#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(ANDROID) || defined(IOS) #include #endif #if defined(WITH_SYSTEMD) #include #endif namespace llarp { Router::Router(std::shared_ptr< llarp::thread::ThreadPool > _tp, llarp_ev_loop_ptr __netloop, std::shared_ptr< Logic > l) : ready(false) , _netloop(std::move(__netloop)) , cryptoworker(std::move(_tp)) , _logic(std::move(l)) , paths(this) , _exitContext(this) , disk(std::make_shared< llarp::thread::ThreadPool >(1, 1000, "diskworker")) , _dht(llarp_dht_context_new(this)) , inbound_link_msg_parser(this) , _hiddenServiceContext(this) { m_keyManager = std::make_shared< KeyManager >(); // set rational defaults this->ip4addr.sin_family = AF_INET; this->ip4addr.sin_port = htons(1090); _stopping.store(false); _running.store(false); _lastTick = llarp::time_now_ms(); } Router::~Router() { llarp_dht_context_free(_dht); } util::StatusObject Router::ExtractStatus() const { if(_running) { return util::StatusObject{ {"running", true}, {"numNodesKnown", _nodedb->num_loaded()}, {"dht", _dht->impl->ExtractStatus()}, {"services", _hiddenServiceContext.ExtractStatus()}, {"exit", _exitContext.ExtractStatus()}, {"links", _linkManager.ExtractStatus()}}; } else { return util::StatusObject{{"running", false}}; } } bool Router::HandleRecvLinkMessageBuffer(ILinkSession *session, const llarp_buffer_t &buf) { if(_stopping) return true; if(!session) { LogWarn("no link session"); return false; } return inbound_link_msg_parser.ProcessFrom(session, buf); } void Router::PersistSessionUntil(const RouterID &remote, llarp_time_t until) { _linkManager.PersistSessionUntil(remote, until); } bool Router::GetRandomGoodRouter(RouterID &router) { if(whitelistRouters) { return _rcLookupHandler.GetRandomWhitelistRouter(router); } auto pick_router = [&](auto &collection) -> bool { const auto sz = collection.size(); auto itr = collection.begin(); if(sz == 0) return false; if(sz > 1) std::advance(itr, randint() % sz); router = itr->first; return true; }; absl::ReaderMutexLock l(&nodedb()->access); return pick_router(nodedb()->entries); } void Router::PumpLL() { static constexpr size_t PumpJobThreshhold = 50; static constexpr llarp_time_t PumpInterval = 25; const auto now = Now(); if(_stopping.load()) return; if(_logic->numPendingJobs() >= PumpJobThreshhold && _lastPump + PumpInterval >= now) { return; } _lastPump = now; paths.PumpDownstream(); paths.PumpUpstream(); _outboundMessageHandler.Tick(); _linkManager.PumpLinks(); } bool Router::SendToOrQueue(const RouterID &remote, const ILinkMessage *msg, SendStatusHandler handler) { if(handler == nullptr) { using std::placeholders::_1; handler = std::bind(&Router::MessageSent, this, remote, _1); } return _outboundMessageHandler.QueueMessage(remote, msg, handler); } void Router::ForEachPeer(std::function< void(const ILinkSession *, bool) > visit, bool randomize) const { _linkManager.ForEachPeer(visit, randomize); } void Router::ForEachPeer(std::function< void(ILinkSession *) > visit) { _linkManager.ForEachPeer(visit); } void Router::try_connect(fs::path rcfile) { RouterContact remote; if(!remote.Read(rcfile.string().c_str())) { LogError("failure to decode or verify of remote RC"); return; } if(remote.Verify(Now())) { LogDebug("verified signature"); _outboundSessionMaker.CreateSessionTo(remote, nullptr); } else LogError(rcfile, " contains invalid RC"); } bool Router::EnsureIdentity() { if(whitelistRouters) { #if defined(ANDROID) || defined(IOS) LogError("running a service node on mobile device is not possible."); return false; #else #if defined(_WIN32) LogError("running a service node on windows is not possible."); return false; #endif #endif } _identity = m_keyManager->identityKey; _encryption = m_keyManager->encryptionKey; if(_identity.IsZero()) return false; if(_encryption.IsZero()) return false; return true; } bool Router::Configure(Config *conf, llarp_nodedb *nodedb) { if(nodedb == nullptr) { LogError( "Attempting to Router::Configure but passed null nodedb pointer"); return false; } _nodedb = nodedb; if(not m_keyManager->initialize(*conf, true)) return false; if(!FromConfig(conf)) return false; if(!InitOutboundLinks()) return false; return EnsureIdentity(); } /// called in disk worker thread void Router::HandleSaveRC() const { std::string fname = our_rc_file.string(); _rc.Write(fname.c_str()); } bool Router::SaveRC() { LogDebug("verify RC signature"); if(!_rc.Verify(Now())) { Dump< MAX_RC_SIZE >(rc()); LogError("RC is invalid, not saving"); return false; } diskworker()->addJob(std::bind(&Router::HandleSaveRC, this)); return true; } bool Router::IsServiceNode() const { return m_isServiceNode; } void Router::Close() { LogInfo("closing router"); llarp_ev_loop_stop(_netloop); disk->stop(); disk->shutdown(); } void Router::handle_router_ticker(void *user, uint64_t orig, uint64_t left) { if(left) return; auto *self = static_cast< Router * >(user); self->ticker_job_id = 0; self->Tick(); self->ScheduleTicker(orig); } bool Router::ParseRoutingMessageBuffer(const llarp_buffer_t &buf, routing::IMessageHandler *h, const PathID_t &rxid) { return inbound_routing_msg_parser.ParseMessageBuffer(buf, h, rxid, this); } bool Router::ConnectionToRouterAllowed(const RouterID &router) const { return _rcLookupHandler.RemoteIsAllowed(router); } size_t Router::NumberOfConnectedRouters() const { return _linkManager.NumberOfConnectedRouters(); } size_t Router::NumberOfConnectedClients() const { return _linkManager.NumberOfConnectedClients(); } bool Router::UpdateOurRC(bool rotateKeys) { SecretKey nextOnionKey; RouterContact nextRC = _rc; if(rotateKeys) { CryptoManager::instance()->encryption_keygen(nextOnionKey); std::string f = encryption_keyfile.string(); // TODO: use disk worker if(nextOnionKey.SaveToFile(f.c_str())) { nextRC.enckey = seckey_topublic(nextOnionKey); _encryption = nextOnionKey; } } if(!nextRC.Sign(identity())) return false; if(!nextRC.Verify(time_now_ms(), false)) return false; _rc = std::move(nextRC); // propagate RC by renegotiating sessions ForEachPeer([](ILinkSession *s) { if(s->RenegotiateSession()) LogInfo("renegotiated session"); else LogWarn("failed to renegotiate session"); }); return SaveRC(); } bool Router::FromConfig(Config *conf) { // Set netid before anything else if(!conf->router.netId().empty() && strcmp(conf->router.netId().c_str(), Version::LLARP_NET_ID)) { const auto &netid = conf->router.netId(); llarp::LogWarn("!!!! you have manually set netid to be '", netid, "' which does not equal '", Version::LLARP_NET_ID, "' you will run as a different network, good luck " "and don't forget: something something MUH traffic " "shape correlation !!!!"); NetID::DefaultValue() = NetID(reinterpret_cast< const byte_t * >(netid.c_str())); // reset netid in our rc _rc.netID = llarp::NetID(); } const auto linktypename = conf->router.defaultLinkProto(); _defaultLinkType = LinkFactory::TypeFromName(linktypename); if(_defaultLinkType == LinkFactory::LinkType::eLinkUnknown) { LogError("failed to set link type to '", linktypename, "' as that is invalid"); return false; } // IWP config m_OutboundPort = std::get< LinksConfig::Port >(conf->links.outboundLink()); // Router config _rc.SetNick(conf->router.nickname()); _outboundSessionMaker.maxConnectedRouters = conf->router.maxConnectedRouters(); _outboundSessionMaker.minConnectedRouters = conf->router.minConnectedRouters(); encryption_keyfile = conf->router.encryptionKeyfile(); our_rc_file = conf->router.ourRcFile(); transport_keyfile = conf->router.transportKeyfile(); addrInfo = conf->router.addrInfo(); publicOverride = conf->router.publicOverride(); ip4addr = conf->router.ip4addr(); if(!conf->router.blockBogons().value_or(true)) { RouterContact::BlockBogons = false; } // Lokid Config usingSNSeed = conf->lokid.usingSNSeed; ident_keyfile = conf->lokid.ident_keyfile; whitelistRouters = conf->lokid.whitelistRouters; lokidRPCAddr = conf->lokid.lokidRPCAddr; lokidRPCUser = conf->lokid.lokidRPCUser; lokidRPCPassword = conf->lokid.lokidRPCPassword; // TODO: add config flag for "is service node" if(conf->links.inboundLinks().size()) { m_isServiceNode = true; } std::set< RouterID > strictConnectPubkeys; if(!conf->network.strictConnect().empty()) { const auto &val = conf->network.strictConnect(); if(IsServiceNode()) { llarp::LogError("cannot use strict-connect option as service node"); return false; } llarp::RouterID snode; llarp::PubKey pk; if(pk.FromString(val)) { if(strictConnectPubkeys.emplace(pk).second) llarp::LogInfo("added ", pk, " to strict connect list"); else llarp::LogWarn("duplicate key for strict connect: ", pk); } else if(snode.FromString(val)) { if(strictConnectPubkeys.insert(snode).second) { llarp::LogInfo("added ", snode, " to strict connect list"); netConfig.emplace("strict-connect", val); } else llarp::LogWarn("duplicate key for strict connect: ", snode); } else llarp::LogError("invalid key for strict-connect: ", val); } std::vector< std::string > configRouters = conf->connect.routers; configRouters.insert(configRouters.end(), conf->bootstrap.routers.begin(), conf->bootstrap.routers.end()); BootstrapList b_list; for(const auto &router : configRouters) { bool isListFile = false; { std::ifstream inf(router, std::ios::binary); if(inf.is_open()) { const char ch = inf.get(); isListFile = ch == 'l'; } } if(isListFile) { if(not BDecodeReadFile(router.c_str(), b_list)) { LogWarn("failed to read bootstrap list file '", router, "'"); return false; } } else { RouterContact rc; if(not rc.Read(router.c_str())) { llarp::LogWarn("failed to decode bootstrap RC, file='", router, "' rc=", rc); return false; } b_list.insert(rc); } } for(auto &rc : b_list) { if(not rc.Verify(Now())) { LogWarn("ignoring invalid RC: ", RouterID(rc.pubkey)); continue; } bootstrapRCList.emplace(std::move(rc)); } LogInfo("Loaded ", bootstrapRCList.size(), " bootstrap routers"); // Init components after relevant config settings loaded _outboundMessageHandler.Init(&_linkManager, _logic); _outboundSessionMaker.Init(&_linkManager, &_rcLookupHandler, _logic, _nodedb, threadpool()); _linkManager.Init(&_outboundSessionMaker); _rcLookupHandler.Init(_dht, _nodedb, threadpool(), &_linkManager, &_hiddenServiceContext, strictConnectPubkeys, bootstrapRCList, whitelistRouters, m_isServiceNode); if(!usingSNSeed) { ident_keyfile = conf->router.identKeyfile(); } // create inbound links, if we are a service node for(const auto &serverConfig : conf->links.inboundLinks()) { // get default factory auto inboundLinkFactory = LinkFactory::Obtain(_defaultLinkType, true); // for each option if provided ... for(const auto &opt : std::get< LinksConfig::Options >(serverConfig)) { // try interpreting it as a link type const auto linktype = LinkFactory::TypeFromName(opt); if(linktype != LinkFactory::LinkType::eLinkUnknown) { // override link factory if it's a valid link type auto factory = LinkFactory::Obtain(linktype, true); if(factory) { inboundLinkFactory = std::move(factory); break; } } } auto server = inboundLinkFactory( m_keyManager, util::memFn(&AbstractRouter::rc, this), util::memFn(&AbstractRouter::HandleRecvLinkMessageBuffer, this), util::memFn(&AbstractRouter::Sign, this), util::memFn(&IOutboundSessionMaker::OnSessionEstablished, &_outboundSessionMaker), util::memFn(&AbstractRouter::CheckRenegotiateValid, this), util::memFn(&IOutboundSessionMaker::OnConnectTimeout, &_outboundSessionMaker), util::memFn(&AbstractRouter::SessionClosed, this), util::memFn(&AbstractRouter::PumpLL, this)); const auto &key = std::get< LinksConfig::Interface >(serverConfig); int af = std::get< LinksConfig::AddressFamily >(serverConfig); uint16_t port = std::get< LinksConfig::Port >(serverConfig); if(!server->Configure(netloop(), key, af, port)) { LogError("failed to bind inbound link on ", key, " port ", port); return false; } _linkManager.AddLink(std::move(server), true); } // set network config netConfig = conf->network.netConfig(); // Network config if(conf->network.enableProfiling().has_value()) { if(conf->network.enableProfiling().value()) { routerProfiling().Enable(); LogInfo("router profiling explicitly enabled"); } else { routerProfiling().Disable(); LogInfo("router profiling explicitly disabled"); } } if(!conf->network.routerProfilesFile().empty()) { routerProfilesFile = conf->network.routerProfilesFile(); routerProfiling().Load(routerProfilesFile.c_str()); llarp::LogInfo("setting profiles to ", routerProfilesFile); } // API config enableRPCServer = conf->api.enableRPCServer(); rpcBindAddr = conf->api.rpcBindAddr(); // Services config for(const auto &service : conf->services.services) { if(LoadHiddenServiceConfig(service.second)) { llarp::LogInfo("loaded hidden service config for ", service.first); } else { llarp::LogWarn("failed to load hidden service config for ", service.first); } } // Logging config auto logfile = conf->logging.m_LogFile; if(conf->logging.m_LogJSON) { LogContext::Instance().logStream = std::make_unique< JSONLogStream >( diskworker(), logfile, 100, logfile != stdout); } else if(logfile != stdout) { LogContext::Instance().logStream = std::make_unique< FileLogStream >(diskworker(), logfile, 100, true); } netConfig.insert(conf->dns.netConfig.begin(), conf->dns.netConfig.end()); return true; } bool Router::CheckRenegotiateValid(RouterContact newrc, RouterContact oldrc) { return _rcLookupHandler.CheckRenegotiateValid(newrc, oldrc); } bool Router::IsBootstrapNode(const RouterID r) const { return std::count_if( bootstrapRCList.begin(), bootstrapRCList.end(), [r](const RouterContact &rc) -> bool { return rc.pubkey == r; }) > 0; } bool Router::ShouldReportStats(llarp_time_t now) const { static constexpr llarp_time_t ReportStatsInterval = 60 * 60 * 1000; return now - m_LastStatsReport > ReportStatsInterval; } void Router::ReportStats() { const auto now = Now(); LogInfo(nodedb()->num_loaded(), " RCs loaded"); LogInfo(bootstrapRCList.size(), " bootstrap peers"); LogInfo(NumberOfConnectedRouters(), " router connections"); if(IsServiceNode()) { LogInfo(NumberOfConnectedClients(), " client connections"); LogInfo(_rc.Age(now), " ms since we last updated our RC"); LogInfo(_rc.TimeUntilExpires(now), " ms until our RC expires"); } LogInfo(now, " system time"); LogInfo(m_LastStatsReport, " last reported stats"); m_LastStatsReport = now; } void Router::Tick() { if(_stopping) return; // LogDebug("tick router"); const auto now = Now(); #if defined(WITH_SYSTEMD) ::sd_notify(0, "WATCHDOG=1"); #endif routerProfiling().Tick(); if(ShouldReportStats(now)) { ReportStats(); } _rcLookupHandler.PeriodicUpdate(now); const bool isSvcNode = IsServiceNode(); if(_rc.ExpiresSoon(now, randint() % 10000) || (now - _rc.last_updated) > rcRegenInterval) { LogInfo("regenerating RC"); if(!UpdateOurRC(false)) LogError("Failed to update our RC"); } if(isSvcNode) { // remove RCs for nodes that are no longer allowed by network policy nodedb()->RemoveIf([&](const RouterContact &rc) -> bool { if(IsBootstrapNode(rc.pubkey)) return false; return !_rcLookupHandler.RemoteIsAllowed(rc.pubkey); }); } _linkManager.CheckPersistingSessions(now); size_t connected = NumberOfConnectedRouters(); if(not isSvcNode) { connected += _linkManager.NumberOfPendingConnections(); } const size_t N = nodedb()->num_loaded(); if(N < llarp::path::default_len) { LogInfo("We need at least ", llarp::path::default_len, " service nodes to build paths but we have ", N, " in nodedb"); _rcLookupHandler.ExploreNetwork(); } size_t connectToNum = _outboundSessionMaker.minConnectedRouters; const auto strictConnect = _rcLookupHandler.NumberOfStrictConnectRouters(); if(strictConnect > 0 && connectToNum > strictConnect) { connectToNum = strictConnect; } if(connected < connectToNum) { size_t dlt = connectToNum - connected; LogInfo("connecting to ", dlt, " random routers to keep alive"); _outboundSessionMaker.ConnectToRandomRouters(dlt); } _hiddenServiceContext.Tick(now); _exitContext.Tick(now); if(rpcCaller) rpcCaller->Tick(now); // save profiles async if(routerProfiling().ShouldSave(now)) { diskworker()->addJob( [&]() { routerProfiling().Save(routerProfilesFile.c_str()); }); } // get connected peers std::set< dht::Key_t > peersWeHave; _linkManager.ForEachPeer([&peersWeHave](ILinkSession *s) { if(!s->IsEstablished()) return; peersWeHave.emplace(s->GetPubKey()); }); // remove any nodes we don't have connections to _dht->impl->Nodes()->RemoveIf([&peersWeHave](const dht::Key_t &k) -> bool { return peersWeHave.count(k) == 0; }); // expire paths paths.ExpirePaths(now); // update tick timestamp _lastTick = llarp::time_now_ms(); } bool Router::Sign(Signature &sig, const llarp_buffer_t &buf) const { metrics::TimerGuard t("Router", "Sign"); return CryptoManager::instance()->sign(sig, identity(), buf); } void Router::ScheduleTicker(uint64_t ms) { ticker_job_id = _logic->call_later({ms, this, &handle_router_ticker}); } void Router::SessionClosed(RouterID remote) { dht::Key_t k(remote); dht()->impl->Nodes()->DelNode(k); LogInfo("Session to ", remote, " fully closed"); } bool Router::GetRandomConnectedRouter(RouterContact &result) const { return _linkManager.GetRandomConnectedRouter(result); } void Router::HandleDHTLookupForExplore(ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED RouterID remote, const std::vector< RouterContact > &results) { for(const auto &rc : results) { _rcLookupHandler.CheckRC(rc); } } // TODO: refactor callers and remove this function void Router::LookupRouter(RouterID remote, RouterLookupHandler resultHandler) { _rcLookupHandler.GetRC( remote, [=](const RouterID &id, const RouterContact *const rc, const RCRequestResult result) { (void)id; if(resultHandler) { std::vector< RouterContact > routers; if(result == RCRequestResult::Success && rc != nullptr) { routers.push_back(*rc); } resultHandler(routers); } }); } void Router::SetRouterWhitelist(const std::vector< RouterID > &routers) { _rcLookupHandler.SetRouterWhitelist(routers); } /// this function ensure there are sane defualts in a net config static void EnsureNetConfigDefaultsSane( std::unordered_multimap< std::string, std::string > &netConfig) { static const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::function< std::string(void) > > netConfigDefaults = { {"ifname", llarp::FindFreeTun}, {"ifaddr", llarp::FindFreeRange}, {"local-dns", []() -> std::string { return ""; }}}; // populate with fallback defaults if values not present auto itr = netConfigDefaults.begin(); while(itr != netConfigDefaults.end()) { auto found = netConfig.find(itr->first); if(found == netConfig.end() || found->second.empty()) { auto val = itr->second(); if(!val.empty()) netConfig.emplace(itr->first, std::move(val)); } ++itr; } } bool Router::StartJsonRpc() { if(_running || _stopping) return false; if(enableRPCServer) { if(rpcBindAddr.empty()) { rpcBindAddr = DefaultRPCBindAddr; } rpcServer = std::make_unique< rpc::Server >(this); while(!rpcServer->Start(rpcBindAddr)) { LogError("failed to bind jsonrpc to ", rpcBindAddr); #if defined(ANDROID) || defined(RPI) sleep(1); #else std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); #endif } LogInfo("Bound RPC server to ", rpcBindAddr); } return true; } bool Router::Run() { if(_running || _stopping) return false; if(whitelistRouters) { rpcCaller = std::make_unique< rpc::Caller >(this); rpcCaller->SetAuth(lokidRPCUser, lokidRPCPassword); while(!rpcCaller->Start(lokidRPCAddr)) { LogError("failed to start jsonrpc caller to ", lokidRPCAddr); #if defined(ANDROID) || defined(RPI) sleep(1); #else std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); #endif } LogInfo("RPC Caller to ", lokidRPCAddr, " started"); } if(!cryptoworker->start()) { LogError("crypto worker failed to start"); return false; } if(!disk->start()) { LogError("disk worker failed to start"); return false; } routerProfiling().Load(routerProfilesFile.c_str()); Addr publicAddr(this->addrInfo); if(this->publicOverride) { LogDebug("public address:port ", publicAddr); } // set public signing key _rc.pubkey = seckey_topublic(identity()); AddressInfo ai; _linkManager.ForEachInboundLink([&](LinkLayer_ptr link) { if(link->GetOurAddressInfo(ai)) { // override ip and port if(this->publicOverride) { ai.ip = *publicAddr.addr6(); ai.port = publicAddr.port(); } if(RouterContact::BlockBogons && IsBogon(ai.ip)) return; _rc.addrs.push_back(ai); if(ExitEnabled()) { const llarp::Addr addr(ai); const nuint32_t a{addr.addr4()->s_addr}; _rc.exits.emplace_back(_rc.pubkey, a); LogInfo("Exit relay started, advertised as exiting at: ", a); } } }); // set public encryption key _rc.enckey = seckey_topublic(encryption()); LogInfo("Signing rc..."); if(!_rc.Sign(identity())) { LogError("failed to sign rc"); return false; } if(!SaveRC()) { LogError("failed to save RC"); return false; } _outboundSessionMaker.SetOurRouter(pubkey()); if(!_linkManager.StartLinks(_logic, cryptoworker)) { LogWarn("One or more links failed to start."); return false; } EnsureNetConfigDefaultsSane(netConfig); const auto limits = IsServiceNode() ? llarp::limits::snode : llarp::limits::client; _outboundSessionMaker.minConnectedRouters = std::max( _outboundSessionMaker.minConnectedRouters, limits.DefaultMinRouters); _outboundSessionMaker.maxConnectedRouters = std::max( _outboundSessionMaker.maxConnectedRouters, limits.DefaultMaxRouters); if(IsServiceNode()) { // initialize as service node if(!InitServiceNode()) { LogError("Failed to initialize service node"); return false; } RouterID us = pubkey(); LogInfo("initalized service node: ", us); // relays do not use profiling routerProfiling().Disable(); } else { // we are a client // regenerate keys and resign rc before everything else CryptoManager::instance()->identity_keygen(_identity); CryptoManager::instance()->encryption_keygen(_encryption); _rc.pubkey = seckey_topublic(identity()); _rc.enckey = seckey_topublic(encryption()); if(!_rc.Sign(identity())) { LogError("failed to regenerate keys and sign RC"); return false; } if(!CreateDefaultHiddenService()) { LogError("failed to set up default network endpoint"); return false; } } LogInfo("starting hidden service context..."); if(!hiddenServiceContext().StartAll()) { LogError("Failed to start hidden service context"); return false; } llarp_dht_context_start(dht(), pubkey()); for(const auto &rc : bootstrapRCList) { if(this->nodedb()->Insert(rc)) { LogInfo("added bootstrap node ", RouterID(rc.pubkey)); } else { LogError("Failed to add bootstrap node ", RouterID(rc.pubkey)); } _dht->impl->Nodes()->PutNode(rc); } LogInfo("have ", _nodedb->num_loaded(), " routers"); _netloop->add_ticker(std::bind(&Router::PumpLL, this)); ScheduleTicker(1000); _running.store(true); _startedAt = Now(); #if defined(WITH_SYSTEMD) ::sd_notify(0, "READY=1"); #endif LogContext::Instance().DropToRuntimeLevel(); return _running; } bool Router::IsRunning() const { return _running; } llarp_time_t Router::Uptime() const { const llarp_time_t _now = Now(); if(_startedAt && _now > _startedAt) return _now - _startedAt; return 0; } static void RouterAfterStopLinks(void *u, uint64_t, uint64_t) { auto *self = static_cast< Router * >(u); self->Close(); } static void RouterAfterStopIssued(void *u, uint64_t, uint64_t) { auto *self = static_cast< Router * >(u); self->StopLinks(); self->nodedb()->AsyncFlushToDisk(); self->_logic->call_later({200, self, &RouterAfterStopLinks}); } void Router::StopLinks() { _linkManager.Stop(); } void Router::Stop() { if(!_running) return; if(_stopping) return; _stopping.store(true); LogContext::Instance().RevertRuntimeLevel(); LogInfo("stopping router"); hiddenServiceContext().StopAll(); _exitContext.Stop(); if(rpcServer) rpcServer->Stop(); paths.PumpUpstream(); _linkManager.PumpLinks(); _logic->call_later({200, this, &RouterAfterStopIssued}); } bool Router::HasSessionTo(const RouterID &remote) const { return _linkManager.HasSessionTo(remote); } void Router::ConnectToRandomRouters(int _want) { const size_t want = _want; auto connected = NumberOfConnectedRouters(); if(not IsServiceNode()) { connected += _linkManager.NumberOfPendingConnections(); } if(connected >= want) return; _outboundSessionMaker.ConnectToRandomRouters(want); } bool Router::InitServiceNode() { LogInfo("accepting transit traffic"); paths.AllowTransit(); llarp_dht_allow_transit(dht()); return _exitContext.AddExitEndpoint("default-connectivity", netConfig); } bool Router::ValidateConfig(ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED Config *conf) const { return true; } bool Router::Reconfigure(Config *) { // TODO: implement me return true; } bool Router::TryConnectAsync(RouterContact rc, uint16_t tries) { (void)tries; if(rc.pubkey == pubkey()) { return false; } if(!_rcLookupHandler.RemoteIsAllowed(rc.pubkey)) { return false; } _outboundSessionMaker.CreateSessionTo(rc, nullptr); return true; } bool Router::InitOutboundLinks() { const auto linkTypeName = LinkFactory::NameFromType(_defaultLinkType); LogInfo("initialize outbound link: ", linkTypeName); auto factory = LinkFactory::Obtain(_defaultLinkType, false); if(factory == nullptr) { LogError("cannot initialize outbound link of type '", linkTypeName, "' as it has no implementation"); return false; } auto link = factory(m_keyManager, util::memFn(&AbstractRouter::rc, this), util::memFn(&AbstractRouter::HandleRecvLinkMessageBuffer, this), util::memFn(&AbstractRouter::Sign, this), util::memFn(&IOutboundSessionMaker::OnSessionEstablished, &_outboundSessionMaker), util::memFn(&AbstractRouter::CheckRenegotiateValid, this), util::memFn(&IOutboundSessionMaker::OnConnectTimeout, &_outboundSessionMaker), util::memFn(&AbstractRouter::SessionClosed, this), util::memFn(&AbstractRouter::PumpLL, this)); if(!link) return false; const auto afs = {AF_INET, AF_INET6}; for(const auto af : afs) { if(!link->Configure(netloop(), "*", af, m_OutboundPort)) continue; _linkManager.AddLink(std::move(link), false); return true; } return false; } bool Router::CreateDefaultHiddenService() { // add endpoint return hiddenServiceContext().AddDefaultEndpoint(netConfig); } bool Router::LoadHiddenServiceConfig(string_view fname) { LogDebug("opening hidden service config ", fname); service::Config conf; if(!conf.Load(fname)) return false; for(const auto &config : conf.services) { service::Config::section_t filteredConfig; mergeHiddenServiceConfig(config.second, filteredConfig.second); filteredConfig.first = config.first; if(!hiddenServiceContext().AddEndpoint(filteredConfig)) return false; } return true; } void Router::MessageSent(const RouterID &remote, SendStatus status) { if(status == SendStatus::Success) { LogDebug("Message successfully sent to ", remote); } else { LogDebug("Message failed sending to ", remote); } } } // namespace llarp