#include #include #include #include using namespace llarp; struct PrintableType { std::ostream & print(std::ostream &stream, int level, int spaces) const { stream << "PrintableType " << level << " " << spaces; return stream; } }; template std::string print(const T &x) { std::ostringstream os; { Printer printer(os, -1, -1); printer.printValue(x); } return os.str(); } TEST_CASE("printable types", "[printer]") { REQUIRE( print(char('a')) == "[ 'a' ]" ); REQUIRE( print(bool(true)) == "[ true ]" ); REQUIRE( print(bool(false)) == "[ false ]" ); REQUIRE( print(short(123)) == "[ 123 ]" ); REQUIRE( print(int(std::numeric_limits::max() - 1)) == "[ 2147483646 ]" ); REQUIRE( print(static_cast< unsigned int >(std::numeric_limits< int >::max()) + 1) == "[ 2147483648 ]" ); using Catch::Matchers::StartsWith; using Catch::Matchers::EndsWith; static const char PTR_TYPE[] = "abacus"; REQUIRE_THAT( print(static_cast< const void * >(PTR_TYPE)), StartsWith("[ 0x") && EndsWith(" ]") ); REQUIRE( print(static_cast< const char * >(PTR_TYPE)) == R"([ "abacus" ])" ); REQUIRE( print(std::string("abacus")) == R"([ "abacus" ])" ); static const int INT_VAL = 100; REQUIRE_THAT( print(static_cast< const int * >(&INT_VAL)), StartsWith("[ 0x") && EndsWith(" ]") ); REQUIRE( print(std::pair< int, std::string >(100, "abacus")) == R"([ [ 100 "abacus" ] ])" ); REQUIRE( print(std::tuple< int, std::string, int >(100, "abacus", 123)) == R"([ [ 100 "abacus" 123 ] ])" ); REQUIRE( print(std::map< std::string, char >{{"one", 'a'}, {"two", 'b'}, {"three", 'c'}}) == R"([ [ [ "one" 'a' ] [ "three" 'c' ] [ "two" 'b' ] ] ])" ); REQUIRE( print(PrintableType()) == "[ PrintableType -2 -1 ]" ); }; template std::string printAttribute(const std::string& attr, const T &x) { std::ostringstream os; { Printer printer(os, -1, -1); printer.printAttribute(attr, x); } return os.str(); } TEST_CASE("printable types, with attribute", "[printer]") { REQUIRE( printAttribute("fee", char('a')) == "[ fee = 'a' ]" ); REQUIRE( printAttribute("fi", int(32)) == "[ fi = 32 ]" ); REQUIRE( printAttribute("fo", std::map< std::string, char >{{"one", 'a'}, {"two", 'b'}, {"three", 'c'}}) == R"([ fo = [ [ "one" 'a' ] [ "three" 'c' ] [ "two" 'b' ] ] ])" ); REQUIRE( printAttribute("fum", PrintableType()) == "[ fum = PrintableType -2 -1 ]"); } void printAnother(Printer &) {} template void printAnother(Printer &p, const std::string &attr, const T& x, const Tmore&... more) { p.printAttribute(attr, x); printAnother(p, more...); } template std::string printMany(const T&... x) { std::ostringstream os; { Printer p(os, -1, -1); printAnother(p, x...); } return os.str(); } TEST_CASE("printable types, with multiple attributes", "[printer]") { REQUIRE( printMany("val", 1, "v2", 2, "v3", 3, "str", std::string{"xxx"}) == "[ val = 1 v2 = 2 v3 = 3 str = \"xxx\" ]" ); REQUIRE( printMany("str", std::string{"xxx"}) == "[ str = \"xxx\" ]" ); }