You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

206 lines
5.7 KiB

#include "path_context.hpp"
#include "path.hpp"
#include <llarp/router/router.hpp>
namespace llarp::path
static constexpr auto DefaultPathBuildLimit = 500ms;
PathContext::PathContext(Router* router)
: _router(router), m_AllowTransit(false), path_limits(DefaultPathBuildLimit)
void PathContext::allow_transit()
m_AllowTransit = true;
bool PathContext::is_transit_allowed() const
return m_AllowTransit;
bool PathContext::check_path_limit_hit_by_ip(const IpAddress& ip)
#ifdef TESTNET
return false;
IpAddress remote = ip;
// null out the port -- we don't care about it for path limiting purposes
// try inserting remote address by ip into decaying hash set
// if it cannot insert it has hit a limit
return not path_limits.Insert(remote);
const EventLoop_ptr& PathContext::loop()
return _router->loop();
const SecretKey& PathContext::EncryptionSecretKey()
return _router->encryption();
bool PathContext::HopIsUs(const RouterID& k) const
return _router->pubkey() == k;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Path>> PathContext::FindOwnedPathsWithEndpoint(const RouterID& r)
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Path>> found;
for (const auto& [pathid, path] : own_paths)
// each path is stored in this map twice, once for each pathid at the first hop
// This will make the output deduplicated without needing a std::set
// TODO: we should only need to map one pathid; as the path owner we only send/receive
// packets with the first hop's RXID; its TXID is for packets between it and
// hop 2.
// TODO: Also, perhaps we want a bit of data duplication here, e.g. a map from
// RouterID (terminal hop) to shared_ptr<Path>.
if (path->TXID() == pathid)
if (path->Endpoint() == r && path->IsReady())
return found;
void PathContext::AddOwnPath(std::shared_ptr<PathSet> set, std::shared_ptr<Path> path)
own_paths[path->TXID()] = path;
own_paths[path->RXID()] = path;
bool PathContext::has_transit_hop(const TransitHopInfo& info)
TransitHopID downstream{info.downstream, info.rxID};
if (transit_hops.count(downstream))
return true;
TransitHopID upstream{info.upstream, info.txID};
if (transit_hops.count(upstream))
return true;
return false;
std::shared_ptr<TransitHop> PathContext::GetTransitHop(
const RouterID& rid, const PathID_t& path_id)
if (auto itr = transit_hops.find({rid, path_id}); itr != transit_hops.end())
return itr->second;
return nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<Path> PathContext::get_path(const PathID_t& path_id)
if (auto itr = own_paths.find(path_id); itr != own_paths.end())
return itr->second;
return nullptr;
bool PathContext::TransitHopPreviousIsRouter(
const PathID_t& path_id, const RouterID& otherRouter)
return transit_hops.count({otherRouter, path_id});
std::shared_ptr<PathSet> PathContext::GetLocalPathSet(const PathID_t& id)
if (auto itr = own_paths.find(id); itr != own_paths.end())
if (auto parent = itr->second->path_set.lock())
return parent;
return nullptr;
const byte_t* PathContext::OurRouterID() const
return _router->pubkey();
std::shared_ptr<TransitHop> PathContext::GetPathForTransfer(const PathID_t& id)
if (auto itr = transit_hops.find({OurRouterID(), id}); itr != transit_hops.end())
return itr->second;
return nullptr;
uint64_t PathContext::CurrentTransitPaths()
return transit_hops.size() / 2;
uint64_t PathContext::CurrentOwnedPaths(path::PathStatus st)
uint64_t num{};
for (auto& own_path : own_paths)
if (own_path.second->Status() == st)
return num / 2;
void PathContext::put_transit_hop(std::shared_ptr<TransitHop> hop)
TransitHopID downstream{hop->info.downstream, hop->info.rxID};
TransitHopID upstream{hop->info.upstream, hop->info.txID};
transit_hops.emplace(std::move(downstream), hop);
transit_hops.emplace(std::move(upstream), hop);
void PathContext::ExpirePaths(llarp_time_t now)
// decay limits
auto itr = transit_hops.begin();
while (itr != transit_hops.end())
if (itr->second->Expired(now))
// TODO: this
// _router->outboundMessageHandler().RemovePath(itr->first);
itr = transit_hops.erase(itr);
for (auto itr = own_paths.begin(); itr != own_paths.end();)
if (itr->second->Expired(now))
itr = own_paths.erase(itr);
void PathContext::RemovePathSet(std::shared_ptr<PathSet>)
} // namespace llarp::path