You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

100 lines
2.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include "dns.hpp"
#include "name.hpp"
#include "serialize.hpp"
#include <llarp/util/status.hpp>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
namespace llarp::dns
using SRVTuple = std::tuple<std::string, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, std::string>;
struct SRVData
static constexpr size_t TARGET_MAX_SIZE = 200;
std::string service_proto; // service and protocol may as well be together
uint16_t priority;
uint16_t weight;
uint16_t port;
// target string for the SRV record to point to
// options:
// empty - refer to query name
// dot - authoritative "no such service available"
// any other .loki or .snode - target is that .loki or .snode
std::string target;
// do some basic validation on the target string
// note: this is not a conclusive, regex solution,
// but rather some sanity/safety checks
bool IsValid() const;
SRVTuple toTuple() const;
auto toTupleRef() const
return std::tie(service_proto, priority, weight, port, target);
/// so we can put SRVData in a std::set
bool operator<(const SRVData& other) const
return toTupleRef() < other.toTupleRef();
bool operator==(const SRVData& other) const
return toTupleRef() == other.toTupleRef();
std::string bt_encode() const;
bool BDecode(llarp_buffer_t*);
util::StatusObject ExtractStatus() const;
static SRVData fromTuple(SRVTuple tuple);
/* bind-like formatted string for SRV records in config file
* format:
* srv=service.proto priority weight port target
* exactly one space character between parts.
* target can be empty, in which case the space after port should
* be omitted. if this is the case, the target is
* interpreted as the .loki or .snode of the current context.
* if target is not empty, it must be either
* - simply a full stop (dot/period) OR
* - a name within the .loki or .snode subdomains. a target
* specified in this manner must not end with a full stop.
bool fromString(std::string_view srvString);
} // namespace llarp::dns
namespace std
template <>
struct hash<llarp::dns::SRVData>
size_t operator()(const llarp::dns::SRVData& data) const
const std::hash<std::string> h_str{};
const std::hash<uint16_t> h_port{};
return h_str(data.service_proto) ^ (h_str( << 3)
^ (h_port(data.priority) << 5) ^ (h_port(data.weight) << 7)
^ (h_port(data.port) << 9);
} // namespace std