#include "pathbuilder.hpp" #include "path_context.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { namespace { auto log_path = log::Cat("path"); } namespace path { bool BuildLimiter::Attempt(const RouterID& router) { return m_EdgeLimiter.Insert(router); } void BuildLimiter::Decay(llarp_time_t now) { m_EdgeLimiter.Decay(now); } bool BuildLimiter::Limited(const RouterID& router) const { return m_EdgeLimiter.Contains(router); } Builder::Builder(Router* p_router, size_t pathNum, size_t hops) : path::PathSet{pathNum}, _run{true}, router{p_router}, numHops{hops} {} /* - For each hop: * SetupHopKeys: * - Generate Ed keypair for the hop. ("commkey") * - Use that key and the hop's pubkey for DH key exchange (makes "hop.shared") * - Note: this *was* using hop's "enckey" but we're getting rid of that * - hop's "upstream" RouterID is next hop, or that hop's ID if it is terminal hop * - hop's chacha nonce is hash of symmetric key (hop.shared) from DH * - hop's "txID" and "rxID" are chosen before this step * - txID is the path ID for messages coming *from* the client/path origin * - rxID is the path ID for messages going *to* it. * * CreateHopInfoFrame: * - bt-encode "hop info": * - path lifetime * - protocol version * - txID * - rxID * - nonce * - upstream hop RouterID * - ephemeral public key (for DH) * - generate *second* ephemeral Ed keypair... ("framekey") TODO: why? * - generate DH symmetric key using "framekey" and hop's pubkey * - generate nonce for second encryption * - encrypt "hop info" using this symmetric key * - bt-encode nonce, "framekey" pubkey, encrypted "hop info" * - hash this bt-encoded string * - bt-encode hash and the frame in a dict, serialize * * * all of these "frames" go in a list, along with any needed dummy frames */ void Builder::SetupHopKeys(path::PathHopConfig& hop, const RouterID& nextHop) { auto crypto = CryptoManager::instance(); // generate key crypto->encryption_keygen(hop.commkey); hop.nonce.Randomize(); // do key exchange if (!crypto->dh_client(hop.shared, hop.rc.pubkey, hop.commkey, hop.nonce)) { LogError(Name(), " Failed to generate shared key for path build"); throw std::runtime_error{"Failed to generate shared key for path build"}; } // generate nonceXOR value self->hop->pathKey crypto->shorthash(hop.nonceXOR, llarp_buffer_t(hop.shared)); hop.upstream = nextHop; } // FIXME: this is definitely not optimal using bt_dict instead of bt_dict_producer, among other // things std::string Builder::CreateHopInfoFrame(const path::PathHopConfig& hop) { auto crypto = CryptoManager::instance(); oxenc::bt_dict hop_info_dict; hop_info_dict["lifetime"] = path::DEFAULT_LIFETIME.count(); // milliseconds hop_info_dict["txid"] = hop.txID; hop_info_dict["rxid"] = hop.rxID; hop_info_dict["nonce"] = hop.nonce; hop_info_dict["next"] = hop.upstream; hop_info_dict["commkey"] = hop.commkey.toPublic(); // pubkey of ephemeral Ed key for DH auto hop_info = oxenc::bt_serialize(hop_info_dict); SecretKey framekey; crypto->encryption_keygen(framekey); SharedSecret shared; TunnelNonce outer_nonce; outer_nonce.Randomize(); // derive (outer) shared key if (!crypto->dh_client(shared, hop.rc.pubkey, framekey, outer_nonce)) { llarp::LogError("DH failed during hop info encryption"); throw std::runtime_error{"DH failed during hop info encryption"}; } // encrypt hop_info (mutates in-place) if (!crypto->xchacha20( reinterpret_cast(hop_info.data()), hop_info.size(), shared, outer_nonce)) { llarp::LogError("hop info encrypt failed"); throw std::runtime_error{"hop info encrypt failed"}; } oxenc::bt_dict hashed_dict; hashed_dict["encrypted"] = hop_info; hashed_dict["pubkey"] = framekey.toPublic(); hashed_dict["nonce"] = nonce; auto hashed_data = oxenc::bt_serialize(hashed_dict); std::basic_string hash{SHORTHASHSIZE, '\0'}; if (!crypto->hmac( hash.data(), reinterpret_cast(hashed_data.data()), hashed_data.size(), shared)) { llarp::LogError("Failed to generate HMAC for hop info"); throw std::runtime_error{"Failed to generate HMAC for hop info"}; } oxenc::bt_dict final_frame; final_frame["hash"] = hash; final_frame["frame"] = hashed_data; return oxenc::bt_serialize(final_frame); } void Builder::ResetInternalState() { buildIntervalLimit = PATH_BUILD_RATE; lastBuild = 0s; } void Builder::Tick(llarp_time_t now) { PathSet::Tick(now); now = llarp::time_now_ms(); router->pathbuild_limiter().Decay(now); ExpirePaths(now, router); if (ShouldBuildMore(now)) BuildOne(); TickPaths(router); if (m_BuildStats.attempts > 50) { if (m_BuildStats.SuccessRatio() <= BuildStats::MinGoodRatio && now - m_LastWarn > 5s) { LogWarn(Name(), " has a low path build success. ", m_BuildStats); m_LastWarn = now; } } } util::StatusObject Builder::ExtractStatus() const { util::StatusObject obj{ {"buildStats", m_BuildStats.ExtractStatus()}, {"numHops", uint64_t{numHops}}, {"numPaths", uint64_t{numDesiredPaths}}}; std::transform( m_Paths.begin(), m_Paths.end(), std::back_inserter(obj["paths"]), [](const auto& item) -> util::StatusObject { return item.second->ExtractStatus(); }); return obj; } std::optional Builder::SelectFirstHop(const std::set& exclude) const { std::optional found = std::nullopt; router->for_each_connection([&](link::Connection& conn) { const auto& rc = conn.remote_rc; #ifndef TESTNET if (router->IsBootstrapNode(rc.pubkey)) return; #endif if (exclude.count(rc.pubkey)) return; if (BuildCooldownHit(rc.pubkey)) return; if (router->router_profiling().IsBadForPath(rc.pubkey)) return; found = rc; }); return found; } std::optional> Builder::GetHopsForBuild() { auto filter = [r = router](const auto& rc) -> bool { return not r->router_profiling().IsBadForPath(rc.pubkey, 1); }; if (const auto maybe = router->node_db()->GetRandom(filter)) { return GetHopsAlignedToForBuild(maybe->pubkey); } return std::nullopt; } bool Builder::Stop() { _run = false; // tell all our paths that they are to be ignored const auto now = Now(); for (auto& item : m_Paths) { item.second->EnterState(ePathIgnore, now); } return true; } bool Builder::IsStopped() const { return !_run.load(); } bool Builder::ShouldRemove() const { return IsStopped() and NumInStatus(ePathEstablished) == 0; } bool Builder::BuildCooldownHit(RouterID edge) const { return router->pathbuild_limiter().Limited(edge); } bool Builder::BuildCooldownHit(llarp_time_t now) const { return now < lastBuild + buildIntervalLimit; } bool Builder::ShouldBuildMore(llarp_time_t now) const { if (IsStopped()) return false; if (BuildCooldownHit(now)) return false; return PathSet::ShouldBuildMore(now); } void Builder::BuildOne(PathRole roles) { if (const auto maybe = GetHopsForBuild()) Build(*maybe, roles); } bool Builder::UrgentBuild(llarp_time_t) const { return buildIntervalLimit > MIN_PATH_BUILD_INTERVAL * 4; } std::optional> Builder::GetHopsAlignedToForBuild(RouterID endpoint, const std::set& exclude) { const auto pathConfig = router->config()->paths; std::vector hops; { const auto maybe = SelectFirstHop(exclude); if (not maybe.has_value()) { log::warning(log_path, "{} has no first hop candidate", Name()); return std::nullopt; } hops.emplace_back(*maybe); }; RouterContact endpointRC; if (const auto maybe = router->node_db()->Get(endpoint)) { endpointRC = *maybe; } else return std::nullopt; for (size_t idx = hops.size(); idx < numHops; ++idx) { if (idx + 1 == numHops) { hops.emplace_back(endpointRC); } else { auto filter = [&hops, r = router, endpointRC, pathConfig, exclude](const auto& rc) -> bool { if (exclude.count(rc.pubkey)) return false; std::set hopsSet; hopsSet.insert(endpointRC); hopsSet.insert(hops.begin(), hops.end()); if (r->router_profiling().IsBadForPath(rc.pubkey, 1)) return false; for (const auto& hop : hopsSet) { if (hop.pubkey == rc.pubkey) return false; } hopsSet.insert(rc); #ifndef TESTNET if (not pathConfig.Acceptable(hopsSet)) return false; #endif return rc.pubkey != endpointRC.pubkey; }; if (const auto maybe = router->node_db()->GetRandom(filter)) hops.emplace_back(*maybe); else return std::nullopt; } } return hops; } bool Builder::BuildOneAlignedTo(const RouterID remote) { if (const auto maybe = GetHopsAlignedToForBuild(remote); maybe.has_value()) { LogInfo(Name(), " building path to ", remote); Build(*maybe); return true; } return false; } llarp_time_t Builder::Now() const { return router->now(); } void Builder::Build(std::vector hops, PathRole roles) { if (IsStopped()) return; lastBuild = Now(); const RouterID edge{hops[0].pubkey}; if (not router->pathbuild_limiter().Attempt(edge)) { LogWarn(Name(), " building too fast to edge router ", edge); return; } std::string path_shortName = "[path " + router->ShortName() + "-"; path_shortName = path_shortName + std::to_string(router->NextPathBuildNumber()) + "]"; auto path = std::make_shared(hops, GetWeak(), roles, std::move(path_shortName)); LogInfo(Name(), " build ", path->ShortName(), ": ", path->HopsString()); oxenc::bt_list_producer frames; auto& path_hops = path->hops; size_t last_len{0}; for (size_t i = 0; i < path_hops.size(); i++) { bool lastHop = (i == (path_hops.size() - 1)); const auto& nextHop = lastHop ? path_hops[i].rc.pubkey : path_hops[i + 1].rc.pubkey; SetupHopKeys(path_hops[i], nextHop); auto frame_str = CreateHopInfoFrame(path_hops[i]); if (last_len != 0) assert( frame_str.size() == last_len); // all frames should be the same length...not sure what that is yet last_len = frame_str.size(); frames.append(frame_str); } std::string dummy{last_len, '\0'}; // append dummy frames; path build request must always have MAX_LEN frames for (size_t i = 0; i < path::MAX_LEN - path_hops.size(); i++) { randombytes(reinterpret_cast(dummy.data()), dummy.size()); frames.append(dummy); } m_router->notify_router_event(m_router->pubkey(), path); auto self = GetSelf(); m_router->path_context().AddOwnPath(self, path); PathBuildStarted(path); auto response_cb = [self](oxen::quic::message m) { // TODO: this (replaces handling LRSM, which also needs replacing) }; if (not m_router->send_control_message( path->Upstream(), "path_build", std::move(frames.str()), std::move(response_cb))) { log::warning(log_path, "Error sending path_build control message"); path->EnterState(path::ePathFailed, m_router->now()); } m_router->PersistSessionUntil(path->Upstream(), path->ExpireTime()); } void Builder::HandlePathBuilt(Path_ptr p) { buildIntervalLimit = PATH_BUILD_RATE; router->router_profiling().MarkPathSuccess(p.get()); LogInfo(p->Name(), " built latency=", ToString(p->intro.latency)); m_BuildStats.success++; } void Builder::HandlePathBuildFailedAt(Path_ptr p, RouterID edge) { PathSet::HandlePathBuildFailedAt(p, edge); DoPathBuildBackoff(); } void Builder::DoPathBuildBackoff() { static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds MaxBuildInterval = 30s; // linear backoff buildIntervalLimit = std::min(PATH_BUILD_RATE + buildIntervalLimit, MaxBuildInterval); LogWarn(Name(), " build interval is now ", ToString(buildIntervalLimit)); } void Builder::HandlePathBuildTimeout(Path_ptr p) { router->router_profiling().MarkPathTimeout(p.get()); PathSet::HandlePathBuildTimeout(p); DoPathBuildBackoff(); for (const auto& hop : p->hops) { const RouterID router{hop.rc.pubkey}; // look up router and see if it's still on the network router->loop()->call_soon([router, r = router]() { LogInfo("looking up ", router, " because of path build timeout"); r->rc_lookup_handler().get_rc( router, [r](const auto& router, const auto* rc, auto result) { if (result == RCRequestResult::Success && rc != nullptr) { LogInfo("refreshed rc for ", router); r->node_db()->PutIfNewer(*rc); } else { // remove all connections to this router as it's probably not registered anymore LogWarn("removing router ", router, " because of path build timeout"); r->link_manager().deregister_peer(router); r->node_db()->Remove(router); } }, true); }); } } void Builder::ManualRebuild(size_t num, PathRole roles) { LogDebug(Name(), " manual rebuild ", num); while (num--) BuildOne(roles); } } // namespace path } // namespace llarp