#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for MIN #if(__FreeBSD__) || (__OpenBSD__) || (__NetBSD__) #include #endif namespace llarp { Context::~Context() { llarp_ev_loop *ptr = mainloop.release(); llarp_ev_loop_free(&ptr); } void Context::progress() { std::cout << "." << std::flush; } bool Context::Configure() { // llarp::LogInfo("loading config at ", configfile); if(!config->Load(configfile.c_str())) { config.release(); llarp::LogError("failed to load config file ", configfile); return false; } using namespace std::placeholders; config->visit(std::bind(&Context::iter_config, this, _1, _2, _3)); return true; } void Context::iter_config(const char *section, const char *key, const char *val) { if(!strcmp(section, "system")) { if(!strcmp(key, "pidfile")) { SetPIDFile(val); } } if(!strcmp(section, "router")) { if(!strcmp(key, "worker-threads") && !singleThreaded) { int workers = atoi(val); if(workers > 0 && worker == nullptr) { worker.reset(llarp_init_threadpool(workers, "llarp-worker")); } } else if(!strcmp(key, "net-threads")) { num_nethreads = atoi(val); if(num_nethreads <= 0) num_nethreads = 1; if(singleThreaded) num_nethreads = 0; } } if(!strcmp(section, "netdb")) { if(!strcmp(key, "dir")) { nodedb_dir = val; } } } void Context::SetPIDFile(const std::string &fname) { pidfile = fname; } int Context::LoadDatabase() { crypto = std::make_unique< sodium::CryptoLibSodium >(); nodedb = std::make_unique< llarp_nodedb >(crypto.get(), router->diskworker()); if(!llarp_nodedb::ensure_dir(nodedb_dir.c_str())) { llarp::LogError("nodedb_dir is incorrect"); return 0; } // llarp::LogInfo("nodedb_dir [", nodedb_dir, "] configured!"); ssize_t loaded = nodedb->load_dir(nodedb_dir.c_str()); llarp::LogInfo("nodedb_dir loaded ", loaded, " RCs from [", nodedb_dir, "]"); if(loaded < 0) { // shouldn't be possible llarp::LogError("nodedb_dir directory doesn't exist"); return 0; } return 1; } int Context::IterateDatabase(llarp_nodedb_iter &i) { return nodedb->iterate_all(i); } bool Context::PutDatabase(__attribute__((unused)) struct llarp::RouterContact &rc) { // FIXME // return llarp_nodedb_put_rc(nodedb, rc); return false; } llarp::RouterContact * Context::GetDatabase(__attribute__((unused)) const byte_t *pk) { // FIXME // return llarp_nodedb_get_rc(nodedb, pk); return nullptr; } int Context::Setup() { llarp::LogInfo(LLARP_VERSION, " ", LLARP_RELEASE_MOTTO); llarp::LogInfo("starting up"); mainloop = llarp_make_ev_loop(); // ensure worker thread pool if(!worker && !singleThreaded) worker.reset(llarp_init_threadpool(2, "llarp-worker")); else if(singleThreaded) { llarp::LogInfo("running in single threaded mode"); worker.reset(llarp_init_same_process_threadpool()); } // ensure netio thread if(singleThreaded) { logic = std::make_unique< Logic >(worker.get()); } else logic = std::make_unique< Logic >(); router = std::make_unique< Router >(worker.get(), mainloop.get(), logic.get()); if(!router->Configure(config.get())) { llarp::LogError("Failed to configure router"); return 1; } // must be done after router is made so we can use its disk io worker // must also be done after configure so that netid is properly set if it is // provided by config if(!this->LoadDatabase()) return 1; return 0; } int Context::Run() { if(router == nullptr) { // we are not set up so we should die llarp::LogError("cannot run non configured context"); return 1; } if(!WritePIDFile()) return 1; // run if(!router->Run(nodedb.get())) return 1; // run net io thread llarp::LogInfo("running mainloop"); llarp_ev_loop_run_single_process(mainloop.get(), worker.get(), logic.get()); // waits for router graceful stop return 0; } bool Context::WritePIDFile() const { if(pidfile.size()) { std::ofstream f(pidfile); f << std::to_string(getpid()); return f.good(); } else return true; } void Context::RemovePIDFile() const { if(pidfile.size()) { fs::path f = pidfile; std::error_code ex; if(fs::exists(f, ex)) { if(!ex) fs::remove(f); } } } void Context::HandleSignal(int sig) { if(sig == SIGINT || sig == SIGTERM) { SigINT(); } // TODO(despair): implement hot-reloading config on NT #ifndef _WIN32 if(sig == SIGHUP) { llarp::LogInfo("SIGHUP"); if(router) { Config newconfig; if(newconfig.Load(configfile.c_str())) { llarp::LogError("failed to load config file ", configfile); return; } // validate config if(!router->ValidateConfig(&newconfig)) { llarp::LogWarn("new configuration is invalid"); return; } // reconfigure if(!router->Reconfigure(&newconfig)) { llarp::LogError("Failed to reconfigure so we will stop."); router->Stop(); return; } llarp::LogInfo("router reconfigured"); } } #endif } void Context::SigINT() { if(router) { /// async stop router on sigint router->Stop(); } else { if(logic) logic->stop(); llarp_ev_loop_stop(mainloop.get()); Close(); } } void Context::Close() { llarp::LogDebug("stop workers"); if(worker) llarp_threadpool_stop(worker.get()); llarp::LogDebug("join workers"); if(worker) llarp_threadpool_join(worker.get()); llarp::LogDebug("free config"); config.release(); llarp::LogDebug("free workers"); worker.release(); llarp::LogDebug("free nodedb"); nodedb.release(); llarp::LogDebug("free router"); router.release(); llarp::LogDebug("free logic"); logic.release(); RemovePIDFile(); } bool Context::LoadConfig(const std::string &fname) { config = std::make_unique< Config >(); configfile = fname; return Configure(); } } // namespace llarp struct llarp_main { std::unique_ptr< llarp::Context > ctx; }; extern "C" { struct llarp_main * llarp_main_init(const char *fname, bool multiProcess) { if(!fname) fname = "daemon.ini"; char *var = getenv("LLARP_DEBUG"); if(var && *var == '1') { cSetLogLevel(eLogDebug); } llarp_main *m = new llarp_main; m->ctx.reset(new llarp::Context()); m->ctx->singleThreaded = !multiProcess; if(!m->ctx->LoadConfig(fname)) { m->ctx->Close(); delete m; return nullptr; } return m; } void llarp_main_signal(struct llarp_main *ptr, int sig) { ptr->ctx->HandleSignal(sig); } void llarp_main_inject_vpn_fd(struct llarp_main *ptr, int fd) { llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint *tun = ptr->ctx->router->hiddenServiceContext().getFirstTun(); if(!tun) return; if(!tun->Promise) return; tun->Promise->Set(fd); } int llarp_main_setup(struct llarp_main *ptr) { return ptr->ctx->Setup(); } int llarp_main_run(struct llarp_main *ptr) { if(!ptr) { llarp::LogError("No ptr passed in"); return 1; } return ptr->ctx->Run(); } void llarp_main_abort(struct llarp_main *ptr) { ptr->ctx->router->logic()->stop_timer(); } void llarp_main_queryDHT_RC(struct llarp_main *ptr, struct llarp_router_lookup_job *job) { llarp_dht_lookup_router(ptr->ctx->router->dht(), job); } bool llarp_main_init_dnsd(struct llarp_main *ptr, struct dnsd_context *dnsd, const llarp::Addr &dnsd_sockaddr, const llarp::Addr &dnsc_sockaddr) { return llarp_dnsd_init(dnsd, ptr->ctx->logic.get(), ptr->ctx->mainloop.get(), dnsd_sockaddr, dnsc_sockaddr); } bool llarp_main_init_dotLokiLookup(struct llarp_main *ptr, struct dotLokiLookup *dll) { (void)ptr; (void)dll; // TODO: gut me return false; } void llarp_main_free(struct llarp_main *ptr) { delete ptr; } int llarp_main_loadDatabase(struct llarp_main *ptr) { return ptr->ctx->LoadDatabase(); } int llarp_main_iterateDatabase(struct llarp_main *ptr, struct llarp_nodedb_iter i) { return ptr->ctx->IterateDatabase(i); } bool llarp_main_putDatabase(struct llarp_main *ptr, llarp::RouterContact &rc) { return ptr->ctx->PutDatabase(rc); } llarp::RouterContact * llarp_main_getDatabase(struct llarp_main *ptr, byte_t *pk) { return ptr->ctx->GetDatabase(pk); } llarp::RouterContact * llarp_main_getLocalRC(__attribute__((unused)) struct llarp_main *ptr) { return nullptr; } void llarp_main_checkOnline(void *u, __attribute__((unused)) uint64_t orig, uint64_t left) { // llarp::Info("checkOnline - check ", left); if(left) return; struct check_online_request *request = static_cast< struct check_online_request * >(u); // llarp::Debug("checkOnline - running"); // llarp::Info("checkOnline - DHT nodes ", // request->ptr->ctx->router->dht->impl.nodes->nodes.size()); request->online = false; request->nodes = request->ptr->ctx->router->dht()->impl->Nodes()->nodes.size(); if(request->ptr->ctx->router->dht()->impl->Nodes()->nodes.size()) { // llarp::Info("checkOnline - Going to say we're online"); request->online = true; } request->hook(request); // reschedue our self llarp_main_queryDHT(request); } void llarp_main_queryDHT_online(struct check_online_request *request) { // Info("llarp_main_queryDHT_online: ", request->online ? "online" : // "offline"); if(request->online && !request->first) { request->first = true; llarp::LogInfo("llarp_main_queryDHT_online - We're online"); llarp::LogInfo("llarp_main_queryDHT_online - Querying DHT"); llarp_dht_lookup_router(request->ptr->ctx->router->dht(), request->job); } } void llarp_main_queryDHT(struct check_online_request *request) { // llarp::Info("llarp_main_queryDHT - setting up timer"); request->hook = &llarp_main_queryDHT_online; request->ptr->ctx->router->logic()->call_later( {1000, request, &llarp_main_checkOnline}); // llarp_dht_lookup_router(ptr->ctx->router->dht, job); } bool main_router_prefetch(struct llarp_main *ptr, const llarp::service::Address &addr) { auto &endpoint = ptr->ctx->router->hiddenServiceContext(); return endpoint.Prefetch(addr); } llarp::handlers::TunEndpoint * main_router_getFirstTunEndpoint(struct llarp_main *ptr) { if(ptr && ptr->ctx && ptr->ctx->router) return ptr->ctx->router->hiddenServiceContext().getFirstTun(); return nullptr; } bool main_router_endpoint_iterator( struct llarp_main *ptr, struct llarp::service::Context::endpoint_iter &i) { return ptr->ctx->router->hiddenServiceContext().iterate(i); } llarp_tun_io * main_router_getRange(struct llarp_main *ptr) { return ptr->ctx->router->hiddenServiceContext().getRange(); } const char * handleBaseCmdLineArgs(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *conffname = "daemon.ini"; int c; while(1) { static struct option long_options[] = { {"config", required_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"logLevel", required_argument, 0, 'o'}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}; int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:o:", long_options, &option_index); if(c == -1) break; switch(c) { case 0: break; case 'c': conffname = optarg; break; case 'o': if(strncmp(optarg, "debug", std::min(strlen(optarg), size_t(5))) == 0) { cSetLogLevel(eLogDebug); } else if(strncmp(optarg, "info", std::min(strlen(optarg), size_t(4))) == 0) { cSetLogLevel(eLogInfo); } else if(strncmp(optarg, "warn", std::min(strlen(optarg), size_t(4))) == 0) { cSetLogLevel(eLogWarn); } else if(strncmp(optarg, "error", std::min(strlen(optarg), size_t(5))) == 0) { cSetLogLevel(eLogError); } break; default: break; } } return conffname; } }