#include #include #include #include #include #if defined(Darwin) #include #endif namespace llarp { namespace hooks { struct ExecShellHookJob { const std::string &m_File; const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > m_env; ExecShellHookJob( const std::string &f, const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > _env) : m_File(f), m_env(std::move(_env)) { } static void Exec(void *user) { ExecShellHookJob *self = static_cast< ExecShellHookJob * >(user); std::vector< std::string > _args; std::vector< char * > args; std::istringstream s(self->m_File); for(std::string arg; std::getline(s, arg, ' ');) { _args.emplace_back(std::move(arg)); char * ptr = (char *) _args.back().c_str(); args.push_back(ptr); } args.push_back(0); std::vector< std::string > _env(self->m_env.size() + 1); std::vector< char * > env; // copy environ #if defined(Darwin) char **ptr = *_NSGetEnviron(); #else char **ptr = environ; #endif do { env.emplace_back(*ptr); ++ptr; } while(ptr && *ptr); // put in our variables for(const auto &item : self->m_env) { _env.emplace_back(item.first + "=" + item.second); char * ptr = (char *) _env.back().c_str(); env.push_back(ptr); } env.push_back(0); pid_t child_process = ::fork(); if(child_process == -1) { LogError("failed to fork"); delete self; return; } if(child_process) { int status = 0; ::waitpid(child_process, &status, 0); LogInfo(_args[0], " exit code: ", status); delete self; } else if(::execve(_args[0].c_str(), args.data(), env.data()) == -1) { LogError("failed to exec ", _args[0], " : ", strerror(errno)); } } }; struct ExecShellHookBackend : public IBackend { llarp_threadpool *m_ThreadPool; const std::string m_ScriptFile; ExecShellHookBackend(std::string script) : m_ThreadPool(llarp_init_threadpool(1, script.c_str())) , m_ScriptFile(std::move(script)) { } ~ExecShellHookBackend() { llarp_threadpool_stop(m_ThreadPool); llarp_free_threadpool(&m_ThreadPool); } bool Start() override { llarp_threadpool_start(m_ThreadPool); return true; } bool Stop() override { llarp_threadpool_stop(m_ThreadPool); return true; } void NotifyAsync( std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > params) override { ExecShellHookJob *job = new ExecShellHookJob(m_ScriptFile, std::move(params)); llarp_threadpool_queue_job(m_ThreadPool, {job, &ExecShellHookJob::Exec}); } }; Backend_ptr ExecShellBackend(std::string execFilePath) { Backend_ptr ptr = std::make_unique< ExecShellHookBackend >(execFilePath); if(!ptr->Start()) return nullptr; return ptr; } } // namespace hooks } // namespace llarp