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#pragma once
#include <llarp/net/interface_info.hpp>
#include <llarp/util/buffer.hpp>
#include <llarp/util/thread/threading.hpp>
#include <llarp/util/time.hpp>
#include <uvw.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <deque>
#include <future>
#include <list>
#include <utility>
using oxen::log::slns::source_location;
namespace uvw
class Loop;
namespace llarp
constexpr std::size_t event_loop_queue_size = 1024;
struct SockAddr;
struct UDPHandle;
static auto loop_cat = llarp::log::Cat("ev-loop");
template <typename... T>
void loop_trace_log(
const log::logger_ptr& cat_logger,
[[maybe_unused]] const source_location& location,
[[maybe_unused]] fmt::format_string<T...> fmt,
[[maybe_unused]] T&&... args)
if (cat_logger)
namespace vpn
class NetworkInterface;
namespace net
class Platform;
struct IPPacket;
} // namespace net
/// distinct event loop waker upper; used to idempotently schedule a task on the next event loop
/// Created via EventLoop::make_waker(...).
class EventLoopWakeup
/// Destructor: remove the task from the event loop task. (Note that destruction here only
/// initiates removal of the task from the underlying event loop: it is *possible* for the
/// callback to fire again if already triggered depending on the underlying implementation).
virtual ~EventLoopWakeup() = default;
/// trigger this task to run on the next event loop iteration; does nothing if already
/// triggered.
virtual void Trigger() = 0;
/// holds a repeated task on the event loop; the task is removed on destruction
class EventLoopRepeater
// Destructor: if the task has been started then it is removed from the event loop. Note
// that it is possible for a task to fire *after* destruction of this container;
// destruction only initiates removal of the periodic task.
virtual ~EventLoopRepeater() = default;
// Starts the repeater to call `task` every `every` period.
virtual void start(llarp_time_t every, std::function<void()> task) = 0;
// this (nearly!) abstract base class
// is overriden for each platform
class EventLoop
// Runs the event loop. This does not return until sometime after `stop()` is called (and so
// typically you want to run this in its own thread).
virtual void run() = 0;
virtual bool running() const = 0;
// Returns a current steady clock time value representing the current time with event loop
// tick granularity. That is, the value is typically only updated at the beginning of an
// event loop tick.
virtual llarp_time_t time_now() const = 0;
// Calls a function/lambda/etc. If invoked from within the event loop itself this calls the
// given lambda immediately; otherwise it passes it to `call_soon()` to be queued to run at
// the next event loop iteration.
template <typename Callable>
void call(Callable&& f)
if (inEventLoop())
// Queues a function to be called on the next event loop cycle and triggers it to be called
// as soon as possible; can be called from any thread. Note that, unlike `call()`, this
// queues the job even if called from the event loop thread itself and so you *usually* want
// to use `call()` instead.
virtual void call_soon(std::function<void(void)> f) = 0;
// Adds a timer to the event loop to invoke the given callback after a delay.
virtual void call_later(llarp_time_t delay_ms, std::function<void(void)> callback) = 0;
// Created a repeated timer that fires ever `repeat` time unit. Lifetime of the event
// is tied to `owner`: callbacks will be invoked so long as `owner` remains alive, but
// the first time it repeats after `owner` has been destroyed the internal timer object will
// be destroyed and no more callbacks will be invoked.
// Intended to be used as:
// loop->call_every(100ms, weak_from_this(), [this] { some_func(); });
// Alternative, when shared_from_this isn't available for a type, you can use a local member
// shared_ptr (or even create a simple one, for more fine-grained control) to tie the
// lifetime:
// m_keepalive = std::make_shared<int>(42);
// loop->call_every(100ms, m_keepalive, [this] { some_func(); });
template <typename Callable> // Templated so that the compiler can inline the call
void call_every(llarp_time_t repeat, std::weak_ptr<void> owner, Callable f)
auto repeater = make_repeater();
auto& r = *repeater; // reference *before* we pass ownership into the lambda below
[repeater = std::move(repeater),
owner = std::move(owner),
f = std::move(f)]() mutable {
if (auto ptr = owner.lock())
.reset(); // Trigger timer removal on tied object destruction (we
// should be the only thing holding the repeater; ideally it
// would be a unique_ptr, but std::function says nuh-uh).
/// Calls a function and synchronously obtains its return value. If called from within the
/// event loop, the function is called and returned immediately, otherwise a promise/future
/// is used with `call_soon` to block until the event loop comes around and calls the
/// function.
template <typename Callable, typename Ret = decltype(std::declval<Callable>()())>
Ret call_get(Callable&& f, source_location src = source_location::current())
if (inEventLoop())
loop_trace_log(loop_cat, src, "Event loop calling `{}`", src.function_name());
return f();
std::promise<Ret> prom;
auto fut = prom.get_future();
call_soon([&f, &prom] {
catch (...)
return fut.get();
// Wraps a lambda with a lambda that triggers it to be called via loop->call()
// when invoked. E.g.:
// auto x = loop->make_caller([] (int a) { std::cerr << a; });
// x(42);
// x(99);
// will schedule two calls of the inner lambda (with different arguments) in the event loop.
// Arguments are forwarded to the inner lambda (allowing moving arguments into it).
template <typename Callable>
auto make_caller(Callable f)
return [this, f = std::move(f)](auto&&... args) {
if (inEventLoop())
return f(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...);
// This shared pointer in a pain in the ass but needed because this lambda is going
// into a std::function that only accepts copyable lambdas. I *want* to simply
// capture: args=std::make_tuple(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...) but that
// fails if any given arguments aren't copyable (because of std::function). Dammit.
auto args_tuple_ptr = std::make_shared<std::tuple<std::decay_t<decltype(args)>...>>(
call_soon([f, args = std::move(args_tuple_ptr)]() mutable {
// Moving away the tuple args here is okay because this lambda will only be
// invoked once
std::apply(f, std::move(*args));
virtual bool add_network_interface(
std::shared_ptr<vpn::NetworkInterface> netif,
std::function<void(net::IPPacket)> packetHandler) = 0;
virtual bool add_ticker(std::function<void(void)> ticker) = 0;
virtual void stop() = 0;
virtual ~EventLoop() = default;
virtual const net::Platform* Net_ptr() const;
using UDPReceiveFunc =
std::function<void(UDPHandle&, SockAddr src, llarp::OwnedBuffer buf)>;
// Constructs a UDP socket that can be used for sending and/or receiving
virtual std::shared_ptr<UDPHandle> make_udp(UDPReceiveFunc on_recv) = 0;
/// Make a thread-safe event loop waker (an "async" in libuv terminology) on this event
/// loop; you can call `->Trigger()` on the returned shared pointer to fire the callback at
/// the next available event loop iteration. (Multiple Trigger calls invoked before the
/// call is actually made are coalesced into one call).
virtual std::shared_ptr<EventLoopWakeup> make_waker(std::function<void()> callback) = 0;
// Initializes a new repeated task object. Note that the task is not actually added to the
// event loop until you call start() on the returned object. Typically invoked via
// call_every.
virtual std::shared_ptr<EventLoopRepeater> make_repeater() = 0;
// Constructs and initializes a new default (libuv) event loop
static std::shared_ptr<EventLoop> create(size_t queueLength = event_loop_queue_size);
// Returns true if called from within the event loop thread, false otherwise.
virtual bool inEventLoop() const = 0;
// Returns the uvw::Loop *if* this event loop is backed by a uvw event loop (i.e. the
// default), nullptr otherwise. (This base class default always returns nullptr).
virtual std::shared_ptr<uvw::Loop> MaybeGetUVWLoop()
return nullptr;
// Triggers an event loop wakeup; use when something has been done that requires the event
// loop to wake up (e.g. adding to queues). This is called implicitly by call() and
// call_soon(). Idempotent and thread-safe.
virtual void wakeup() = 0;
using EventLoop_ptr = std::shared_ptr<EventLoop>;
} // namespace llarp