#ifndef LLARP_OBJECT_HPP #define LLARP_OBJECT_HPP #include #include #include namespace llarp { namespace object { /// Provide a buffer, capable of holding a single `Value` object. /// This is useful for node-based data structures. /// Note: /// - This union explicitly does *not* manage the lifetime of the object, /// explicit calls to the constructor/destructor must be made. template < typename Value > union Buffer { private: char m_buffer[sizeof(Value)]; char m_align[alignof(Value)]; public: Value* address() { return reinterpret_cast< Value* >(static_cast< void* >(m_buffer)); } const Value* address() const { return reinterpret_cast< Value* >(static_cast< void* >(m_buffer)); } char* buffer() { return m_buffer; } const char* buffer() const { return m_buffer; } Value& value() { return *reinterpret_cast< Value* >(this); } const Value& value() const { return *reinterpret_cast< const Value* >(this); } }; template < typename Value > class Proxy { Buffer< Value > m_value; Proxy& operator=(const Proxy&) = delete; public: Proxy() { ::new(m_value.buffer()) Value(); } Proxy(const Proxy& other) { ::new(m_value.buffer()) Value(other.value()); } Proxy(const Value& value) { ::new(m_value.buffer()) Value(value); } // template < typename... Args > // Proxy(Args&&... args) // { // ::new(m_value.buffer()) Value(std::forward< Args >(args)...); // } ~Proxy() { m_value.address()->~Value(); } Value& value() { return m_value.value(); } const Value& value() const { return m_value.value(); } }; template < typename Value > class Catalog; template < typename Value > class CatalogIterator; template < typename Value > class CatalogCleaner { Catalog< Value >* m_catalog; typename Catalog< Value >::Node* m_node; bool m_shouldDelete; CatalogCleaner(const CatalogCleaner&) = delete; CatalogCleaner& operator=(const CatalogCleaner&) = delete; public: explicit CatalogCleaner(Catalog< Value >* catalog) : m_catalog(catalog), m_node(nullptr), m_shouldDelete(false) { } ~CatalogCleaner(); void manageNode(typename Catalog< Value >::Node* node, bool shouldDelete) { m_node = node; m_shouldDelete = shouldDelete; } void releaseNode() { m_node = nullptr; } void release() { releaseNode(); m_catalog = nullptr; } }; /// A pooling catalog of objects, referred to by a 32-bit handle template < typename Value > class Catalog { enum { INDEX_MASK = 0X007FFFFF, BUSY_INDICATOR = 0x00800000, GENERATION_INC = 0x01000000, GENERATION_MASK = 0XFF000000 }; struct Node { union Payload { Buffer< Value > m_buffer; Node* m_next; }; Payload m_payload; int32_t m_handle; }; std::vector< Node* > m_nodes GUARDED_BY(m_mutex); Node* m_next; std::atomic_size_t m_size; mutable util::Mutex m_mutex; friend class CatalogCleaner< Value >; friend class CatalogIterator< Value >; static Value* getValue(Node* node) { return node->m_payload.m_buffer.address(); } void freeNode(Node* node) { node->m_handle += GENERATION_INC; node->m_handle &= ~BUSY_INDICATOR; node->m_payload.m_next = m_next; m_next = node; } Node* findNode(int32_t handle) const SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_mutex) { int32_t index = handle & INDEX_MASK; if(0 > index || index >= static_cast< int32_t >(m_nodes.size()) || !(handle & BUSY_INDICATOR)) { return nullptr; } Node* node = m_nodes[index]; return (node->m_handle == handle) ? node : nullptr; } public: Catalog() : m_next(nullptr), m_size(0) { } ~Catalog() { removeAll(); } int32_t add(const Value& value) { int32_t handle; absl::WriterMutexLock l(&m_mutex); CatalogCleaner< Value > guard(this); Node* node; if(m_next) { node = m_next; m_next = node->m_payload.m_next; guard.manageNode(node, false); } else { assert(m_nodes.size() < BUSY_INDICATOR); node = new Node; guard.manageNode(node, true); m_nodes.push_back(node); node->m_handle = static_cast< int32_t >(m_nodes.size() - 1); guard.manageNode(node, false); } node->m_handle |= BUSY_INDICATOR; handle = node->m_handle; // construct into the node. ::new(getValue(node)) Value(value); guard.release(); ++m_size; return handle; } bool remove(int32_t handle, Value* value = nullptr) { absl::WriterMutexLock l(&m_mutex); Node* node = findNode(handle); if(!node) { return false; } Value* val = getValue(node); if(value) { *value = *val; } val->~Value(); freeNode(node); --m_size; return true; } void removeAll(std::vector< Value >* output = nullptr) { absl::WriterMutexLock l(&m_mutex); for(Node* node : m_nodes) { if(node->m_handle & BUSY_INDICATOR) { Value* value = getValue(node); if(output) { output->push_back(*value); } value->~Value(); } delete node; } m_nodes.clear(); m_next = nullptr; m_size = 0; } bool replace(const Value& newValue, int32_t handle) { absl::WriterMutexLock l(&m_mutex); Node* node = findNode(handle); if(!node) { return false; } Value* value = getValue(node); value->~Value(); // construct into the node. ::new(value) Value(newValue); return true; } absl::optional< Value > find(int32_t handle) { absl::ReaderMutexLock l(&m_mutex); Node* node = findNode(handle); if(!node) { return {}; } return *getValue(node); } size_t size() const { return m_size; } /// introduced for testing only. verify the current state of the catalog. bool verify() const; }; template < typename Value > class SCOPED_LOCKABLE CatalogIterator { const Catalog< Value >* m_catalog; size_t m_index; CatalogIterator(const CatalogIterator&) = delete; CatalogIterator& operator=(const CatalogIterator&) = delete; public: explicit CatalogIterator(const Catalog< Value >* catalog) SHARED_LOCK_FUNCTION(m_catalog->m_mutex) : m_catalog(catalog), m_index(-1) { m_catalog->m_mutex.ReaderLock(); operator++(); } ~CatalogIterator() UNLOCK_FUNCTION() { m_catalog->m_mutex.ReaderUnlock(); } void operator++() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { m_index++; while(m_index < m_catalog->m_nodes.size() && !(m_catalog->m_nodes[m_index]->m_handle & Catalog< Value >::BUSY_INDICATOR)) { m_index++; } } explicit operator bool() const NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { return m_index < m_catalog->m_nodes.size(); } std::pair< int32_t, Value > operator()() const NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { auto* node = m_catalog->m_nodes[m_index]; return {node->m_handle, *Catalog< Value >::getValue(node)}; } }; template < typename Value > CatalogCleaner< Value >::~CatalogCleaner() { if(m_catalog && m_node) { if(m_shouldDelete) { // We call the destructor elsewhere. operator delete(m_node); } else { m_catalog->freeNode(m_node); } } } template < typename Value > bool Catalog< Value >::verify() const { absl::WriterMutexLock l(&m_mutex); if(m_nodes.size() < m_size) { return false; } size_t busyCount = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < m_nodes.size(); i++) { if((m_nodes[i]->m_handle & INDEX_MASK) != i) { return false; } if(m_nodes[i]->m_handle & BUSY_INDICATOR) { busyCount++; } } if(m_size != busyCount) { return false; } size_t freeCount = 0; for(Node* p = m_next; p != nullptr; p = p->m_payload.m_next) { freeCount++; } if(freeCount + busyCount != m_nodes.size()) { return false; } return true; } } // namespace object } // namespace llarp #endif