#include #include #include #include namespace llarp { namespace exit { BaseSession::BaseSession( const llarp::RouterID& router, std::function< bool(const llarp_buffer_t&) > writepkt, AbstractRouter* r, size_t numpaths, size_t hoplen, bool bundleRC) : llarp::path::Builder(r, r->dht(), numpaths, hoplen) , m_ExitRouter(router) , m_WritePacket(writepkt) , m_Counter(0) , m_LastUse(0) , m_BundleRC(bundleRC) { r->crypto()->identity_keygen(m_ExitIdentity); } BaseSession::~BaseSession() { } void BaseSession::HandlePathDied(path::Path_ptr p) { p->Rebuild(); } util::StatusObject BaseSession::ExtractStatus() const { auto obj = path::Builder::ExtractStatus(); obj.Put("lastExitUse", m_LastUse); auto pub = m_ExitIdentity.toPublic(); obj.Put("exitIdentity", pub.ToString()); return obj; } bool BaseSession::LoadIdentityFromFile(const char* fname) { return m_ExitIdentity.LoadFromFile(fname); } bool BaseSession::ShouldBuildMore(llarp_time_t now) const { const size_t expect = (1 + (m_NumPaths / 2)); // check 30 seconds into the future and see if we need more paths const llarp_time_t future = now + (30 * 1000) + buildIntervalLimit; return NumPathsExistingAt(future) < expect && !BuildCooldownHit(now); } bool BaseSession::SelectHop(llarp_nodedb* db, const std::set< RouterID >& prev, RouterContact& cur, size_t hop, llarp::path::PathRole roles) { std::set< RouterID > exclude = prev; exclude.insert(m_ExitRouter); if(hop == numHops - 1) { if(db->Get(m_ExitRouter, cur)) return true; router->LookupRouter(m_ExitRouter, nullptr); return false; } else return path::Builder::SelectHop(db, exclude, cur, hop, roles); } bool BaseSession::CheckPathDead(path::Path_ptr, llarp_time_t dlt) { return dlt >= 10000; } void BaseSession::HandlePathBuilt(llarp::path::Path_ptr p) { path::Builder::HandlePathBuilt(p); p->SetDropHandler(std::bind(&BaseSession::HandleTrafficDrop, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)); p->SetDeadChecker(std::bind(&BaseSession::CheckPathDead, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); p->SetExitTrafficHandler( std::bind(&BaseSession::HandleTraffic, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)); p->AddObtainExitHandler(std::bind(&BaseSession::HandleGotExit, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); llarp::routing::ObtainExitMessage obtain; obtain.S = p->NextSeqNo(); obtain.T = llarp::randint(); PopulateRequest(obtain); if(!obtain.Sign(router->crypto(), m_ExitIdentity)) { llarp::LogError("Failed to sign exit request"); return; } if(p->SendExitRequest(obtain, router)) llarp::LogInfo("asking ", m_ExitRouter, " for exit"); else llarp::LogError("failed to send exit request"); } void BaseSession::AddReadyHook(SessionReadyFunc func) { m_PendingCallbacks.emplace_back(func); } bool BaseSession::HandleGotExit(llarp::path::Path_ptr p, llarp_time_t b) { m_LastUse = router->Now(); if(b == 0) { llarp::LogInfo("obtained an exit via ", p->Endpoint()); CallPendingCallbacks(true); } return true; } void BaseSession::CallPendingCallbacks(bool success) { if(success) { auto self = shared_from_this(); for(auto& f : m_PendingCallbacks) f(self); } else { for(auto& f : m_PendingCallbacks) f(nullptr); } m_PendingCallbacks.clear(); } void BaseSession::ResetInternalState() { auto sendExitClose = [&](const llarp::path::Path_ptr p) { const static auto roles = llarp::path::ePathRoleExit | llarp::path::ePathRoleSVC; if(p->SupportsAnyRoles(roles)) { llarp::LogInfo(p->Name(), " closing exit path"); llarp::routing::CloseExitMessage msg; if(msg.Sign(router->crypto(), m_ExitIdentity) && p->SendExitClose(msg, router)) { p->ClearRoles(roles); } else llarp::LogWarn(p->Name(), " failed to send exit close message"); } }; ForEachPath(sendExitClose); path::Builder::ResetInternalState(); } bool BaseSession::Stop() { CallPendingCallbacks(false); auto sendExitClose = [&](const llarp::path::Path_ptr p) { if(p->SupportsAnyRoles(llarp::path::ePathRoleExit)) { llarp::LogInfo(p->Name(), " closing exit path"); llarp::routing::CloseExitMessage msg; if(!(msg.Sign(router->crypto(), m_ExitIdentity) && p->SendExitClose(msg, router))) llarp::LogWarn(p->Name(), " failed to send exit close message"); } }; ForEachPath(sendExitClose); router->pathContext().RemovePathSet(shared_from_this()); return llarp::path::Builder::Stop(); } bool BaseSession::HandleTraffic(llarp::path::Path_ptr, const llarp_buffer_t& buf, uint64_t counter) { if(m_WritePacket) { llarp::net::IPv4Packet pkt; if(!pkt.Load(buf)) return false; m_Downstream.emplace(counter, pkt); m_LastUse = router->Now(); return true; } return false; } bool BaseSession::HandleTrafficDrop(llarp::path::Path_ptr, const PathID_t& path, uint64_t s) { llarp::LogError("dropped traffic on exit ", m_ExitRouter, " S=", s, " P=", path); return true; } bool BaseSession::QueueUpstreamTraffic(llarp::net::IPv4Packet pkt, const size_t N) { const llarp_buffer_t& buf = pkt.Buffer(); auto& queue = m_Upstream[buf.sz / N]; // queue overflow if(queue.size() >= MaxUpstreamQueueLength) return false; if(queue.size() == 0) { queue.emplace_back(); return queue.back().PutBuffer(buf, m_Counter++); } auto& back = queue.back(); // pack to nearest N if(back.Size() + buf.sz > N) { queue.emplace_back(); return queue.back().PutBuffer(buf, m_Counter++); } else return back.PutBuffer(buf, m_Counter++); } bool BaseSession::IsReady() const { const size_t expect = (1 + (m_NumPaths / 2)); return AvailablePaths(llarp::path::ePathRoleExit) >= expect; } bool BaseSession::IsExpired(llarp_time_t now) const { return m_LastUse && now > m_LastUse && now - m_LastUse > LifeSpan; } bool BaseSession::UrgentBuild(llarp_time_t now) const { if(!IsReady()) return NumInStatus(path::ePathBuilding) < m_NumPaths; return path::Builder::UrgentBuild(now); } bool BaseSession::FlushUpstream() { auto now = router->Now(); auto path = PickRandomEstablishedPath(llarp::path::ePathRoleExit); if(path) { for(auto& item : m_Upstream) { auto& queue = item.second; // XXX: uninitialised memory here! while(queue.size()) { auto& msg = queue.front(); msg.S = path->NextSeqNo(); if(path && path->SendRoutingMessage(msg, router)) m_LastUse = now; queue.pop_front(); // spread across all paths path = PickRandomEstablishedPath(llarp::path::ePathRoleExit); } } } else { if(m_Upstream.size()) llarp::LogWarn("no path for exit session"); // discard upstream for(auto& item : m_Upstream) item.second.clear(); m_Upstream.clear(); if(numHops == 1) { auto r = router; RouterContact rc; if(r->nodedb()->Get(m_ExitRouter, rc)) r->TryConnectAsync(rc, 5); else r->LookupRouter(m_ExitRouter, [r](const std::vector< RouterContact >& results) { if(results.size()) r->TryConnectAsync(results[0], 5); }); } else if(UrgentBuild(now)) BuildOneAlignedTo(m_ExitRouter); } return true; } void BaseSession::FlushDownstream() { while(m_Downstream.size()) { if(m_WritePacket) m_WritePacket(m_Downstream.top().second.ConstBuffer()); m_Downstream.pop(); } } SNodeSession::SNodeSession( const llarp::RouterID& snodeRouter, std::function< bool(const llarp_buffer_t&) > writepkt, AbstractRouter* r, size_t numpaths, size_t hoplen, bool useRouterSNodeKey, bool bundleRC) : BaseSession(snodeRouter, writepkt, r, numpaths, hoplen, bundleRC) { if(useRouterSNodeKey) { m_ExitIdentity = r->identity(); } } std::string SNodeSession::Name() const { return "SNode::" + m_ExitRouter.ToString(); } std::string ExitSession::Name() const { return "Exit::" + m_ExitRouter.ToString(); } } // namespace exit } // namespace llarp