#include #ifdef _WIN32 // a single event queue for the TUN interface static HANDLE tun_event_queue = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // we hand the kernel our thread handles to process completion events static HANDLE* kThreadPool; static int poolSize; static CRITICAL_SECTION HandlerMtx; // list of TUN listeners (useful for exits or other nodes with multiple TUNs) std::list< win32_tun_io* > tun_listeners; void begin_tun_loop(int nThreads) { kThreadPool = new HANDLE[nThreads]; for(int i = 0; i < nThreads; ++i) { kThreadPool[i] = CreateThread(nullptr, 0, &tun_ev_loop, nullptr, 0, nullptr); } llarp::LogInfo("created ", nThreads, " threads for TUN event queue"); poolSize = nThreads; } // this one is called from the TUN handler bool win32_tun_io::queue_write(const byte_t* buf, size_t sz) { do_write((void*)buf, sz); return true; } bool win32_tun_io::setup() { // Create a critical section to synchronise access to the TUN handler. // This *probably* has the effect of making packets move in order now // as only one IOCP thread will have access to the TUN handler at a // time InitializeCriticalSection(&HandlerMtx); if(tuntap_start(tunif, TUNTAP_MODE_TUNNEL, 0) == -1) { llarp::LogWarn("failed to start interface"); return false; } if(tuntap_up(tunif) == -1) { char ebuf[1024]; int err = GetLastError(); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nullptr, err, LANG_NEUTRAL, ebuf, 1024, nullptr); llarp::LogWarn("failed to put interface up: ", ebuf); return false; } if(tuntap_set_ip(tunif, t->ifaddr, t->ifaddr, t->netmask) == -1) { llarp::LogWarn("failed to set ip"); return false; } if(tunif->tun_fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; return true; } // first TUN device gets to set up the event port bool win32_tun_io::add_ev() { if(tun_event_queue == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SYSTEM_INFO sys_info; GetSystemInfo(&sys_info); unsigned long numCPU = sys_info.dwNumberOfProcessors; // let the system handle 2x the number of CPUs or hardware // threads tun_event_queue = CreateIoCompletionPort(tunif->tun_fd, nullptr, (ULONG_PTR)this, numCPU * 2); begin_tun_loop(numCPU * 2); } else CreateIoCompletionPort(tunif->tun_fd, tun_event_queue, (ULONG_PTR)this, 0); // we're already non-blocking // add to list tun_listeners.push_back(this); read(readbuf, 4096); return true; } // places data in event queue for kernel to process void win32_tun_io::do_write(void* data, size_t sz) { asio_evt_pkt* pkt = new asio_evt_pkt; pkt->buf = data; pkt->sz = sz; pkt->write = true; memset(&pkt->pkt, '\0', sizeof(pkt->pkt)); WriteFile(tunif->tun_fd, data, sz, nullptr, &pkt->pkt); } // while this one is called from the event loop // eventually comes back and calls queue_write() void win32_tun_io::flush_write() { if(t->before_write) t->before_write(t); } void win32_tun_io::read(byte_t* buf, size_t sz) { asio_evt_pkt* pkt = new asio_evt_pkt; pkt->buf = buf; memset(&pkt->pkt, '\0', sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); pkt->sz = sz; pkt->write = false; ReadFile(tunif->tun_fd, buf, sz, nullptr, &pkt->pkt); } // and now the event loop itself extern "C" DWORD FAR PASCAL tun_ev_loop(void* unused) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(unused); DWORD size = 0; OVERLAPPED* ovl = nullptr; ULONG_PTR listener = 0; asio_evt_pkt* pkt = nullptr; BOOL alert; while(true) { alert = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(tun_event_queue, &size, &listener, &ovl, 100); if(!alert) { // tick listeners on io timeout, this is required to be done every tick // cycle regardless of any io being done, this manages the internal state // of the tun logic for(const auto& tun : tun_listeners) { EnterCriticalSection(&HandlerMtx); if(tun->t->tick) tun->t->tick(tun->t); tun->flush_write(); LeaveCriticalSection(&HandlerMtx); } continue; // let's go at it once more } if(listener == (ULONG_PTR)~0) break; // if we're here, then we got something interesting :> pkt = (asio_evt_pkt*)ovl; win32_tun_io* ev = reinterpret_cast< win32_tun_io* >(listener); if(!pkt->write) { // llarp::LogInfo("read tun ", size, " bytes, pass to handler"); // skip if our buffer remains empty // (if our buffer is empty, we don't even have a valid IP frame. // just throw it out) if(*(byte_t*)pkt->buf == '\0') { delete pkt; continue; } // EnterCriticalSection(&HandlerMtx); if(ev->t->recvpkt) ev->t->recvpkt(ev->t, llarp_buffer_t(pkt->buf, size)); ev->read(ev->readbuf, sizeof(ev->readbuf)); // LeaveCriticalSection(&HandlerMtx); } else { // ok let's queue another read! // EnterCriticalSection(&HandlerMtx); ev->read(ev->readbuf, sizeof(ev->readbuf)); // LeaveCriticalSection(&HandlerMtx); } EnterCriticalSection(&HandlerMtx); if(ev->t->tick) ev->t->tick(ev->t); ev->flush_write(); LeaveCriticalSection(&HandlerMtx); delete pkt; // don't leak } llarp::LogDebug("exit TUN event loop thread from system managed thread pool"); return 0; } void exit_tun_loop() { if(kThreadPool) { // kill the kernel's thread pool // int i = (&kThreadPool)[1] - kThreadPool; // get the size of our thread // pool llarp::LogInfo("closing ", poolSize, " threads"); // if we get all-ones in the queue, thread exits, and we clean up for(int j = 0; j < poolSize; ++j) PostQueuedCompletionStatus(tun_event_queue, 0, ~0, nullptr); WaitForMultipleObjects(poolSize, kThreadPool, TRUE, INFINITE); for(int j = 0; j < poolSize; ++j) CloseHandle(kThreadPool[j]); delete[] kThreadPool; kThreadPool = nullptr; // the IOCP refcount is decreased each time an associated fd // is closed // the fds are closed in their destructors // once we get to zero, we can safely close the event port auto itr = tun_listeners.begin(); while(itr != tun_listeners.end()) { delete(*itr); itr = tun_listeners.erase(itr); } CloseHandle(tun_event_queue); DeleteCriticalSection(&HandlerMtx); } } llarp_win32_loop::~llarp_win32_loop() { exit_tun_loop(); } namespace llarp { int tcp_conn::read(byte_t* buf, size_t sz) { if(_shouldClose) return -1; ssize_t amount = uread(fd, (char*)buf, sz); if(amount > 0) { if(tcp.read) tcp.read(&tcp, llarp_buffer_t(buf, amount)); } else { // error _shouldClose = true; return -1; } return 0; } void tcp_conn::flush_write() { connected(); ev_io::flush_write(); } ssize_t tcp_conn::do_write(void* buf, size_t sz) { if(_shouldClose) return -1; return uwrite(fd, (char*)buf, sz); } void tcp_conn::connect() { socklen_t slen = sizeof(sockaddr_in); if(_addr.ss_family == AF_UNIX) slen = sizeof(sockaddr_un); else if(_addr.ss_family == AF_INET6) slen = sizeof(sockaddr_in6); int result = ::connect(fd, (const sockaddr*)&_addr, slen); if(result == 0) { llarp::LogDebug("connected immedidately"); connected(); } // Winsock 2.x no longer returns WSAEINPROGRESS else if(WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { // in progress llarp::LogDebug("connect in progress"); WSASetLastError(0); return; } else if(_conn->error) { // wtf? char ebuf[1024]; int err = WSAGetLastError(); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nullptr, err, LANG_NEUTRAL, ebuf, 1024, nullptr); int l = strlen(ebuf); ebuf[l - 2] = '\0'; // remove line break llarp::LogError("error connecting: ", ebuf, " [", err, "]"); _conn->error(_conn); } } int tcp_serv::read(byte_t*, size_t) { int new_fd = ::accept(fd, nullptr, nullptr); if(new_fd == -1) { char ebuf[1024]; int err = WSAGetLastError(); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nullptr, err, LANG_NEUTRAL, ebuf, 1024, nullptr); int l = strlen(ebuf); ebuf[l - 2] = '\0'; // remove line break llarp::LogError("failed to accept on ", fd, ":", ebuf, " [", err, "]"); return -1; } // build handler llarp::tcp_conn* connimpl = new tcp_conn(loop, new_fd); if(loop->add_ev(connimpl, true)) { // call callback if(tcp->accepted) tcp->accepted(tcp, &connimpl->tcp); return 0; } // cleanup error delete connimpl; return -1; } bool udp_listener::tick() { if(udp->tick) udp->tick(udp); return true; } int udp_listener::read(byte_t* buf, size_t sz) { llarp_buffer_t b; b.base = buf; b.cur = b.base; sockaddr_in6 src; socklen_t slen = sizeof(sockaddr_in6); sockaddr* addr = (sockaddr*)&src; ssize_t ret = ::recvfrom(fd, (char*)b.base, sz, 0, addr, &slen); if(ret < 0) return -1; if(static_cast< size_t >(ret) > sz) return -1; b.sz = ret; udp->recvfrom(udp, addr, ManagedBuffer{b}); return 0; } static int UDPSendTo(llarp_udp_io* udp, const sockaddr* to, const byte_t* ptr, size_t sz) { llarp::ev_io* io = (llarp::ev_io*)udp->impl; return io->sendto(to, ptr, sz); } int udp_listener::sendto(const sockaddr* to, const void* data, size_t sz) { socklen_t slen; switch(to->sa_family) { case AF_INET: slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); break; case AF_INET6: slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); break; default: return -1; } ssize_t sent = ::sendto(fd, (char*)data, sz, 0, to, slen); if(sent == -1) { char ebuf[1024]; int err = WSAGetLastError(); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nullptr, err, LANG_NEUTRAL, ebuf, 1024, nullptr); llarp::LogWarn(ebuf); } return sent; } }; // namespace llarp bool llarp_win32_loop::tcp_connect(struct llarp_tcp_connecter* tcp, const sockaddr* remoteaddr) { // create socket int fd = usocket(remoteaddr->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(fd == -1) return false; llarp::tcp_conn* conn = new llarp::tcp_conn(this, fd, remoteaddr, tcp); add_ev(conn, true); conn->connect(); return true; } llarp::ev_io* llarp_win32_loop::bind_tcp(llarp_tcp_acceptor* tcp, const sockaddr* bindaddr) { int fd = usocket(bindaddr->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(fd == -1) return nullptr; socklen_t sz = sizeof(sockaddr_in); if(bindaddr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { sz = sizeof(sockaddr_in6); } // keep. inexplicably, windows now has unix domain sockets // for now, use the ID numbers directly until this comes out of // beta else if(bindaddr->sa_family == AF_UNIX) sz = sizeof(sockaddr_un); if(::bind(fd, bindaddr, sz) == -1) { uclose(fd); return nullptr; } if(ulisten(fd, 5) == -1) { uclose(fd); return nullptr; } return new llarp::tcp_serv(this, fd, tcp); } bool llarp_win32_loop::udp_listen(llarp_udp_io* l, const sockaddr* src) { auto ev = create_udp(l, src); if(ev) l->fd = ev->fd; return ev && add_ev(ev, false); } bool llarp_win32_loop::running() const { return (upollfd != nullptr); } bool llarp_win32_loop::init() { if(!upollfd) upollfd = upoll_create(1); return upollfd != nullptr; } // OK, the event loop, as it exists now, will _only_ // work on sockets (and not very efficiently at that). int llarp_win32_loop::tick(int ms) { upoll_event_t events[1024]; int result; result = upoll_wait(upollfd, events, 1024, ms); bool didIO = false; if(result > 0) { int idx = 0; while(idx < result) { llarp::ev_io* ev = static_cast< llarp::ev_io* >(events[idx].data.ptr); if(ev) { llarp::LogDebug(idx, " of ", result, " on ", ev->fd, " events=", std::to_string(events[idx].events)); if(events[idx].events & UPOLLERR && WSAGetLastError()) { IO([&]() -> ssize_t { llarp::LogDebug("upoll error"); ev->error(); return 0; }); } else { // write THEN READ don't revert me if(events[idx].events & UPOLLOUT) { IO([&]() -> ssize_t { llarp::LogDebug("upoll out"); ev->flush_write(); return 0; }); } if(events[idx].events & UPOLLIN) { ssize_t amount = IO([&]() -> ssize_t { llarp::LogDebug("upoll in"); return ev->read(readbuf, sizeof(readbuf)); }); if(amount > 0) didIO = true; } } } ++idx; } } if(result != -1) tick_listeners(); /// if we didn't get an io events we sleep to avoid 100% cpu use if(!didIO) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); return result; } int llarp_win32_loop::run() { upoll_event_t events[1024]; int result; do { result = upoll_wait(upollfd, events, 1024, EV_TICK_INTERVAL); if(result > 0) { int idx = 0; while(idx < result) { llarp::ev_io* ev = static_cast< llarp::ev_io* >(events[idx].data.ptr); if(ev) { if(events[idx].events & UPOLLERR) { ev->error(); } else { if(events[idx].events & UPOLLIN) { ev->read(readbuf, sizeof(readbuf)); } if(events[idx].events & UPOLLOUT) { ev->flush_write(); } } } ++idx; } } if(result != -1) tick_listeners(); } while(upollfd); return result; } int llarp_win32_loop::udp_bind(const sockaddr* addr) { socklen_t slen; switch(addr->sa_family) { case AF_INET: slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); break; case AF_INET6: slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); break; default: return -1; } int fd = usocket(addr->sa_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if(fd == -1) { perror("usocket()"); return -1; } if(addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { // enable dual stack explicitly int dual = 1; if(setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char*)&dual, sizeof(dual)) == -1) { // failed perror("setsockopt()"); close(fd); return -1; } } llarp::Addr a(*addr); llarp::LogDebug("bind to ", a); if(bind(fd, addr, slen) == -1) { perror("bind()"); close(fd); return -1; } return fd; } bool llarp_win32_loop::close_ev(llarp::ev_io* ev) { return upoll_ctl(upollfd, UPOLL_CTL_DEL, ev->fd, nullptr) != -1; } // no tunnels here llarp::ev_io* llarp_win32_loop::create_tun(llarp_tun_io* tun) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(tun); return nullptr; } llarp::ev_io* llarp_win32_loop::create_udp(llarp_udp_io* l, const sockaddr* src) { int fd = udp_bind(src); if(fd == -1) return nullptr; llarp::ev_io* listener = new llarp::udp_listener(fd, l); l->impl = listener; l->sendto = &llarp::UDPSendTo; return listener; } bool llarp_win32_loop::add_ev(llarp::ev_io* e, bool write) { upoll_event_t ev; ev.data.ptr = e; ev.events = UPOLLIN | UPOLLERR; if(write) ev.events |= UPOLLOUT; if(upoll_ctl(upollfd, UPOLL_CTL_ADD, e->fd, &ev) == -1) { delete e; return false; } handlers.emplace_back(e); return true; } bool llarp_win32_loop::udp_close(llarp_udp_io* l) { bool ret = false; llarp::udp_listener* listener = static_cast< llarp::udp_listener* >(l->impl); if(listener) { close_ev(listener); // remove handler auto itr = handlers.begin(); while(itr != handlers.end()) { if(itr->get() == listener) itr = handlers.erase(itr); else ++itr; } l->impl = nullptr; ret = true; } return ret; } void llarp_win32_loop::stop() { if(upollfd) upoll_destroy(upollfd); upollfd = nullptr; llarp::LogDebug("destroy upoll"); } #endif