#include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { namespace path { PathSet::PathSet(size_t num) : numPaths(num) { } bool PathSet::ShouldBuildMore(llarp_time_t now) const { (void)now; const auto building = NumInStatus(ePathBuilding); if(building >= numPaths) return false; const auto established = NumInStatus(ePathEstablished); return established < numPaths; } bool PathSet::ShouldBuildMoreForRoles(llarp_time_t now, PathRole roles) const { Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); const size_t required = MinRequiredForRoles(roles); size_t has = 0; for(const auto& item : m_Paths) { if(item.second->SupportsAnyRoles(roles)) { if(!item.second->ExpiresSoon(now)) ++has; } } return has < required; } size_t PathSet::MinRequiredForRoles(PathRole roles) const { (void)roles; return 0; } size_t PathSet::NumPathsExistingAt(llarp_time_t futureTime) const { size_t num = 0; Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); for(const auto& item : m_Paths) { if(item.second->IsReady() && !item.second->Expired(futureTime)) ++num; } return num; } void PathSet::TickPaths(AbstractRouter* r) { const auto now = llarp::time_now_ms(); Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); for(auto& item : m_Paths) { item.second->Tick(now, r); } } void PathSet::ExpirePaths(llarp_time_t now, AbstractRouter* router) { Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); if(m_Paths.size() == 0) return; auto itr = m_Paths.begin(); while(itr != m_Paths.end()) { if(itr->second->Expired(now)) { router->outboundMessageHandler().QueueRemoveEmptyPath( itr->second->TXID()); itr = m_Paths.erase(itr); } else ++itr; } } Path_ptr PathSet::GetEstablishedPathClosestTo(RouterID id, PathRole roles) const { Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); Path_ptr path = nullptr; AlignedBuffer< 32 > dist; AlignedBuffer< 32 > to = id; dist.Fill(0xff); for(const auto& item : m_Paths) { if(!item.second->IsReady()) continue; if(!item.second->SupportsAnyRoles(roles)) continue; AlignedBuffer< 32 > localDist = item.second->Endpoint() ^ to; if(localDist < dist) { dist = localDist; path = item.second; } } return path; } Path_ptr PathSet::GetNewestPathByRouter(RouterID id, PathRole roles) const { Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); Path_ptr chosen = nullptr; auto itr = m_Paths.begin(); while(itr != m_Paths.end()) { if(itr->second->IsReady() && itr->second->SupportsAnyRoles(roles)) { if(itr->second->Endpoint() == id) { if(chosen == nullptr) chosen = itr->second; else if(chosen->intro.expiresAt < itr->second->intro.expiresAt) chosen = itr->second; } } ++itr; } return chosen; } Path_ptr PathSet::GetPathByRouter(RouterID id, PathRole roles) const { Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); Path_ptr chosen = nullptr; auto itr = m_Paths.begin(); while(itr != m_Paths.end()) { if(itr->second->IsReady() && itr->second->SupportsAnyRoles(roles)) { if(itr->second->Endpoint() == id) { if(chosen == nullptr) chosen = itr->second; else if(chosen->intro.latency > itr->second->intro.latency) chosen = itr->second; } } ++itr; } return chosen; } Path_ptr PathSet::GetByEndpointWithID(RouterID ep, PathID_t id) const { Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); auto itr = m_Paths.begin(); while(itr != m_Paths.end()) { if(itr->second->IsEndpoint(ep, id)) { return itr->second; } ++itr; } return nullptr; } Path_ptr PathSet::GetPathByID(PathID_t id) const { Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); auto itr = m_Paths.begin(); while(itr != m_Paths.end()) { if(itr->second->RXID() == id) return itr->second; ++itr; } return nullptr; } size_t PathSet::AvailablePaths(PathRole roles) const { Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); size_t count = 0; auto itr = m_Paths.begin(); while(itr != m_Paths.end()) { if(itr->second->Status() == ePathEstablished && itr->second->SupportsAnyRoles(roles)) ++count; ++itr; } return count; } size_t PathSet::NumInStatus(PathStatus st) const { Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); size_t count = 0; auto itr = m_Paths.begin(); while(itr != m_Paths.end()) { if(itr->second->Status() == st) ++count; ++itr; } return count; } void PathSet::AddPath(Path_ptr path) { Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); const auto upstream = path->Upstream(); // RouterID const auto RXID = path->RXID(); // PathID if(not m_Paths.emplace(std::make_pair(upstream, RXID), path).second) { LogError(Name(), " failed to add own path, duplicate info wtf? upstream=", upstream, " rxid=", RXID); } } void PathSet::RemovePath(Path_ptr path) { Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); m_Paths.erase({path->Upstream(), path->RXID()}); } Path_ptr PathSet::GetByUpstream(RouterID remote, PathID_t rxid) const { Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); auto itr = m_Paths.find({remote, rxid}); if(itr == m_Paths.end()) return nullptr; return itr->second; } bool PathSet::GetCurrentIntroductionsWithFilter( std::set< service::Introduction >& intros, std::function< bool(const service::Introduction&) > filter) const { intros.clear(); size_t count = 0; Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); auto itr = m_Paths.begin(); while(itr != m_Paths.end()) { if(itr->second->IsReady() && filter(itr->second->intro)) { intros.insert(itr->second->intro); ++count; } ++itr; } return count > 0; } bool PathSet::GetCurrentIntroductions( std::set< service::Introduction >& intros) const { intros.clear(); size_t count = 0; Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); auto itr = m_Paths.begin(); while(itr != m_Paths.end()) { if(itr->second->IsReady()) { intros.insert(itr->second->intro); ++count; } ++itr; } return count > 0; } void PathSet::HandlePathBuildTimeout(Path_ptr p) { LogWarn(Name(), " path build ", p->HopsString(), " timed out"); m_BuildStats.timeouts++; } void PathSet::HandlePathBuildFailed(Path_ptr p) { LogWarn(Name(), " path build ", p->HopsString(), " failed"); m_BuildStats.fails++; } void PathSet::PathBuildStarted(Path_ptr p) { LogInfo(Name(), " path build ", p->HopsString(), " started"); m_BuildStats.attempts++; } util::StatusObject BuildStats::ExtractStatus() const { return util::StatusObject{{"success", success}, {"attempts", attempts}, {"timeouts", timeouts}, {"fails", fails}}; } std::string BuildStats::ToString() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << (SuccsessRatio() * 100.0) << " percent success "; ss << "(success=" << success << " "; ss << "attempts=" << attempts << " "; ss << "timeouts=" << timeouts << " "; ss << "fails=" << fails << ")"; return ss.str(); } double BuildStats::SuccsessRatio() const { if(attempts) return double(success) / double(attempts); return 0.0; } bool PathSet::GetNewestIntro(service::Introduction& intro) const { intro.Clear(); bool found = false; Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); auto itr = m_Paths.begin(); while(itr != m_Paths.end()) { if(itr->second->IsReady() && itr->second->intro.expiresAt > intro.expiresAt) { intro = itr->second->intro; found = true; } ++itr; } return found; } Path_ptr PathSet::PickRandomEstablishedPath(PathRole roles) const { std::vector< Path_ptr > established; Lock_t l(&m_PathsMutex); auto itr = m_Paths.begin(); while(itr != m_Paths.end()) { if(itr->second->IsReady() && itr->second->SupportsAnyRoles(roles)) established.push_back(itr->second); ++itr; } auto sz = established.size(); if(sz) { return established[randint() % sz]; } return nullptr; } void PathSet::UpstreamFlush(AbstractRouter* r) { ForEachPath([r](const Path_ptr& p) { p->FlushUpstream(r); }); } void PathSet::DownstreamFlush(AbstractRouter* r) { ForEachPath([r](const Path_ptr& p) { p->FlushDownstream(r); }); } } // namespace path } // namespace llarp