#include "link_manager.hpp" #include "connection.hpp" #include "contacts.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { namespace link { std::shared_ptr Endpoint::get_conn(const RemoteRC& rc) const { if (auto itr = conns.find(rc.router_id()); itr != conns.end()) return itr->second; return nullptr; } std::shared_ptr Endpoint::get_conn(const RouterID& rid) const { if (auto itr = conns.find(rid); itr != conns.end()) return itr->second; return nullptr; } bool Endpoint::have_conn(const RouterID& remote, bool client_only) const { if (auto itr = conns.find(remote); itr != conns.end()) { if (not(itr->second->remote_is_relay and client_only)) return true; } return false; } size_t Endpoint::num_connected(bool clients_only) const { size_t count = 0; for (const auto& c : conns) { if (not(c.second->remote_is_relay and clients_only)) count += 1; } return count; } bool Endpoint::get_random_connection(RemoteRC& router) const { if (const auto size = conns.size(); size) { auto itr = conns.begin(); std::advance(itr, randint() % size); router = itr->second->remote_rc; return true; } log::warning(quic_cat, "Error: failed to fetch random connection"); return false; } void Endpoint::for_each_connection(std::function func) { for (const auto& [rid, conn] : conns) func(*conn); } void Endpoint::close_connection(RouterID _rid) { assert(link_manager._router.loop()->inEventLoop()); auto itr = conns.find(_rid); if (itr != conns.end()) return; auto& conn = *itr->second->conn; conn.close_connection(); connid_map.erase(conn.scid()); conns.erase(itr); } } // namespace link using messages::serialize_response; void LinkManager::for_each_connection(std::function func) { if (is_stopping) return; return ep.for_each_connection(func); } void LinkManager::register_commands(std::shared_ptr& s) { assert(ep.connid_map.count(s->conn_id())); const RouterID& rid = ep.connid_map[s->conn_id()]; s->register_command("path_build"s, [this, rid](oxen::quic::message m) { _router.loop()->call( [this, &rid, msg = std::move(m)]() mutable { handle_path_build(std::move(msg), rid); }); }); s->register_command("path_control"s, [this, rid](oxen::quic::message m) { _router.loop()->call( [this, &rid, msg = std::move(m)]() mutable { handle_path_control(std::move(msg), rid); }); }); s->register_command("gossip_rc"s, [this, rid](oxen::quic::message m) { _router.loop()->call( [this, msg = std::move(m)]() mutable { handle_gossip_rc(std::move(msg)); }); }); s->register_command("bfetch_rcs"s, [this, rid](oxen::quic::message m) { _router.loop()->call( [this, msg = std::move(m)]() mutable { handle_fetch_bootstrap_rcs(std::move(msg)); }); }); for (auto& method : direct_requests) { s->register_command( std::string{method.first}, [this, func = method.second](oxen::quic::message m) { _router.loop()->call([this, msg = std::move(m), func = std::move(func)]() mutable { auto body = msg.body_str(); auto respond = [m = std::move(msg)](std::string response) mutable { m.respond(std::move(response), not m); }; std::invoke(func, this, body, std::move(respond)); }); }); } } std::shared_ptr LinkManager::startup_endpoint() { /** Parameters: - local bind address - conection open callback - connection close callback - stream constructor callback - will return a BTRequestStream on the first call to get_new_stream - bt stream construction contains a stream close callback that shuts down the connection if the btstream closes unexpectedly */ auto ep = quic->endpoint( _router.listen_addr(), [this](oxen::quic::connection_interface& ci) { return on_conn_open(ci); }, [this](oxen::quic::connection_interface& ci, uint64_t ec) { return on_conn_closed(ci, ec); }, [this](oxen::quic::dgram_interface& di, bstring dgram) { recv_data_message(di, dgram); }); tls_creds->set_key_verify_callback([this](const ustring_view& key, const ustring_view&) { bool result = false; RouterID other{key.data()}; if (auto itr = rids_pending_verification.find(other); itr != rids_pending_verification.end()) { verified_rids[other] = itr->second; rids_pending_verification.erase(itr); result = true; } if (_router.node_db()->has_rc(other)) result = true; // TODO: discuss pubkey verification for bootstraps connecting to seed node if (_router.is_bootstrap_seed()) { log::warning(logcat, "Allowing connection -- we are bootstrap seed"); result = true; } log::critical( logcat, "{}uccessfully verified connection to {}!", result ? "S" : "Uns", other); return result; }); if (_router.is_service_node()) { ep->listen( tls_creds, [&](oxen::quic::Connection& c, oxen::quic::Endpoint& e, std::optional id) -> std::shared_ptr { if (id && id == 0) { auto s = e.make_shared( c, e, [](oxen::quic::Stream& s, uint64_t error_code) { log::warning( logcat, "BTRequestStream closed unexpectedly (ec:{}); closing connection...", error_code); s.conn.close_connection(error_code); }); register_commands(s); return s; } return e.make_shared(c, e); }); } return ep; } LinkManager::LinkManager(Router& r) : _router{r} , quic{std::make_unique()} , tls_creds{oxen::quic::GNUTLSCreds::make_from_ed_keys( {reinterpret_cast(_router.identity().data()), size_t{32}}, {reinterpret_cast(_router.identity().toPublic().data()), size_t{32}})} , ep{startup_endpoint(), *this} {} std::unique_ptr LinkManager::make(Router& r) { std::unique_ptr p{new LinkManager(r)}; return p; } bool LinkManager::send_control_message( const RouterID& remote, std::string endpoint, std::string body, std::function func) { assert(func); // makes no sense to send control message and ignore response if (func) { func = [this, f = std::move(func)](oxen::quic::message m) mutable { _router.loop()->call([func = std::move(f), msg = std::move(m)]() mutable { func(std::move(msg)); }); }; } return send_control_message_impl(remote, std::move(endpoint), std::move(body), std::move(func)); } bool LinkManager::send_control_message_impl( const RouterID& remote, std::string endpoint, std::string body, std::function func) { if (is_stopping) return false; if (auto conn = ep.get_conn(remote); conn) { conn->control_stream->command(std::move(endpoint), std::move(body), std::move(func)); return true; } _router.loop()->call([this, remote, endpoint = std::move(endpoint), body = std::move(body), f = std::move(func)]() { auto pending = PendingControlMessage(std::move(body), std::move(endpoint), f); auto [itr, b] = pending_conn_msg_queue.emplace(remote, MessageQueue()); itr->second.push_back(std::move(pending)); connect_to(remote); }); return false; } bool LinkManager::send_data_message(const RouterID& remote, std::string body) { if (is_stopping) return false; if (auto conn = ep.get_conn(remote); conn) { conn->conn->send_datagram(std::move(body)); return true; } _router.loop()->call([this, body = std::move(body), remote]() { auto pending = PendingDataMessage(body); auto [itr, b] = pending_conn_msg_queue.emplace(remote, MessageQueue()); itr->second.push_back(std::move(pending)); connect_to(remote); }); return false; } void LinkManager::close_connection(RouterID rid) { return ep.close_connection(rid); } void LinkManager::test_reachability( const RouterID& rid, conn_open_hook on_open, conn_closed_hook on_close) { if (auto rc = node_db->get_rc(rid)) { connect_to(*rc, std::move(on_open), std::move(on_close)); } else log::warning(quic_cat, "Could not find RouterContact for connection to rid:{}", rid); } void LinkManager::connect_to(const RouterID& rid, conn_open_hook hook) { if (auto rc = node_db->get_rc(rid)) connect_to(*rc, std::move(hook)); else log::warning(quic_cat, "Could not find RouterContact for connection to rid:{}", rid); } // This function assumes the RC has already had its signature verified and connection is allowed. void LinkManager::connect_to(const RemoteRC& rc, conn_open_hook on_open, conn_closed_hook on_close) { if (auto conn = ep.get_conn(rc.router_id()); conn) { // TODO: should implement some connection failed logic, but not the same logic that // would be executed for another failure case return; } const auto& remote_addr = rc.addr(); const auto& rid = rc.router_id(); rids_pending_verification[rid] = rc; // TODO: confirm remote end is using the expected pubkey (RouterID). // TODO: ALPN for "client" vs "relay" (could just be set on endpoint creation) if (auto rv = ep.establish_connection( oxen::quic::RemoteAddress{rc.router_id().ToView(), remote_addr}, rc, std::move(on_open), std::move(on_close)); rv) { log::info(quic_cat, "Begun establishing connection to {}", remote_addr); return; } log::warning(quic_cat, "Failed to begin establishing connection to {}", remote_addr); } void LinkManager::on_inbound_conn(oxen::quic::connection_interface& ci) { const auto& scid = ci.scid(); RouterID rid{ci.remote_key()}; const auto& rc = verified_rids[rid]; ep.connid_map.emplace(scid, rid); auto [itr, b] = ep.conns.emplace(rid, nullptr); auto control_stream = ci.queue_stream([](oxen::quic::Stream& s, uint64_t error_code) { log::warning( logcat, "BTRequestStream closed unexpectedly (ec:{}); closing connection...", error_code); s.conn.close_connection(error_code); }); itr->second = std::make_shared(ci.shared_from_this(), control_stream, rc); log::critical(logcat, "Successfully configured inbound connection fom {}; storing RC...", rid); node_db->put_rc(rc); } // TODO: should we add routes here now that Router::SessionOpen is gone? void LinkManager::on_conn_open(oxen::quic::connection_interface& ci) { _router.loop()->call([this, &conn_interface = ci]() { const auto rid = RouterID{conn_interface.remote_key()}; const auto& remote = conn_interface.remote(); if (conn_interface.is_inbound()) { log::critical(logcat, "Inbound connection fom {} (remote:{})", rid, remote); on_inbound_conn(conn_interface); } log::critical( logcat, "SERVICE NODE (RID:{}) ESTABLISHED CONNECTION TO RID:{}", _router.local_rid(), rid); // check to see if this connection was established while we were attempting to queue // messages to the remote if (auto itr = pending_conn_msg_queue.find(rid); itr != pending_conn_msg_queue.end()) { log::critical(logcat, "Clearing pending queue for RID:{}", rid); auto& que = itr->second; while (not que.empty()) { auto& m = que.front(); if (m.is_control) { auto& msg = reinterpret_cast(m); log::critical(logcat, "Dispatching {} request!", msg.endpoint); ep.conns[rid]->control_stream->command(msg.endpoint, msg.body, msg.func); } else { auto& msg = reinterpret_cast(m); conn_interface.send_datagram(std::move(msg.body)); } que.pop_front(); } return; } log::warning(logcat, "No pending queue to clear for RID:{}", rid); }); }; void LinkManager::on_conn_closed(oxen::quic::connection_interface& ci, uint64_t ec) { _router.loop()->call([this, &conn_interface = ci, error_code = ec]() { const auto& scid = conn_interface.scid(); log::critical(quic_cat, "Purging quic connection CID:{} (ec: {})", scid, error_code); if (const auto& c_itr = ep.connid_map.find(scid); c_itr != ep.connid_map.end()) { const auto& rid = c_itr->second; if (auto maybe = rids_pending_verification.find(rid); maybe != rids_pending_verification.end()) rids_pending_verification.erase(maybe); // in case this didn't clear earlier, do it now if (auto p_itr = pending_conn_msg_queue.find(rid); p_itr != pending_conn_msg_queue.end()) pending_conn_msg_queue.erase(p_itr); if (auto m_itr = ep.conns.find(rid); m_itr != ep.conns.end()) ep.conns.erase(m_itr); ep.connid_map.erase(c_itr); log::critical(quic_cat, "Quic connection CID:{} purged successfully", scid); } }); } bool LinkManager::have_connection_to(const RouterID& remote, bool client_only) const { return ep.have_conn(remote, client_only); } bool LinkManager::have_client_connection_to(const RouterID& remote) const { return ep.have_conn(remote, true); } void LinkManager::stop() { if (is_stopping) { return; } LogInfo("stopping links"); is_stopping = true; quic.reset(); } void LinkManager::set_conn_persist(const RouterID& remote, llarp_time_t until) { if (is_stopping) return; persisting_conns[remote] = std::max(until, persisting_conns[remote]); if (have_client_connection_to(remote)) { // mark this as a client so we don't try to back connect clients.Upsert(remote); } } size_t LinkManager::get_num_connected(bool clients_only) const { return ep.num_connected(clients_only); } size_t LinkManager::get_num_connected_clients() const { return get_num_connected(true); } bool LinkManager::get_random_connected(RemoteRC& router) const { return ep.get_random_connection(router); } // TODO: this? perhaps no longer necessary in the same way? void LinkManager::check_persisting_conns(llarp_time_t) { if (is_stopping) return; } // TODO: this util::StatusObject LinkManager::extract_status() const { return {}; } void LinkManager::init() { is_stopping = false; node_db = _router.node_db(); client_router_connections = _router.required_num_client_conns(); } void LinkManager::connect_to_random(int num_conns) { std::set exclude; auto remainder = num_conns; auto filter = [exclude](const RemoteRC& rc) -> bool { return exclude.count(rc.router_id()) == 0; }; if (auto maybe = node_db->get_n_random_rcs_conditional(remainder, filter)) { std::vector& rcs = *maybe; for (const auto& rc : rcs) connect_to(rc); } else log::warning( logcat, "NodeDB query for {} random RCs for connection returned none", num_conns); } void LinkManager::recv_data_message(oxen::quic::dgram_interface&, bstring) { // TODO: this } void LinkManager::gossip_rc(const RouterID& rc_rid, std::string serialized_rc) { for (auto& [rid, conn] : ep.conns) { // don't send back to the owner... if (rid == rc_rid) continue; // don't gossip RCs to clients if (not conn->remote_is_relay) continue; send_control_message(rid, "gossip_rc", serialized_rc); } } void LinkManager::handle_gossip_rc(oxen::quic::message m) { // RemoteRC constructor wraps deserialization in a try/catch RemoteRC rc{m.body()}; if (node_db->put_rc_if_newer(rc)) { log::info(link_cat, "Received updated RC, forwarding to relay peers."); gossip_rc(rc.router_id(), m.body_str()); } else log::debug(link_cat, "Received known or old RC, not storing or forwarding."); } void LinkManager::fetch_bootstrap_rcs( const RemoteRC& source, std::string payload, std::function func) { _router.loop()->call([this, source, payload, f = std::move(func)]() { if (auto conn = ep.get_conn(source); conn) { log::critical(logcat, "Dispatched bootstrap fetch request!"); conn->control_stream->command("bfetch_rcs"s, std::move(payload), std::move(f)); return; } log::critical(logcat, "Queuing bootstrap fetch request"); auto pending = PendingControlMessage(std::move(payload), "bfetch_rcs"s, f); auto [itr, b] = pending_conn_msg_queue.emplace(source.router_id(), MessageQueue()); itr->second.push_back(std::move(pending)); connect_to(source); }); } void LinkManager::handle_fetch_bootstrap_rcs(oxen::quic::message m) { // this handler should not be registered for clients assert(_router.is_service_node()); log::critical(logcat, "Handling fetch bootstrap fetch request..."); RemoteRC remote; size_t quantity; try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; btdc.required("local"); auto rc_dict = btdc.consume_dict_data(); log::critical(logcat, "incoming dict data: {}", oxenc::to_hex(rc_dict)); remote = RemoteRC{rc_dict}; quantity = btdc.require("quantity"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::info(link_cat, "Exception handling RC Fetch request: {}", e.what()); m.respond(messages::ERROR_RESPONSE, true); return; } node_db->put_rc(remote); auto& bootstraps = node_db->bootstrap_list(); auto count = bootstraps.size(); if (count == 0) { log::error(logcat, "No bootstraps locally to send!"); m.respond(messages::ERROR_RESPONSE, true); return; } auto now = llarp::time_now_ms(); size_t i = 0; oxenc::bt_dict_producer btdp; { auto sublist = btdp.append_list("rcs"); while (i < quantity) { auto& next_rc = bootstraps.next(); if (next_rc.is_expired(now)) continue; sublist.append_encoded(next_rc.view()); ++i; } } m.respond(std::move(btdp).str()); } void LinkManager::fetch_rcs( const RouterID& source, std::string payload, std::function func) { send_control_message(source, "fetch_rcs", std::move(payload), std::move(func)); } void LinkManager::handle_fetch_rcs(oxen::quic::message m) { // this handler should not be registered for clients assert(_router.is_service_node()); std::set explicit_ids; rc_time since_time; try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; auto btlc = btdc.require("explicit_ids"); while (not btlc.is_finished()) explicit_ids.emplace(btlc.consume().data()); since_time = rc_time{std::chrono::seconds{btdc.require("since")}}; } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::info(link_cat, "Exception handling RC Fetch request: {}", e.what()); m.respond(messages::ERROR_RESPONSE, true); return; } const auto& rcs = node_db->get_rcs(); const auto now = time_point_now(); oxenc::bt_dict_producer btdp; const auto& last_time = node_db->get_last_rc_update_times(); { auto sublist = btdp.append_list("rcs"); // if since_time isn't epoch start, subtract a bit for buffer if (since_time != decltype(since_time)::min()) since_time -= 5s; // Initial fetch: give me all the RC's if (explicit_ids.empty()) { for (const auto& rc : rcs) { if (last_time.at(rc.router_id()) > since_time) sublist.append_encoded(rc.view()); } } else { for (const auto& rid : explicit_ids) { if (auto maybe_rc = node_db->get_rc_by_rid(rid)) sublist.append_encoded(maybe_rc->view()); } } } btdp.append("time", now.time_since_epoch().count()); m.respond(std::move(btdp).str()); } void LinkManager::fetch_router_ids( const RouterID& via, std::string payload, std::function func) { send_control_message(via, "fetch_router_ids"s, std::move(payload), std::move(func)); } void LinkManager::handle_fetch_router_ids(oxen::quic::message m) { RouterID source; RouterID local = router().local_rid(); try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; source.from_string(btdc.require("source")); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::info(link_cat, "Error fulfilling fetch RouterIDs request: {}", e.what()); } // if bad request, silently fail if (source.size() != RouterID::SIZE) return; if (source != local) { send_control_message( source, "fetch_router_ids"s, m.body_str(), [source_rid = std::move(source), original = std::move(m)](oxen::quic::message m) mutable { original.respond(m.body_str(), not m); }); return; } oxenc::bt_dict_producer btdp; { auto btlp = btdp.append_list("routers"); const auto& known_rids = node_db->get_known_rids(); for (const auto& rid : known_rids) btlp.append(rid.ToView()); } btdp.append_signature("signature", [this](ustring_view to_sign) { std::array sig; if (!crypto::sign(const_cast(sig.data()), _router.identity(), to_sign)) throw std::runtime_error{"Failed to sign fetch RouterIDs response"}; return sig; }); m.respond(std::move(btdp).str()); } void LinkManager::handle_find_name(std::string_view body, std::function respond) { std::string name_hash; try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdp{body}; name_hash = btdp.require("H"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); respond(messages::ERROR_RESPONSE); return; } _router.rpc_client()->lookup_ons_hash( name_hash, [respond = std::move(respond)]( [[maybe_unused]] std::optional maybe) mutable { if (maybe) respond(serialize_response({{"NAME", maybe->ciphertext}})); else respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, FindNameMessage::NOT_FOUND}})); }); } void LinkManager::handle_find_name_response(oxen::quic::message m) { if (m.timed_out) { log::info(link_cat, "FindNameMessage timed out!"); return; } std::string payload; try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; payload = btdc.require(m ? "NAME" : messages::STATUS_KEY); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); return; } if (m) { // TODO: wtf } else { if (payload == "ERROR") { log::info(link_cat, "FindNameMessage failed with unkown error!"); // resend? } else if (payload == FindNameMessage::NOT_FOUND) { log::info(link_cat, "FindNameMessage failed with unkown error!"); // what to do here? } else log::info(link_cat, "FindNameMessage failed with unkown error!"); } } void LinkManager::handle_publish_intro(std::string_view body, std::function respond) { std::string introset, derived_signing_key, payload, sig, nonce; uint64_t is_relayed, relay_order; std::chrono::milliseconds signed_at; try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc_a{body}; introset = btdc_a.require("I"); relay_order = btdc_a.require("O"); is_relayed = btdc_a.require("R"); oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc_b{introset.data()}; derived_signing_key = btdc_b.require("d"); nonce = btdc_b.require("n"); signed_at = std::chrono::milliseconds{btdc_b.require("s")}; payload = btdc_b.require("x"); sig = btdc_b.require("z"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); respond(messages::ERROR_RESPONSE); return; } const auto now = _router.now(); const auto addr = dht::Key_t{reinterpret_cast(derived_signing_key.data())}; const auto local_key = _router.rc().router_id(); if (not service::EncryptedIntroSet::verify(introset, derived_signing_key, sig)) { log::error(link_cat, "Received PublishIntroMessage with invalid introset: {}", introset); respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, PublishIntroMessage::INVALID_INTROSET}})); return; } if (now + service::MAX_INTROSET_TIME_DELTA > signed_at + path::DEFAULT_LIFETIME) { log::error(link_cat, "Received PublishIntroMessage with expired introset: {}", introset); respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, PublishIntroMessage::EXPIRED}})); return; } auto closest_rcs = _router.node_db()->find_many_closest_to(addr, INTROSET_STORAGE_REDUNDANCY); if (closest_rcs.size() != INTROSET_STORAGE_REDUNDANCY) { log::error( link_cat, "Received PublishIntroMessage but only know {} nodes", closest_rcs.size()); respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, PublishIntroMessage::INSUFFICIENT}})); return; } service::EncryptedIntroSet enc{derived_signing_key, signed_at, payload, nonce, sig}; if (is_relayed) { if (relay_order >= INTROSET_STORAGE_REDUNDANCY) { log::error( link_cat, "Received PublishIntroMessage with invalide relay order: {}", relay_order); respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, PublishIntroMessage::INVALID_ORDER}})); return; } log::info(link_cat, "Relaying PublishIntroMessage for {}", addr); const auto& peer_rc = closest_rcs[relay_order]; const auto& peer_key = peer_rc.router_id(); if (peer_key == local_key) { log::info( link_cat, "Received PublishIntroMessage in which we are peer index {}.. storing introset", relay_order); _router.contacts().put_intro(std::move(enc)); respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, ""}})); } else { log::info( link_cat, "Received PublishIntroMessage; propagating to peer index {}", relay_order); send_control_message( peer_key, "publish_intro", PublishIntroMessage::serialize(introset, relay_order, is_relayed), [respond = std::move(respond)](oxen::quic::message m) { if (m.timed_out) return; // drop if timed out; requester will have timed out as well respond(m.body_str()); }); } return; } int rc_index = -1, index = 0; for (const auto& rc : closest_rcs) { if (rc.router_id() == local_key) { rc_index = index; break; } ++index; } if (rc_index >= 0) { log::info(link_cat, "Received PublishIntroMessage for {} (TXID: {}); we are candidate {}"); _router.contacts().put_intro(std::move(enc)); respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, ""}})); } else log::warning( link_cat, "Received non-relayed PublishIntroMessage from {}; we are not the candidate", addr); } void LinkManager::handle_publish_intro_response(oxen::quic::message m) { if (m.timed_out) { log::info(link_cat, "PublishIntroMessage timed out!"); return; } std::string payload; try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; payload = btdc.require(messages::STATUS_KEY); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); return; } if (m) { // DISCUSS: not sure what to do on success of a publish intro command? } else { if (payload == "ERROR") { log::info(link_cat, "PublishIntroMessage failed with remote exception!"); // Do something smart here probably return; } log::info(link_cat, "PublishIntroMessage failed with error code: {}", payload); if (payload == PublishIntroMessage::INVALID_INTROSET) {} else if (payload == PublishIntroMessage::EXPIRED) {} else if (payload == PublishIntroMessage::INSUFFICIENT) {} else if (payload == PublishIntroMessage::INVALID_ORDER) {} } } void LinkManager::handle_find_intro(std::string_view body, std::function respond) { ustring location; uint64_t relay_order, is_relayed; try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{body}; relay_order = btdc.require("O"); is_relayed = btdc.require("R"); location = btdc.require("S"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); respond(messages::ERROR_RESPONSE); return; } const auto addr = dht::Key_t{location.data()}; if (is_relayed) { if (relay_order >= INTROSET_STORAGE_REDUNDANCY) { log::warning( link_cat, "Received FindIntroMessage with invalid relay order: {}", relay_order); respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, FindIntroMessage::INVALID_ORDER}})); return; } auto closest_rcs = _router.node_db()->find_many_closest_to(addr, INTROSET_STORAGE_REDUNDANCY); if (closest_rcs.size() != INTROSET_STORAGE_REDUNDANCY) { log::error( link_cat, "Received FindIntroMessage but only know {} nodes", closest_rcs.size()); respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, FindIntroMessage::INSUFFICIENT_NODES}})); return; } log::info(link_cat, "Relaying FindIntroMessage for {}", addr); const auto& peer_rc = closest_rcs[relay_order]; const auto& peer_key = peer_rc.router_id(); send_control_message( peer_key, "find_intro", FindIntroMessage::serialize(dht::Key_t{peer_key}, is_relayed, relay_order), [respond = std::move(respond)](oxen::quic::message relay_response) mutable { if (relay_response) log::info( link_cat, "Relayed FindIntroMessage returned successful response; transmitting to initial " "requester"); else if (relay_response.timed_out) log::critical( link_cat, "Relayed FindIntroMessage timed out! Notifying initial requester"); else log::critical( link_cat, "Relayed FindIntroMessage failed! Notifying initial requester"); respond(relay_response.body_str()); }); } else { if (auto maybe_intro = _router.contacts().get_introset_by_location(addr)) respond(serialize_response({{"INTROSET", maybe_intro->bt_encode()}})); else { log::warning( link_cat, "Received FindIntroMessage with relayed == false and no local introset entry"); respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, FindIntroMessage::NOT_FOUND}})); } } } void LinkManager::handle_find_intro_response(oxen::quic::message m) { if (m.timed_out) { log::info(link_cat, "FindIntroMessage timed out!"); return; } std::string payload; try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; payload = btdc.require((m) ? "INTROSET" : messages::STATUS_KEY); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); return; } // success case, neither timed out nor errored if (m) { service::EncryptedIntroSet enc{payload}; _router.contacts().put_intro(std::move(enc)); } else { log::info(link_cat, "FindIntroMessage failed with error: {}", payload); // Do something smart here probably } } void LinkManager::handle_path_build(oxen::quic::message m, const RouterID& from) { if (!_router.path_context().is_transit_allowed()) { log::warning(link_cat, "got path build request when not permitting transit"); m.respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, PathBuildMessage::NO_TRANSIT}}), true); return; } try { auto payload_list = oxenc::bt_deserialize>(m.body()); if (payload_list.size() != path::MAX_LEN) { log::info(link_cat, "Path build message with wrong number of frames"); m.respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, PathBuildMessage::BAD_FRAMES}}), true); return; } oxenc::bt_dict_consumer frame_info{payload_list.front()}; auto hash = frame_info.require("HASH"); auto frame = frame_info.require("FRAME"); oxenc::bt_dict_consumer hop_dict{frame}; auto hop_payload = hop_dict.require("ENCRYPTED"); auto outer_nonce = hop_dict.require("NONCE"); auto other_pubkey = hop_dict.require("PUBKEY"); SharedSecret shared; // derive shared secret using ephemeral pubkey and our secret key (and nonce) if (!crypto::dh_server( shared.data(), other_pubkey.data(), _router.pubkey(), outer_nonce.data())) { log::info(link_cat, "DH server initialization failed during path build"); m.respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, PathBuildMessage::BAD_CRYPTO}}), true); return; } // hash data and check against given hash ShortHash digest; if (!crypto::hmac(digest.data(), frame.data(), frame.size(), shared)) { log::error(link_cat, "HMAC failed on path build request"); m.respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, PathBuildMessage::BAD_CRYPTO}}), true); return; } if (!std::equal(digest.begin(), digest.end(), hash.data())) { log::info(link_cat, "HMAC mismatch on path build request"); m.respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, PathBuildMessage::BAD_CRYPTO}}), true); return; } // decrypt frame with our hop info if (!crypto::xchacha20( hop_payload.data(), hop_payload.size(), shared.data(), outer_nonce.data())) { log::info(link_cat, "Decrypt failed on path build request"); m.respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, PathBuildMessage::BAD_CRYPTO}}), true); return; } oxenc::bt_dict_consumer hop_info{hop_payload}; auto commkey = hop_info.require("COMMKEY"); auto lifetime = hop_info.require("LIFETIME"); auto inner_nonce = hop_info.require("NONCE"); auto rx_id = hop_info.require("RX"); auto tx_id = hop_info.require("TX"); auto upstream = hop_info.require("UPSTREAM"); // populate transit hop object with hop info // TODO: IP / path build limiting clients auto hop = std::make_shared(); hop->info.downstream = from; // extract pathIDs and check if zero or used hop->info.txID.from_string(tx_id); hop->info.rxID.from_string(rx_id); if (hop->info.txID.IsZero() || hop->info.rxID.IsZero()) { log::warning(link_cat, "Invalid PathID; PathIDs must be non-zero"); m.respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, PathBuildMessage::BAD_PATHID}}), true); return; } hop->info.upstream.from_string(upstream); if (_router.path_context().has_transit_hop(hop->info)) { log::warning(link_cat, "Invalid PathID; PathIDs must be unique"); m.respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, PathBuildMessage::BAD_PATHID}}), true); return; } if (!crypto::dh_server( hop->pathKey.data(), other_pubkey.data(), _router.pubkey(), inner_nonce.data())) { log::warning(link_cat, "DH failed during path build."); m.respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, PathBuildMessage::BAD_CRYPTO}}), true); return; } // generate hash of hop key for nonce mutation ShortHash xor_hash; crypto::shorthash(xor_hash, hop->pathKey.data(), hop->pathKey.size()); hop->nonceXOR = xor_hash.data(); // nonceXOR is 24 bytes, ShortHash is 32; this will truncate // set and check path lifetime hop->lifetime = 1ms * lifetime; if (hop->lifetime >= path::DEFAULT_LIFETIME) { log::warning(link_cat, "Path build attempt with too long of a lifetime."); m.respond( serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, PathBuildMessage::BAD_LIFETIME}}), true); return; } hop->started = _router.now(); _router.persist_connection_until(hop->info.downstream, hop->ExpireTime() + 10s); if (hop->info.upstream == _router.pubkey()) { hop->terminal_hop = true; // we are terminal hop and everything is okay _router.path_context().put_transit_hop(hop); m.respond(messages::OK_RESPONSE, false); return; } // pop our frame, to be randomized after onion step and appended auto end_frame = std::move(payload_list.front()); payload_list.pop_front(); auto onion_nonce = SymmNonce{inner_nonce.data()} ^ hop->nonceXOR; // (de-)onion each further frame using the established shared secret and // onion_nonce = inner_nonce ^ nonceXOR // Note: final value passed to crypto::onion is xor factor, but that's for *after* the // onion round to compute the return value, so we don't care about it. for (auto& element : payload_list) { crypto::onion(element.data(), element.size(), hop->pathKey, onion_nonce, onion_nonce); } // randomize final frame. could probably paste our frame on the end and onion it with the // rest, but it gains nothing over random. randombytes(end_frame.data(), end_frame.size()); payload_list.push_back(std::move(end_frame)); send_control_message( hop->info.upstream, "path_build", oxenc::bt_serialize(payload_list), [hop, this, prev_message = std::move(m)](oxen::quic::message m) { if (m) { log::info( link_cat, "Upstream returned successful path build response; giving hop info to Router, " "then relaying response"); _router.path_context().put_transit_hop(hop); } if (m.timed_out) log::info(link_cat, "Upstream timed out on path build; relaying timeout"); else log::info(link_cat, "Upstream returned path build failure; relaying response"); m.respond(m.body_str(), not m); }); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); m.respond(messages::ERROR_RESPONSE, true); return; } } void LinkManager::handle_path_latency(oxen::quic::message m) { try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); m.respond(messages::ERROR_RESPONSE, true); return; } } void LinkManager::handle_path_latency_response(oxen::quic::message m) { try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); // m.respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, "EXCEPTION"}}), true); return; } } void LinkManager::handle_path_transfer(oxen::quic::message m) { try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); m.respond(messages::ERROR_RESPONSE, true); return; } } void LinkManager::handle_path_transfer_response(oxen::quic::message m) { try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); m.respond(messages::ERROR_RESPONSE, true); return; } } void LinkManager::handle_obtain_exit(oxen::quic::message m) { uint64_t flag; ustring_view pubkey, sig; std::string_view tx_id, dict_data; try { oxenc::bt_list_consumer btlc{m.body()}; dict_data = btlc.consume_dict_data(); oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{dict_data}; sig = to_usv(btlc.consume_string_view()); flag = btdc.require("E"); pubkey = btdc.require("I"); tx_id = btdc.require("T"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); m.respond(messages::ERROR_RESPONSE, true); throw; } RouterID target{pubkey.data()}; auto transit_hop = _router.path_context().GetTransitHop(target, PathID_t{to_usv(tx_id).data()}); const auto rx_id = transit_hop->info.rxID; auto success = (crypto::verify(pubkey, to_usv(dict_data), sig) and _router.exitContext().obtain_new_exit(PubKey{pubkey.data()}, rx_id, flag != 0)); m.respond( ObtainExitMessage::sign_and_serialize_response(_router.identity(), tx_id), not success); } void LinkManager::handle_obtain_exit_response(oxen::quic::message m) { if (m.timed_out) { log::info(link_cat, "ObtainExitMessage timed out!"); return; } if (m.is_error) { // TODO: what to do here } std::string_view tx_id, dict_data; ustring_view sig; try { oxenc::bt_list_consumer btlc{m.body()}; dict_data = btlc.consume_dict_data(); oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{dict_data}; sig = to_usv(btlc.consume_string_view()); tx_id = btdc.require("T"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); throw; } auto path_ptr = _router.path_context().get_path(PathID_t{to_usv(tx_id).data()}); if (crypto::verify(_router.pubkey(), to_usv(dict_data), sig)) path_ptr->enable_exit_traffic(); } void LinkManager::handle_update_exit(oxen::quic::message m) { std::string_view path_id, tx_id, dict_data; ustring_view sig; try { oxenc::bt_list_consumer btlc{m.body()}; dict_data = btlc.consume_dict_data(); oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{dict_data}; sig = to_usv(btlc.consume_string_view()); path_id = btdc.require("P"); tx_id = btdc.require("T"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); m.respond(messages::ERROR_RESPONSE, true); return; } auto transit_hop = _router.path_context().GetTransitHop(_router.pubkey(), PathID_t{to_usv(tx_id).data()}); if (auto exit_ep = _router.exitContext().find_endpoint_for_path(PathID_t{to_usv(path_id).data()})) { if (crypto::verify(exit_ep->PubKey().data(), to_usv(dict_data), sig)) { (exit_ep->UpdateLocalPath(transit_hop->info.rxID)) ? m.respond(UpdateExitMessage::sign_and_serialize_response(_router.identity(), tx_id)) : m.respond( serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, UpdateExitMessage::UPDATE_FAILED}}), true); } // If we fail to verify the message, no-op } } void LinkManager::handle_update_exit_response(oxen::quic::message m) { if (m.timed_out) { log::info(link_cat, "UpdateExitMessage timed out!"); return; } if (m.is_error) { // TODO: what to do here } std::string tx_id; std::string_view dict_data; ustring_view sig; try { oxenc::bt_list_consumer btlc{m.body()}; dict_data = btlc.consume_dict_data(); oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{dict_data}; sig = to_usv(btlc.consume_string_view()); tx_id = btdc.require("T"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); return; } auto path_ptr = _router.path_context().get_path(PathID_t{to_usv(tx_id).data()}); if (crypto::verify(_router.pubkey(), to_usv(dict_data), sig)) { if (path_ptr->update_exit(std::stoul(tx_id))) { // TODO: talk to tom and Jason about how this stupid shit was a no-op originally // see Path::HandleUpdateExitVerifyMessage } else {} } } void LinkManager::handle_close_exit(oxen::quic::message m) { std::string_view tx_id, dict_data; ustring_view sig; try { oxenc::bt_list_consumer btlc{m.body()}; dict_data = btlc.consume_dict_data(); oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{dict_data}; sig = to_usv(btlc.consume_string_view()); tx_id = btdc.require("T"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); m.respond(messages::ERROR_RESPONSE, true); return; } auto transit_hop = _router.path_context().GetTransitHop(_router.pubkey(), PathID_t{to_usv(tx_id).data()}); const auto rx_id = transit_hop->info.rxID; if (auto exit_ep = router().exitContext().find_endpoint_for_path(rx_id)) { if (crypto::verify(exit_ep->PubKey().data(), to_usv(dict_data), sig)) { exit_ep->Close(); m.respond(CloseExitMessage::sign_and_serialize_response(_router.identity(), tx_id)); } } m.respond(serialize_response({{messages::STATUS_KEY, CloseExitMessage::UPDATE_FAILED}}), true); } void LinkManager::handle_close_exit_response(oxen::quic::message m) { if (m.timed_out) { log::info(link_cat, "CloseExitMessage timed out!"); return; } if (m.is_error) { // TODO: what to do here } std::string_view nonce, tx_id, dict_data; ustring_view sig; try { oxenc::bt_list_consumer btlc{m.body()}; dict_data = btlc.consume_dict_data(); oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{dict_data}; sig = to_usv(btlc.consume_string_view()); tx_id = btdc.require("T"); nonce = btdc.require("Y"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); return; } auto path_ptr = _router.path_context().get_path(PathID_t{to_usv(tx_id).data()}); if (path_ptr->SupportsAnyRoles(path::ePathRoleExit | path::ePathRoleSVC) and crypto::verify(_router.pubkey(), to_usv(dict_data), sig)) path_ptr->mark_exit_closed(); } void LinkManager::handle_path_control(oxen::quic::message m, const RouterID& from) { ustring_view nonce, path_id_str; std::string payload; try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{m.body()}; nonce = btdc.require("NONCE"); path_id_str = btdc.require("PATHID"); payload = btdc.require("PAYLOAD"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); return; } auto symnonce = SymmNonce{nonce.data()}; auto path_id = PathID_t{path_id_str.data()}; auto hop = _router.path_context().GetTransitHop(from, path_id); // TODO: use "path_control" for both directions? If not, drop message on // floor if we don't have the path_id in question; if we decide to make this // bidirectional, will need to check if we have a Path with path_id. if (not hop) return; // if terminal hop, payload should contain a request (e.g. "find_name"); handle and respond. if (hop->terminal_hop) { hop->onion(payload, symnonce, false); handle_inner_request(std::move(m), std::move(payload), std::move(hop)); return; } auto& next_id = path_id == hop->info.rxID ? hop->info.txID : hop->info.rxID; auto& next_router = path_id == hop->info.rxID ? hop->info.upstream : hop->info.downstream; std::string new_payload = hop->onion_and_payload(payload, next_id, symnonce); send_control_message( next_router, "path_control"s, std::move(new_payload), [hop_weak = hop->weak_from_this(), path_id, prev_message = std::move(m)]( oxen::quic::message response) mutable { auto hop = hop_weak.lock(); if (not hop) return; ustring_view nonce; std::string payload, response_body; try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{response.body()}; nonce = btdc.require("NONCE"); payload = btdc.require("PAYLOAD"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); return; } auto symnonce = SymmNonce{nonce.data()}; auto resp_payload = hop->onion_and_payload(payload, path_id, symnonce); prev_message.respond(std::move(resp_payload), false); }); } void LinkManager::handle_inner_request( oxen::quic::message m, std::string payload, std::shared_ptr hop) { std::string_view body, method; try { oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc{payload}; body = btdc.require("BODY"); method = btdc.require("METHOD"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); return; } // If a handler exists for "method", call it; else drop request on the floor. auto itr = path_requests.find(method); if (itr == path_requests.end()) { log::info(link_cat, "Received path control request \"{}\", which has no handler.", method); return; } auto respond = [m = std::move(m), hop_weak = hop->weak_from_this()](std::string response) mutable { auto hop = hop_weak.lock(); if (not hop) return; // transit hop gone, drop response m.respond(hop->onion_and_payload(response, hop->info.rxID), false); }; std::invoke(itr->second, this, std::move(body), std::move(respond)); } void LinkManager::handle_convo_intro(oxen::quic::message m) { if (m.timed_out) { log::info(link_cat, "Path control message timed out!"); return; } try { // } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::warning(link_cat, "Exception: {}", e.what()); return; } } } // namespace llarp