#include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { namespace path { static constexpr auto DefaultPathBuildLimit = 500ms; PathContext::PathContext(AbstractRouter* router) : m_Router(router), m_AllowTransit(false), m_PathLimits(DefaultPathBuildLimit) {} void PathContext::AllowTransit() { m_AllowTransit = true; } bool PathContext::AllowingTransit() const { return m_AllowTransit; } bool PathContext::CheckPathLimitHitByIP(const IpAddress& ip) { #ifdef TESTNET return false; #else IpAddress remote = ip; // null out the port -- we don't care about it for path limiting purposes remote.setPort(0); // try inserting remote address by ip into decaying hash set // if it cannot insert it has hit a limit return not m_PathLimits.Insert(remote); #endif } std::shared_ptr PathContext::logic() { return m_Router->logic(); } const SecretKey& PathContext::EncryptionSecretKey() { return m_Router->encryption(); } bool PathContext::HopIsUs(const RouterID& k) const { return std::equal(m_Router->pubkey(), m_Router->pubkey() + PUBKEYSIZE, k.begin()); } PathContext::EndpointPathPtrSet PathContext::FindOwnedPathsWithEndpoint(const RouterID& r) { EndpointPathPtrSet found; m_OurPaths.ForEach([&](const Path_ptr& p) { if (p->Endpoint() == r && p->IsReady()) found.insert(p); }); return found; } bool PathContext::ForwardLRCM( const RouterID& nextHop, const std::array& frames, SendStatusHandler handler) { if (handler == nullptr) { LogError("Calling ForwardLRCM without passing result handler"); return false; } auto msg = std::make_shared(frames); LogDebug("forwarding LRCM to ", nextHop); return m_Router->SendToOrQueue(nextHop, msg.get(), handler); } template < typename Lock_t, typename Map_t, typename Key_t, typename CheckValue_t, typename GetFunc_t> HopHandler_ptr MapGet(Map_t& map, const Key_t& k, CheckValue_t check, GetFunc_t get) { Lock_t lock(map.first); auto range = map.second.equal_range(k); for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { if (check(i->second)) return get(i->second); } return nullptr; } template bool MapHas(Map_t& map, const Key_t& k, CheckValue_t check) { Lock_t lock(map.first); auto range = map.second.equal_range(k); for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { if (check(i->second)) return true; } return false; } template void MapPut(Map_t& map, const Key_t& k, const Value_t& v) { Lock_t lock(map.first); map.second.emplace(k, v); } template void MapIter(Map_t& map, Visit_t v) { Lock_t lock(map.first); for (const auto& item : map.second) v(item); } template void MapDel(Map_t& map, const Key_t& k, Check_t check) { Lock_t lock(map.first); auto range = map.second.equal_range(k); for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second;) { if (check(i->second)) i = map.second.erase(i); else ++i; } } void PathContext::AddOwnPath(PathSet_ptr set, Path_ptr path) { set->AddPath(path); MapPut(m_OurPaths, path->TXID(), path); MapPut(m_OurPaths, path->RXID(), path); } bool PathContext::HasTransitHop(const TransitHopInfo& info) { return MapHas( m_TransitPaths, info.txID, [info](const std::shared_ptr& hop) -> bool { return info == hop->info; }); } HopHandler_ptr PathContext::GetByUpstream(const RouterID& remote, const PathID_t& id) { auto own = MapGet( m_OurPaths, id, [](const Path_ptr) -> bool { // TODO: is this right? return true; }, [](Path_ptr p) -> HopHandler_ptr { return p; }); if (own) return own; return MapGet( m_TransitPaths, id, [remote](const std::shared_ptr& hop) -> bool { return hop->info.upstream == remote; }, [](const std::shared_ptr& h) -> HopHandler_ptr { return h; }); } bool PathContext::TransitHopPreviousIsRouter(const PathID_t& path, const RouterID& otherRouter) { SyncTransitMap_t::Lock_t lock(m_TransitPaths.first); auto itr = m_TransitPaths.second.find(path); if (itr == m_TransitPaths.second.end()) return false; return itr->second->info.downstream == otherRouter; } HopHandler_ptr PathContext::GetByDownstream(const RouterID& remote, const PathID_t& id) { return MapGet( m_TransitPaths, id, [remote](const std::shared_ptr& hop) -> bool { return hop->info.downstream == remote; }, [](const std::shared_ptr& h) -> HopHandler_ptr { return h; }); } PathSet_ptr PathContext::GetLocalPathSet(const PathID_t& id) { auto& map = m_OurPaths; util::Lock lock(map.first); auto itr = map.second.find(id); if (itr != map.second.end()) { return itr->second->m_PathSet->GetSelf(); } return nullptr; } const byte_t* PathContext::OurRouterID() const { return m_Router->pubkey(); } AbstractRouter* PathContext::Router() { return m_Router; } TransitHop_ptr PathContext::GetPathForTransfer(const PathID_t& id) { const RouterID us(OurRouterID()); auto& map = m_TransitPaths; { SyncTransitMap_t::Lock_t lock(map.first); auto range = map.second.equal_range(id); for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { if (i->second->info.upstream == us) return i->second; } } return nullptr; } void PathContext::PumpUpstream() { m_TransitPaths.ForEach([&](auto& ptr) { ptr->FlushUpstream(m_Router); }); m_OurPaths.ForEach([&](auto& ptr) { ptr->FlushUpstream(m_Router); }); } void PathContext::PumpDownstream() { m_TransitPaths.ForEach([&](auto& ptr) { ptr->FlushDownstream(m_Router); }); m_OurPaths.ForEach([&](auto& ptr) { ptr->FlushDownstream(m_Router); }); } uint64_t PathContext::CurrentTransitPaths() { SyncTransitMap_t::Lock_t lock(m_TransitPaths.first); auto& map = m_TransitPaths.second; return map.size() / 2; } void PathContext::PutTransitHop(std::shared_ptr hop) { MapPut(m_TransitPaths, hop->info.txID, hop); MapPut(m_TransitPaths, hop->info.rxID, hop); } void PathContext::ExpirePaths(llarp_time_t now) { // decay limits m_PathLimits.Decay(now); { SyncTransitMap_t::Lock_t lock(m_TransitPaths.first); auto& map = m_TransitPaths.second; auto itr = map.begin(); while (itr != map.end()) { if (itr->second->Expired(now)) { m_Router->outboundMessageHandler().QueueRemoveEmptyPath(itr->first); itr = map.erase(itr); } else { itr->second->DecayFilters(now); ++itr; } } } { util::Lock lock(m_OurPaths.first); auto& map = m_OurPaths.second; auto itr = map.begin(); while (itr != map.end()) { if (itr->second->Expired(now)) { itr = map.erase(itr); } else { itr->second->DecayFilters(now); ++itr; } } } } routing::MessageHandler_ptr PathContext::GetHandler(const PathID_t& id) { routing::MessageHandler_ptr h = nullptr; auto pathset = GetLocalPathSet(id); if (pathset) { h = pathset->GetPathByID(id); } if (h) return h; const RouterID us(OurRouterID()); auto& map = m_TransitPaths; { SyncTransitMap_t::Lock_t lock(map.first); auto range = map.second.equal_range(id); for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { if (i->second->info.upstream == us) return i->second; } } return nullptr; } void PathContext::RemovePathSet(PathSet_ptr) {} } // namespace path } // namespace llarp