#ifdef _MSC_VER #define NOMINMAX #endif #include "llarp/iwp/frame_state.hpp" #include "buffer.hpp" #include "llarp/crypto.hpp" #include "llarp/endian.h" #include "llarp/iwp/inbound_message.hpp" #include "llarp/iwp/session.hpp" #include "llarp/logger.hpp" #include "mem.hpp" #include "router.hpp" #include llarp_router * frame_state::Router() { return parent->Router(); } bool frame_state::process_inbound_queue() { std::priority_queue< InboundMessage *, std::vector< InboundMessage * >, InboundMessage::OrderCompare > q; recvqueue.Process(q); uint64_t last = 0; while(q.size()) { // TODO: is this right? auto &front = q.top(); if(last != front->msgid) { auto buffer = front->Buffer(); if(!Router()->HandleRecvLinkMessage(parent, buffer)) { llarp::LogWarn("failed to process inbound message ", front->msgid); llarp::DumpBuffer< llarp_buffer_t, 128 >(buffer); } last = front->msgid; } else { llarp::LogWarn("duplicate inbound message ", last); } delete front; q.pop(); } // TODO: this isn't right return true; } bool frame_state::flags_agree(byte_t flags) const { return ((rxflags & flags) & (txflags & flags)) == flags; } void frame_state::clear() { auto _rx = rx; auto _tx = tx; for(auto &item : _rx) delete item.second; for(auto &item : _tx) delete item.second; rx.clear(); tx.clear(); } bool frame_state::got_xmit(frame_header hdr, size_t sz) { if(hdr.size() > sz) { // overflow llarp::LogWarn("invalid XMIT frame size ", hdr.size(), " > ", sz); return false; } sz = hdr.size(); // extract xmit data xmit x(hdr.data()); const auto bufsz = sizeof(x.buffer); if(sz - bufsz < x.lastfrag()) { // bad size of last fragment llarp::LogWarn("XMIT frag size missmatch ", sz - bufsz, " < ", x.lastfrag()); return false; } // check LSB set on flags if(x.flags() & 0x01) { auto id = x.msgid(); auto h = x.hash(); auto itr = rx.find(h); if(itr == rx.end()) { auto msg = new transit_message(x); rx[h] = msg; rxIDs[id] = h; llarp::LogDebug("got message XMIT with ", (int)x.numfrags(), " fragment" "s"); // inserted, put last fragment msg->put_lastfrag(hdr.data() + sizeof(x.buffer), x.lastfrag()); push_ackfor(id, 0); if(x.numfrags() == 0) { return inbound_frame_complete(id); } return true; } else llarp::LogWarn("duplicate XMIT h=", llarp::ShortHash(h)); } else llarp::LogWarn("LSB not set on flags"); return false; } bool frame_state::got_frag(frame_header hdr, size_t sz) { if(hdr.size() > sz) { // overflow llarp::LogWarn("invalid FRAG frame size ", hdr.size(), " > ", sz); return false; } sz = hdr.size(); if(sz <= 9) { // underflow llarp::LogWarn("invalid FRAG frame size ", sz, " <= 9"); return false; } uint64_t msgid; byte_t fragno; msgid = bufbe64toh(hdr.data()); fragno = hdr.data()[8]; auto idItr = rxIDs.find(msgid); if(idItr == rxIDs.end()) { push_ackfor(msgid, ~0); return true; } auto itr = rx.find(idItr->second); if(itr == rx.end()) { push_ackfor(msgid, ~0); return true; } auto fragsize = itr->second->msginfo.fragsize(); if(fragsize != sz - 9) { llarp::LogWarn("RX fragment size missmatch ", fragsize, " != ", sz - 9); return false; } llarp::LogDebug("RX got fragment ", (int)fragno, " msgid=", msgid); if(!itr->second->put_frag(fragno, hdr.data() + 9)) { llarp::LogWarn("inbound message does not have fragment msgid=", msgid, " fragno=", (int)fragno); return false; } auto mask = itr->second->get_bitmask(); if(itr->second->completed()) { push_ackfor(msgid, mask); return inbound_frame_complete(msgid); } else if(itr->second->should_send_ack(llarp_time_now_ms())) { push_ackfor(msgid, mask); } return true; } void frame_state::push_ackfor(uint64_t id, uint32_t bitmask) { llarp::LogDebug("ACK for msgid=", id, " mask=", bitmask); auto pkt = new sendbuf_t(12 + 6); auto body_ptr = init_sendbuf(pkt, eACKS, 12, txflags); htobe64buf(body_ptr, id); htobe32buf(body_ptr + 8, bitmask); sendqueue.Put(pkt); } bool frame_state::inbound_frame_complete(uint64_t id) { bool success = false; std::vector< byte_t > msg; auto rxmsg = rx[rxIDs[id]]; llarp::ShortHash digest; if(rxmsg->reassemble(msg)) { auto router = Router(); auto buf = llarp::Buffer< decltype(msg) >(msg); router->crypto.shorthash(digest, buf); if(memcmp(digest, rxmsg->msginfo.hash(), 32)) { llarp::LogWarn("message hash missmatch ", llarp::AlignedBuffer< 32 >(digest), " != ", llarp::AlignedBuffer< 32 >(rxmsg->msginfo.hash())); return false; } llarp_link_session *impl = parent; if(id == 0) { success = router->HandleRecvLinkMessage(parent, buf); if(impl->CheckRCValid()) { if(!impl->IsEstablished()) { impl->send_LIM(); impl->session_established(); } ++nextMsgID; } else { llarp::PubKey k = impl->remote_router.pubkey; llarp::LogWarn("spoofed LIM from ", k); impl->close(); success = false; } } else { recvqueue.Put(new InboundMessage(id, msg)); success = true; } } delete rxmsg; rxIDs.erase(id); rx.erase(digest); if(!success) llarp::LogWarn("Failed to process inbound message ", id); return success; } bool frame_state::got_acks(frame_header hdr, size_t sz) { if(hdr.size() > sz) { llarp::LogError("invalid ACKS frame size ", hdr.size(), " > ", sz); return false; } sz = hdr.size(); if(sz < 12) { llarp::LogError("invalid ACKS frame size ", sz, " < 12"); return false; } auto ptr = hdr.data(); uint64_t msgid = bufbe64toh(ptr); uint32_t bitmask = bufbe32toh(ptr + 8); auto itr = tx.find(msgid); if(itr == tx.end()) { llarp::LogDebug("ACK for missing TX frame msgid=", msgid); return true; } auto now = llarp_time_now_ms(); transit_message *msg = itr->second; if(bitmask == ~(0U)) { tx.erase(msgid); delete msg; } else { msg->ack(bitmask); if(msg->completed()) { llarp::LogDebug("message transmitted msgid=", msgid); tx.erase(msgid); delete msg; } else if(msg->should_resend_frags(now)) { llarp::LogDebug("message ", msgid, " retransmit fragments"); msg->retransmit_frags(sendqueue, txflags); } } return true; } bool frame_state::process(byte_t *buf, size_t sz) { frame_header hdr(buf); if(hdr.flags() & eSessionInvalidated) { rxflags |= eSessionInvalidated; } switch(hdr.msgtype()) { case eALIV: // llarp::LogDebug("iwp_link::frame_state::process Got alive"); if(rxflags & eSessionInvalidated) { txflags |= eSessionInvalidated; } return true; case eXMIT: llarp::LogDebug("iwp_link::frame_state::process Got xmit"); return got_xmit(hdr, sz - 6); case eACKS: llarp::LogDebug("iwp_link::frame_state::process Got ack"); return got_acks(hdr, sz - 6); case msgtype::eFRAG: llarp::LogDebug("iwp_link::frame_state::process Got frag"); return got_frag(hdr, sz - 6); default: llarp::LogWarn( "iwp_link::frame_state::process - unknown header message type: ", (int)hdr.msgtype()); return false; } } /* bool frame_state::next_frame(llarp_buffer_t *buf) { auto left = sendqueue.size(); if(left) { llarp::LogDebug("next frame, ", left, " frames left in send queue"); auto &send = sendqueue.front(); buf->base = send->data(); buf->cur = send->data(); buf->sz = send->size(); return true; } return false; } void frame_state::pop_next_frame() { auto &buf = sendqueue.front(); delete buf; sendqueue.pop(); } */ void frame_state::queue_tx(uint64_t id, transit_message *msg) { tx.insert(std::make_pair(id, msg)); msg->generate_xmit(sendqueue, txflags); // msg->retransmit_frags(sendqueue, txflags); } void frame_state::retransmit(llarp_time_t now) { for(auto &item : tx) { if(item.second->should_resend_xmit(now)) { item.second->generate_xmit(sendqueue, txflags); } item.second->retransmit_frags(sendqueue, txflags); } } void frame_state::alive() { lastEvent = llarp_time_now_ms(); }