#ifndef LLARP_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_HPP #define LLARP_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // minimum time between introset shifts #ifndef MIN_SHIFT_INTERVAL #define MIN_SHIFT_INTERVAL (5 * 1000) #endif struct llarp_async_verify_rc; namespace llarp { namespace service { struct AsyncKeyExchange; struct Context; struct EndpointState; struct OutboundContext; struct IConvoEventListener { ~IConvoEventListener() = default; /// called when we have obtained the introset /// called with nullptr on not found or when we /// talking to a snode virtual void FoundIntroSet(const IntroSet*) = 0; /// called when we found the RC we need for alignment virtual void FoundRC(const RouterContact) = 0; /// called when we have successfully built an aligned path virtual void GotAlignedPath(path::Path_ptr) = 0; /// called when we have established a session or conversation virtual void MadeConvo(const ConvoTag) = 0; }; using ConvoEventListener_ptr = std::shared_ptr< IConvoEventListener >; struct Endpoint : public path::Builder, public ILookupHolder, public IDataHandler { /// minimum interval for publishing introsets static const llarp_time_t INTROSET_PUBLISH_INTERVAL = path::default_lifetime / 8; static const llarp_time_t INTROSET_PUBLISH_RETRY_INTERVAL = 5000; static const size_t MAX_OUTBOUND_CONTEXT_COUNT = 4; Endpoint(const std::string& nickname, AbstractRouter* r, Context* parent); ~Endpoint() override; /// return true if we are ready to recv packets from the void bool IsReady() const; void QueueRecvData(RecvDataEvent ev) override; /// return true if our introset has expired intros bool IntrosetIsStale() const; /// construct parameters for notify hooks virtual std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > NotifyParams() const; util::StatusObject ExtractStatus() const; void SetHandler(IDataHandler* h); virtual bool SetOption(const std::string& k, const std::string& v); void Tick(llarp_time_t now) override; /// return true if we have a resolvable ip address virtual bool HasIfAddr() const { return false; } /// inject vpn io /// return false if not supported virtual bool InjectVPN(llarp_vpn_io*, llarp_vpn_ifaddr_info) { return false; } /// get our ifaddr if it is set virtual huint128_t GetIfAddr() const { return {0}; } void ResetInternalState() override; /// router's logic /// use when sending any data on a path std::shared_ptr< Logic > RouterLogic(); /// endpoint's logic /// use when writing any data to local network interfaces std::shared_ptr< Logic > EndpointLogic(); /// borrow endpoint's net loop for sending data to user on local network /// interface llarp_ev_loop_ptr EndpointNetLoop(); /// crypto worker threadpool std::shared_ptr< llarp::thread::ThreadPool > CryptoWorker(); AbstractRouter* Router(); virtual bool LoadKeyFile(); virtual bool Start(); std::string Name() const override; /// get a set of all the routers we use as exit node std::set< RouterID > GetExitRouters() const; bool ShouldPublishDescriptors(llarp_time_t now) const override; void HandlePathDied(path::Path_ptr p) override; bool PublishIntroSet(AbstractRouter* r) override; bool PublishIntroSetVia(AbstractRouter* r, path::Path_ptr p); bool HandleGotIntroMessage( std::shared_ptr< const dht::GotIntroMessage > msg) override; bool HandleGotRouterMessage( std::shared_ptr< const dht::GotRouterMessage > msg) override; bool HandleHiddenServiceFrame(path::Path_ptr p, const service::ProtocolFrame& msg); // virtual huint128_t // ObtainIPForAddr(const AlignedBuffer< 32 >& addr, bool serviceNode) = 0; // virtual bool // HasServiceAddress(const AlignedBuffer< 32 >& addr) const = 0; /// return true if we have a pending job to build to a hidden service but /// it's not done yet bool HasPendingPathToService(const Address& remote) const; /// return false if we don't have a path to the service /// return true if we did and we removed it bool ForgetPathToService(const Address& remote); bool HandleDataMessage(path::Path_ptr path, const PathID_t from, std::shared_ptr< ProtocolMessage > msg) override; /// handle packet io from service node or hidden service to frontend virtual bool HandleInboundPacket(const ConvoTag tag, const llarp_buffer_t& pkt, ProtocolType t) = 0; // virtual bool // HandleWriteIPPacket(const llarp_buffer_t& pkt, // std::function< huint128_t(void) > getFromIP) = 0; bool ProcessDataMessage(std::shared_ptr< ProtocolMessage > msg); /// ensure that we know a router, looks up if it doesn't void EnsureRouterIsKnown(const RouterID& router); /// lookup a router via closest path bool LookupRouterAnon(RouterID router, RouterLookupHandler handler); /// called on event loop pump virtual void Pump(llarp_time_t now); /// stop this endpoint bool Stop() override; const Identity& GetIdentity() const { return m_Identity; } void PutLookup(IServiceLookup* lookup, uint64_t txid) override; void HandlePathBuilt(path::Path_ptr path) override; bool EnsureConvo(const AlignedBuffer< 32 > addr, bool snode, ConvoEventListener_ptr ev); bool SendTo(const ConvoTag tag, const llarp_buffer_t& pkt, ProtocolType t); ; bool HandleDataDrop(path::Path_ptr p, const PathID_t& dst, uint64_t s); bool CheckPathIsDead(path::Path_ptr p, llarp_time_t latency); using PendingBufferQueue = std::deque< PendingBuffer >; bool ShouldBundleRC() const override; /// return true if we have a convotag as an exit session /// or as a hidden service session /// set addr and issnode /// /// return false if we don't have either bool GetEndpointWithConvoTag(const ConvoTag t, AlignedBuffer< 32 >& addr, bool& issnode) const; bool HasConvoTag(const ConvoTag& t) const override; bool ShouldBuildMore(llarp_time_t now) const override; // passed a sendto context when we have a path established otherwise // nullptr if the path was not made before the timeout using PathEnsureHook = std::function< void(Address, OutboundContext*) >; /// return false if we have already called this function before for this /// address bool EnsurePathToService(const Address remote, PathEnsureHook h, uint64_t timeoutMS, bool lookupOnRandomPath = true); using SNodeEnsureHook = std::function< void(const RouterID, exit::BaseSession_ptr) >; /// ensure a path to a service node by public key bool EnsurePathToSNode(const RouterID remote, SNodeEnsureHook h); /// return true if this endpoint is trying to lookup this router right now bool HasPendingRouterLookup(const RouterID remote) const; bool HasPathToSNode(const RouterID remote) const; void PutSenderFor(const ConvoTag& tag, const ServiceInfo& info, bool inbound) override; bool HasInboundConvo(const Address& addr) const override; bool GetCachedSessionKeyFor(const ConvoTag& remote, SharedSecret& secret) const override; void PutCachedSessionKeyFor(const ConvoTag& remote, const SharedSecret& secret) override; bool GetSenderFor(const ConvoTag& remote, ServiceInfo& si) const override; void PutIntroFor(const ConvoTag& remote, const Introduction& intro) override; bool GetIntroFor(const ConvoTag& remote, Introduction& intro) const override; void RemoveConvoTag(const ConvoTag& remote) override; void MarkConvoTagActive(const ConvoTag& remote) override; void PutReplyIntroFor(const ConvoTag& remote, const Introduction& intro) override; bool GetReplyIntroFor(const ConvoTag& remote, Introduction& intro) const override; bool GetConvoTagsForService(const Address& si, std::set< ConvoTag >& tag) const override; void PutNewOutboundContext(const IntroSet& introset); uint64_t GetSeqNoForConvo(const ConvoTag& tag); bool SelectHop(llarp_nodedb* db, const std::set< RouterID >& prev, RouterContact& cur, size_t hop, path::PathRole roles) override; virtual void IntroSetPublishFail(); virtual void IntroSetPublished(); uint64_t GenTXID(); const std::set< RouterID >& SnodeBlacklist() const; protected: bool SendToServiceOrQueue(const service::Address& addr, const llarp_buffer_t& payload, ProtocolType t); bool SendToSNodeOrQueue(const RouterID& addr, const llarp_buffer_t& payload); /// parent context that owns this endpoint Context* const context; virtual bool SupportsV6() const = 0; void RegenAndPublishIntroSet(bool forceRebuild = false); IServiceLookup* GenerateLookupByTag(const Tag& tag); void PrefetchServicesByTag(const Tag& tag); /// spawn a new process that contains a network isolated process /// return true if we set up isolation and the event loop is up /// otherwise return false virtual bool SpawnIsolatedNetwork() { return false; } bool NetworkIsIsolated() const; /// this runs in the isolated network process void IsolatedNetworkMainLoop(); private: void HandleVerifyGotRouter(dht::GotRouterMessage_constptr msg, llarp_async_verify_rc* j); bool OnLookup(const service::Address& addr, const IntroSet* i, const RouterID& endpoint); /* */ bool DoNetworkIsolation(bool failed); virtual bool SetupNetworking() { // XXX: override me return true; } virtual bool IsolationFailed() { // XXX: override me return false; } protected: IDataHandler* m_DataHandler = nullptr; Identity m_Identity; net::IPRangeMap< exit::BaseSession_ptr > m_ExitMap; hooks::Backend_ptr m_OnUp; hooks::Backend_ptr m_OnDown; hooks::Backend_ptr m_OnReady; private: void FlushRecvData(); friend struct EndpointUtil; // clang-format off const IntroSet& introSet() const; IntroSet& introSet(); using ConvoMap = std::unordered_map< ConvoTag, Session, ConvoTag::Hash >; const ConvoMap& Sessions() const; ConvoMap& Sessions(); // clang-format on std::unique_ptr< EndpointState > m_state; thread::Queue< RecvDataEvent > m_RecvQueue; }; using Endpoint_ptr = std::shared_ptr< Endpoint >; } // namespace service } // namespace llarp #endif