#include #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { template < typename User > struct AsyncPathKeyExchangeContext { typedef llarp::path::Path Path_t; typedef llarp::path::Builder PathSet_t; PathSet_t* pathset = nullptr; Path_t* path = nullptr; typedef std::function< void(AsyncPathKeyExchangeContext< User >*) > Handler; User* user = nullptr; Handler result; size_t idx = 0; llarp::Router* router = nullptr; llarp_threadpool* worker = nullptr; llarp::Logic* logic = nullptr; llarp::Crypto* crypto = nullptr; LR_CommitMessage LRCM; ~AsyncPathKeyExchangeContext() { if(path) delete path; } static void HandleDone(void* u) { AsyncPathKeyExchangeContext< User >* ctx = static_cast< AsyncPathKeyExchangeContext< User >* >(u); ctx->result(ctx); delete ctx; } static void GenerateNextKey(void* u) { AsyncPathKeyExchangeContext< User >* ctx = static_cast< AsyncPathKeyExchangeContext< User >* >(u); // current hop auto& hop = ctx->path->hops[ctx->idx]; auto& frame = ctx->LRCM.frames[ctx->idx]; // generate key ctx->crypto->encryption_keygen(hop.commkey); hop.nonce.Randomize(); // do key exchange if(!ctx->crypto->dh_client(hop.shared, hop.rc.enckey, hop.commkey, hop.nonce)) { llarp::LogError("Failed to generate shared key for path build"); delete ctx; return; } // generate nonceXOR valueself->hop->pathKey ctx->crypto->shorthash(hop.nonceXOR, llarp_buffer_t(hop.shared)); ++ctx->idx; bool isFarthestHop = ctx->idx == ctx->path->hops.size(); if(isFarthestHop) { hop.upstream = hop.rc.pubkey; } else { hop.upstream = ctx->path->hops[ctx->idx].rc.pubkey; } // build record LR_CommitRecord record; record.version = LLARP_PROTO_VERSION; record.txid = hop.txID; record.rxid = hop.rxID; record.tunnelNonce = hop.nonce; record.nextHop = hop.upstream; record.commkey = llarp::seckey_topublic(hop.commkey); auto buf = frame.Buffer(); buf->cur = buf->base + EncryptedFrameOverheadSize; // encode record if(!record.BEncode(buf)) { // failed to encode? llarp::LogError("Failed to generate Commit Record"); llarp::DumpBuffer(*buf); delete ctx; return; } // use ephemeral keypair for frame SecretKey framekey; ctx->crypto->encryption_keygen(framekey); if(!frame.EncryptInPlace(framekey, hop.rc.enckey, ctx->crypto)) { llarp::LogError("Failed to encrypt LRCR"); delete ctx; return; } if(isFarthestHop) { // farthest hop ctx->logic->queue_job({ctx, &HandleDone}); } else { // next hop llarp_threadpool_queue_job(ctx->worker, {ctx, &GenerateNextKey}); } } AsyncPathKeyExchangeContext(llarp::Crypto* c) : crypto(c) { } /// Generate all keys asynchronously and call hadler when done void AsyncGenerateKeys(Path_t* p, llarp::Logic* l, llarp_threadpool* pool, User* u, Handler func) { path = p; logic = l; user = u; result = func; worker = pool; for(size_t idx = 0; idx < MAXHOPS; ++idx) { LRCM.frames[idx].Randomize(); } llarp_threadpool_queue_job(pool, {this, &GenerateNextKey}); } }; static void PathBuilderKeysGenerated(AsyncPathKeyExchangeContext< path::Builder >* ctx) { if(!ctx->pathset->IsStopped()) { RouterID remote = ctx->path->Upstream(); const ILinkMessage* msg = &ctx->LRCM; if(ctx->router->SendToOrQueue(remote, msg)) { // persist session with router until this path is done ctx->router->PersistSessionUntil(remote, ctx->path->ExpireTime()); // add own path ctx->router->paths.AddOwnPath(ctx->pathset, ctx->path); ctx->path = nullptr; } else llarp::LogError("failed to send LRCM to ", remote); } // decrement keygen counter ctx->pathset->keygens--; } namespace path { Builder::Builder(llarp::Router* p_router, struct llarp_dht_context* p_dht, size_t pathNum, size_t hops) : llarp::path::PathSet(pathNum) , router(p_router) , dht(p_dht) , numHops(hops) { p_router->paths.AddPathBuilder(this); p_router->crypto->encryption_keygen(enckey); _run.store(true); keygens.store(0); } Builder::~Builder() { router->paths.RemovePathBuilder(this); } bool Builder::SelectHop(llarp_nodedb* db, const RouterContact& prev, RouterContact& cur, size_t hop, PathRole roles) { (void)roles; if(hop == 0) return router->NumberOfConnectedRouters() && router->GetRandomConnectedRouter(cur); size_t tries = 5; do { --tries; if(db->select_random_hop(prev, cur, hop)) return true; } while(router->routerProfiling.IsBad(cur.pubkey) && tries > 0); return false; } bool Builder::Stop() { _run.store(false); return true; } bool Builder::IsStopped() const { return !_run.load(); } bool Builder::ShouldRemove() const { if(!IsStopped()) return false; return keygens.load() > 0; } const SecretKey& Builder::GetTunnelEncryptionSecretKey() const { return enckey; } bool Builder::BuildCooldownHit(llarp_time_t now) const { return now < lastBuild || now - lastBuild < buildIntervalLimit; } bool Builder::ShouldBuildMore(llarp_time_t now) const { return PathSet::ShouldBuildMore(now) && !BuildCooldownHit(now); } void Builder::BuildOne(PathRole roles) { std::vector< RouterContact > hops; if(SelectHops(router->nodedb, hops, roles)) Build(hops, roles); } bool Builder::SelectHops(llarp_nodedb* nodedb, std::vector< RouterContact >& hops, PathRole roles) { hops.resize(numHops); size_t idx = 0; while(idx < numHops) { if(idx == 0) { if(!SelectHop(nodedb, hops[0], hops[0], 0, roles)) { llarp::LogError("failed to select first hop"); return false; } } else { if(!SelectHop(nodedb, hops[idx - 1], hops[idx], idx, roles)) { /// TODO: handle this failure properly llarp::LogWarn("Failed to select hop ", idx); return false; } } ++idx; } return true; } llarp_time_t Builder::Now() const { return router->Now(); } void Builder::Build(const std::vector< RouterContact >& hops, PathRole roles) { if(IsStopped()) return; lastBuild = Now(); // async generate keys AsyncPathKeyExchangeContext< Builder >* ctx = new AsyncPathKeyExchangeContext< Builder >(router->crypto.get()); ctx->router = router; ctx->pathset = this; auto path = new llarp::path::Path(hops, this, roles); path->SetBuildResultHook(std::bind(&llarp::path::Builder::HandlePathBuilt, this, std::placeholders::_1)); ++keygens; ctx->AsyncGenerateKeys(path, router->logic, router->tp, this, &PathBuilderKeysGenerated); } void Builder::HandlePathBuilt(Path* p) { buildIntervalLimit = MIN_PATH_BUILD_INTERVAL; PathSet::HandlePathBuilt(p); } void Builder::HandlePathBuildTimeout(Path* p) { // linear backoff static constexpr llarp_time_t MaxBuildInterval = 30 * 1000; buildIntervalLimit = std::max(1000 + buildIntervalLimit, MaxBuildInterval); PathSet::HandlePathBuildTimeout(p); } void Builder::ManualRebuild(size_t num, PathRole roles) { llarp::LogDebug("manual rebuild ", num); while(num--) BuildOne(roles); } } // namespace path } // namespace llarp