#include #if defined(_WIN32) #include #include #include int Lokinet_INIT(void) { static const char *(CDECL * pwine_get_version)(void); HMODULE hntdll = GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll"); if(hntdll) { pwine_get_version = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "wine_get_version"); if(pwine_get_version) { static const char *text = "dont run lokinet in wine like wtf man we support linux and pretty " "much every flavour of BSD, and even some flavours of unix system " "5.x.\nThis Program Will now crash lmao."; static const char *title = "srsly fam wtf"; MessageBoxA(NULL, text, title, MB_ICONHAND); abort(); } } return 0; } #else int Lokinet_INIT(void) { return 0; } #endif