#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { NetID& NetID::DefaultValue() { static NetID defaultID(reinterpret_cast(llarp::DEFAULT_NETID)); return defaultID; } bool RouterContact::BlockBogons = true; #ifdef TESTNET // 1 minute for testnet llarp_time_t RouterContact::Lifetime = 1min; #else /// 1 day for real network llarp_time_t RouterContact::Lifetime = 24h; #endif /// an RC inserted long enough ago (4 hrs) is considered stale and is removed llarp_time_t RouterContact::StaleInsertionAge = 4h; /// update RCs shortly before they are about to expire llarp_time_t RouterContact::UpdateInterval = RouterContact::StaleInsertionAge - 5min; NetID::NetID(const byte_t* val) { size_t len = strnlen(reinterpret_cast(val), size()); std::copy(val, val + len, begin()); } NetID::NetID() : NetID(DefaultValue().data()) { } bool NetID::operator==(const NetID& other) const { return ToString() == other.ToString(); } std::string NetID::ToString() const { auto term = std::find(begin(), end(), '\0'); return std::string(begin(), term); } bool NetID::BDecode(llarp_buffer_t* buf) { Zero(); llarp_buffer_t strbuf; if (!bencode_read_string(buf, &strbuf)) return false; if (strbuf.sz > size()) return false; std::copy(strbuf.base, strbuf.base + strbuf.sz, begin()); return true; } bool NetID::BEncode(llarp_buffer_t* buf) const { auto term = std::find(begin(), end(), '\0'); return bencode_write_bytestring(buf, data(), std::distance(begin(), term)); } bool RouterContact::BEncode(llarp_buffer_t* buf) const { if (version == 0) return BEncodeSignedSection(buf); else if (version == 1) { // TODO: heapless serialization for this in lokimq's bt serialization. if (not buf->writef("li1e%zu:", signature.size())) return false; if (not buf->write(signature.begin(), signature.end())) return false; if (not buf->write(signed_bt_dict.begin(), signed_bt_dict.end())) return false; if (not buf->writef("e")) return false; return true; } return false; } bool RouterContact::BEncodeSignedSection(llarp_buffer_t* buf) const { /* write dict begin */ if (!bencode_start_dict(buf)) return false; /* write ai if they exist */ if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buf, "a", 1)) return false; if (!BEncodeWriteList(addrs.begin(), addrs.end(), buf)) return false; /* write netid */ if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buf, "i", 1)) return false; if (!netID.BEncode(buf)) return false; /* write signing pubkey */ if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buf, "k", 1)) return false; if (!pubkey.BEncode(buf)) return false; std::string nick = Nick(); if (!nick.empty()) { /* write nickname */ if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buf, "n", 1)) { return false; } if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buf, nick.c_str(), nick.size())) { return false; } } /* write encryption pubkey */ if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buf, "p", 1)) return false; if (!enckey.BEncode(buf)) return false; // write router version if present if (routerVersion) { if (not BEncodeWriteDictEntry("r", *routerVersion, buf)) return false; } /* write last updated */ if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buf, "u", 1)) return false; if (!bencode_write_uint64(buf, last_updated.count())) return false; /* write versions */ if (!bencode_write_uint64_entry(buf, "v", 1, version)) return false; if (serializeExit) { /* write xi if they exist */ if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buf, "x", 1)) return false; /* no exits anymore in RCs */ const std::vector> exits{}; if (!BEncodeWriteList(exits.begin(), exits.end(), buf)) return false; } if (version == 0) { /* write signature */ if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buf, "z", 1)) return false; if (!signature.BEncode(buf)) return false; } return bencode_end(buf); } void RouterContact::Clear() { addrs.clear(); signature.Zero(); nickname.Zero(); enckey.Zero(); pubkey.Zero(); routerVersion = std::optional{}; last_updated = 0s; } util::StatusObject RouterContact::ExtractStatus() const { util::StatusObject obj{{"lastUpdated", last_updated.count()}, {"publicRouter", IsPublicRouter()}, {"identity", pubkey.ToString()}, {"addresses", addrs}}; if (HasNick()) { obj["nickname"] = Nick(); } if (routerVersion) { obj["routerVersion"] = routerVersion->ToString(); } return obj; } bool RouterContact::BDecode(llarp_buffer_t* buf) { Clear(); if (*buf->cur == 'd') // old format { return DecodeVersion_0(buf); } else if (*buf->cur != 'l') // if not dict, should be new format and start with list { return false; } try { std::string_view buf_view(reinterpret_cast(buf->cur), buf->sz); lokimq::bt_list_consumer btlist(buf_view); uint64_t outer_version = btlist.consume_integer(); if (outer_version == 1) { bool decode_result = DecodeVersion_1(btlist); // advance the llarp_buffer_t since lokimq serialization is unaware of it. buf->cur += btlist.current_buffer().data() - buf_view.data() + 1; return decode_result; } else { llarp::LogWarn("Received RouterContact with unkown version (", outer_version, ")"); return false; } } catch (const std::exception& e) { llarp::LogDebug("RouterContact::BDecode failed, reason: ", e.what()); } return false; } bool RouterContact::DecodeVersion_0(llarp_buffer_t* buf) { signed_bt_dict = std::string(reinterpret_cast(buf->cur), buf->sz); return bencode_decode_dict(*this, buf); } bool RouterContact::DecodeVersion_1(lokimq::bt_list_consumer& btlist) { auto signature_string = btlist.consume_string_view(); signed_bt_dict = btlist.consume_dict_data(); if (not btlist.is_finished()) { llarp::LogDebug("RouterContact serialized list too long for specified version."); return false; } llarp_buffer_t sigbuf(signature_string.data(), signature_string.size()); if (not signature.FromBytestring(&sigbuf)) { llarp::LogDebug("RouterContact serialized signature had invalid length."); return false; } llarp_buffer_t data_dict_buf(signed_bt_dict.data(), signed_bt_dict.size()); return bencode_decode_dict(*this, &data_dict_buf); } bool RouterContact::DecodeKey(const llarp_buffer_t& key, llarp_buffer_t* buf) { bool read = false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictList("a", addrs, read, key, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictEntry("i", netID, read, key, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictEntry("k", pubkey, read, key, buf)) return false; if (key == "r") { RouterVersion r; if (not r.BDecode(buf)) return false; routerVersion = r; return true; } if (key == "n") { llarp_buffer_t strbuf; if (!bencode_read_string(buf, &strbuf)) { return false; } if (strbuf.sz > llarp::AlignedBuffer<(32)>::size()) { return false; } nickname.Zero(); std::copy(strbuf.base, strbuf.base + strbuf.sz, nickname.begin()); return true; } if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictEntry("p", enckey, read, key, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictInt("u", last_updated, read, key, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictInt("v", version, read, key, buf)) return false; if (key == "x" and serializeExit) { return bencode_discard(buf); } if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictEntry("z", signature, read, key, buf)) return false; return read; } bool RouterContact::IsPublicRouter() const { if (not routerVersion) return false; return !addrs.empty(); } bool RouterContact::HasNick() const { return nickname[0] != 0; } void RouterContact::SetNick(std::string_view nick) { nickname.Zero(); std::copy( nick.begin(), nick.begin() + std::min(nick.size(), nickname.size()), nickname.begin()); } bool RouterContact::IsExpired(llarp_time_t now) const { (void)now; return false; // return Age(now) >= Lifetime; } llarp_time_t RouterContact::TimeUntilExpires(llarp_time_t now) const { const auto expiresAt = last_updated + Lifetime; return now < expiresAt ? expiresAt - now : 0s; } llarp_time_t RouterContact::Age(llarp_time_t now) const { return now > last_updated ? now - last_updated : 0s; } bool RouterContact::ExpiresSoon(llarp_time_t now, llarp_time_t dlt) const { return TimeUntilExpires(now) <= dlt; } std::string RouterContact::Nick() const { auto term = std::find(nickname.begin(), nickname.end(), '\0'); return std::string(nickname.begin(), term); } bool RouterContact::Sign(const SecretKey& secretkey) { pubkey = llarp::seckey_topublic(secretkey); std::array tmp; llarp_buffer_t buf(tmp); signature.Zero(); last_updated = time_now_ms(); if (!BEncodeSignedSection(&buf)) { return false; } buf.sz = buf.cur - buf.base; buf.cur = buf.base; signed_bt_dict = std::string(reinterpret_cast(buf.base), buf.sz); if (version == 0 or version == 1) { return CryptoManager::instance()->sign(signature, secretkey, buf); } return false; } bool RouterContact::Verify(llarp_time_t now, bool allowExpired) const { if (netID != NetID::DefaultValue()) { llarp::LogError( "netid mismatch: '", netID, "' (theirs) != '", NetID::DefaultValue(), "' (ours)"); return false; } if (IsExpired(now)) { if (!allowExpired) { llarp::LogError("RC is expired"); return false; } llarp::LogWarn("RC is expired"); } for (const auto& a : addrs) { if (IsBogon(a.ip) && BlockBogons) { llarp::LogError("invalid address info: ", a); return false; } } if (!VerifySignature()) { llarp::LogError("invalid signature: ", *this); return false; } return true; } bool RouterContact::VerifySignature() const { if (version == 0) { RouterContact copy; copy = *this; copy.signature.Zero(); std::array tmp; llarp_buffer_t buf(tmp); if (!copy.BEncode(&buf)) { llarp::LogError("bencode failed"); return false; } buf.sz = buf.cur - buf.base; buf.cur = buf.base; return CryptoManager::instance()->verify(pubkey, buf, signature); } /* else */ if (version == 1) { llarp_buffer_t buf(signed_bt_dict); return CryptoManager::instance()->verify(pubkey, buf, signature); } return false; } bool RouterContact::Write(const fs::path& fname) const { std::array tmp; llarp_buffer_t buf(tmp); if (!BEncode(&buf)) { return false; } buf.sz = buf.cur - buf.base; buf.cur = buf.base; auto f = llarp::util::OpenFileStream(fname, std::ios::binary); if (!f) { return false; } if (!f->is_open()) { return false; } f->write((char*)buf.base, buf.sz); return true; } bool RouterContact::Read(const fs::path& fname) { std::array tmp; llarp_buffer_t buf(tmp); std::ifstream f; f.open(fname.string(), std::ios::binary); if (!f.is_open()) { llarp::LogError("Failed to open ", fname); return false; } f.seekg(0, std::ios::end); auto l = f.tellg(); if (l > static_cast(sizeof tmp)) { return false; } f.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); f.read((char*)tmp.data(), l); return BDecode(&buf); } std::ostream& RouterContact::print(std::ostream& stream, int level, int spaces) const { Printer printer(stream, level, spaces); printer.printAttribute("k", pubkey); printer.printAttribute("updated", last_updated.count()); printer.printAttribute("netid", netID); printer.printAttribute("v", version); printer.printAttribute("ai", addrs); printer.printAttribute("e", enckey); printer.printAttribute("z", signature); return stream; } } // namespace llarp