You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

114 lines
2.6 KiB

#include "types.hpp"
#include <llarp/router_id.hpp>
#include <llarp/util/buffer.hpp>
#include <llarp/util/file.hpp>
#include <oxenc/hex.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_hash_sha512.h>
#include <sodium/crypto_scalarmult_ed25519.h>
namespace llarp
bool PubKey::FromString(const std::string& str)
if (str.size() != 2 * size())
return false;
oxenc::from_hex(str.begin(), str.end(), begin());
return true;
PubKey PubKey::from_string(const std::string& s)
PubKey p;
oxenc::from_hex(s.begin(), s.end(), p.begin());
return p;
std::string PubKey::ToString() const
return oxenc::to_hex(begin(), end());
PubKey& PubKey::operator=(const byte_t* ptr)
std::copy(ptr, ptr + SIZE, begin());
return *this;
bool operator==(const PubKey& lhs, const PubKey& rhs)
return lhs.as_array() == rhs.as_array();
bool SecretKey::LoadFromFile(const fs::path& fname)
size_t sz;
std::array<byte_t, 128> tmp;
sz = util::file_to_buffer(fname,, tmp.size());
catch (const std::exception&)
return false;
if (sz == size())
// is raw buffer
std::copy_n(tmp.begin(), sz, begin());
return true;
llarp_buffer_t buf(tmp);
return BDecode(&buf);
bool SecretKey::Recalculate()
PrivateKey key;
PubKey pubkey;
if (!toPrivate(key) || !key.toPublic(pubkey))
return false;
std::memcpy(data() + 32,, 32);
return true;
bool SecretKey::toPrivate(PrivateKey& key) const
// Ed25519 calculates a 512-bit hash from the seed; the first half (clamped)
// is the private key; the second half is the hash that gets used in
// signing.
unsigned char h[crypto_hash_sha512_BYTES];
if (crypto_hash_sha512(h, data(), 32) < 0)
return false;
h[0] &= 248;
h[31] &= 63;
h[31] |= 64;
std::memcpy(, h, 64);
return true;
bool PrivateKey::toPublic(PubKey& pubkey) const
return crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp(, data()) != -1;
bool SecretKey::SaveToFile(const fs::path& fname) const
auto bte = bt_encode();
util::buffer_to_file(fname, bte);
catch (const std::exception& e)
return false;
return true;
} // namespace llarp