#include #include "router.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ #include #include #endif namespace llarp { namespace utp { constexpr size_t FragmentHashSize = 32; constexpr size_t FragmentNonceSize = 24; constexpr size_t FragmentOverheadSize = FragmentHashSize + FragmentNonceSize; constexpr size_t FragmentBodyPayloadSize = 1024; constexpr size_t FragmentBodyOverhead = sizeof(uint32_t) * 2; constexpr size_t FragmentBodySize = FragmentBodyOverhead + FragmentBodyPayloadSize; constexpr size_t FragmentBufferSize = FragmentOverheadSize + FragmentBodySize; typedef llarp::AlignedBuffer< FragmentBufferSize > FragmentBuffer; constexpr size_t MaxSend = 64; /// maximum size for send queue for a session before we drop constexpr size_t MaxSendQueueSize = 128; typedef llarp::AlignedBuffer< MAX_LINK_MSG_SIZE > MessageBuffer; struct LinkLayer; struct BaseSession : public ILinkSession { RouterContact remoteRC; utp_socket* sock; LinkLayer* parent; bool gotLIM; PubKey remoteTransportPubKey; Addr remoteAddr; SharedSecret sessionKey; llarp_time_t lastActive; const static llarp_time_t sessionTimeout = 30 * 1000; std::deque< utp_iovec > vecq; std::deque< FragmentBuffer > sendq; FragmentBuffer recvBuf; size_t recvBufOffset; MessageBuffer recvMsg; size_t recvMsgOffset; bool stalled = false; void Alive(); /// base BaseSession(LinkLayer* p); /// outbound BaseSession(LinkLayer* p, utp_socket* s, const RouterContact& rc, const AddressInfo& addr); /// inbound BaseSession(LinkLayer* p, utp_socket* s, const Addr& remote); enum State { eInitial, eConnecting, eLinkEstablished, // when utp connection is established eCryptoHandshake, // crypto handshake initiated eSessionReady, // session is ready eClose // utp connection is closed }; llarp_router* Router(); State state; void OnLinkEstablished(LinkLayer* p) { parent = p; EnterState(eLinkEstablished); llarp::LogDebug("link established with ", remoteAddr); } void EnterState(State st); BaseSession(); ~BaseSession(); void PumpWrite() { if(!sock) return; ssize_t expect = 0; std::vector< utp_iovec > vecs; for(const auto& vec : vecq) { expect += vec.iov_len; vecs.push_back(vec); } if(expect) { ssize_t s = utp_writev(sock, vecs.data(), vecs.size()); llarp::LogDebug("utp_writev wrote=", s, " expect=", expect, " to=", remoteAddr); while(s > vecq.front().iov_len) { s -= vecq.front().iov_len; vecq.pop_front(); sendq.pop_front(); } if(vecq.size()) { auto& front = vecq.front(); front.iov_len -= s; front.iov_base = ((byte_t*)front.iov_base) + s; } } /* while(sendq.size() > 0 && !stalled) { ssize_t expect = FragmentBufferSize - sendBufOffset; ssize_t s = write_ll(sendq.front().data() + sendBufOffset, expect); if(s != expect) { llarp::LogDebug("stalled at offset=", sendBufOffset, " sz=", s, " to ", remoteAddr); sendBufOffset += s; stalled = true; } else { sendBufOffset = 0; sendq.pop_front(); } } */ } ssize_t write_ll(byte_t* buf, size_t sz) { if(sock == nullptr) { llarp::LogWarn("write_ll failed: no socket"); return 0; } ssize_t s = utp_write(sock, buf, sz); llarp::LogDebug("write_ll ", s, " of ", sz, " bytes to ", remoteAddr); return s; } bool VerifyThenDecrypt(byte_t* buf); void EncryptThenHash(const byte_t* ptr, uint32_t sz, bool isLastFragment); bool QueueWriteBuffers(llarp_buffer_t buf) { if(sendq.size() >= MaxSendQueueSize) return false; llarp::LogDebug("write ", buf.sz, " bytes to ", remoteAddr); lastActive = llarp_time_now_ms(); size_t sz = buf.sz; byte_t* ptr = buf.base; while(sz) { uint32_t s = std::min(FragmentBodyPayloadSize, sz); EncryptThenHash(ptr, s, ((sz - s) == 0)); ptr += s; sz -= s; } return true; } void Connect() { utp_connect(sock, remoteAddr, remoteAddr.SockLen()); EnterState(eConnecting); } void OutboundLinkEstablished(LinkLayer* p) { OnLinkEstablished(p); OutboundHandshake(); } // send first message void OutboundHandshake(); // mix keys bool DoKeyExchange(llarp_transport_dh_func dh, const KeyExchangeNonce& n, const PubKey& other, const SecretKey& secret) { ShortHash t_h; AlignedBuffer< 64 > tmp; memcpy(tmp.data(), sessionKey, sessionKey.size()); memcpy(tmp.data() + sessionKey.size(), n, n.size()); // t_h = HS(K + L.n) if(!Router()->crypto.shorthash(t_h, ConstBuffer(tmp))) { llarp::LogError("failed to mix key to ", remoteAddr); return false; } // K = TKE(a.p, B_a.e, sk, t_h) if(!dh(sessionKey, other, secret, t_h)) { llarp::LogError("key exchange with ", other, " failed"); return false; } llarp::LogDebug("keys mixed with session to ", remoteAddr); return true; } void TickImpl(llarp_time_t now) { } void Close(); bool Recv(const void* buf, size_t sz) { Alive(); byte_t* ptr = (byte_t*)buf; llarp::LogDebug("utp read ", sz, " from ", remoteAddr); size_t s = sz; // process leftovers if(recvBufOffset) { auto left = FragmentBufferSize - recvBufOffset; if(s >= left) { // yes it fills it llarp::LogDebug("process leftovers, offset=", recvBufOffset, " sz=", s, " left=", left); memcpy(recvBuf.data() + recvBufOffset, ptr, left); s -= left; recvBufOffset = 0; ptr += left; if(!VerifyThenDecrypt(recvBuf.data())) return false; } } // process full fragments while(s >= FragmentBufferSize) { recvBufOffset = 0; llarp::LogDebug("process full sz=", s); if(!VerifyThenDecrypt(ptr)) return false; ptr += FragmentBufferSize; s -= FragmentBufferSize; } if(s) { // hold onto leftovers llarp::LogDebug("leftovers sz=", s); memcpy(recvBuf.data() + recvBufOffset, ptr, s); recvBufOffset += s; } return true; } bool InboundLIM(const LinkIntroMessage* msg); bool OutboundLIM(const LinkIntroMessage* msg); bool IsTimedOut(llarp_time_t now) const { if(state == eClose) return true; if(now < lastActive) return false; auto dlt = now - lastActive; if(dlt >= sessionTimeout) { llarp::LogDebug("session timeout reached for ", remoteAddr); return true; } return false; } const PubKey& RemotePubKey() const { return remoteRC.pubkey; } const Addr& RemoteEndpoint() const { return remoteAddr; } void MarkEstablished(); }; // namespace utp struct LinkLayer : public ILinkLayer { utp_context* _utp_ctx = nullptr; llarp_router* router = nullptr; static uint64 OnRead(utp_callback_arguments* arg); static uint64 SendTo(utp_callback_arguments* arg) { LinkLayer* l = static_cast< LinkLayer* >(utp_context_get_userdata(arg->context)); llarp::LogDebug("utp_sendto ", Addr(*arg->address), " ", arg->len, " bytes"); if(sendto(l->m_udp.fd, arg->buf, arg->len, arg->flags, arg->address, arg->address_len) == -1) { llarp::LogError("sendto failed: ", strerror(errno)); } return 0; } static uint64 OnError(utp_callback_arguments* arg) { BaseSession* session = static_cast< BaseSession* >(utp_get_userdata(arg->socket)); if(session) { if(arg->error_code == UTP_ETIMEDOUT) { session->Router()->OnConnectTimeout(session->GetPubKey()); } llarp::LogError(utp_error_code_names[arg->error_code], " via ", session->remoteAddr); session->Close(); } return 0; } static uint64 OnStateChange(utp_callback_arguments*); static uint64 OnAccept(utp_callback_arguments*); static uint64 OnLog(utp_callback_arguments* arg) { llarp::LogDebug(arg->buf); return 0; } LinkLayer(llarp_router* r) : ILinkLayer() { router = r; _utp_ctx = utp_init(2); utp_context_set_userdata(_utp_ctx, this); utp_set_callback(_utp_ctx, UTP_SENDTO, &LinkLayer::SendTo); utp_set_callback(_utp_ctx, UTP_ON_ACCEPT, &LinkLayer::OnAccept); utp_set_callback(_utp_ctx, UTP_ON_STATE_CHANGE, &LinkLayer::OnStateChange); utp_set_callback(_utp_ctx, UTP_ON_READ, &LinkLayer::OnRead); utp_set_callback(_utp_ctx, UTP_ON_ERROR, &LinkLayer::OnError); utp_set_callback(_utp_ctx, UTP_LOG, &LinkLayer::OnLog); utp_context_set_option(_utp_ctx, UTP_LOG_NORMAL, 1); utp_context_set_option(_utp_ctx, UTP_LOG_MTU, 1); utp_context_set_option(_utp_ctx, UTP_LOG_DEBUG, 1); utp_context_set_option(_utp_ctx, UTP_SNDBUF, MAX_LINK_MSG_SIZE * 16); utp_context_set_option(_utp_ctx, UTP_RCVBUF, MAX_LINK_MSG_SIZE * 64); } ~LinkLayer() { utp_destroy(_utp_ctx); } uint16_t Rank() const { return 1; } void RecvFrom(const Addr& from, const void* buf, size_t sz) { utp_process_udp(_utp_ctx, (const byte_t*)buf, sz, from, from.SockLen()); } #ifdef __linux__ void ProcessICMP() { do { byte_t vec_buf[4096], ancillary_buf[4096]; struct iovec iov = {vec_buf, sizeof(vec_buf)}; struct sockaddr_in remote; struct msghdr msg; ssize_t len; struct cmsghdr* cmsg; struct sock_extended_err* e; struct sockaddr* icmp_addr; struct sockaddr_in* icmp_sin; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); msg.msg_name = &remote; msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(remote); msg.msg_iov = &iov; msg.msg_iovlen = 1; msg.msg_flags = 0; msg.msg_control = ancillary_buf; msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(ancillary_buf); len = recvmsg(m_udp.fd, &msg, MSG_ERRQUEUE | MSG_DONTWAIT); if(len < 0) { if(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) errno = 0; else llarp::LogError("failed to read icmp for utp ", strerror(errno)); return; } for(cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmsg; cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsg)) { if(cmsg->cmsg_type != IP_RECVERR) { continue; } if(cmsg->cmsg_level != SOL_IP) { continue; } e = (struct sock_extended_err*)CMSG_DATA(cmsg); if(!e) continue; if(e->ee_origin != SO_EE_ORIGIN_ICMP) { continue; } icmp_addr = (struct sockaddr*)SO_EE_OFFENDER(e); icmp_sin = (struct sockaddr_in*)icmp_addr; if(icmp_sin->sin_port != 0) { continue; } if(e->ee_type == 3 && e->ee_code == 4) { utp_process_icmp_fragmentation(_utp_ctx, vec_buf, len, (struct sockaddr*)&remote, sizeof(remote), e->ee_info); } else { utp_process_icmp_error(_utp_ctx, vec_buf, len, (struct sockaddr*)&remote, sizeof(remote)); } } } while(true); } #endif void Pump() { utp_issue_deferred_acks(_utp_ctx); #ifdef __linux__ ProcessICMP(); #endif std::set< PubKey > sessions; { Lock l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); auto itr = m_AuthedLinks.begin(); while(itr != m_AuthedLinks.end()) { sessions.insert(itr->first); ++itr; } } ILinkLayer::Pump(); { Lock l(m_AuthedLinksMutex); for(const auto& pk : sessions) { if(m_AuthedLinks.find(pk) == m_AuthedLinks.end()) { // all sessions were removed router->SessionClosed(pk); } } } } void Stop() { } llarp_router* GetRouter(); bool KeyGen(SecretKey& k) { router->crypto.encryption_keygen(k); return true; } void Tick(llarp_time_t now) { utp_check_timeouts(_utp_ctx); ILinkLayer::Tick(now); } ILinkSession* NewOutboundSession(const RouterContact& rc, const AddressInfo& addr); utp_socket* NewSocket() { return utp_create_socket(_utp_ctx); } const char* Name() const { return "utp"; } }; std::unique_ptr< ILinkLayer > NewServer(llarp_router* r) { return std::unique_ptr< LinkLayer >(new LinkLayer(r)); } BaseSession::BaseSession(LinkLayer* p) { parent = p; remoteTransportPubKey.Zero(); recvMsgOffset = 0; SendQueueBacklog = [&]() -> size_t { return sendq.size(); }; SendKeepAlive = [&]() -> bool { if(sendq.size() == 0 && state == eSessionReady) { DiscardMessage msg; byte_t tmp[128] = {0}; auto buf = llarp::StackBuffer< decltype(tmp) >(tmp); if(!msg.BEncode(&buf)) return false; buf.sz = buf.cur - buf.base; buf.cur = buf.base; if(!this->QueueWriteBuffers(buf)) return false; } return true; }; gotLIM = false; recvBufOffset = 0; TimedOut = [&](llarp_time_t now) -> bool { return this->IsTimedOut(now) || this->state == eClose; }; GetPubKey = std::bind(&BaseSession::RemotePubKey, this); lastActive = llarp_time_now_ms(); // Pump = []() {}; Pump = std::bind(&BaseSession::PumpWrite, this); Tick = std::bind(&BaseSession::TickImpl, this, std::placeholders::_1); SendMessageBuffer = std::bind(&BaseSession::QueueWriteBuffers, this, std::placeholders::_1); IsEstablished = [=]() { return this->state == eSessionReady || this->state == eLinkEstablished; }; SendClose = std::bind(&BaseSession::Close, this); GetRemoteEndpoint = std::bind(&BaseSession::RemoteEndpoint, this); } BaseSession::BaseSession(LinkLayer* p, utp_socket* s, const RouterContact& rc, const AddressInfo& addr) : BaseSession(p) { remoteRC.Clear(); remoteTransportPubKey = addr.pubkey; remoteRC = rc; sock = s; assert(utp_set_userdata(sock, this) == this); assert(s == sock); remoteAddr = addr; Start = std::bind(&BaseSession::Connect, this); GotLIM = std::bind(&BaseSession::OutboundLIM, this, std::placeholders::_1); } BaseSession::BaseSession(LinkLayer* p, utp_socket* s, const Addr& addr) : BaseSession(p) { p->router->crypto.shorthash(sessionKey, InitBuffer(p->router->pubkey(), PUBKEYSIZE)); remoteRC.Clear(); sock = s; assert(s == sock); assert(utp_set_userdata(sock, this) == this); remoteAddr = addr; Start = []() {}; GotLIM = std::bind(&BaseSession::InboundLIM, this, std::placeholders::_1); } bool BaseSession::InboundLIM(const LinkIntroMessage* msg) { if(gotLIM && remoteRC.pubkey != msg->rc.pubkey) { return false; } remoteRC = msg->rc; gotLIM = true; if(!DoKeyExchange(Router()->crypto.transport_dh_server, msg->N, remoteRC.enckey, parent->TransportSecretKey())) return false; EnterState(eSessionReady); return true; } bool BaseSession::OutboundLIM(const LinkIntroMessage* msg) { if(gotLIM && remoteRC.pubkey != msg->rc.pubkey) { return false; } remoteRC = msg->rc; gotLIM = true; // TODO: update address info pubkey return DoKeyExchange(Router()->crypto.transport_dh_client, msg->N, remoteTransportPubKey, Router()->encryption); } void BaseSession::OutboundHandshake() { // set session key Router()->crypto.shorthash(sessionKey, ConstBuffer(remoteRC.pubkey)); byte_t tmp[LinkIntroMessage::MaxSize]; auto buf = StackBuffer< decltype(tmp) >(tmp); // build our RC LinkIntroMessage msg; msg.rc = Router()->rc(); if(!msg.rc.VerifySignature(&Router()->crypto)) { llarp::LogError("our RC is invalid? closing session to", remoteAddr); Close(); return; } msg.N.Randomize(); msg.P = DefaultLinkSessionLifetime; if(!msg.Sign(&Router()->crypto, Router()->identity)) { llarp::LogError("failed to sign LIM for outbound handshake to ", remoteAddr); Close(); return; } // encode if(!msg.BEncode(&buf)) { llarp::LogError("failed to encode LIM for handshake to ", remoteAddr); Close(); return; } // rewind buf.sz = buf.cur - buf.base; buf.cur = buf.base; // send if(!SendMessageBuffer(buf)) { llarp::LogError("failed to send handshake to ", remoteAddr); Close(); return; } // mix keys if(!DoKeyExchange(Router()->crypto.transport_dh_client, msg.N, remoteTransportPubKey, Router()->encryption)) { llarp::LogError("failed to mix keys for outbound session to ", remoteAddr); Close(); return; } EnterState(eSessionReady); } llarp_router* BaseSession::Router() { return parent->router; } BaseSession::~BaseSession() { if(sock) { utp_set_userdata(sock, nullptr); sock = nullptr; } } ILinkSession* LinkLayer::NewOutboundSession(const RouterContact& rc, const AddressInfo& addr) { return new BaseSession(this, utp_create_socket(_utp_ctx), rc, addr); } uint64 LinkLayer::OnRead(utp_callback_arguments* arg) { BaseSession* self = static_cast< BaseSession* >(utp_get_userdata(arg->socket)); if(self) { if(self->state == BaseSession::eClose) { return 0; } if(!self->Recv(arg->buf, arg->len)) { llarp::LogDebug("recv fail for ", self->remoteAddr); self->Close(); return 0; } utp_read_drained(arg->socket); } else { llarp::LogWarn("utp_socket got data with no underlying session"); utp_close(arg->socket); } return 0; } uint64 LinkLayer::OnStateChange(utp_callback_arguments* arg) { LinkLayer* l = static_cast< LinkLayer* >(utp_context_get_userdata(arg->context)); BaseSession* session = static_cast< BaseSession* >(utp_get_userdata(arg->socket)); if(session) { if(arg->state == UTP_STATE_CONNECT) { if(session->state == BaseSession::eClose) { return 0; } session->OutboundLinkEstablished(l); } else if(arg->state == UTP_STATE_WRITABLE) { session->PumpWrite(); } else if(arg->state == UTP_STATE_EOF) { llarp::LogDebug("got eof from ", session->remoteAddr); session->Close(); } } return 0; } uint64 LinkLayer::OnAccept(utp_callback_arguments* arg) { LinkLayer* self = static_cast< LinkLayer* >(utp_context_get_userdata(arg->context)); Addr remote(*arg->address); llarp::LogDebug("utp accepted from ", remote); BaseSession* session = new BaseSession(self, arg->socket, remote); self->PutSession(session); session->OnLinkEstablished(self); return 0; } void BaseSession::EncryptThenHash(const byte_t* ptr, uint32_t sz, bool isLastFragment) { sendq.emplace_back(); auto& buf = sendq.back(); vecq.emplace_back(); auto& vec = vecq.back(); vec.iov_base = buf.data(); vec.iov_len = FragmentBufferSize; llarp::LogDebug("encrypt then hash ", sz, " bytes last=", isLastFragment); buf.Randomize(); byte_t* nonce = buf.data() + FragmentHashSize; byte_t* body = nonce + FragmentNonceSize; byte_t* base = body; if(isLastFragment) htobe32buf(body, 0); else htobe32buf(body, 1); body += sizeof(uint32_t); htobe32buf(body, sz); body += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy(body, ptr, sz); auto payload = InitBuffer(base, FragmentBufferSize - FragmentOverheadSize); // encrypt Router()->crypto.xchacha20(payload, sessionKey, nonce); payload.base = nonce; payload.cur = payload.base; payload.sz = FragmentBufferSize - FragmentHashSize; // key'd hash Router()->crypto.hmac(buf.data(), payload, sessionKey); } void BaseSession::EnterState(State st) { state = st; if(st == eSessionReady) { parent->MapAddr(remoteRC.pubkey, this); Router()->HandleLinkSessionEstablished(remoteRC); } Alive(); } bool BaseSession::VerifyThenDecrypt(byte_t* buf) { llarp::LogDebug("verify then decrypt ", remoteAddr); ShortHash digest; auto hbuf = InitBuffer(buf + FragmentHashSize, FragmentBufferSize - FragmentHashSize); if(!Router()->crypto.hmac(digest.data(), hbuf, sessionKey)) { llarp::LogError("keyed hash failed"); return false; } ShortHash expected(buf); if(expected != digest) { llarp::LogError("Message Integrity Failed: got ", digest, " from ", remoteAddr, " instead of ", expected); llarp::DumpBuffer(InitBuffer(buf, FragmentBufferSize)); return false; } auto body = InitBuffer(buf + FragmentOverheadSize, FragmentBufferSize - FragmentOverheadSize); Router()->crypto.xchacha20(body, sessionKey, buf + FragmentHashSize); uint32_t upper, lower; if(!(llarp_buffer_read_uint32(&body, &upper) && llarp_buffer_read_uint32(&body, &lower))) return false; bool fragmentEnd = upper == 0; llarp::LogDebug("fragment size ", lower, " from ", remoteAddr); if(lower + recvMsgOffset > recvMsg.size()) { llarp::LogError("Fragment too big: ", lower, " bytes"); return false; } memcpy(recvMsg.data() + recvMsgOffset, body.cur, lower); recvMsgOffset += lower; if(fragmentEnd) { // got a message llarp::LogDebug("end of message from ", remoteAddr); auto mbuf = InitBuffer(recvMsg.data(), recvMsgOffset); if(!Router()->HandleRecvLinkMessageBuffer(this, mbuf)) { llarp::LogWarn("failed to handle message from ", remoteAddr); llarp::DumpBuffer(mbuf); } recvMsgOffset = 0; } return true; } void BaseSession::Close() { if(state != eClose) { if(sock) { utp_shutdown(sock, SHUT_RDWR); utp_close(sock); llarp::LogDebug("utp_close ", remoteAddr); utp_set_userdata(sock, nullptr); } } EnterState(eClose); sock = nullptr; } void BaseSession::Alive() { lastActive = llarp_time_now_ms(); } } // namespace utp } // namespace llarp