#!/bin/bash # Script to invoke resolvconf (if installed) to add/remove lokinet into/from the resolvconf DNS # server list. This script does not add if any of these are true: # # - /sbin/resolvconf does not exist # - the systemd-resolved service is active # - the `bind=` entry in the [dns] section of lokinet.ini is commented out # - a `no-resolvconf=1` item is present in the [dns] section of lokinet.ini # # It always attempts to remove if resolvconf is installed (so that commenting out while running, # then stopping still removes the added entry). # # Usage: lokinet-resolvconf {add|remove} /etc/loki/lokinet.ini set -e action="$1" conf="$2" if [[ ! ("$action" == "add" || "$action" == "remove") || ! -f "$conf" ]]; then echo "Usage: $0 {add|remove} /path/to/lokinet.ini" >&2 exit 1 fi if ! [ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]; then exit 0 fi if [ -x /bin/systemctl ] && /bin/systemctl --quiet is-active systemd-resolved.service; then exit 0 fi if [ "$action" == "add" ]; then if ! [ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]; then exit 0; fi lokinet_ns=$(perl -e 'while (<>) { if ((/^\[dns\]/ ... /^\[/)) { if (/^bind\s*=\s*(127.*):53\s*$/) { $ns=$1; } elsif (/^no-resolvconf\s*=\s*1\s*/) { exit; } } } print $ns' "$conf") if [ -n "$lokinet_ns" ]; then echo "nameserver $lokinet_ns" | /sbin/resolvconf -a lo.000lokinet fi else /sbin/resolvconf -d lo.000lokinet fi