#include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; static void progress() { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } struct llarp_main { struct llarp_alloc mem; struct llarp_crypto crypto; struct llarp_router *router = nullptr; struct llarp_threadpool *worker = nullptr; struct llarp_threadpool *thread = nullptr; struct llarp_logic *logic = nullptr; struct llarp_config *config = nullptr; struct llarp_nodedb *nodedb = nullptr; struct llarp_ev_loop *mainloop = nullptr; char nodedb_dir[256]; int exitcode; int shutdown() { printf("Shutting down "); progress(); if(mainloop) llarp_ev_loop_stop(mainloop); progress(); if(worker) llarp_threadpool_stop(worker); progress(); if(worker) llarp_threadpool_join(worker); progress(); if(logic) llarp_logic_stop(logic); progress(); if(router) llarp_stop_router(router); progress(); llarp_free_router(&router); progress(); llarp_free_config(&config); progress(); llarp_ev_loop_free(&mainloop); progress(); llarp_free_threadpool(&worker); progress(); llarp_free_logic(&logic); progress(); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); return exitcode; } }; void iter_main_config(struct llarp_config_iterator *itr, const char *section, const char *key, const char *val) { llarp_main *m = static_cast< llarp_main * >(itr->user); if(!strcmp(section, "router")) { if(!strcmp(key, "threads")) { int workers = atoi(val); if(workers > 0 && m->worker == nullptr) { m->worker = llarp_init_threadpool(workers, "llarp-worker"); } } } if(!strcmp(section, "netdb")) { if(!strcmp(key, "dir")) { strncpy(m->nodedb_dir, val, sizeof(m->nodedb_dir)); } } } llarp_main *sllarp = nullptr; void run_net(void *user) { llarp_ev_loop_run(static_cast< llarp_ev_loop * >(user)); } void handle_signal(int sig) { printf("\ninterrupted\n"); llarp_ev_loop_stop(sllarp->mainloop); llarp_logic_stop(sllarp->logic); } #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // --generate-blank /path/to/file.signed // --update-ifs /path/to/file.signed // --key /path/to/long_term_identity.key // --generate /path/to/file.signed // --update /path/to/file.signed // printf("has [%d]options\n", argc); if(argc < 3) { printf( "please specify --generate or --update with a path to a router contact " "file\n"); return 0; } bool genMode = false; bool updMode = false; int c; char *rcfname; while(1) { static struct option long_options[] = { {"generate", required_argument, 0, 'g'}, {"update", required_argument, 0, 'u'}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}; int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "gu", long_options, &option_index); if(c == -1) break; switch(c) { case 0: break; case 'g': // printf ("option -g with value `%s'\n", optarg); rcfname = optarg; genMode = true; break; case 'u': // printf ("option -u with value `%s'\n", optarg); rcfname = optarg; updMode = true; break; default: abort(); } } printf("parsed options\n"); if(!genMode && !updMode) { printf("I don't know what to do, no generate or update parameter\n"); return 1; } sllarp = new llarp_main; llarp_mem_stdlib(&sllarp->mem); auto mem = &sllarp->mem; // llarp_new_config(&sllarp->config); // llarp_ev_loop_alloc(&sllarp->mainloop); llarp_crypto_libsodium_init(&sllarp->crypto); llarp_rc tmp; if(genMode) { printf("Creating [%s]\n", rcfname); // Jeff wanted tmp to be stack created // do we still need to zero it out? llarp_rc_clear(&tmp); // if we zero it out then // allocate fresh pointers that the bencoder can expect to be ready tmp.addrs = llarp_ai_list_new(mem); tmp.exits = llarp_xi_list_new(mem); // set updated timestamp tmp.last_updated = llarp_time_now_ms(); // load longterm identity llarp_crypto crypt; llarp_crypto_libsodium_init(&crypt); fs::path ident_keyfile = "identity.key"; llarp_seckey_t identity; llarp_findOrCreateIdentity(&crypt, ident_keyfile.c_str(), identity); // get identity public key uint8_t *pubkey = llarp_seckey_topublic(identity); llarp_rc_set_pubkey(&tmp, pubkey); // this causes a segfault llarp_rc_sign(&crypt, identity, &tmp); // set filename fs::path our_rc_file = rcfname; // write file llarp_rc_write(&tmp, our_rc_file.c_str()); // release memory for tmp lists llarp_rc_free(&tmp); } if(updMode) { printf("rcutil.cpp - Loading [%s]\n", rcfname); fs::path our_rc_file = rcfname; std::error_code ec; if(!fs::exists(our_rc_file, ec)) { printf("File not found\n"); return 0; } std::ifstream f(our_rc_file, std::ios::binary); if(!f.is_open()) { printf("Can't open file\n"); return 0; } byte_t tmpc[MAX_RC_SIZE]; llarp_buffer_t buf; buf.base = tmpc; buf.cur = buf.base; buf.sz = sizeof(tmpc); f.read((char *)tmpc, sizeof(MAX_RC_SIZE)); // printf("contents[%s]\n", tmpc); if(!llarp_rc_bdecode(mem, &tmp, &buf)) { printf("Can't decode\n"); return 0; } // set updated timestamp tmp.last_updated = llarp_time_now_ms(); // load longterm identity llarp_crypto crypt; llarp_crypto_libsodium_init(&crypt); fs::path ident_keyfile = "identity.key"; llarp_seckey_t identity; llarp_findOrCreateIdentity(&crypt, ident_keyfile.c_str(), identity); // get identity public key uint8_t *pubkey = llarp_seckey_topublic(identity); llarp_rc_set_pubkey(&tmp, pubkey); llarp_rc_sign(&crypt, identity, &tmp); // set filename fs::path our_rc_file_out = "update_debug.rc"; // write file llarp_rc_write(&tmp, our_rc_file_out.c_str()); // release memory for tmp lists llarp_rc_free(&tmp); } delete sllarp; return 1; }