#!/bin/sh echo "Running postinstall" > /tmp/lokinet_postinstall.log RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color rm $HOME/.lokinet/*.signed >> /tmp/lokinet_postinstall.log rm $HOME/.lokinet/*.key >> /tmp/lokinet_postinstall.log rm $HOME/.lokinet/*.private >> /tmp/lokinet_postinstall.log rm -fr $HOME/.lokinet/netdb >> /tmp/lokinet_postinstall.log url="https://i2p.rocks/i2procks.signed" echo "downloading $url" >> /tmp/lokinet_postinstall.log echo "to $HOME/.lokinet/bootstrap.signed" >> /tmp/lokinet_postinstall.log # use temp file to not overrwrite existing bootstrap file on fail tmp=/tmp/bootstrap.tmp # MacOS does not have wget without homebrew but does have curl # Rick also had indicated most BSDs have curl too curl "$url" > "$tmp" && \ (mv "$tmp" "$HOME/.lokinet/bootstrap.signed" && echo "${GREEN}lokinet successfully bootstrapped${NC}" >> /tmp/lokinet_postinstall.log) \ || echo "${RED}failed to download bootstrap from $url${NC}" >> /tmp/lokinet_postinstall.log rm -f "$tmp" exit 0 # all good