#ifdef _MSC_VER #define NOMINMAX #endif #include #include #include #include #include "address_info.hpp" #include "buffer.hpp" #include "link/encoder.hpp" #include "llarp/ev.h" // for handle_frame_encrypt #include static void handle_crypto_outbound(void *u) { llarp_link_session *self = static_cast< llarp_link_session * >(u); self->EncryptOutboundFrames(); self->working = false; } // TODO: move this orphan function? static void handle_frame_encrypt(iwp_async_frame *frame) { llarp_link_session *self = static_cast< llarp_link_session * >(frame->user); if(llarp_ev_udp_sendto(self->udp, self->addr, frame->buf, frame->sz) == -1) llarp::LogWarn("sendto failed"); } llarp_link_session::llarp_link_session(llarp_link *l, const byte_t *seckey, const llarp::Addr &a) : udp(&l->udp) , crypto(&l->router->crypto) , iwp(l->iwp) , serv(l) , outboundFrames("iwp_outbound") , decryptedFrames("iwp_inbound") , addr(a) , state(eInitial) , frame(this) { if(seckey) eph_seckey = seckey; else crypto->encryption_keygen(eph_seckey); llarp_rc_clear(&remote_router); crypto->randbytes(token, 32); frame.alive(); working.store(false); createdAt = llarp_time_now_ms(); } llarp_link_session::~llarp_link_session() { llarp_rc_free(&remote_router); frame.clear(); } llarp_router * llarp_link_session::Router() { return serv->router; } bool llarp_link_session::sendto(llarp_buffer_t msg) { auto now = llarp_time_now_ms(); if(timedout(now)) return false; auto id = ++frame.txids; // llarp::LogDebug("session sending to, number", id); llarp::ShortHash digest; crypto->shorthash(digest, msg); transit_message *m = new transit_message(msg, digest, id); add_outbound_message(id, m); return true; } bool llarp_link_session::timedout(llarp_time_t now, llarp_time_t timeout) { if(now <= frame.lastEvent) return false; auto diff = now - frame.lastEvent; return diff >= timeout; } bool llarp_link_session::has_timed_out() { auto now = llarp_time_now_ms(); return timedout(now); } static void send_keepalive(void *user) { llarp_link_session *self = static_cast< llarp_link_session * >(user); // if both sides agree on invalidation if(self->is_invalidated()) { // don't send keepalive llarp::LogInfo("session cant send keepalive because were invalid"); return; } // all zeros means keepalive byte_t tmp[8] = {0}; // set flags for tx frame_header hdr(tmp); hdr.flags() = self->frame.txflags; // send frame after encrypting auto buf = llarp::StackBuffer< decltype(tmp) >(tmp); self->lastKeepalive = llarp_time_now_ms(); self->encrypt_frame_async_send(buf.base, buf.sz); self->pump(); self->PumpCryptoOutbound(); } void llarp_link_session::close() { // set our side invalidated and close async when the other side also marks // as session invalidated frame.txflags |= eSessionInvalidated; // TODO: add timer for session invalidation llarp_logic_queue_job(serv->logic, {this, &send_keepalive}); } void llarp_link_session::session_established() { llarp::RouterID remote = remote_router.pubkey; llarp::LogInfo("Session to ", remote, " established"); EnterState(eEstablished); serv->MapAddr(addr, remote_router.pubkey); llarp_logic_cancel_call(serv->logic, establish_job_id); } llarp_rc * llarp_link_session::get_remote_router() { return &remote_router; } void llarp_link_session::add_outbound_message(uint64_t id, transit_message *msg) { llarp::LogDebug("add outbound message ", id, " of size ", msg->msginfo.totalsize(), " numfrags=", (int)msg->msginfo.numfrags(), " lastfrag=", (int)msg->msginfo.lastfrag()); frame.queue_tx(id, msg); pump(); PumpCryptoOutbound(); } bool llarp_link_session::CheckRCValid() { // verify signatuire if(!llarp_rc_verify_sig(crypto, &remote_router)) return false; auto &list = remote_router.addrs->list; if(list.size() == 0) // the remote node is a client node so accept it return true; // check if the RC owns a pubkey that we are using for(auto &ai : list) { if(memcmp(ai.enc_key, remote, PUBKEYSIZE) == 0) return true; } return false; } bool llarp_link_session::IsEstablished() { return state == eEstablished; } void llarp_link_session::send_LIM() { llarp::LogDebug("send LIM"); llarp::ShortHash digest; // 64 bytes overhead for link message byte_t tmp[MAX_RC_SIZE + 64]; auto buf = llarp::StackBuffer< decltype(tmp) >(tmp); // return a llarp_buffer_t of encoded link message if(llarp::EncodeLIM(&buf, our_router)) { // rewind message buffer buf.sz = buf.cur - buf.base; buf.cur = buf.base; // hash message buffer crypto->shorthash(digest, buf); auto id = frame.txids++; auto msg = new transit_message(buf, digest, id); // put into outbound send queue add_outbound_message(id, msg); // enter state EnterState(eLIMSent); } else llarp::LogError("LIM Encode failed"); } static void handle_generated_session_start(iwp_async_session_start *start) { llarp_link_session *link = static_cast< llarp_link_session * >(start->user); if(llarp_ev_udp_sendto(link->udp, link->addr, start->buf, start->sz) == -1) llarp::LogError("sendto failed"); link->EnterState(llarp_link_session::State::eSessionStartSent); link->working = false; } static void handle_verify_intro(iwp_async_intro *intro) { llarp_link_session *self = static_cast< llarp_link_session * >(intro->user); if(!intro->buf) { self->serv->remove_intro_from(self->addr); llarp::LogError("intro verify failed from ", self->addr, " via ", self->serv->addr); delete self; return; } self->intro_ack(); } static void handle_verify_introack(iwp_async_introack *introack) { llarp_link_session *link = static_cast< llarp_link_session * >(introack->user); auto logic = link->serv->logic; link->working = false; if(introack->buf == nullptr) { // invalid signature llarp::LogError("introack verify failed from ", link->addr); return; } // cancel resend llarp_logic_cancel_call(logic, link->intro_resend_job_id); link->EnterState(llarp_link_session::eIntroAckRecv); link->session_start(); } static void handle_establish_timeout(void *user, uint64_t orig, uint64_t left) { if(orig == 0) return; llarp_link_session *self = static_cast< llarp_link_session * >(user); self->establish_job_id = 0; if(self->establish_job) { llarp_link_establish_job *job = self->establish_job; self->establish_job = nullptr; job->link = self->serv; if(self->IsEstablished()) { job->session = self; } else { // timer timeout job->session = nullptr; } job->result(job); } } void llarp_link_session::done() { } void llarp_link_session::PumpCryptoOutbound() { if(working) return; working = true; llarp_threadpool_queue_job(serv->worker, {this, &handle_crypto_outbound}); } // void llarp_link_session::PumpCodelInbound() // { // pump_recv_timer_id = // llarp_logic_call_later(logic, // {decryptedFrames.nextTickInterval, this, // &handle_inbound_codel_delayed}); // } void llarp_link_session::EnterState(State st) { llarp::LogDebug("EnterState - entering state: ", st, state == eLIMSent ? "eLIMSent" : "", state == eSessionStartSent ? "eSessionStartSent" : ""); frame.alive(); state = st; if(state == eSessionStartSent || state == eIntroAckSent) { // llarp::LogInfo("EnterState - ", state==eLIMSent?"eLIMSent":"", // state==eSessionStartSent?"eSessionStartSent":""); // PumpCodelInbound(); // PumpCodelOutbound(); PumpCryptoOutbound(); // StartInboundCodel(); } } void llarp_link_session::on_intro(const void *buf, size_t sz) { llarp::LogDebug("session onintro"); if(sz >= sizeof(workbuf)) { // too big? llarp::LogError("intro too big"); delete this; return; } if(serv->has_intro_from(addr)) { llarp::LogError("duplicate intro from ", addr); delete this; return; } serv->put_intro_from(this); // copy so we own it memcpy(workbuf, buf, sz); intro.buf = workbuf; intro.sz = sz; // give secret key intro.secretkey = eph_seckey; // and nonce intro.nonce = intro.buf + 32; intro.user = this; // set call back hook intro.hook = &handle_verify_intro; // put remote pubkey into this buffer intro.remote_pubkey = remote; // call EnterState(eIntroRecv); working = true; iwp_call_async_verify_intro(iwp, &intro); } void llarp_link_session::on_intro_ack(const void *buf, size_t sz) { if(sz >= sizeof(workbuf)) { // too big? llarp::LogError("introack too big"); return; } // copy buffer so we own it memcpy(workbuf, buf, sz); // set intro ack parameters introack.buf = workbuf; introack.sz = sz; introack.nonce = workbuf + 32; introack.remote_pubkey = remote; introack.token = token; introack.secretkey = eph_seckey; introack.user = this; introack.hook = &handle_verify_introack; // async verify working = true; iwp_call_async_verify_introack(iwp, &introack); } bool llarp_link_session::is_invalidated() const { return frame.flags_agree(eSessionInvalidated); } llarp_link * llarp_link_session::get_parent() { return serv; } void llarp_link_session::TickLogic(llarp_time_t now) { std::queue< iwp_async_frame * > q; decryptedFrames.Process(q); while(q.size()) { auto &front = q.front(); handle_frame_decrypt(front); delete front; q.pop(); } frame.process_inbound_queue(); frame.retransmit(now); pump(); } bool llarp_link_session::Tick(llarp_time_t now) { if(timedout(now, SESSION_TIMEOUT)) { // we are timed out // when we are done doing stuff with all of our frames from the crypto // workers we are done llarp::LogWarn("Tick - ", addr, " timed out with ", frames, " frames left, working=", working); return !working; } if(is_invalidated()) { // both sides agreeed to session invalidation // terminate our session when all of our frames from the crypto workers // are done llarp::LogWarn("Tick - ", addr, " invaldiated session with ", frames, " frames left"); return !working; } if(state == eLIMSent || state == eEstablished) { if(now - lastKeepalive > KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL) send_keepalive(this); } return false; } void llarp_link_session::EncryptOutboundFrames() { std::queue< iwp_async_frame * > outq; outboundFrames.Process(outq); while(outq.size()) { auto &front = outq.front(); // if(iwp_encrypt_frame(&front)) // q.push(front); if(iwp_encrypt_frame(front)) handle_frame_encrypt(front); delete front; outq.pop(); } } static void handle_verify_session_start(iwp_async_session_start *s) { llarp_link_session *self = static_cast< llarp_link_session * >(s->user); self->serv->remove_intro_from(self->addr); if(!s->buf) { // verify fail // TODO: remove session? llarp::LogWarn("session start verify failed from ", self->addr); self->serv->RemoveSession(self); return; } self->send_LIM(); self->working = false; } static void handle_introack_generated(iwp_async_introack *i) { llarp_link_session *link = static_cast< llarp_link_session * >(i->user); if(i->buf && link->serv->has_intro_from(link->addr)) { // track it with the server here if(link->serv->has_session_via(link->addr)) { // duplicate session llarp::LogWarn("duplicate session to ", link->addr); link->working = false; return; } link->frame.alive(); link->EnterState(llarp_link_session::State::eIntroAckSent); link->serv->put_session(link->addr, link); llarp::LogDebug("send introack to ", link->addr, " via ", link->serv->addr); llarp_ev_udp_sendto(link->udp, link->addr, i->buf, i->sz); } else { // failed to generate? llarp::LogWarn("failed to generate introack"); } link->working = false; } static void handle_generated_intro(iwp_async_intro *i) { llarp_link_session *link = static_cast< llarp_link_session * >(i->user); link->working = false; if(i->buf) { llarp::LogInfo("send intro to ", link->addr); if(llarp_ev_udp_sendto(link->udp, link->addr, i->buf, i->sz) == -1) { llarp::LogWarn("send intro failed"); return; } link->EnterState(llarp_link_session::eIntroSent); link->lastIntroSentAt = llarp_time_now_ms(); auto dlt = (link->createdAt - link->lastIntroSentAt) + 500; auto logic = link->serv->logic; link->intro_resend_job_id = llarp_logic_call_later( logic, {dlt, link, &llarp_link_session::handle_introack_timeout}); } else { llarp::LogWarn("failed to generate intro"); } } void llarp_link_session::handle_introack_timeout(void *user, uint64_t timeout, uint64_t left) { if(timeout && left == 0) { // timeout reached llarp_link_session *self = static_cast< llarp_link_session * >(user); // retry introduce self->introduce(nullptr); } } void llarp_link_session::introduce(uint8_t *pub) { llarp::LogDebug("session introduce"); if(pub) memcpy(remote, pub, PUBKEYSIZE); intro.buf = workbuf; size_t w0sz = (llarp_randint() % MAX_PAD); intro.sz = (32 * 3) + w0sz; // randomize w0 if(w0sz) { crypto->randbytes(intro.buf + (32 * 3), w0sz); } intro.nonce = intro.buf + 32; intro.secretkey = eph_seckey; // copy in pubkey intro.remote_pubkey = remote; // randomize nonce crypto->randbytes(intro.nonce, 32); // async generate intro packet intro.user = this; intro.hook = &handle_generated_intro; working = true; iwp_call_async_gen_intro(iwp, &intro); // start introduce timer if(pub) establish_job_id = llarp_logic_call_later( serv->logic, {5000, this, &handle_establish_timeout}); } void llarp_link_session::handle_frame_decrypt(iwp_async_frame *frame) { llarp_link_session *self = static_cast< llarp_link_session * >(frame->user); if(frame->success) { if(self->frame.process(frame->buf + 64, frame->sz - 64)) { self->frame.alive(); } else llarp::LogError("invalid frame from ", self->addr); } else llarp::LogError("decrypt frame fail from ", self->addr); } void llarp_link_session::decrypt_frame(const void *buf, size_t sz) { if(sz > 64) { // auto frame = alloc_frame(inboundFrames, buf, sz); // inboundFrames.Put(frame); auto f = alloc_frame(buf, sz); if(iwp_decrypt_frame(f)) { decryptedFrames.Put(f); } else { llarp::LogWarn("decrypt frame fail"); delete f; } // f->hook = &handle_frame_decrypt; // iwp_call_async_frame_decrypt(iwp, f); } else llarp::LogWarn("short packet of ", sz, " bytes"); } void llarp_link_session::session_start() { llarp::LogInfo("session gen start"); size_t w2sz = llarp_randint() % MAX_PAD; start.buf = workbuf; start.sz = w2sz + (32 * 3); start.nonce = workbuf + 32; crypto->randbytes(start.nonce, 32); start.token = token; memcpy(start.buf + 64, token, 32); if(w2sz) crypto->randbytes(start.buf + (32 * 3), w2sz); start.remote_pubkey = remote; start.secretkey = eph_seckey; start.sessionkey = sessionkey; start.user = this; start.hook = &handle_generated_session_start; working = true; iwp_call_async_gen_session_start(iwp, &start); } void llarp_link_session::on_session_start(const void *buf, size_t sz) { llarp::LogInfo("session start"); if(sz > sizeof(workbuf)) { llarp::LogDebug("session start too big"); return; } // own the buffer memcpy(workbuf, buf, sz); // verify session start start.buf = workbuf; start.sz = sz; start.nonce = workbuf + 32; start.token = token; start.remote_pubkey = remote; start.secretkey = eph_seckey; start.sessionkey = sessionkey; start.user = this; start.hook = &handle_verify_session_start; working = true; iwp_call_async_verify_session_start(iwp, &start); } void llarp_link_session::intro_ack() { if(serv->has_session_via(addr)) { llarp::LogWarn("won't ack intro for duplicate session from ", addr); return; } llarp::LogDebug("session introack"); uint16_t w1sz = llarp_randint() % MAX_PAD; introack.buf = workbuf; introack.sz = (32 * 3) + w1sz; // randomize padding if(w1sz) crypto->randbytes(introack.buf + (32 * 3), w1sz); // randomize nonce introack.nonce = introack.buf + 32; crypto->randbytes(introack.nonce, 32); // token introack.token = token; // keys introack.remote_pubkey = remote; introack.secretkey = eph_seckey; // call introack.user = this; introack.hook = &handle_introack_generated; iwp_call_async_gen_introack(iwp, &introack); } // this is called from net thread void llarp_link_session::recv(const void *buf, size_t sz) { // llarp::LogDebug("session recv", state); // frame_header hdr((byte_t *)buf); // llarp::LogDebug("recv - message header type ", (int)hdr.msgtype()); switch(state) { case eInitial: case eIntroRecv: // got intro llarp::LogDebug("session recv - intro"); on_intro(buf, sz); break; case eIntroSent: // got intro ack llarp::LogDebug("session recv - introack"); on_intro_ack(buf, sz); break; case eIntroAckSent: // probably a session start llarp::LogDebug("session recv - sessionstart"); on_session_start(buf, sz); break; case eSessionStartSent: case eLIMSent: case eEstablished: // session is started /* llarp::LogDebug("session recv - ", state == eSessionStartSent ? "startsent" : "", state == eLIMSent ? "limset" : "", state == eEstablished ? "established" : ""); */ decrypt_frame(buf, sz); break; default: llarp::LogError("session recv - invalid state"); // invalid state? break; } } // TODO: fix orphan iwp_async_frame * llarp_link_session::alloc_frame(const void *buf, size_t sz) { // TODO don't hard code 1500 if(sz > 1500) { llarp::LogWarn("alloc frame - frame too big, >1500"); return nullptr; } iwp_async_frame *frame = new iwp_async_frame; if(buf) memcpy(frame->buf, buf, sz); frame->iwp = iwp; frame->sz = sz; frame->user = this; frame->sessionkey = sessionkey; /// TODO: this could be rather slow // frame->created = now; // llarp::LogInfo("alloc_frame putting into q"); // q.Put(frame); return frame; } void llarp_link_session::encrypt_frame_async_send(const void *buf, size_t sz) { // 64 bytes frame overhead for nonce and hmac iwp_async_frame *frame = alloc_frame(nullptr, sz + 64); memcpy(frame->buf + 64, buf, sz); // maybe add upto 128 random bytes to the packet auto padding = llarp_randint() % MAX_PAD; if(padding) crypto->randbytes(frame->buf + 64 + sz, padding); frame->sz += padding; // frame is modified, so now we can push it to queue outboundFrames.Put(frame); } void llarp_link_session::pump() { bool flush = false; llarp_buffer_t buf; std::queue< sendbuf_t * > q; frame.sendqueue.Process(q); while(q.size()) { auto &front = q.front(); buf = front->Buffer(); encrypt_frame_async_send(buf.base, buf.sz); delete front; q.pop(); flush = true; } if(flush) PumpCryptoOutbound(); }