#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif namespace { int fail(std::string msg) { std::cout << msg << std::endl; return 1; } int print_help(std::string exe) { std::cout << R"(Lokinet bootstrap.signed fetchy program thing Downloads the initial bootstrap.signed for lokinet into a local file from a default or user defined server via the reachable network. Usage: )" << exe << R"( [bootstrap_url [output_file]] bootstrap_url can be a named value in which we will use a predefined url that holds a bootstrap file )"; return 0; } } // namespace int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { const std::unordered_map bootstrap_urls = { {"mainnet", "https://seed.lokinet.org/lokinet.signed"}, {"lokinet", "https://seed.lokinet.org/lokinet.signed"}, {"testnet", "https://seed.lokinet.org/testnet.signed"}, {"gamma", "https://seed.lokinet.org/testnet.signed"}}; std::string bootstrap_url = bootstrap_urls.at("lokinet"); fs::path outputfile{llarp::GetDefaultBootstrap()}; const std::unordered_set help_args = {"-h", "--help"}; for (int idx = 1; idx < argc; idx++) { const std::string arg{argv[idx]}; if (help_args.count(arg)) return print_help(argv[0]); } if (argc > 1) { if (auto itr = bootstrap_urls.find(argv[1]); itr != bootstrap_urls.end()) { bootstrap_url = itr->second; } else { bootstrap_url = argv[1]; } } if (argc > 2) { outputfile = fs::path{argv[2]}; } std::cout << "fetching " << bootstrap_url << std::endl; cpr::Response resp = #ifdef _WIN32 cpr::Get( cpr::Url{bootstrap_url}, cpr::Header{{"User-Agent", std::string{llarp::VERSION_FULL}}}); #else cpr::Get( cpr::Url{bootstrap_url}, cpr::Header{{"User-Agent", std::string{llarp::VERSION_FULL}}}, cpr::Ssl(cpr::ssl::CaPath{X509_get_default_cert_dir()})); #endif if (resp.status_code != 200) { return fail("failed to fetch '" + bootstrap_url + "' HTTP " + std::to_string(resp.status_code)); } std::stringstream ss; ss << resp.text; std::string data{ss.str()}; if (data[0] == 'l' or data[0] == 'd') { try { std::cout << "writing bootstrap file to: " << outputfile << std::endl; fs::ofstream ofs{outputfile, std::ios::binary}; ofs.exceptions(fs::ofstream::failbit); ofs << data; return 0; } catch (std::exception& ex) { return fail(std::string{"failed to write bootstrap file: "} + ex.what()); } } return fail("got invalid bootstrap file content"); }