#include #include #include #include #include #include "router.hpp" namespace llarp { namespace dht { Context::Context() { randombytes((byte_t *)&ids, sizeof(uint64_t)); allowTransit = false; } Context::~Context() { if(nodes) delete nodes; if(services) delete services; } void Context::Explore(size_t N) { // ask N random peers for new routers llarp::LogInfo("Exploring network via ", N, " peers"); std::set< Key_t > peers; if(nodes->GetManyRandom(peers, N)) { for(const auto &peer : peers) ExploreNetworkVia(peer); } else llarp::LogError("failed to select random nodes for exploration"); } struct ExploreNetworkJob : public TX< RouterID, RouterID > { ExploreNetworkJob(const RouterID &peer, Context *ctx) : TX< RouterID, RouterID >(TXOwner{}, peer, ctx) { } bool Validate(const RouterID &) const { // TODO: check with lokid return true; } void Start(const TXOwner &peer) { parent->DHTSendTo(peer.node, new FindRouterMessage(parent->OurKey(), peer.txid)); } bool GetNextPeer(Key_t &, const std::set< Key_t > &) { return false; } void DoNextRequest(const Key_t &) { } void SendReply() { llarp::LogInfo("got ", valuesFound.size(), " routers from exploration"); for(const auto &pk : valuesFound) { // try connecting to it we don't know it // this triggers a dht lookup parent->router->TryEstablishTo(pk); } } }; void Context::ExploreNetworkVia(const Key_t &askpeer) { TXOwner peer(askpeer, ++ids); TXOwner whoasked(OurKey(), 0); pendingExploreLookups.NewTX(peer, whoasked, askpeer, new ExploreNetworkJob(askpeer, this)); } void Context::handle_explore_timer(void *u, uint64_t orig, uint64_t left) { if(left) return; Context *ctx = static_cast< Context * >(u); ctx->Explore(1); llarp_logic_call_later(ctx->router->logic, {orig, ctx, &handle_explore_timer}); } void Context::handle_cleaner_timer(void *u, __attribute__((unused)) uint64_t orig, uint64_t left) { if(left) return; Context *ctx = static_cast< Context * >(u); // clean up transactions ctx->CleanupTX(); if(ctx->services) { // expire intro sets auto now = ctx->Now(); auto &nodes = ctx->services->nodes; auto itr = nodes.begin(); while(itr != nodes.end()) { if(itr->second.introset.IsExpired(now)) { llarp::LogDebug("introset expired ", itr->second.introset.A.Addr()); itr = nodes.erase(itr); } else ++itr; } } ctx->ScheduleCleanupTimer(); } std::set< service::IntroSet > Context::FindRandomIntroSetsWithTagExcluding( const service::Tag &tag, size_t max, const std::set< service::IntroSet > &exclude) { std::set< service::IntroSet > found; auto &nodes = services->nodes; if(nodes.size() == 0) { return found; } auto itr = nodes.begin(); // start at random middle point auto start = llarp_randint() % nodes.size(); std::advance(itr, start); auto end = itr; std::string tagname = tag.ToString(); while(itr != nodes.end()) { if(itr->second.introset.topic.ToString() == tagname) { if(exclude.count(itr->second.introset) == 0) { found.insert(itr->second.introset); if(found.size() == max) return found; } } ++itr; } itr = nodes.begin(); while(itr != end) { if(itr->second.introset.topic.ToString() == tagname) { if(exclude.count(itr->second.introset) == 0) { found.insert(itr->second.introset); if(found.size() == max) return found; } } ++itr; } return found; } void Context::LookupRouterRelayed( const Key_t &requester, uint64_t txid, const Key_t &target, bool recursive, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< IMessage > > &replies) { if(target == ourKey) { // we are the target, give them our RC replies.emplace_back( new GotRouterMessage(requester, txid, {router->rc()}, false)); return; } Key_t next; std::set< Key_t > excluding = {requester, ourKey}; if(nodes->FindCloseExcluding(target, next, excluding)) { if(next == target) { // we know it replies.emplace_back(new GotRouterMessage( requester, txid, {nodes->nodes[target].rc}, false)); } else if(recursive) // are we doing a recursive lookup? { // is the next peer we ask closer to the target than us? if((next ^ target) < (ourKey ^ target)) { // yes it is closer, ask neighboor recursively LookupRouterRecursive(target, requester, txid, next); } else { // no we are closer to the target so tell requester it's not there // so they switch to iterative lookup replies.emplace_back( new GotRouterMessage(requester, txid, {}, false)); } } else { // iterative lookup and we don't have it tell them who is closer replies.emplace_back( new GotRouterMessage(requester, next, txid, false)); } } else { // we don't know it and have no closer peers to ask replies.emplace_back(new GotRouterMessage(requester, txid, {}, false)); } } const llarp::service::IntroSet * Context::GetIntroSetByServiceAddress( const llarp::service::Address &addr) const { auto itr = services->nodes.find(addr.data()); if(itr == services->nodes.end()) return nullptr; return &itr->second.introset; } void Context::CleanupTX() { auto now = Now(); llarp::LogDebug("DHT tick"); pendingRouterLookups.Expire(now); pendingIntrosetLookups.Expire(now); pendingTagLookups.Expire(now); pendingExploreLookups.Expire(now); } void Context::Init(const Key_t &us, llarp_router *r, llarp_time_t exploreInterval) { router = r; ourKey = us; nodes = new Bucket< RCNode >(ourKey); services = new Bucket< ISNode >(ourKey); llarp::LogDebug("intialize dht with key ", ourKey); // start exploring llarp_logic_call_later( r->logic, {exploreInterval, this, &llarp::dht::Context::handle_explore_timer}); // start cleanup timer ScheduleCleanupTimer(); } void Context::ScheduleCleanupTimer() { llarp_logic_call_later(router->logic, {1000, this, &handle_cleaner_timer}); } void Context::DHTSendTo(const Key_t &peer, IMessage *msg, bool keepalive) { llarp::DHTImmeidateMessage m; m.msgs.emplace_back(msg); router->SendToOrQueue(peer, &m); if(keepalive) { auto now = Now(); router->PersistSessionUntil(peer, now + 10000); } } bool Context::RelayRequestForPath(const llarp::PathID_t &id, const IMessage *msg) { llarp::routing::DHTMessage reply; if(!msg->HandleMessage(router->dht, reply.M)) return false; if(reply.M.size()) { auto path = router->paths.GetByUpstream(router->pubkey(), id); return path && path->SendRoutingMessage(&reply, router); } return true; } struct ServiceAddressLookup : public TX< service::Address, service::IntroSet > { IntroSetLookupHandler handleResult; uint64_t R; ServiceAddressLookup(const TXOwner &asker, const service::Address &addr, Context *ctx, uint64_t r, IntroSetLookupHandler handler) : TX< service::Address, service::IntroSet >(asker, addr, ctx) , handleResult(handler) , R(r) { peersAsked.insert(ctx->OurKey()); } bool Validate(const service::IntroSet &value) const { if(!value.Verify(parent->Crypto(), parent->Now())) { llarp::LogWarn("Got invalid introset from service lookup"); return false; } if(value.A.Addr() != target) { llarp::LogWarn("got introset with wrong target from service lookup"); return false; } return true; } void DoNextRequest(const Key_t &nextPeer) { // iterate to next peer parent->LookupIntroSetIterative( target, whoasked.node, whoasked.txid, nextPeer, std::bind(&ServiceAddressLookup::HandleNextRequestResult, this, std::placeholders::_1)); } void HandleNextRequestResult(const std::vector< service::IntroSet > &results) { // merge results std::set< service::IntroSet > found; for(const auto &introset : valuesFound) found.insert(introset); for(const auto &introset : results) found.insert(introset); valuesFound.clear(); for(const auto &introset : found) valuesFound.push_back(introset); // send reply SendReply(); } bool GetNextPeer(Key_t &next, const std::set< Key_t > &exclude) { Key_t k = target.data(); return parent->nodes->FindCloseExcluding(k, next, exclude); } void Start(const TXOwner &peer) { parent->DHTSendTo(peer.node, new FindIntroMessage(peer.txid, target, R)); } virtual void SendReply() { if(handleResult) handleResult(valuesFound); parent->DHTSendTo(whoasked.node, new GotIntroMessage(valuesFound, whoasked.txid)); } }; struct LocalServiceAddressLookup : public ServiceAddressLookup { PathID_t localPath; LocalServiceAddressLookup(const PathID_t &pathid, uint64_t txid, const service::Address &addr, Context *ctx, __attribute__((unused)) const Key_t &askpeer) : ServiceAddressLookup(TXOwner{ctx->OurKey(), txid}, addr, ctx, 5, nullptr) , localPath(pathid) { } void SendReply() { auto path = parent->router->paths.GetByUpstream(parent->OurKey(), localPath); if(!path) { llarp::LogWarn( "did not send reply for relayed dht request, no such local path " "for pathid=", localPath); return; } routing::DHTMessage msg; msg.M.emplace_back(new GotIntroMessage(valuesFound, whoasked.txid)); if(!path->SendRoutingMessage(&msg, parent->router)) { llarp::LogWarn( "failed to send routing message when informing result of dht " "request, pathid=", localPath); } } }; void Context::LookupIntroSetForPath(const service::Address &addr, uint64_t txid, const llarp::PathID_t &path, const Key_t &askpeer) { TXOwner asker(OurKey(), txid); TXOwner peer(askpeer, ++ids); pendingIntrosetLookups.NewTX( peer, asker, addr, new LocalServiceAddressLookup(path, txid, addr, this, askpeer)); } struct PublishServiceJob : public TX< service::Address, service::IntroSet > { uint64_t S; std::set< Key_t > dontTell; service::IntroSet I; PublishServiceJob(const TXOwner &asker, const service::IntroSet &introset, Context *ctx, uint64_t s, const std::set< Key_t > &exclude) : TX< service::Address, service::IntroSet >(asker, introset.A.Addr(), ctx) , S(s) , dontTell(exclude) , I(introset) { } bool Validate(const service::IntroSet &introset) const { if(I.A != introset.A) { llarp::LogWarn( "publish introset acknoledgement acked a different service"); return false; } return true; } void Start(const TXOwner &peer) { std::vector< Key_t > exclude; for(const auto &router : dontTell) exclude.push_back(router); parent->DHTSendTo(peer.node, new PublishIntroMessage(I, peer.txid, S, exclude)); } bool GetNextPeer(Key_t &, const std::set< Key_t > &) { return false; } void DoNextRequest(const Key_t &) { } void SendReply() { // don't need this } }; void Context::PropagateIntroSetTo(const Key_t &from, uint64_t txid, const service::IntroSet &introset, const Key_t &tellpeer, uint64_t S, const std::set< Key_t > &exclude) { TXOwner asker(from, txid); TXOwner peer(tellpeer, ++ids); service::Address addr = introset.A.Addr(); pendingIntrosetLookups.NewTX( peer, asker, addr, new PublishServiceJob(asker, introset, this, S, exclude)); } void Context::LookupIntroSetRecursive(const service::Address &addr, const Key_t &whoasked, uint64_t txid, const Key_t &askpeer, uint64_t R, IntroSetLookupHandler handler) { TXOwner asker(whoasked, txid); TXOwner peer(askpeer, ++ids); pendingIntrosetLookups.NewTX( peer, asker, addr, new ServiceAddressLookup(asker, addr, this, R, handler)); } void Context::LookupIntroSetIterative(const service::Address &addr, const Key_t &whoasked, uint64_t txid, const Key_t &askpeer, IntroSetLookupHandler handler) { TXOwner asker(whoasked, txid); TXOwner peer(askpeer, ++ids); pendingIntrosetLookups.NewTX( peer, asker, addr, new ServiceAddressLookup(asker, addr, this, 0, handler)); } struct TagLookup : public TX< service::Tag, service::IntroSet > { uint64_t R; TagLookup(const TXOwner &asker, const service::Tag &tag, Context *ctx, uint64_t r) : TX< service::Tag, service::IntroSet >(asker, tag, ctx), R(r) { } bool Validate(const service::IntroSet &introset) const { if(!introset.Verify(parent->Crypto(), parent->Now())) { llarp::LogWarn("got invalid introset from tag lookup"); return false; } if(introset.topic != target) { llarp::LogWarn("got introset with missmatched topic in tag lookup"); return false; } return true; } void Start(const TXOwner &peer) { parent->DHTSendTo(peer.node, new FindIntroMessage(target, peer.txid, R)); } bool GetNextPeer(__attribute__((unused)) Key_t &nextpeer, __attribute__((unused)) const std::set< Key_t > &exclude) { return false; } void DoNextRequest(__attribute__((unused)) const Key_t &nextPeer) { } void SendReply() { std::set< service::IntroSet > found; for(const auto &remoteTag : valuesFound) { found.insert(remoteTag); } // collect our local values if we haven't hit a limit if(found.size() < 2) { for(const auto &localTag : parent->FindRandomIntroSetsWithTagExcluding(target, 1, found)) { found.insert(localTag); } } std::vector< service::IntroSet > values; for(const auto &introset : found) { values.push_back(introset); } parent->DHTSendTo(whoasked.node, new GotIntroMessage(values, whoasked.txid)); } }; void Context::LookupTagRecursive(const service::Tag &tag, const Key_t &whoasked, uint64_t whoaskedTX, const Key_t &askpeer, uint64_t R) { TXOwner asker(whoasked, whoaskedTX); TXOwner peer(askpeer, ++ids); pendingTagLookups.NewTX(peer, asker, tag, new TagLookup(asker, tag, this, R)); llarp::LogInfo("ask ", askpeer, " for ", tag, " on behalf of ", whoasked, " R=", R); } struct LocalTagLookup : public TagLookup { PathID_t localPath; LocalTagLookup(const PathID_t &path, uint64_t txid, const service::Tag &target, Context *ctx) : TagLookup(TXOwner{ctx->OurKey(), txid}, target, ctx, 0) , localPath(path) { } void SendReply() { auto path = parent->router->paths.GetByUpstream(parent->OurKey(), localPath); if(!path) { llarp::LogWarn( "did not send reply for relayed dht request, no such local path " "for pathid=", localPath); return; } routing::DHTMessage msg; msg.M.emplace_back(new GotIntroMessage(valuesFound, whoasked.txid)); if(!path->SendRoutingMessage(&msg, parent->router)) { llarp::LogWarn( "failed to send routing message when informing result of dht " "request, pathid=", localPath); } } }; void Context::LookupTagForPath(const service::Tag &tag, uint64_t txid, const llarp::PathID_t &path, const Key_t &askpeer) { TXOwner peer(askpeer, ++ids); TXOwner whoasked(OurKey(), txid); pendingTagLookups.NewTX(peer, whoasked, tag, new LocalTagLookup(path, txid, tag, this)); } bool Context::HandleExploritoryRouterLookup( const Key_t &requester, uint64_t txid, const RouterID &target, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< IMessage > > &reply) { std::vector< RouterID > closer; Key_t t(target.data()); std::set< Key_t > found; // TODO: also load from nodedb size_t nodeCount = nodes->Size(); if(nodeCount == 0) { llarp::LogError( "cannot handle exploritory router lookup, no dht peers"); return false; } size_t want = std::min(size_t(4), nodeCount); if(!nodes->GetManyNearExcluding(t, found, want, std::set< Key_t >{ourKey, requester})) { llarp::LogError( "not enough dht nodes to handle exploritory router lookup, " "need a minimum of ", want, " dht peers"); return false; } for(const auto &f : found) closer.emplace_back(f.data()); reply.emplace_back(new GotRouterMessage(txid, closer, false)); return true; } struct RecursiveRouterLookup : public TX< RouterID, RouterContact > { RouterLookupHandler resultHandler; RecursiveRouterLookup(const TXOwner &whoasked, const RouterID &target, Context *ctx, RouterLookupHandler result) : TX< RouterID, RouterContact >(whoasked, target, ctx) , resultHandler(result) { peersAsked.insert(ctx->OurKey()); } bool Validate(const RouterContact &rc) const { if(!rc.Verify(parent->Crypto())) { llarp::LogWarn("rc from lookup result is invalid"); return false; } return true; } bool GetNextPeer(__attribute__((unused)) Key_t &next, __attribute__((unused)) const std::set< Key_t > &exclude) { // TODO: implement iterative (?) return false; } void DoNextRequest(__attribute__((unused)) const Key_t &next) { } void Start(const TXOwner &peer) { parent->DHTSendTo( peer.node, new FindRouterMessage(parent->OurKey(), target, peer.txid)); } virtual void SendReply() { if(resultHandler) { resultHandler(valuesFound); } else { parent->DHTSendTo( whoasked.node, new GotRouterMessage({}, whoasked.txid, valuesFound, false)); } } }; struct LocalRouterLookup : public RecursiveRouterLookup { PathID_t localPath; LocalRouterLookup(const PathID_t &path, uint64_t txid, const RouterID &target, Context *ctx) : RecursiveRouterLookup(TXOwner{ctx->OurKey(), txid}, target, ctx, nullptr) , localPath(path) { } void SendReply() { auto path = parent->router->paths.GetByUpstream(parent->OurKey(), localPath); if(!path) { llarp::LogWarn( "did not send reply for relayed dht request, no such local path " "for pathid=", localPath); return; } routing::DHTMessage msg; msg.M.emplace_back(new GotRouterMessage(parent->OurKey(), whoasked.txid, valuesFound, true)); if(!path->SendRoutingMessage(&msg, parent->router)) { llarp::LogWarn( "failed to send routing message when informing result of dht " "request, pathid=", localPath); } } }; void Context::LookupRouterForPath(const RouterID &target, uint64_t txid, const llarp::PathID_t &path, const Key_t &askpeer) { TXOwner peer(askpeer, ++ids); TXOwner whoasked(OurKey(), txid); pendingRouterLookups.NewTX( peer, whoasked, target, new LocalRouterLookup(path, txid, target, this)); } void Context::LookupRouterRecursive(const RouterID &target, const Key_t &whoasked, uint64_t txid, const Key_t &askpeer, RouterLookupHandler handler) { TXOwner asker(whoasked, txid); TXOwner peer(askpeer, ++ids); if(target != askpeer) { pendingRouterLookups.NewTX( peer, asker, target, new RecursiveRouterLookup(asker, target, this, handler)); } } llarp_crypto * Context::Crypto() { return &router->crypto; } llarp_time_t Context::Now() { return llarp_ev_loop_time_now_ms(router->netloop); } } // namespace dht } // namespace llarp