#include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { namespace service { bool OutboundContext::Stop() { markedBad = true; return path::Builder::Stop(); } bool OutboundContext::IsDone(llarp_time_t now) const { (void)now; return AvailablePaths(path::ePathRoleAny) == 0 && ShouldRemove(); } bool OutboundContext::ShouldBundleRC() const { return m_Endpoint->ShouldBundleRC(); } bool OutboundContext::HandleDataDrop(path::Path_ptr p, const PathID_t& dst, uint64_t seq) { // pick another intro if(dst == remoteIntro.pathID && remoteIntro.router == p->Endpoint()) { LogWarn(Name(), " message ", seq, " dropped by endpoint ", p->Endpoint(), " via ", dst); if(MarkCurrentIntroBad(Now())) { LogInfo(Name(), " switched intros to ", remoteIntro.router, " via ", remoteIntro.pathID); } UpdateIntroSet(true); } return true; } OutboundContext::OutboundContext(const IntroSet& introset, Endpoint* parent) : path::Builder(parent->Router(), parent->Router()->dht(), 3, path::default_len) , SendContext(introset.A, {}, this, parent) , currentIntroSet(introset) { updatingIntroSet = false; for(const auto intro : introset.I) { if(intro.expiresAt > m_NextIntro.expiresAt) m_NextIntro = intro; } } OutboundContext::~OutboundContext() { } /// actually swap intros void OutboundContext::SwapIntros() { remoteIntro = m_NextIntro; m_DataHandler->PutIntroFor(currentConvoTag, remoteIntro); } bool OutboundContext::OnIntroSetUpdate(__attribute__((unused)) const Address& addr, const IntroSet* i, const RouterID& endpoint) { if(markedBad) return true; updatingIntroSet = false; if(i) { if(currentIntroSet.T >= i->T) { LogInfo("introset is old, dropping"); return true; } auto now = Now(); if(i->IsExpired(now)) { LogError("got expired introset from lookup from ", endpoint); return true; } currentIntroSet = *i; if(!ShiftIntroduction()) { LogWarn("failed to pick new intro during introset update"); } if(GetPathByRouter(m_NextIntro.router) == nullptr) BuildOneAlignedTo(m_NextIntro.router); else SwapIntros(); } else ++m_LookupFails; return true; } bool OutboundContext::ReadyToSend() const { return (!remoteIntro.router.IsZero()) && GetPathByRouter(remoteIntro.router) != nullptr; } void OutboundContext::HandlePathBuilt(path::Path_ptr p) { path::Builder::HandlePathBuilt(p); /// don't use it if we are marked bad if(markedBad) return; p->SetDataHandler(std::bind(&OutboundContext::HandleHiddenServiceFrame, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); p->SetDropHandler(std::bind(&OutboundContext::HandleDataDrop, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)); } bool OutboundContext::BuildOneAlignedTo(const RouterID& remote) { LogInfo(Name(), " building path to ", remote); auto nodedb = m_Endpoint->Router()->nodedb(); std::vector< RouterContact > hops; hops.resize(numHops); for(size_t hop = 0; hop < numHops; ++hop) { if(hop == 0) { if(!SelectHop(nodedb, hops[0], hops[0], 0, path::ePathRoleAny)) return false; } else if(hop == numHops - 1) { // last hop if(!nodedb->Get(remote, hops[hop])) return false; } // middle hop else { size_t tries = 5; do { nodedb->select_random_hop_excluding(hops[hop], {hops[hop - 1].pubkey, remote}); --tries; } while(m_Endpoint->Router()->routerProfiling().IsBadForPath( hops[hop].pubkey) && tries > 0); return tries > 0; } return false; } Build(hops); return true; } void OutboundContext::AsyncGenIntro(const llarp_buffer_t& payload, ProtocolType t) { auto path = m_PathSet->GetNewestPathByRouter(remoteIntro.router); if(path == nullptr) { // try parent as fallback path = m_Endpoint->GetPathByRouter(remoteIntro.router); if(path == nullptr) { BuildOneAlignedTo(remoteIntro.router); LogWarn(Name(), " dropping intro frame, no path to ", remoteIntro.router); return; } } currentConvoTag.Randomize(); AsyncKeyExchange* ex = new AsyncKeyExchange( m_Endpoint->RouterLogic(), m_Endpoint->crypto(), remoteIdent, m_Endpoint->GetIdentity(), currentIntroSet.K, remoteIntro, m_DataHandler, currentConvoTag); ex->hook = std::bind(&OutboundContext::Send, this, std::placeholders::_1, path); ex->msg.PutBuffer(payload); ex->msg.proto = t; ex->msg.introReply = path->intro; ex->frame.F = ex->msg.introReply.pathID; llarp_threadpool_queue_job(m_Endpoint->CryptoWorker(), {ex, &AsyncKeyExchange::Encrypt}); } std::string OutboundContext::Name() const { return "OBContext:" + m_Endpoint->Name() + "-" + currentIntroSet.A.Addr().ToString(); } void OutboundContext::UpdateIntroSet(bool randomizePath) { if(updatingIntroSet || markedBad) return; auto addr = currentIntroSet.A.Addr(); path::Path_ptr path = nullptr; if(randomizePath) path = m_Endpoint->PickRandomEstablishedPath(); else path = m_Endpoint->GetEstablishedPathClosestTo(addr.as_array()); if(path) { HiddenServiceAddressLookup* job = new HiddenServiceAddressLookup( m_Endpoint, std::bind(&OutboundContext::OnIntroSetUpdate, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3), addr, m_Endpoint->GenTXID()); updatingIntroSet = job->SendRequestViaPath(path, m_Endpoint->Router()); } else { LogWarn("Cannot update introset no path for outbound session to ", currentIntroSet.A.Addr().ToString()); } } util::StatusObject OutboundContext::ExtractStatus() const { auto obj = path::Builder::ExtractStatus(); obj.Put("currentConvoTag", currentConvoTag.ToHex()); obj.Put("remoteIntro", remoteIntro.ExtractStatus()); obj.Put("sessionCreatedAt", createdAt); obj.Put("lastGoodSend", lastGoodSend); obj.Put("seqno", sequenceNo); obj.Put("markedBad", markedBad); obj.Put("lastShift", lastShift); obj.Put("remoteIdentity", remoteIdent.Addr().ToString()); obj.Put("currentRemoteIntroset", currentIntroSet.ExtractStatus()); obj.Put("nextIntro", m_NextIntro.ExtractStatus()); std::vector< util::StatusObject > badIntrosObj; std::transform(m_BadIntros.begin(), m_BadIntros.end(), std::back_inserter(badIntrosObj), [](const auto& item) -> util::StatusObject { util::StatusObject o{ {"count", item.second}, {"intro", item.first.ExtractStatus()}}; return o; }); obj.Put("badIntros", badIntrosObj); return obj; } bool OutboundContext::Pump(llarp_time_t now) { // we are probably dead af if(m_LookupFails > 16 || m_BuildFails > 10) return true; // check for expiration if(remoteIntro.ExpiresSoon(now)) { // shift intro if it expires "soon" ShiftIntroduction(); } // swap if we can if(remoteIntro != m_NextIntro) { if(GetPathByRouter(m_NextIntro.router) != nullptr) { // we can safely set remoteIntro to the next one SwapIntros(); LogInfo(Name(), " swapped intro"); } } // lookup router in intro if set and unknown m_Endpoint->EnsureRouterIsKnown(remoteIntro.router); // expire bad intros auto itr = m_BadIntros.begin(); while(itr != m_BadIntros.end()) { if(now - itr->second > path::default_lifetime) itr = m_BadIntros.erase(itr); else ++itr; } // send control message if we look too quiet if(lastGoodSend) { if(now - lastGoodSend > (sendTimeout / 2)) { if(!GetNewestPathByRouter(remoteIntro.router)) { BuildOneAlignedTo(remoteIntro.router); } Encrypted< 64 > tmp; tmp.Randomize(); llarp_buffer_t buf(tmp.data(), tmp.size()); AsyncEncryptAndSendTo(buf, eProtocolControl); if(currentConvoTag.IsZero()) return false; return !m_DataHandler->HasConvoTag(currentConvoTag); } } // if we are dead return true so we are removed return lastGoodSend ? (now >= lastGoodSend && now - lastGoodSend > sendTimeout) : (now >= createdAt && now - createdAt > connectTimeout); } bool OutboundContext::SelectHop(llarp_nodedb* db, const RouterContact& prev, RouterContact& cur, size_t hop, path::PathRole roles) { if(remoteIntro.router.IsZero()) { SwapIntros(); } if(hop == numHops - 1) { m_Endpoint->EnsureRouterIsKnown(remoteIntro.router); if(db->Get(remoteIntro.router, cur)) return true; ++m_BuildFails; return false; } else if(hop == numHops - 2) { return db->select_random_hop_excluding( cur, {prev.pubkey, remoteIntro.router}); } return path::Builder::SelectHop(db, prev, cur, hop, roles); } bool OutboundContext::ShouldBuildMore(llarp_time_t now) const { if(markedBad) return false; if(path::Builder::ShouldBuildMore(now)) return true; return !ReadyToSend(); } bool OutboundContext::MarkCurrentIntroBad(llarp_time_t now) { // insert bad intro m_BadIntros[remoteIntro] = now; // unconditional shift bool shiftedRouter = false; bool shiftedIntro = false; // try same router for(const auto& intro : currentIntroSet.I) { if(intro.ExpiresSoon(now)) continue; if(router->routerProfiling().IsBadForPath(intro.router)) continue; auto itr = m_BadIntros.find(intro); if(itr == m_BadIntros.end() && intro.router == m_NextIntro.router) { shiftedIntro = true; m_NextIntro = intro; break; } } if(!shiftedIntro) { // try any router for(const auto& intro : currentIntroSet.I) { if(intro.ExpiresSoon(now)) continue; auto itr = m_BadIntros.find(intro); if(itr == m_BadIntros.end()) { // TODO: this should always be true but idk if it really is shiftedRouter = m_NextIntro.router != intro.router; shiftedIntro = true; m_NextIntro = intro; break; } } } if(shiftedRouter) { lastShift = now; BuildOneAlignedTo(m_NextIntro.router); } else if(shiftedIntro) { SwapIntros(); } else { LogInfo(Name(), " updating introset"); UpdateIntroSet(true); } return shiftedIntro; } bool OutboundContext::ShiftIntroduction(bool rebuild) { bool success = false; auto now = Now(); if(now - lastShift < MIN_SHIFT_INTERVAL) return false; bool shifted = false; // to find a intro on the same router as before for(const auto& intro : currentIntroSet.I) { if(intro.ExpiresSoon(now)) continue; if(m_BadIntros.find(intro) == m_BadIntros.end() && remoteIntro.router == intro.router) { m_NextIntro = intro; return true; } } for(const auto& intro : currentIntroSet.I) { m_Endpoint->EnsureRouterIsKnown(intro.router); if(intro.ExpiresSoon(now)) continue; if(m_BadIntros.find(intro) == m_BadIntros.end() && m_NextIntro != intro) { shifted = intro.router != m_NextIntro.router || (now < intro.expiresAt && intro.expiresAt - now > 10 * 1000); // TODO: hardcoded value m_NextIntro = intro; success = true; break; } } if(shifted && rebuild) { lastShift = now; BuildOneAlignedTo(m_NextIntro.router); } return success; } void OutboundContext::HandlePathDied(path::Path_ptr path) { // unconditionally update introset UpdateIntroSet(true); const RouterID endpoint(path->Endpoint()); // if a path to our current intro died... if(endpoint == remoteIntro.router) { // figure out how many paths to this router we have size_t num = 0; ForEachPath([&](const path::Path_ptr& p) { if(p->Endpoint() == endpoint && p->IsReady()) ++num; }); // if we have more than two then we are probably fine if(num > 2) return; // if we have one working one ... if(num == 1) { num = 0; ForEachPath([&](const path::Path_ptr& p) { if(p->Endpoint() == endpoint) ++num; }); // if we have 2 or more established or pending don't do anything if(num > 2) return; BuildOneAlignedTo(endpoint); } else if(num == 0) { // we have no paths to this router right now // hop off it Introduction picked; // get the latest intro that isn't on that endpoint for(const auto& intro : currentIntroSet.I) { if(intro.router == endpoint) continue; if(intro.expiresAt > picked.expiresAt) picked = intro; } // we got nothing if(picked.router.IsZero()) { return; } m_NextIntro = picked; // check if we have a path to this router num = 0; ForEachPath([&](const path::Path_ptr& p) { if(p->Endpoint() == m_NextIntro.router) ++num; }); // build a path if one isn't already pending build or established if(num == 0) BuildOneAlignedTo(m_NextIntro.router); SwapIntros(); } } } bool OutboundContext::HandleHiddenServiceFrame(path::Path_ptr p, const ProtocolFrame& frame) { return m_Endpoint->HandleHiddenServiceFrame(p, frame); } } // namespace service } // namespace llarp