You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

339 lines
8.8 KiB

#include <util/timerqueue.hpp>
#include <thread>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
using CharQueue = llarp::thread::TimerQueue< const char* >;
using CharItem = llarp::thread::TimerQueueItem< const char* >;
TEST(TimerQueue, smoke)
CharQueue queue;
const absl::Time TA = absl::Time();
const absl::Time TB = TA + absl::Seconds(1);
const absl::Time TC = TB + absl::Seconds(1);
const absl::Time TD = TC + absl::Seconds(1);
const absl::Time TE = TD + absl::Seconds(1);
const char* VA = "hello";
const char* VB = "world,";
const char* VC = "how";
const char* VD = "are";
const char* VE = "you";
int HA = queue.add(TA, VA);
int HB = queue.add(TB, VB);
int HC = queue.add(TC, VC);
int HD = queue.add(TD, VD);
int HE = queue.add(TE, VE);
CharItem tItem;
absl::Time newMinTime;
size_t newSize;
ASSERT_EQ(VA, tItem.value());
ASSERT_EQ(TA, tItem.time());
ASSERT_EQ(HA, tItem.handle());
ASSERT_TRUE(queue.popFront(&tItem, &newSize, &newMinTime));
ASSERT_EQ(3, newSize);
ASSERT_EQ(TC, newMinTime);
ASSERT_EQ(TB, tItem.time());
ASSERT_EQ(VB, tItem.value());
ASSERT_EQ(HB, tItem.handle());
std::vector< CharItem > a1;
queue.popLess(TD, &a1, &newSize, &newMinTime);
ASSERT_EQ(2, a1.size());
ASSERT_EQ(1, newSize);
ASSERT_EQ(TE, newMinTime);
ASSERT_EQ(TC, a1[0].time());
ASSERT_EQ(VC, a1[0].value());
ASSERT_EQ(HC, a1[0].handle());
ASSERT_EQ(TD, a1[1].time());
ASSERT_EQ(VD, a1[1].value());
ASSERT_EQ(HD, a1[1].handle());
std::vector< CharItem > a2;
queue.popLess(TD, &a2, &newSize, &newMinTime);
ASSERT_EQ(0, a2.size());
ASSERT_EQ(1, newSize);
ASSERT_EQ(TE, newMinTime);
std::vector< CharItem > a3;
queue.popLess(TE, &a3, &newSize, &newMinTime);
ASSERT_EQ(1, a3.size());
ASSERT_EQ(0, newSize);
ASSERT_EQ(TE, a3[0].time());
ASSERT_EQ(VE, a3[0].value());
ASSERT_EQ(HE, a3[0].handle());
TEST(TimerQueue, KeySmoke)
CharQueue x1;
const absl::Time TA = absl::Time();
const absl::Time TB = TA + absl::Seconds(1);
const absl::Time TC = TB + absl::Seconds(1);
const absl::Time TD = TC + absl::Seconds(1);
const absl::Time TE = TD + absl::Seconds(1);
const char* VA = "hello";
const char* VB = "world,";
const char* VC = "how";
const char* VD = "are";
const char* VE = "you";
typedef CharQueue::Key Key;
const Key KA = Key(&TA);
const Key KB = Key(&TB);
const Key KC = Key(382);
const Key KD = Key(123);
const Key KE = Key(&VE);
int HA = x1.add(TA, VA, KA);
int HB = x1.add(TB, VB, KB);
int HC = x1.add(TC, VC, KC);
int HD = x1.add(TD, VD, KD);
int HE = x1.add(TE, VE, KE);
ASSERT_FALSE(x1.remove(HA, KB));
ASSERT_TRUE(x1.isValid(HA, KA));
ASSERT_FALSE(x1.update(HC, KD, TE));
CharItem tItem;
absl::Time newMinTime;
size_t newSize;
ASSERT_EQ(VA, tItem.value());
ASSERT_EQ(TA, tItem.time());
ASSERT_EQ(HA, tItem.handle());
ASSERT_EQ(KA, tItem.key());
ASSERT_TRUE(x1.popFront(&tItem, &newSize, &newMinTime));
ASSERT_EQ(3, newSize);
ASSERT_EQ(TC, newMinTime);
ASSERT_EQ(TB, tItem.time());
ASSERT_EQ(VB, tItem.value());
ASSERT_EQ(HB, tItem.handle());
ASSERT_EQ(KB, tItem.key());
std::vector< CharItem > a1;
x1.popLess(TD, &a1, &newSize, &newMinTime);
ASSERT_EQ(2, a1.size());
ASSERT_EQ(1, newSize);
ASSERT_EQ(TE, newMinTime);
ASSERT_EQ(TC, a1[0].time());
ASSERT_EQ(VC, a1[0].value());
ASSERT_EQ(HC, a1[0].handle());
ASSERT_EQ(KC, a1[0].key());
ASSERT_EQ(TD, a1[1].time());
ASSERT_EQ(VD, a1[1].value());
ASSERT_EQ(HD, a1[1].handle());
ASSERT_EQ(KD, a1[1].key());
std::vector< CharItem > a2;
x1.popLess(TD, &a2, &newSize, &newMinTime);
ASSERT_EQ(0, a2.size());
ASSERT_EQ(1, newSize);
ASSERT_EQ(TE, newMinTime);
std::vector< CharItem > a3;
x1.popLess(TE, &a3, &newSize, &newMinTime);
ASSERT_EQ(1, a3.size());
ASSERT_EQ(0, newSize);
ASSERT_EQ(TE, a3[0].time());
ASSERT_EQ(VE, a3[0].value());
ASSERT_EQ(HE, a3[0].handle());
ASSERT_EQ(KE, a3[0].key());
TEST(TimerQueue, Update)
const char VA[] = "A";
const char VB[] = "B";
const char VC[] = "C";
const char VD[] = "D";
const char VE[] = "E";
// clang-format off
static const struct
int m_secs;
int m_nsecs;
const char* m_value;
int m_updsecs;
int m_updnsecs;
bool m_isNewTop;
} VALUES[] = {
{2, 1000000, VA, 0, 1000000, false},
{2, 1000000, VB, 3, 1000000, false},
{2, 1000000, VC, 0, 4000, false},
{2, 1000001, VB, 0, 3999, true},
{1, 9999998, VC, 4, 9999998, false},
{1, 9999999, VD, 0, 0, true},
{0, 4000, VE, 10, 4000, false}};
// clang-format on
static const int POP_ORDER[] = {5, 3, 2, 0, 1, 4, 6};
const int NUM_VALUES = sizeof VALUES / sizeof *VALUES;
int handles[NUM_VALUES];
CharQueue queue;
CharItem item;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_VALUES; ++i)
const char* VAL = VALUES[i].m_value;
const int SECS = VALUES[i].m_secs;
const int NSECS = VALUES[i].m_nsecs;
absl::Time TIME =
absl::Time() + absl::Seconds(SECS) + absl::Nanoseconds(NSECS);
handles[i] = queue.add(TIME, VAL);
ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, queue.size());
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_VALUES; ++i)
const int UPDSECS = VALUES[i].m_updsecs;
const bool EXPNEWTOP = VALUES[i].m_isNewTop;
const int UPDNSECS = VALUES[i].m_updnsecs;
absl::Time UPDTIME =
absl::Time() + absl::Seconds(UPDSECS) + absl::Nanoseconds(UPDNSECS);
bool isNewTop;
CharItem item;
ASSERT_TRUE(queue.isValid(handles[i])) << i;
ASSERT_TRUE(queue.update(handles[i], UPDTIME, &isNewTop)) << i;
ASSERT_TRUE(queue.isValid(handles[i])) << i;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_VALUES; ++i)
const int I = POP_ORDER[i];
const char* EXPVAL = VALUES[I].m_value;
const int EXPSECS = VALUES[I].m_updsecs;
const int EXPNSECS = VALUES[I].m_updnsecs;
absl::Time EXPTIME =
absl::Time() + absl::Seconds(EXPSECS) + absl::Nanoseconds(EXPNSECS);
CharItem item;
ASSERT_EQ(EXPTIME, item.time());
ASSERT_EQ(EXPVAL, item.value());
TEST(TimerQueue, ThreadSafety)
using Data = std::string;
using StringQueue = llarp::thread::TimerQueue< std::string >;
using StringItem = llarp::thread::TimerQueueItem< std::string >;
using Info = std::pair< int, std::vector< StringItem >* >;
static constexpr size_t NUM_THREADS = 10;
static constexpr size_t NUM_ITERATIONS = 1000;
static constexpr size_t NUM_REMOVE_ALL = NUM_ITERATIONS / 2;
Info info[NUM_THREADS];
std::thread threads[NUM_THREADS + 1];
std::vector< StringItem > items[NUM_THREADS];
absl::Barrier barrier(NUM_THREADS + 1);
StringQueue queue;
for(size_t i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i)
info[i].first = i;
info[i].second = &items[i];
threads[i] = std::thread(
[](Info* nfo, absl::Barrier* b, StringQueue* q) {
const int THREAD_ID = nfo->first;
std::vector< StringItem >* vPtr = nfo->second;
// We stagger the removeAll steps among the threads.
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << THREAD_ID;
Data V(oss.str());
size_t newSize;
absl::Time newMinTime;
StringItem item;
for(size_t j = 0; j < NUM_ITERATIONS; ++j)
const absl::Time TIME =
absl::Time() + absl::Seconds((j * (j + 3)) % NUM_ITERATIONS);
int h = q->add(TIME, V);
q->update(h, TIME);
if(q->popFront(&item, &newSize, &newMinTime))
h = q->add(newMinTime, V);
q->popLess(newMinTime, vPtr);
if(q->remove(h, &item, &newSize, &newMinTime))
&info[i], &barrier, &queue);
threads[NUM_THREADS] = std::thread(
[](absl::Barrier* b, StringQueue* q) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ITERATIONS; ++i)
size_t size = q->size();
ASSERT_GE(size, 0);
&barrier, &queue);
size_t size = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i)
size += static_cast< int >(items[i].size());
ASSERT_EQ(0, queue.size());
ASSERT_EQ(1000 * NUM_THREADS * 2, size);