#include "nodedb.hpp" #include "crypto/types.hpp" #include "dht/kademlia.hpp" #include "link/link_manager.hpp" #include "messages/fetch.hpp" #include "router_contact.hpp" #include "util/time.hpp" #include #include #include static const std::string RC_FILE_EXT = ".signed"; namespace llarp { static void EnsureSkiplist(fs::path nodedbDir) { if (not fs::exists(nodedbDir)) { // if the old 'netdb' directory exists, move it to this one fs::path parent = nodedbDir.parent_path(); fs::path old = parent / "netdb"; if (fs::exists(old)) fs::rename(old, nodedbDir); else fs::create_directory(nodedbDir); } if (not fs::is_directory(nodedbDir)) throw std::runtime_error{fmt::format("nodedb {} is not a directory", nodedbDir)}; } NodeDB::NodeDB(fs::path root, std::function)> diskCaller, Router* r) : _router{*r}, _root{std::move(root)}, _disk(std::move(diskCaller)), _next_flush_time{time_now_ms() + FLUSH_INTERVAL} { EnsureSkiplist(_root); fetch_counters.clear(); } std::optional NodeDB::get_rc_by_rid(const RouterID& rid) { if (auto itr = rc_lookup.find(rid); itr != rc_lookup.end()) return itr->second; return std::nullopt; } std::optional NodeDB::get_random_rc() const { std::optional rand = std::nullopt; std::sample(known_rcs.begin(), known_rcs.end(), &*rand, 1, csrng); return rand; } std::optional> NodeDB::get_n_random_rcs(size_t n, bool exact) const { auto rand = std::make_optional>(); rand->reserve(n); std::sample(known_rcs.begin(), known_rcs.end(), std::back_inserter(*rand), n, csrng); if (rand->size() < (exact ? n : 1)) rand.reset(); return rand; } std::optional NodeDB::get_random_rc_conditional( std::function hook) const { std::optional rand = get_random_rc(); if (rand and hook(*rand)) return rand; size_t i = 0; for (const auto& rc : known_rcs) { if (not hook(rc)) continue; if (++i <= 1) { rand = rc; continue; } size_t x = csrng() % (i + 1); if (x <= 1) rand = rc; } return rand; } std::optional> NodeDB::get_n_random_rcs_conditional( size_t n, std::function hook, bool exact) const { auto selected = std::make_optional>(); selected->reserve(n); size_t i = 0; for (const auto& rc : known_rcs) { // ignore any RC's that do not pass the condition if (not hook(rc)) continue; // load the first n RC's that pass the condition into selected if (++i <= n) { selected->push_back(rc); continue; } // replace selections with decreasing probability per iteration size_t x = csrng() % (i + 1); if (x < n) (*selected)[x] = rc; } if (selected->size() < (exact ? n : 1)) selected.reset(); return selected; } void NodeDB::Tick(llarp_time_t now) { if (_next_flush_time == 0s) return; if (now > _next_flush_time) { _router.loop()->call([this]() { _next_flush_time += FLUSH_INTERVAL; // make copy of all rcs std::vector copy; for (const auto& item : rc_lookup) copy.push_back(item.second); // flush them to disk in one big job // TODO: split this up? idk maybe some day... _disk([this, data = std::move(copy)]() { for (const auto& rc : data) rc.write(get_path_by_pubkey(rc.router_id())); }); }); } } fs::path NodeDB::get_path_by_pubkey(const RouterID& pubkey) const { return _root / (pubkey.ToString() + RC_FILE_EXT); } bool NodeDB::want_rc(const RouterID& rid) const { if (not _router.is_service_node()) return true; return known_rids.count(rid); } void NodeDB::set_bootstrap_routers(BootstrapList& from_router) { _bootstraps.merge(from_router); _bootstraps.randomize(); } bool NodeDB::process_fetched_rcs(std::set& rcs) { std::set confirmed_set, unconfirmed_set; // the intersection of local RC's and received RC's is our confirmed set std::set_intersection( known_rcs.begin(), known_rcs.end(), rcs.begin(), rcs.end(), std::inserter(confirmed_set, confirmed_set.begin())); // the intersection of the confirmed set and received RC's is our unconfirmed set std::set_intersection( rcs.begin(), rcs.end(), confirmed_set.begin(), confirmed_set.end(), std::inserter(unconfirmed_set, unconfirmed_set.begin())); // the total number of rcs received const auto num_received = static_cast(rcs.size()); // the number of returned "good" rcs (that are also found locally) const auto inter_size = confirmed_set.size(); const auto fetch_threshold = (double)inter_size / num_received; /** We are checking 2 things here: 1) The number of "good" rcs is above MIN_GOOD_RC_FETCH_TOTAL 2) The ratio of "good" rcs to total received is above MIN_GOOD_RC_FETCH_THRESHOLD */ bool success = false; if (success = inter_size > MIN_GOOD_RC_FETCH_TOTAL and fetch_threshold > MIN_GOOD_RC_FETCH_THRESHOLD; success) { // set rcs to be intersection set rcs = std::move(confirmed_set); process_results(std::move(unconfirmed_set), unconfirmed_rcs, known_rcs); } return success; } bool NodeDB::ingest_fetched_rcs(std::set rcs) { // if we are not bootstrapping, we should check the rc's against the ones we currently hold if (not _using_bootstrap_fallback) { log::critical(logcat, "Checking returned RCs against locally held..."); auto success = process_fetched_rcs(rcs); log::critical( logcat, "RCs returned by FetchRC {} by trust model", success ? "approved" : "rejected"); return success; } while (!rcs.empty()) put_rc_if_newer(std::move(rcs.extract(rcs.begin()).value())); return true; } /** We only call into this function after ensuring two conditions: 1) We have received all 12 responses from the queried RouterID sources, whether that response was a timeout or not 2) Of those responses, less than 4 were errors of any sorts Upon receiving each response from the rid fetch sources, the returned rid's are incremented in fetch_counters. This greatly simplifies the analysis required by this function to the determine success or failure: - If the frequency of each rid is above a threshold, it is accepted - If the number of accepted rids is below a certain amount, the set is rejected Logically, this function performs the following basic analysis of the returned RIDs: 1) All responses are coalesced into a union set with no repetitions 2) If we are bootstrapping: - The routerID's returned */ bool NodeDB::process_fetched_rids() { std::set union_set, confirmed_set, unconfirmed_set; for (const auto& [rid, count] : fetch_counters) { if (count > MIN_RID_FETCH_FREQ) union_set.insert(rid); else unconfirmed_set.insert(rid); } // get the intersection of accepted rids and local rids std::set_intersection( known_rids.begin(), known_rids.end(), union_set.begin(), union_set.end(), std::inserter(confirmed_set, confirmed_set.begin())); // the total number of rids received const auto num_received = (double)fetch_counters.size(); // the total number of received AND accepted rids const auto union_size = union_set.size(); const auto fetch_threshold = (double)union_size / num_received; /** We are checking 2 things here: 1) The ratio of received/accepted to total received is above GOOD_RID_FETCH_THRESHOLD. This tells us how well the rid source's sets of rids "agree" with one another 2) The total number received is above MIN_RID_FETCH_TOTAL. This ensures that we are receiving a sufficient amount to make a comparison of any sorts */ bool success = false; if (success = (fetch_threshold > GOOD_RID_FETCH_THRESHOLD) and (union_size > MIN_GOOD_RID_FETCH_TOTAL); success) { process_results(std::move(unconfirmed_set), unconfirmed_rids, known_rids); known_rids.merge(confirmed_set); } return success; } void NodeDB::ingest_rid_fetch_responses(const RouterID& source, std::set rids) { if (rids.empty()) { fail_sources.insert(source); return; } for (const auto& rid : rids) fetch_counters[rid] += 1; } void NodeDB::fetch_initial(bool is_snode) { auto sz = num_rcs(); if (sz < MIN_ACTIVE_RCS) { log::critical(logcat, "{}/{} RCs held locally... BOOTSTRAP TIME", sz, MIN_ACTIVE_RCS); fallback_to_bootstrap(); } else if (is_snode) { // service nodes who have sufficient local RC's can bypass initial fetching _needs_initial_fetch = false; } else { _fetching_initial = true; // Set fetch source as random selection of known active client routers fetch_source = *std::next(known_rids.begin(), csrng() % known_rids.size()); fetch_rcs(true); } } void NodeDB::fetch_rcs(bool initial) { auto& num_failures = fetch_failures; // base case; this function is called recursively if (num_failures > MAX_FETCH_ATTEMPTS) { fetch_rcs_result(initial, true); return; } std::vector needed; const auto now = time_point_now(); if (not initial) { for (const auto& [rid, rc] : rc_lookup) { if (now - rc.timestamp() > RouterContact::OUTDATED_AGE) needed.push_back(rid); } } RouterID& src = fetch_source; log::critical( logcat, "Sending{} FetchRCs request to {} for {} RCs", initial ? " initial" : "", src, initial ? "all of the" : std::to_string(needed.size())); if (initial) _router.next_initial_fetch_attempt = now + INITIAL_ATTEMPT_INTERVAL; _router.last_rc_fetch = now; _router.link_manager().fetch_rcs( src, FetchRCMessage::serialize(_router.last_rc_fetch, needed), [this, source = src, initial](oxen::quic::message m) mutable { if (m.timed_out) { log::critical(logcat, "RC fetch to {} timed out!", source); fetch_rcs_result(initial, m.timed_out); return; } try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; // TODO: can this just combine with the above failure case...? if (m.is_error()) { auto reason = btdc.require(messages::STATUS_KEY); log::critical(logcat, "RC fetch to {} returned error: {}", source, reason); fetch_rcs_result(initial, m.is_error()); return; } auto btlc = btdc.require("rcs"sv); std::set rcs; while (not btlc.is_finished()) rcs.emplace(btlc.consume_dict_data()); // if process_fetched_rcs returns false, then the trust model rejected the // fetched RC's fetch_rcs_result(initial, not ingest_fetched_rcs(std::move(rcs))); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::critical( logcat, "Failed to parse RC fetch response from {}: {}", source, e.what()); fetch_rcs_result(initial, true); return; } }); } void NodeDB::fetch_rids(bool initial) { // base case; this function is called recursively if (fetch_failures > MAX_FETCH_ATTEMPTS) { fetch_rids_result(initial); return; } if (rid_sources.empty()) { reselect_router_id_sources(rid_sources); } if (not initial and rid_sources.empty()) { log::error( logcat, "Attempting to fetch RouterIDs, but have no source from which to do so."); fallback_to_bootstrap(); return; } fetch_counters.clear(); RouterID& src = fetch_source; _router.last_rid_fetch = llarp::time_point_now(); for (const auto& target : rid_sources) { log::critical(logcat, "Sending FetchRIDs request to {} via {}", target, src); _router.link_manager().fetch_router_ids( src, FetchRIDMessage::serialize(target), [this, source = src, target, initial](oxen::quic::message m) mutable { if (m.is_error()) { auto err = "RID fetch from {} via {} {}"_format( target, source, m.timed_out ? "timed out" : "failed"); log::critical(link_cat, err); ingest_rid_fetch_responses(target); fetch_rids_result(initial); return; } try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; btdc.required("routers"); auto router_id_strings = btdc.consume_list>(); btdc.require_signature( "signature", [&source](ustring_view msg, ustring_view sig) { if (sig.size() != 64) throw std::runtime_error{"Invalid signature: not 64 bytes"}; if (not crypto::verify(source, msg, sig)) throw std::runtime_error{ "Failed to verify signature for fetch RouterIDs response."}; }); std::set router_ids; for (const auto& s : router_id_strings) { if (s.size() != RouterID::SIZE) { log::critical( link_cat, "RID fetch from {} via {} returned bad RouterID", target, source); ingest_rid_fetch_responses(target); fetch_rids_result(initial); return; } router_ids.emplace(s.data()); } ingest_rid_fetch_responses(target, std::move(router_ids)); fetch_rids_result(initial); // success return; } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::critical( link_cat, "Error handling fetch RouterIDs response: {}", e.what()); ingest_rid_fetch_responses(target); fetch_rids_result(initial); } }); } } void NodeDB::fetch_rcs_result(bool initial, bool error) { if (error) { if (++fetch_failures >= MAX_FETCH_ATTEMPTS) { log::critical( logcat, "RC fetching from {} reached failure threshold ({}); falling back to " "bootstrap...", fetch_source, MAX_FETCH_ATTEMPTS); fallback_to_bootstrap(); return; } if (initial) _needs_initial_fetch = true; // If we have passed the last last conditional, then it means we are not bootstrapping // and the current fetch_source has more attempts before being rotated. As a result, we // find new non-bootstrap RC fetch source and try again buddy fetch_source = (initial) ? *std::next(known_rids.begin(), csrng() % known_rids.size()) : std::next(rc_lookup.begin(), csrng() % rc_lookup.size())->first; fetch_rcs(initial); } else { log::critical(logcat, "Successfully fetched RC's from {}", fetch_source); post_fetch_rcs(initial); } } void NodeDB::fetch_rids_result(bool initial) { if (fetch_failures >= MAX_FETCH_ATTEMPTS) { log::critical( logcat, "Failed {} attempts to fetch RID's from {}; reverting to bootstrap...", MAX_FETCH_ATTEMPTS, fetch_source); fallback_to_bootstrap(); return; } auto n_responses = RID_SOURCE_COUNT - fail_sources.size(); if (n_responses < RID_SOURCE_COUNT) { log::critical( logcat, "Received {}/{} fetch RID requests", n_responses, RID_SOURCE_COUNT); return; } auto n_fails = fail_sources.size(); if (n_fails <= MAX_RID_ERRORS) { log::critical( logcat, "RID fetching was successful ({}/{} acceptable errors)", n_fails, MAX_RID_ERRORS); // this is where the trust model will do verification based on the similarity of the // sets if (process_fetched_rids()) { log::critical(logcat, "Accumulated RID's accepted by trust model"); post_fetch_rids(initial); return; } log::critical( logcat, "Accumulated RID's rejected by trust model, reselecting all RID sources..."); reselect_router_id_sources(rid_sources); ++fetch_failures; } else { // we had 4 or more failed requests, so we will need to rotate our rid sources log::critical( logcat, "RID fetching found {} failures; reselecting failed RID sources...", n_fails); ++fetch_failures; reselect_router_id_sources(fail_sources); } fetch_rids(initial); } // This function is only called after a successful FetchRC request void NodeDB::post_fetch_rcs(bool initial) { _needs_rebootstrap = false; _needs_initial_fetch = false; _using_bootstrap_fallback = false; fail_sources.clear(); fetch_failures = 0; if (initial) fetch_rids(initial); } void NodeDB::post_fetch_rids(bool initial) { fail_sources.clear(); fetch_failures = 0; fetch_counters.clear(); _needs_rebootstrap = false; _using_bootstrap_fallback = false; if (initial) { _needs_initial_fetch = false; _fetching_initial = false; _initial_completed = true; } } void NodeDB::fallback_to_bootstrap() { log::critical(logcat, "{} called", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); auto at_max_failures = bootstrap_attempts >= MAX_BOOTSTRAP_FETCH_ATTEMPTS; // base case: we have failed to query all bootstraps, or we received a sample of // the network, but the sample was unusable or unreachable. We will also enter this // if we are on our first fallback to bootstrap so we can set the fetch_source (by // checking not using_bootstrap_fallback) if (at_max_failures || not _using_bootstrap_fallback) { bootstrap_attempts = 0; // Fail case: if we have returned to the front of the bootstrap list, we're in a // bad spot; we are unable to do anything if (_using_bootstrap_fallback) { auto err = fmt::format( "ERROR: ALL BOOTSTRAPS ARE BAD... REATTEMPTING IN {}...", BOOTSTRAP_COOLDOWN); log::error(logcat, err); bootstrap_cooldown(); return; } } auto& rc = (_using_bootstrap_fallback) ? _bootstraps.next() : _bootstraps.current(); fetch_source = rc.router_id(); // By passing the last conditional, we ensure this is set to true _using_bootstrap_fallback = true; _needs_rebootstrap = false; ++bootstrap_attempts; log::critical(logcat, "Dispatching BootstrapRC fetch request to {}", fetch_source); auto is_snode = _router.is_service_node(); auto num_needed = is_snode ? SERVICE_NODE_BOOTSTRAP_SOURCE_COUNT : CLIENT_BOOTSTRAP_SOURCE_COUNT; _router.link_manager().fetch_bootstrap_rcs( rc, BootstrapFetchMessage::serialize( is_snode ? std::make_optional(_router.router_contact) : std::nullopt, num_needed), [this, is_snode = _router.is_service_node(), src = rc.router_id()]( oxen::quic::message m) mutable { log::critical(logcat, "Received response to BootstrapRC fetch request..."); if (not m) { log::warning( logcat, "BootstrapRC fetch request to {} failed (error {}/{}): {}", src, bootstrap_attempts, MAX_BOOTSTRAP_FETCH_ATTEMPTS, m.body()); // fallback_to_bootstrap(); return; } size_t num = 0; try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; { auto btlc = btdc.require("rcs"sv); while (not btlc.is_finished()) { auto rc = RemoteRC{btlc.consume_dict_data()}; put_rc(rc); ++num; } } } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning( logcat, "Failed to parse BootstrapRC fetch response from {} (error {}/{}): {}", src, bootstrap_attempts, MAX_BOOTSTRAP_FETCH_ATTEMPTS, e.what()); // fallback_to_bootstrap(); return; } log::critical( logcat, "BootstrapRC fetch response from {} returned {}/{} needed RCs", src, num, MIN_ACTIVE_RCS); if (not is_snode) { log::critical( logcat, "Client completed processing BootstrapRC fetch; proceeding to initial " "fetch"); fetch_initial(); } else { log::critical(logcat, "Service node completed processing BootstrapRC fetch!"); post_snode_bootstrap(); } }); } void NodeDB::post_snode_bootstrap() { _needs_rebootstrap = false; _using_bootstrap_fallback = false; _needs_initial_fetch = false; } void NodeDB::bootstrap_cooldown() { _needs_rebootstrap = true; _using_bootstrap_fallback = false; _router.next_bootstrap_attempt = llarp::time_point_now() + BOOTSTRAP_COOLDOWN; } void NodeDB::reselect_router_id_sources(std::set specific) { replace_subset(rid_sources, specific, known_rids, RID_SOURCE_COUNT, csrng); } void NodeDB::set_router_whitelist( const std::vector& whitelist, const std::vector& greylist, const std::vector& greenlist) { log::critical( logcat, "Oxend provided {}/{}/{} (white/gray/green) routers", whitelist.size(), greylist.size(), greenlist.size()); if (whitelist.empty()) return; _registered_routers.clear(); _registered_routers.insert(whitelist.begin(), whitelist.end()); _registered_routers.insert(greylist.begin(), greylist.end()); _registered_routers.insert(greenlist.begin(), greenlist.end()); _router_whitelist.clear(); _router_whitelist.insert(whitelist.begin(), whitelist.end()); _router_greylist.clear(); _router_greylist.insert(greylist.begin(), greylist.end()); _router_greenlist.clear(); _router_greenlist.insert(greenlist.begin(), greenlist.end()); log::critical( logcat, "Service node holding {}:{} (whitelist:registered) after oxend integration", _router_whitelist.size(), _registered_routers.size()); } std::optional NodeDB::get_random_whitelist_router() const { std::optional rand = std::nullopt; std::sample(_router_whitelist.begin(), _router_whitelist.end(), &*rand, 1, csrng); return rand; } bool NodeDB::is_connection_allowed(const RouterID& remote) const { if (not _router.is_service_node()) { if (_pinned_edges.size() && _pinned_edges.count(remote) == 0 && not _bootstraps.contains(remote)) return false; } // TESTNET: make this check an updated registry return known_rids.count(remote) or _registered_routers.count(remote); } bool NodeDB::is_first_hop_allowed(const RouterID& remote) const { if (_pinned_edges.size() && _pinned_edges.count(remote) == 0) return false; return true; } void NodeDB::store_bootstraps() { if (_bootstraps.empty()) return; for (const auto& rc : _bootstraps) { put_rc(rc); } log::critical(logcat, "NodeDB stored {} bootstrap routers", _bootstraps.size()); } void NodeDB::load_from_disk() { if (_root.empty()) return; std::vector purge; const auto now = time_now_ms(); for (const auto& f : fs::directory_iterator{_root}) { if (not f.is_regular_file() or f.path().extension() != RC_FILE_EXT) continue; RemoteRC rc{}; if (not rc.read(f) or rc.is_expired(now)) { // try loading it, purge it if it is junk or expired purge.push_back(f); continue; } const auto& rid = rc.router_id(); auto [itr, b] = known_rcs.insert(std::move(rc)); rc_lookup.emplace(rid, *itr); known_rids.insert(rid); } if (not purge.empty()) { log::warning(logcat, "removing {} invalid RCs from disk", purge.size()); for (const auto& fpath : purge) fs::remove(fpath); } } void NodeDB::save_to_disk() const { if (_root.empty()) return; _router.loop()->call([this]() { for (const auto& rc : rc_lookup) { rc.second.write(get_path_by_pubkey(rc.first)); } }); } bool NodeDB::has_rc(const RemoteRC& rc) const { return known_rcs.count(rc); } bool NodeDB::has_rc(const RouterID& pk) const { return rc_lookup.count(pk); } std::optional NodeDB::get_rc(const RouterID& pk) const { if (auto itr = rc_lookup.find(pk); itr != rc_lookup.end()) return itr->second; return std::nullopt; } void NodeDB::remove_router(RouterID pk) { _router.loop()->call([this, pk]() { if (auto itr = rc_lookup.find(pk); itr != rc_lookup.end()) {} rc_lookup.erase(pk); remove_many_from_disk_async({pk}); }); } void NodeDB::remove_stale_rcs() { auto cutoff_time = time_point_now(); cutoff_time -= _router.is_service_node() ? RouterContact::OUTDATED_AGE : RouterContact::LIFETIME; for (auto itr = rc_lookup.begin(); itr != rc_lookup.end();) { if (cutoff_time > itr->second.timestamp()) { log::info(logcat, "Pruning RC for {}, as it is too old to keep.", itr->first); known_rcs.erase(itr->second); rc_lookup.erase(itr); continue; } itr++; } } bool NodeDB::put_rc(RemoteRC rc, rc_time now) { const auto& rid = rc.router_id(); if (rid == _router.local_rid()) return false; known_rcs.erase(rc); rc_lookup.erase(rid); auto [itr, b] = known_rcs.insert(std::move(rc)); rc_lookup.emplace(rid, *itr); known_rids.insert(rid); last_rc_update_times[rid] = now; return true; } size_t NodeDB::num_rcs() const { return known_rcs.size(); } size_t NodeDB::num_rids() const { return known_rids.size(); } bool NodeDB::verify_store_gossip_rc(const RemoteRC& rc) { if (registered_routers().count(rc.router_id())) return put_rc_if_newer(rc); return false; } void NodeDB::verify_gossip_bfetch_rc(const RemoteRC& rc) { if (auto maybe = get_rc(rc.router_id())) { if (maybe->other_is_newer(rc)) put_rc(rc); } else { if (put_rc(rc)) _router.link_manager().gossip_rc(_router.local_rid(), rc); } } bool NodeDB::put_rc_if_newer(RemoteRC rc) { if (auto maybe = get_rc(rc.router_id())) { if (maybe->other_is_newer(rc)) return put_rc(rc); return false; } return put_rc(rc); } void NodeDB::remove_many_from_disk_async(std::unordered_set remove) const { if (_root.empty()) return; // build file list std::set files; for (auto id : remove) files.emplace(get_path_by_pubkey(std::move(id))); // remove them from the disk via the diskio thread _disk([files]() { for (auto fpath : files) fs::remove(fpath); }); } RemoteRC NodeDB::find_closest_to(llarp::dht::Key_t location) const { return _router.loop()->call_get([this, location]() -> RemoteRC { RemoteRC rc{}; const llarp::dht::XorMetric compare(location); visit_all([&rc, compare](const auto& otherRC) { const auto& rid = rc.router_id(); if (rid.IsZero() || compare(dht::Key_t{otherRC.router_id()}, dht::Key_t{rid})) { rc = otherRC; return; } }); return rc; }); } std::vector NodeDB::find_many_closest_to( llarp::dht::Key_t location, uint32_t numRouters) const { return _router.loop()->call_get([this, location, numRouters]() -> std::vector { std::vector all; all.reserve(known_rcs.size()); for (auto& entry : rc_lookup) { all.push_back(&entry.second); } auto it_mid = numRouters < all.size() ? all.begin() + numRouters : all.end(); std::partial_sort( all.begin(), it_mid, all.end(), [compare = dht::XorMetric{location}](auto* a, auto* b) { return compare(*a, *b); }); std::vector closest; closest.reserve(numRouters); for (auto it = all.begin(); it != it_mid; ++it) closest.push_back(**it); return closest; }); } } // namespace llarp