You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

132 lines
3.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include "json_binary_proxy.hpp"
#include "json_bt.hpp"
#include <llarp/config/config.hpp>
#include <nlohmann/json_fwd.hpp>
#include <oxen/log/omq_logger.hpp>
#include <oxenmq/address.h>
#include <oxenmq/oxenmq.h>
#include <string_view>
namespace tools
// Type wrapper that contains an arbitrary list of types.
template <typename...>
struct type_list
} // namespace tools
namespace llarp::rpc
// Base class that all RPC requests will expand for each endpoint type
struct RPCRequest
bool bt = false;
// Returns true if response is bt-encoded, and false for json
// Note: do not set value
is_bt() const
return bt;
// Callable method to indicate request is bt-encoded
bt = true;
response_b64.format = llarp::rpc::json_binary_proxy::fmt::bt;
response_hex.format = llarp::rpc::json_binary_proxy::fmt::bt;
// Invoked if this.replier is still present. If it is "stolen" by endpoint (moved from
// RPC struct), then endpoint handles sending reply
is_bt() ? oxenc::bt_serialize(json_to_bt(std::move(response))) : response.dump());
send_response(nlohmann::json _response)
response = std::move(_response);
// Response Data:
// bt-encoded are converted in real-time
// - bool becomes 0 or 1
// - key:value where value == null are omitted
// - other nulls will raise an exception if found in json
// - no doubles
// - to store doubles: encode bt in endpoint-specific way
// - binary strings will fail json serialization; caller must
// std::string binary = some_binary_data();
// request.response["binary_value"] = is_bt ? binary : oxenmq::to_hex(binary)
nlohmann::json response;
// Proxy Object:
// Sets binary data in "response"
// - if return type is json, encodes as hex
// - if return type is bt, then binary is untouched
// Usage:
// std::string data = "abc";
// request.response_hex["foo"]["bar"] = data; // json: "616263", bt: "abc"
llarp::rpc::json_binary_proxy response_hex{response, llarp::rpc::json_binary_proxy::fmt::hex};
// Proxy Object:
// Encodes binary data as base_64 for json-encoded responses, leaves as binary for bt-encoded
// responses
// Usage:
// std::string data = "abc"
// request.response_b64["foo"]["bar"] = data; json: "YWJj", bt: "abc"
llarp::rpc::json_binary_proxy response_b64{
response, llarp::rpc::json_binary_proxy::fmt::base64};
// The oxenmq deferred send object into which the response will be sent when the `invoke`
// method returns. If the response needs to happen later (i.e. not immediately after `invoke`
// returns) then you should call `defer()` to extract and clear this and then send the response
// via the returned DeferredSend object yourself.
std::optional<oxenmq::Message::DeferredSend> replier;
// Called to clear the current replier and return it. After this call the automatic reply will
// not be generated; the caller is responsible for calling `->reply` on the returned optional
// itself. This is typically used where a call has to be deferred, for example because it
// depends on some network response to build the reply.
auto r{std::move(*replier)};
return r;
// Tag types that are inherited to set RPC endpoint properties
// RPC call wil take no input arguments
// Parameter dict can be passed, but will be ignored
struct NoArgs : virtual RPCRequest
// RPC call will be executed immediately
struct Immediate : virtual RPCRequest
} // namespace llarp::rpc