cryptography: H(x) is 512 bit blake2b digest of x HS(x) is 256 bit blake2b digest of x MD(x, k) is 512 bit blake2b hmac of x with secret value k MDS(x, k) is 256 bit blake2b hmac of x with secret value k SE(k, n, x) is chacha20 encrypt data x using symettric key k and nounce n SD(k, n, x) is chacha20 dectypt data x using symettric key k and nounce n S(k, x) is sign x with ed25519 using secret key k EDKG() is generate ec keypair (p, s) public key p (32 bytes), secret key s (643 bytes) V(k, x, sig) is verify x data using signature sig using public key k EDDH(a, b) is curve25519 scalar multiplication of a and b HKE(a, b, x) is hashed key exchange between a and b using a secret key x HS(a + b + EDDH(x, b)) TKE(a, b, sk, n) is a transport shared secret kdf using MDS(n, HKE(a, b, sk)) when A is client and B is server where n is a 32 bytes shared random client computes TKE(,,, n) server computes TKE(,,, n) PDH(a, b, x) is path shared secret generation HS(a + b + curve41417_scalar_mult(x, b)) PKE(a, b, x, n) is a path shared secret kdf using MDS(n, PDH(a, b, x)) given A is the path creator and B is a hop in the path and n is 32 bytes shared random A computes PKE(,,, n) as S_a B computes PKE(,,, n) as S_b S_a is equal to S_b RAND(n) is n random bytes