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#pragma once
#ifdef __cpp_lib_source_location
#include <source_location>
namespace slns = std;
namespace slns
struct source_location
static constexpr source_location
const char* fileName = __builtin_FILE(),
const char* functionName = __builtin_FUNCTION(),
const uint_least32_t lineNumber = __builtin_LINE()) noexcept
return source_location{fileName, functionName, lineNumber};
source_location(const source_location&) = default;
source_location(source_location&&) = default;
constexpr const char*
file_name() const noexcept
return fileName;
constexpr const char*
function_name() const noexcept
return functionName;
constexpr uint_least32_t
line() const noexcept
return lineNumber;
constexpr explicit source_location(
const char* fileName, const char* functionName, const uint_least32_t lineNumber) noexcept
: fileName(fileName), functionName(functionName), lineNumber(lineNumber)
const char* const fileName;
const char* const functionName;
const uint_least32_t lineNumber;
} // namespace slns