#include "link_manager.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { LinkLayer_ptr LinkManager::GetCompatibleLink(const RouterContact& rc) const { if (stopping) return nullptr; for (auto& link : outboundLinks) { // TODO: may want to add some memory of session failures for a given // router on a given link and not return that link here for a // duration if (!link->IsCompatable(rc)) continue; return link; } return nullptr; } IOutboundSessionMaker* LinkManager::GetSessionMaker() const { return _sessionMaker; } bool LinkManager::SendTo( const RouterID& remote, const llarp_buffer_t& buf, ILinkSession::CompletionHandler completed) { if (stopping) return false; auto link = GetLinkWithSessionTo(remote); if (link == nullptr) { if (completed) { completed(ILinkSession::DeliveryStatus::eDeliveryDropped); } return false; } return link->SendTo(remote, buf, completed); } bool LinkManager::HasSessionTo(const RouterID& remote) const { return GetLinkWithSessionTo(remote) != nullptr; } bool LinkManager::HasOutboundSessionTo(const RouterID& remote) const { for (const auto& link : outboundLinks) { if (link->HasSessionTo(remote)) return true; } return false; } std::optional LinkManager::SessionIsClient(RouterID remote) const { for (const auto& link : inboundLinks) { const auto session = link->FindSessionByPubkey(remote); if (session) return not session->IsRelay(); } if (HasOutboundSessionTo(remote)) return false; return std::nullopt; } void LinkManager::DeregisterPeer(RouterID remote) { m_PersistingSessions.erase(remote); for (const auto& link : inboundLinks) { link->CloseSessionTo(remote); } for (const auto& link : outboundLinks) { link->CloseSessionTo(remote); } LogInfo(remote, " has been de-registered"); } void LinkManager::PumpLinks() { for (const auto& link : inboundLinks) { link->Pump(); } for (const auto& link : outboundLinks) { link->Pump(); } } void LinkManager::AddLink(LinkLayer_ptr link, bool inbound) { util::Lock l(_mutex); if (inbound) { inboundLinks.emplace(link); } else { outboundLinks.emplace(link); } } bool LinkManager::StartLinks() { LogInfo("starting ", outboundLinks.size(), " outbound links"); for (const auto& link : outboundLinks) { if (!link->Start()) { LogWarn("outbound link '", link->Name(), "' failed to start"); return false; } LogDebug("Outbound Link ", link->Name(), " started"); } if (inboundLinks.size()) { LogInfo("starting ", inboundLinks.size(), " inbound links"); for (const auto& link : inboundLinks) { if (!link->Start()) { LogWarn("Link ", link->Name(), " failed to start"); return false; } LogDebug("Inbound Link ", link->Name(), " started"); } } return true; } void LinkManager::Stop() { if (stopping) { return; } util::Lock l(_mutex); LogInfo("stopping links"); stopping = true; for (const auto& link : outboundLinks) link->Stop(); for (const auto& link : inboundLinks) link->Stop(); } void LinkManager::PersistSessionUntil(const RouterID& remote, llarp_time_t until) { if (stopping) return; util::Lock l(_mutex); m_PersistingSessions[remote] = std::max(until, m_PersistingSessions[remote]); if (auto maybe = SessionIsClient(remote)) { if (*maybe) { // mark this as a client so we don't try to back connect m_Clients.Upsert(remote); } } } void LinkManager::ForEachPeer( std::function visit, bool randomize) const { if (stopping) return; for (const auto& link : outboundLinks) { link->ForEachSession([visit](const ILinkSession* peer) { visit(peer, true); }, randomize); } for (const auto& link : inboundLinks) { link->ForEachSession([visit](const ILinkSession* peer) { visit(peer, false); }, randomize); } } void LinkManager::ForEachPeer(std::function visit) { if (stopping) return; for (const auto& link : outboundLinks) { link->ForEachSession([visit](ILinkSession* peer) { visit(peer); }); } for (const auto& link : inboundLinks) { link->ForEachSession([visit](ILinkSession* peer) { visit(peer); }); } } void LinkManager::ForEachInboundLink(std::function visit) const { for (const auto& link : inboundLinks) { visit(link); } } void LinkManager::ForEachOutboundLink(std::function visit) const { for (const auto& link : outboundLinks) { visit(link); } } size_t LinkManager::NumberOfConnectedRouters() const { std::set connectedRouters; auto fn = [&connectedRouters](const ILinkSession* session, bool) { if (session->IsEstablished()) { const RouterContact rc(session->GetRemoteRC()); if (rc.IsPublicRouter()) { connectedRouters.insert(rc.pubkey); } } }; ForEachPeer(fn); return connectedRouters.size(); } size_t LinkManager::NumberOfConnectedClients() const { std::set connectedClients; auto fn = [&connectedClients](const ILinkSession* session, bool) { if (session->IsEstablished()) { const RouterContact rc(session->GetRemoteRC()); if (!rc.IsPublicRouter()) { connectedClients.insert(rc.pubkey); } } }; ForEachPeer(fn); return connectedClients.size(); } size_t LinkManager::NumberOfPendingConnections() const { size_t pending = 0; for (const auto& link : inboundLinks) { pending += link->NumberOfPendingSessions(); } for (const auto& link : outboundLinks) { pending += link->NumberOfPendingSessions(); } return pending; } bool LinkManager::GetRandomConnectedRouter(RouterContact& router) const { std::unordered_map connectedRouters; ForEachPeer( [&connectedRouters](const ILinkSession* peer, bool unused) { (void)unused; connectedRouters[peer->GetPubKey()] = peer->GetRemoteRC(); }, false); const auto sz = connectedRouters.size(); if (sz) { auto itr = connectedRouters.begin(); if (sz > 1) { std::advance(itr, randint() % sz); } router = itr->second; return true; } return false; } void LinkManager::CheckPersistingSessions(llarp_time_t now) { if (stopping) return; std::vector sessionsNeeded; std::vector sessionsClosed; { util::Lock l(_mutex); for (auto [remote, until] : m_PersistingSessions) { if (now < until) { auto link = GetLinkWithSessionTo(remote); if (link) { link->KeepAliveSessionTo(remote); } else if (not m_Clients.Contains(remote)) { sessionsNeeded.push_back(remote); } } else if (not m_Clients.Contains(remote)) { sessionsClosed.push_back(remote); } } } for (const auto& router : sessionsNeeded) { LogDebug("ensuring session to ", router, " for previously made commitment"); _sessionMaker->CreateSessionTo(router, nullptr); } for (const auto& router : sessionsClosed) { m_PersistingSessions.erase(router); ForEachOutboundLink([router](auto link) { link->CloseSessionTo(router); }); } } void LinkManager::updatePeerDb(std::shared_ptr peerDb) { std::vector> statsToUpdate; int64_t diffTotalTX = 0; ForEachPeer([&](ILinkSession* session) { // derive RouterID RouterID id = RouterID(session->GetRemoteRC().pubkey); SessionStats sessionStats = session->GetSessionStats(); SessionStats diff; SessionStats& lastStats = m_lastRouterStats[id]; // TODO: operator overloads / member func for diff diff.currentRateRX = std::max(sessionStats.currentRateRX, lastStats.currentRateRX); diff.currentRateTX = std::max(sessionStats.currentRateTX, lastStats.currentRateTX); diff.totalPacketsRX = sessionStats.totalPacketsRX - lastStats.totalPacketsRX; diff.totalAckedTX = sessionStats.totalAckedTX - lastStats.totalAckedTX; diff.totalDroppedTX = sessionStats.totalDroppedTX - lastStats.totalDroppedTX; diffTotalTX = diff.totalAckedTX + diff.totalDroppedTX + diff.totalInFlightTX; lastStats = sessionStats; // TODO: if we have both inbound and outbound session, this will overwrite statsToUpdate.push_back({id, diff}); }); for (auto& routerStats : statsToUpdate) { peerDb->modifyPeerStats(routerStats.first, [&](PeerStats& stats) { // TODO: store separate stats for up vs down const auto& diff = routerStats.second; // note that 'currentRateRX' and 'currentRateTX' are per-second stats.peakBandwidthBytesPerSec = std::max( stats.peakBandwidthBytesPerSec, (double)std::max(diff.currentRateRX, diff.currentRateTX)); stats.numPacketsDropped += diff.totalDroppedTX; stats.numPacketsSent = diff.totalAckedTX; stats.numPacketsAttempted = diffTotalTX; // TODO: others -- we have slight mismatch on what we store }); } } util::StatusObject LinkManager::ExtractStatus() const { std::vector ob_links, ib_links; std::transform( inboundLinks.begin(), inboundLinks.end(), std::back_inserter(ib_links), [](const auto& link) -> util::StatusObject { return link->ExtractStatus(); }); std::transform( outboundLinks.begin(), outboundLinks.end(), std::back_inserter(ob_links), [](const auto& link) -> util::StatusObject { return link->ExtractStatus(); }); util::StatusObject obj{{"outbound", ob_links}, {"inbound", ib_links}}; return obj; } void LinkManager::Init(IOutboundSessionMaker* sessionMaker) { stopping = false; _sessionMaker = sessionMaker; } LinkLayer_ptr LinkManager::GetLinkWithSessionTo(const RouterID& remote) const { if (stopping) return nullptr; for (const auto& link : outboundLinks) { if (link->HasSessionTo(remote)) { return link; } } for (const auto& link : inboundLinks) { if (link->HasSessionTo(remote)) { return link; } } return nullptr; } } // namespace llarp