#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import sys from socket import AF_INET import requests from pyroute2 import IPRoute class LokinetRPC: def __init__(self, url): self._url = url def _jsonrpc(self, method, params={}): r = requests.post( self._url, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json", "Host": "localhost"}, json={ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "0", "method": "{}".format(method), "params": params, }, ) return r.json() def get_first_hops(self): data = self._jsonrpc("llarp.admin.dumpstate") for link in data['result']['links']['outbound']: for session in link["sessions"]['established']: yield session['remoteAddr'] def main(): ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("--rpc", type=str, default='') ap.add_argument("--ifname", type=str, default="lokitun0") ap.add_argument("--up", action='store_const', dest='action', const='up') ap.add_argument("--down", action='store_const', dest='action', const='down') args = ap.parse_args() rpc = LokinetRPC('http://{}/jsonrpc'.format(args.rpc)) hops = dict() for hop in rpc.get_first_hops(): ip = hop.split(':')[0] hops[ip] = 0 if len(hops) == 0: print("lokinet is not connected yet") return 1 with IPRoute() as ip: ip.bind() try: idx = ip.link_lookup(ifname=args.ifname)[0] except: print("cannot find {}".format(args.ifname)) return 1 gateways = ip.get_default_routes(family=AF_INET) gateway = None for g in gateways: useThisGateway = True for name, val in g['attrs']: if name == 'RTA_OIF' and val == idx: useThisGateway = False if not useThisGateway: continue for name, val in g['attrs']: if name == 'RTA_GATEWAY': gateway = val if gateway: for address in hops: try: if args.action == 'up': ip.route("add", dst="{}/32".format(address), gateway=gateway) elif args.action == 'down': ip.route("del", dst="{}/32".format(address), gateway=gateway) except: pass if args.action == 'up': try: ip.route('add', dst='', oif=idx) except: print('failed to add default route') return 1 elif args.action == 'down': try: ip.route('del', dst='', oif=idx) except: print('failed to remove default route') return 1 else: print("could not find gateway") return 1 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())