const lokinet = require('./lokinet') // currently using the 0.5 api const fs = require('fs') const ping = require("net-ping") // horrible library that shells out to use ping... //const ping = require('ping') // score successful actions // while we monitor snode and loki addresses var session = ping.createSession() // probably should nuke profiles.dat each round to level the playing field if (fs.existsSync('profiles.dat')) { console.log('cleaning router profiles') fs.unlinkSync('profiles.dat') } // // start config // // FIXME: take in a binary_path as an option... var lokinet_config = { binary_path: '../../lokinet', // clients will default to // bootstrap_url : '', // rpc_ip : '', // rpc_port : 28082, // auto_config_test_host: '', // auto_config_test_port: 80, // testnet : true, // verbose : true, } score_time = null score_total = 0 var lokinet_version = 'unknown' var known_snodes = [] var snodes_stats = {} function addSnode(snode) { var idx = known_snodes.indexOf(snode) if (idx == -1) { known_snodes.push(snode) function lookupSnode(snode) { lokinet.lookup(snode, function (records) { console.log(snode, 'mapped to', records) // if no response or not found, retry if (records === undefined || records === null) { // failure retry setTimeout(function () { console.log('retry lookup for', snode) lookupSnode(snode) }, 5000) return } if (!records) { console.log('records is false', records) return } if (!records.length) { console.log('record is empty array') return } var ip = records[0] // reset stats snodes_stats[snode] = { onlines: 0, offlines: 0, } // trigger monitor update? setInterval(function () { /* ping.sys.probe(ip, function(isAlive){ if (isAlive) { //console.log(snode, ip, 'is online') snodes_stats[snode].onlines++ score_total++ } else { console.log(snode, ip, 'is offline') snodes_stats[snode].offlines++ } }) */ session.pingHost(ip, function (err, target) { if (err) { console.warn(target, 'ping err', err); console.log(snode, ip, 'is offline') snodes_stats[snode].offlines++ } else { //console.log (target + ": Alive") //console.log(snode, ip, 'is online') snodes_stats[snode].onlines++ score_total++ } }) }, 1000) }) } lookupSnode(snode) } } setInterval(function () { // can be known but not mapped yet... console.log('snode score card,', known_snodes.length, 'known routers') for (var snode in snodes_stats) { var stats = snodes_stats[snode] var total = stats.onlines + stats.offlines var onlinePer = (stats.onlines / total) * 100 console.log(snode, stats, onlinePer + '%') } }, 30 * 1000) lokinet.onMessage = function (data) { console.log(`monitor: ${data}`) var lines = data.split(/\n/) for (var i in lines) { var tline = lines[i].trim() // lokinet-0.4.0-59e6a4bc (dev build) if (tline.match('lokinet-0.')) { var parts = tline.split('lokinet-0.') lokinet_version = parts[1] console.log('VERSION', parts[1]) } if (tline.match('Using config file:')) { // get bootstrap info var parts = tline.split('Using config file: ') console.log('CONFIGFILE', parts[1]) } if (tline.match('Added bootstrap node')) { // get bootstrap info var parts = tline.split('Added bootstrap node ') addSnode(parts[1]) console.log('BOOTSTRAP', parts[1]) } if (tline.match('Set Up networking for')) { // get interface info var parts = tline.split('Set Up networking for ') // default:9j4uido1ai7ucirbncbqii1395e8ccd6cjomo9cccp3ztx1ukwio.loki console.log('INTERFACE', parts[1]) } // if (tline.match('session with ')) { // potential node var parts = tline.split('session with ') if (parts.length) { var one = parts[1].replace(' established', '') var two = one.split('.snode') // snode\u001b[0;0m var snode = two[0] + '.snode' addSnode(snode) console.log('SESSION', snode) score_total++ } else { console.log('unknown session line', tline) } } if (tline.match(' routers from exploration')) { var parts = tline.split('\tgot ') if (parts.length > 1) { var routers = parts[1].replace(' routers from exploration', '') console.log('ROUTERS', routers) if (routers && routers != '0') { score_total++ } } else { console.log('unknown exploration line', tline) } } // ? if (tline.match('Handle DHT message S relayed=0')) { score_total++ } // relay DHT packet if (tline.match('Handle DHT message R relayed=0')) { score_total++ } // if (tline.match(' is built, took ')) { // path TX=8826efd28bede66c59782af9894eed08 RX=a994770a8c6d61700b8ca65e4a3adea3 on OBContext:default:3y3ch3m6c8xgmutxwe8fger6n963hn3mkn6tk14j67w1zdxj1n1y.loki-icxqqcpd3sfkjbqifn53h7rmusqa1fyxwqyfrrcgkd37xcikwa7y.loki is built, took 2321 ms var parts = tline.split('path TX=') if (parts.length > 1) { var two = parts[1].split(' RX=') if (two.length > 1) { var tx = two[0] var three = two[1].split(' on OBContext:') if (three.length > 1) { var rx = three[0] var four = three[1].split(' is built, took ') if (four.length > 1) { var context = four[0] var ms = four[1] console.log('PATH BUILT', tx, rx, context, ms) } } } } score_total++ } // happen right after the built, took //TX=53e833fcbad1395647f198201d4931e5 RX=b4768bc4b91b86b51b513319f443f538 on default:dnhi78pwrn6cd5yz83i83816nqudwym57s5x4bp3j4g5kbeigw5y.loki built latency=291 if (tline.match(' is built latency ')) { // path latency info } //[WRN] (166) Tue Apr 30 15:26:25 2019 PDT path/pathbuilder.cpp:319 SNode::8ti485iig9q1wd6k9qr6dqmswrqp9hceohcrtwwa7pn6wcxx9wdy.snode failed to select hop 3 // not a sure but snode extract if (tline.match('.snode failed to select hop')) { var parts = tline.split('SNode::') //console.log('failed to select hop parts', parts) if (parts.length > 1) { var two = parts[1].split(' failed to select hop ') if (two.length) { var hops = two[1] //console.log('hopSelectionFailure', snode, hops) } } } //obtained an exit via nc9y88xsr7cqmpytc6tbo5dbf5c9fa3is5dezmdwxwgfkuhemg3o.snode if (tline.match('obtained an exit via ')) { var parts = tline.split('obtained an exit via ') if (parts.length > 1) { var two = parts[1].split('.snode') var snode = two[0] + '.snode' addSnode(snode) } score_total++ } //TX=219222f0f390e40ce47745af292001f2 RX=671c259dd9590173019694fc10433b63 on SNode::nc9y88xsr7cqmpytc6tbo5dbf5c9fa3is5dezmdwxwgfkuhemg3o.snode nc9y88xsr7cqmpytc6tbo5dbf5c9fa3is5dezmdwxwgfkuhemg3o.snode Granted exit if (tline.match('Granted exit')) { var one = tline.split('TX=') if (one.length > 1) { var two = one[1].split(' RX=') if (two.length > 1) { var three = two[1].split(' on SNode::') if (three.length > 1) { var tx = two[0] var rx = three[0] console.log('EXIT', tx, rx, 'rest', three[1]) } } } score_total++ } //service/endpoint.cpp:652 default:kzow69uftho8ukm8g4kf88y5zka84azfrmfx5okkmrg7ucdz5d1o.loki IntroSet publish confirmed if (tline.match('IntroSet publish confirmed')) { score_total++ } } } lokinet.onError = function (data) { console.log(`monitorerr: ${data}`) // start on 2019-04-30T15:40:55.540314745-07:00 X Records // buffer until // end on \n\n var lines = data.toString().split(/\n/) for (var i in lines) { var tline = lines[i].trim() if (tline.match('utp.session.sendq.')) { //console.log('sendq') var one = tline.split('utp.session.sendq.') // parts[1] = 8ti485iig9q1wd6k9qr6dqmswrqp9hceohcrtwwa7pn6wcxx9wdy.snode [ // count = 282, total = 3, min = 0, max = 1 ] if (one.length > 1) { var two = one[1].split(' [ ') if (two.length > 1) { var snode = two[0] var three = two[1].split(', ') if (three.length > 3) { var count = three[0] var total = three[1] var min = three[2] if (min == 'min = 0') { //console.log('no bloat') // not sure if this is related to our version or not... score_total++ } var max = three[3] console.log('UTPSENDQ', snode, count, total, min, max) } } } } } } // // end config // function checkIP(cb) { lokinet.getLokiNetIP(function (ip) { if (ip === undefined) { checkIP(cb) return } //console.log('lokinet interface ip', ip) cb(ip) }) } lokinet.startClient(lokinet_config, function () { // lokinet isn't necessarily running at this point console.log('Starting monitor') score_time = checkIP(function (ip) { console.log('lokinet interface ip', ip) lokinet.findLokiNetDNS(function (servers) { console.log('monitor detected DNS Servers', servers) }) setInterval(function () { console.log('score', score_total, 'time', (( - score_time) / 1000)) }, 30000) // maybe run until a specific time and quit for comparison // 1200s (two 10min sessions) setTimeout(function () { console.log(lokinet_config.binary_path, 'version', lokinet_version, 'final score', score_total) process.exit() }, 3 * 600 * 1000) // 3x 10m sessions worth }) })