# macos specific cpack stuff goes here # Here we build lokinet-network-control-panel into 'lokinet-gui.app' in "extra/" where a postinstall # script will then move it to /Applications/. set(LOKINET_GUI_REPO "https://github.com/loki-project/loki-network-control-panel.git" CACHE STRING "Can be set to override the default lokinet-gui git repository") set(LOKINET_GUI_CHECKOUT "origin/master" CACHE STRING "Can be set to specify a particular branch or tag to build from LOKINET_GUI_REPO") set(MACOS_SIGN_APP "" # FIXME: it doesn't use a Apple Distribution key because WTF knows. CACHE STRING "enable codesigning of the stuff inside the .app and the lokinet binary -- use a 'Apple Distribution' key (or description) from `security find-identity -v`") set(MACOS_SIGN_PKG "" CACHE STRING "enable codesigning of the .pkg -- use a 'Developer ID Installer' key (or description) from `security find-identity -v`") set(MACOS_NOTARIZE_USER "" CACHE STRING "set macos notarization username; can also set it in ~/.notarization.cmake") set(MACOS_NOTARIZE_PASS "" CACHE STRING "set macos notarization password; can also set it in ~/.notarization.cmake") set(MACOS_NOTARIZE_ASC "" CACHE STRING "set macos notarization asc provider; can also set it in ~/.notarization.cmake") include(ExternalProject) message(STATUS "Building LokinetGUI.app from ${LOKINET_GUI_REPO} @ ${LOKINET_GUI_CHECKOUT}") ExternalProject_Add(lokinet-gui GIT_REPOSITORY "${LOKINET_GUI_REPO}" GIT_TAG "${LOKINET_GUI_CHECKOUT}" CMAKE_ARGS -DMACOS_APP=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} -DMACOS_SIGN=${MACOS_SIGN_APP} -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} ) install(PROGRAMS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/macos/lokinet_uninstall.sh DESTINATION "bin/" COMPONENT lokinet) install(DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/LokinetGUI.app DESTINATION "../../Applications" USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS COMPONENT gui PATTERN "*" ) # copy files that will be later moved by the postinstall script to proper locations install(FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/macos/lokinet_macos_daemon_script.sh ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/macos/network.loki.lokinet.daemon.plist DESTINATION "extra/" COMPONENT lokinet) set(CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL lokinet gui) set(CPACK_COMPONENT_LOKINET_DISPLAY_NAME "Lokinet Service") set(CPACK_COMPONENT_LOKINET_DESCRIPTION "Main Lokinet runtime service, managed by Launchd") set(CPACK_COMPONENT_GUI_DISPLAY_NAME "Lokinet GUI") set(CPACK_COMPONENT_GUI_DESCRIPTION "Small GUI which provides stats and limited runtime control of the Lokinet service. Resides in the system tray.") set(CPACK_GENERATOR "productbuild") set(CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX "/opt/lokinet") set(CPACK_POSTFLIGHT_LOKINET_SCRIPT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/macos/postinstall) # The GUI is GPLv3, and so the bundled core+GUI must be as well: set(CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/gpl-3.0.txt") set(CPACK_PRODUCTBUILD_IDENTITY_NAME "${MACOS_SIGN_PKG}") if(MACOS_SIGN_APP) add_custom_target(sign ALL echo "Signing lokinet and lokinetctl binaries" COMMAND codesign -s "${MACOS_SIGN_APP}" --strict --options runtime --force -vvv $ $ DEPENDS lokinet lokinetctl ) endif() if(MACOS_SIGN_APP AND MACOS_SIGN_PKG) if(NOT MACOS_NOTARIZE_USER) if(EXISTS "$ENV{HOME}/.notarization.cmake") include("$ENV{HOME}/.notarization.cmake") endif() endif() if(MACOS_NOTARIZE_USER AND MACOS_NOTARIZE_PASS AND MACOS_NOTARIZE_ASC) message(STATUS "'notarization' target enabled") configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/macos/notarize.py.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/contrib/notarize.py ESCAPE_QUOTES @ONLY) file(COPY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/contrib/notarize.py DESTINATION ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} FILE_PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE OWNER_EXECUTE) add_custom_target(notarize ./notarize.py) else() message(WARNING "Not enable 'notarization' target: signing is enabled but notarization info not provided. Create ~/.notarization.cmake or set cmake parameters directly") endif() endif()