#include #include #include #include #include "peerstats/types.hpp" #include "router_contact.hpp" #include "util/logging/logger.hpp" #include "util/time.hpp" TEST_CASE("Test PeerDb PeerStats memory storage", "[PeerDb]") { const llarp::RouterID id = llarp::test::makeBuf(0x01); const llarp::PeerStats empty(id); llarp::PeerDb db; CHECK(db.getCurrentPeerStats(id).has_value() == false); llarp::PeerStats delta(id); delta.numConnectionAttempts = 4; delta.peakBandwidthBytesPerSec = 5; db.accumulatePeerStats(id, delta); CHECK(* db.getCurrentPeerStats(id) == delta); delta = llarp::PeerStats(id); delta.numConnectionAttempts = 5; delta.peakBandwidthBytesPerSec = 6; db.accumulatePeerStats(id, delta); llarp::PeerStats expected(id); expected.numConnectionAttempts = 9; expected.peakBandwidthBytesPerSec = 6; CHECK(* db.getCurrentPeerStats(id) == expected); } TEST_CASE("Test PeerDb flush before load", "[PeerDb]") { llarp::PeerDb db; CHECK_THROWS_WITH(db.flushDatabase(), "Cannot flush database before it has been loaded"); } TEST_CASE("Test PeerDb load twice", "[PeerDb]") { llarp::LogSilencer shutup; llarp::PeerDb db; CHECK_NOTHROW(db.loadDatabase(std::nullopt)); CHECK_THROWS_WITH(db.loadDatabase(std::nullopt), "Reloading database not supported"); } TEST_CASE("Test PeerDb nukes stats on load", "[PeerDb]") { llarp::LogSilencer shutup; const llarp::RouterID id = llarp::test::makeBuf(0x01); llarp::PeerDb db; llarp::PeerStats stats(id); stats.numConnectionAttempts = 1; db.accumulatePeerStats(id, stats); CHECK(* db.getCurrentPeerStats(id) == stats); db.loadDatabase(std::nullopt); CHECK(db.getCurrentPeerStats(id).has_value() == false); } TEST_CASE("Test PeerDb file-backed database reloads properly", "[PeerDb]") { llarp::LogSilencer shutup; const std::string filename = "/tmp/peerdb_test_tmp2.db.sqlite"; const llarp::RouterID id = llarp::test::makeBuf(0x02); { llarp::PeerDb db; db.loadDatabase(filename); llarp::PeerStats stats(id); stats.numConnectionAttempts = 43; db.accumulatePeerStats(id, stats); db.flushDatabase(); } { llarp::PeerDb db; db.loadDatabase(filename); auto stats = db.getCurrentPeerStats(id); CHECK(stats.has_value() == true); CHECK(stats->numConnectionAttempts == 43); } fs::remove(filename); } TEST_CASE("Test PeerDb modifyPeerStats", "[PeerDb]") { llarp::LogSilencer shutup; const llarp::RouterID id = llarp::test::makeBuf(0xF2); int numTimesCalled = 0; llarp::PeerDb db; db.loadDatabase(std::nullopt); db.modifyPeerStats(id, [&](llarp::PeerStats& stats) { numTimesCalled++; stats.numPathBuilds += 42; }); db.flushDatabase(); CHECK(numTimesCalled == 1); auto stats = db.getCurrentPeerStats(id); CHECK(stats.has_value()); CHECK(stats->numPathBuilds == 42); } TEST_CASE("Test PeerDb handleGossipedRC", "[PeerDb]") { llarp::LogSilencer shutup; const llarp::RouterID id = llarp::test::makeBuf(0xCA); auto rcLifetime = llarp::RouterContact::Lifetime; llarp_time_t now = 0s; llarp::RouterContact rc; rc.pubkey = llarp::PubKey(id); rc.last_updated = 10s; llarp::PeerDb db; db.handleGossipedRC(rc, now); auto stats = db.getCurrentPeerStats(id); CHECK(stats.has_value()); CHECK(stats->leastRCRemainingLifetime == 0ms); // not calculated on first received RC CHECK(stats->numDistinctRCsReceived == 1); CHECK(stats->lastRCUpdated == 10000ms); now = 9s; db.handleGossipedRC(rc, now); stats = db.getCurrentPeerStats(id); CHECK(stats.has_value()); // these values should remain unchanged, this is not a new RC CHECK(stats->leastRCRemainingLifetime == 0ms); CHECK(stats->numDistinctRCsReceived == 1); CHECK(stats->lastRCUpdated == 10000ms); rc.last_updated = 11s; db.handleGossipedRC(rc, now); stats = db.getCurrentPeerStats(id); // should be (previous expiration time - new received time) CHECK(stats->leastRCRemainingLifetime == ((10s + rcLifetime) - now)); CHECK(stats->numDistinctRCsReceived == 2); CHECK(stats->lastRCUpdated == 11000ms); } TEST_CASE("Test PeerDb handleGossipedRC expiry calcs", "[PeerDb]") { llarp::LogSilencer shutup; const llarp::RouterID id = llarp::test::makeBuf(0xF9); // see comments in peer_db.cpp above PeerDb::handleGossipedRC() for some context around these // tests and esp. these numbers const llarp_time_t ref = 48h; const llarp_time_t rcLifetime = llarp::RouterContact::Lifetime; // rc1, first rc received const llarp_time_t s1 = ref; const llarp_time_t r1 = s1 + 30s; const llarp_time_t e1 = s1 + rcLifetime; llarp::RouterContact rc1; rc1.pubkey = llarp::PubKey(id); rc1.last_updated = s1; // rc2, second rc received // received "healthily", with lots of room to spare before rc1 expires const llarp_time_t s2 = s1 + 8h; const llarp_time_t r2 = s2 + 30s; // healthy recv time const llarp_time_t e2 = s2 + rcLifetime; llarp::RouterContact rc2; rc2.pubkey = llarp::PubKey(id); rc2.last_updated = s2; // rc3, third rc received // received "unhealthily" (after rc2 expires) const llarp_time_t s3 = s2 + 8h; const llarp_time_t r3 = e2 + 1h; // received after e2 llarp::RouterContact rc3; rc3.pubkey = llarp::PubKey(id); rc3.last_updated = s3; llarp::PeerDb db; db.handleGossipedRC(rc1, r1); auto stats1 = db.getCurrentPeerStats(id); CHECK(stats1.has_value()); CHECK(stats1->leastRCRemainingLifetime == 0ms); CHECK(stats1->numDistinctRCsReceived == 1); CHECK(stats1->lastRCUpdated == s1); db.handleGossipedRC(rc2, r2); auto stats2 = db.getCurrentPeerStats(id); CHECK(stats2.has_value()); CHECK(stats2->leastRCRemainingLifetime == (e1 - r2)); CHECK(stats2->leastRCRemainingLifetime > 0ms); // ensure positive indicates healthy CHECK(stats2->numDistinctRCsReceived == 2); CHECK(stats2->lastRCUpdated == s2); db.handleGossipedRC(rc3, r3); auto stats3 = db.getCurrentPeerStats(id); CHECK(stats3.has_value()); CHECK(stats3->leastRCRemainingLifetime == (e2 - r3)); CHECK( stats3->leastRCRemainingLifetime < 0ms); // ensure negative indicates unhealthy and we use min() CHECK(stats3->numDistinctRCsReceived == 3); CHECK(stats3->lastRCUpdated == s3); }