from time import time def test_path_builds(HiveArbitrary): h = HiveArbitrary(n_relays=30, n_clients=10) start_time = time() cur_time = start_time test_duration = 5 #seconds log_attempts = True paths = [] while cur_time < start_time + test_duration: h.CollectAllEvents() for event in event_name = event.__class__.__name__ if log_attempts and event_name == "PathAttemptEvent": path = dict() path["hops"] = event.hops path["received"] = [False] * len(event.hops) path["prev"] = [None] * len(event.hops) for i in range(1, len(event.hops)): path["prev"][i] = event.hops[i-1].rc.routerID path["prev"][0] = event.routerID path["rxid"] = event.hops[0].rxid path["status"] = None paths.append(path) elif event_name == "PathRequestReceivedEvent": for path in paths: for i in range(len(path["hops"])): assert type(path["hops"][i].upstreamRouter) == type(event.nextHop) assert type(path["prev"][i]) == type(event.prevHop) assert type(path["hops"][i].txid) == type(event.txid) assert type(path["hops"][i].rxid) == type(event.rxid) if (path["hops"][i].upstreamRouter == event.nextHop and path["prev"][i] == event.prevHop and path["hops"][i].txid == event.txid and path["hops"][i].rxid == event.rxid): path["received"][i] = True elif event_name == "PathStatusReceivedEvent": for path in paths: if event.rxid == path["rxid"]: path["status"] = event = [] cur_time = time() # only collect path attempts for 3 seconds if cur_time > start_time + 3: log_attempts = False assert len(paths) > 0 fail_status_count = 0 missing_status_count = 0 missing_rcv_count = 0 expected_count = 0 for path in paths: if path["status"]: if not path["status"].Successful: print(path["status"]) fail_status_count = fail_status_count + 1 else: missing_status_count = missing_status_count + 1 for rcv in path["received"]: expected_count = expected_count + 1 if not rcv: missing_rcv_count = missing_rcv_count + 1 print("Path count: {}, Expected rcv: {}, missing rcv: {}, fail_status_count: {}, missing_status_count: {}".format(len(paths), expected_count, missing_rcv_count, fail_status_count, missing_status_count)) assert fail_status_count == 0 assert missing_rcv_count == 0 assert missing_status_count == 0