/// tolerate old values that are no longer accepted)
/// @param conf is the config to modify
void add_backcompat_opts(ConfigDefinition& conf);
// Load a config from the given file if the config file is not provided LoadDefault is
// called
bool load(std::optional<fs::path> fname = std::nullopt, bool isRelay = false);
// Load a config from a string of ini, same effects as Config::Load
bool load_string(std::string_view ini, bool isRelay = false);
std::string generate_client_config_base();
std::string generate_router_config_base();
void save();
void override(std::string section, std::string key, std::string value);
void add_default(std::string section, std::string key, std::string value);
/// create a config with the default parameters for an embedded lokinet
static std::shared_ptr<Config> make_embedded_config();
/// Load (initialize) a default config.
/// This delegates to the ConfigDefinition to generate a default config,
/// as though an empty config were specified.
/// If using Config without the intention of loading from file (or string), this is
/// necessary in order to obtain sane defaults.
/// @param isRelay determines whether the config will reflect that of a relay or client
/// @param dataDir is a path representing a directory to be used as the data dir
/// @return true on success, false otherwise
bool load_default_config(bool isRelay);
bool load_config_data(
std::string_view ini,
std::optional<fs::path> fname = std::nullopt,
bool isRelay = false);
void load_overrides(ConfigDefinition& conf) const;
std::vector<std::array<std::string, 3>> additional;
ConfigParser parser;
const fs::path data_dir;
void ensure_config(fs::path dataDir, fs::path confFile, bool overwrite, bool asRouter);
} // namespace llarp