Jason Rhinelander 8d2c22fc72 Replace cppbackport with ghc-filesystem
From https://github.com/gulrak/filesystem which is more up-to-date and
looks better maintained than cppbackport.
2019-12-06 20:41:22 -04:00

26 lines
576 B

Language: Cpp
BasedOnStyle: Chromium
AccessModifierOffset: '-4'
IndentWidth: '4'
ColumnLimit: 256
BreakBeforeBraces: Custom
AfterClass: true
AfterControlStatement: false
AfterFunction: true
AfterNamespace: false
AfterObjCDeclaration: true
AfterStruct: true
AfterUnion: true
BeforeCatch: true
BeforeElse: true
IndentBraces: false
SplitEmptyFunction: true
SplitEmptyRecord: true
SplitEmptyNamespace: true
BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeComma
ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false
IndentPPDirectives: None