#ifndef LLARP_NET_HPP #define LLARP_NET_HPP #include #include #include #include #include "mem.hpp" bool operator==(const sockaddr& a, const sockaddr& b); bool operator==(const sockaddr_in& a, const sockaddr_in& b); bool operator==(const sockaddr_in6& a, const sockaddr_in6& b); bool operator<(const sockaddr_in6& a, const sockaddr_in6& b); bool operator<(const in6_addr& a, const in6_addr& b); bool operator==(const in6_addr& a, const in6_addr& b); namespace llarp { struct Addr { sockaddr_in6 _addr; sockaddr_in _addr4; ~Addr(){}; Addr(){}; Addr(const Addr& other) { memcpy(&_addr, &other._addr, sizeof(sockaddr_in6)); memcpy(&_addr4, &other._addr4, sizeof(sockaddr_in)); } void port(uint16_t port) { if(af() == AF_INET) { _addr4.sin_port = htons(port); } _addr.sin6_port = htons(port); } in6_addr* addr6() { return (in6_addr*)&_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr[0]; } in_addr* addr4() { return (in_addr*)&_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr[12]; } const in6_addr* addr6() const { return (const in6_addr*)&_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr[0]; } const in_addr* addr4() const { return (const in_addr*)&_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr[12]; } Addr(const AddressInfo& other) { memcpy(addr6(), other.ip.s6_addr, 16); _addr.sin6_port = htons(other.port); auto ptr = &_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr[0]; // TODO: detect SIIT better if(ptr[11] == 0xff && ptr[10] == 0xff && ptr[9] == 0 && ptr[8] == 0 && ptr[7] == 0 && ptr[6] == 0 && ptr[5] == 0 && ptr[4] == 0 && ptr[3] == 0 && ptr[2] == 0 && ptr[1] == 0 && ptr[0] == 0) { _addr4.sin_family = AF_INET; _addr4.sin_port = htons(other.port); _addr.sin6_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&_addr4.sin_addr.s_addr, addr4(), sizeof(in_addr)); } else _addr.sin6_family = AF_INET6; } Addr(const sockaddr_in& other) { llarp::Zero(&_addr, sizeof(sockaddr_in6)); _addr.sin6_family = AF_INET; uint8_t* addrptr = _addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr; uint16_t* port = &_addr.sin6_port; // SIIT memcpy(12 + addrptr, &((const sockaddr_in*)(&other))->sin_addr, sizeof(in_addr)); addrptr[11] = 0xff; addrptr[10] = 0xff; *port = ((sockaddr_in*)(&other))->sin_port; _addr4.sin_family = AF_INET; _addr4.sin_port = *port; memcpy(&_addr4.sin_addr.s_addr, addr4(), sizeof(in_addr)); } Addr(const sockaddr_in6& other) { memcpy(addr6(), other.sin6_addr.s6_addr, 16); _addr.sin6_port = htons(other.sin6_port); auto ptr = &_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr[0]; // TODO: detect SIIT better if(ptr[11] == 0xff && ptr[10] == 0xff && ptr[9] == 0 && ptr[8] == 0 && ptr[7] == 0 && ptr[6] == 0 && ptr[5] == 0 && ptr[4] == 0 && ptr[3] == 0 && ptr[2] == 0 && ptr[1] == 0 && ptr[0] == 0) { _addr4.sin_family = AF_INET; _addr4.sin_port = htons(other.sin6_port); _addr.sin6_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&_addr4.sin_addr.s_addr, addr4(), sizeof(in_addr)); } else _addr.sin6_family = AF_INET6; } Addr(const sockaddr& other) { llarp::Zero(&_addr, sizeof(sockaddr_in6)); _addr.sin6_family = other.sa_family; uint8_t* addrptr = _addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr; uint16_t* port = &_addr.sin6_port; switch(other.sa_family) { case AF_INET: // SIIT memcpy(12 + addrptr, &((const sockaddr_in*)(&other))->sin_addr, sizeof(in_addr)); addrptr[11] = 0xff; addrptr[10] = 0xff; *port = ((sockaddr_in*)(&other))->sin_port; _addr4.sin_family = AF_INET; _addr4.sin_port = *port; memcpy(&_addr4.sin_addr.s_addr, addr4(), sizeof(in_addr)); break; case AF_INET6: memcpy(addrptr, &((const sockaddr_in6*)(&other))->sin6_addr.s6_addr, 16); *port = ((sockaddr_in6*)(&other))->sin6_port; break; // TODO : sockaddr_ll default: break; } } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Addr& a) { char tmp[128] = {0}; const void* ptr = nullptr; if(a.af() == AF_INET6) { out << "["; ptr = a.addr6(); } else { ptr = a.addr4(); } #ifndef _MSC_VER if(inet_ntop(a.af(), ptr, tmp, sizeof(tmp))) #else if(inet_ntop(a.af(), (void*)ptr, tmp, sizeof(tmp))) #endif { out << tmp; if(a.af() == AF_INET6) out << "]"; } return out << ":" << a.port(); } operator const sockaddr*() const { if(af() == AF_INET) return (const sockaddr*)&_addr4; else return (const sockaddr*)&_addr; } void CopyInto(sockaddr* other) const { void *dst, *src; in_port_t* ptr; size_t slen; switch(af()) { case AF_INET: dst = (void*)&((sockaddr_in*)other)->sin_addr.s_addr; src = (void*)&_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr[12]; ptr = &((sockaddr_in*)other)->sin_port; slen = sizeof(in_addr); break; case AF_INET6: dst = (void*)((sockaddr_in6*)other)->sin6_addr.s6_addr; src = (void*)_addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr; ptr = &((sockaddr_in6*)other)->sin6_port; slen = sizeof(in6_addr); break; default: return; } memcpy(dst, src, slen); *ptr = htons(port()); other->sa_family = af(); } int af() const { return _addr.sin6_family; } uint16_t port() const { return ntohs(_addr.sin6_port); } bool operator<(const Addr& other) const { if(af() == AF_INET && other.af() == AF_INET) return port() < other.port() || addr4()->s_addr < other.addr4()->s_addr; else return port() < other.port() || *addr6() < *other.addr6() || af() < other.af(); } bool operator==(const Addr& other) const { if(af() == AF_INET && other.af() == AF_INET) return port() == other.port() && addr4()->s_addr == other.addr4()->s_addr; else return af() == other.af() && memcmp(addr6(), other.addr6(), 16) == 0 && port() == other.port(); } Addr& operator=(const sockaddr& other) { llarp::Zero(&_addr, sizeof(sockaddr_in6)); _addr.sin6_family = other.sa_family; uint8_t* addrptr = _addr.sin6_addr.s6_addr; uint16_t* port = &_addr.sin6_port; switch(other.sa_family) { case AF_INET: // SIIT memcpy(12 + addrptr, &((const sockaddr_in*)(&other))->sin_addr, sizeof(in_addr)); addrptr[11] = 0xff; addrptr[10] = 0xff; *port = ((sockaddr_in*)(&other))->sin_port; _addr4.sin_family = AF_INET; _addr4.sin_port = *port; memcpy(&_addr4.sin_addr.s_addr, addr4(), sizeof(in_addr)); break; case AF_INET6: memcpy(addrptr, &((const sockaddr_in6*)(&other))->sin6_addr.s6_addr, 16); *port = ((sockaddr_in6*)(&other))->sin6_port; break; // TODO : sockaddr_ll default: break; } return *this; } bool sameAddr(const Addr& other) const { return memcmp(addr6(), other.addr6(), 16) == 0; } bool operator!=(const Addr& other) const { return !(*this == other); } socklen_t SockLen() const { if(af() == AF_INET) return sizeof(sockaddr_in); else return sizeof(sockaddr_in6); } bool isPrivate() const { in_addr_t addr = this->addr4()->s_addr; unsigned byte = ntohl(addr); unsigned byte1 = (byte >> 24) & 0xff; unsigned byte2 = (0x00ff0000 & byte) >> 16; return (byte1 == 10 || (byte1 == 192 && byte2 == 168) || (byte1 == 172 && (byte2 >= 16 || byte2 <= 31))); } bool isLoopback() const { return (ntohl(addr4()->s_addr)) >> 24 == 127; } struct Hash { std::size_t operator()(Addr const& a) const noexcept { if(a.af() == AF_INET) { return a.port() ^ a.addr4()->s_addr; } static const uint8_t empty[16] = {0}; return (a.af() + memcmp(a.addr6(), empty, 16)) ^ a.port(); } }; }; bool AllInterfaces(int af, Addr& addr); /// get first network interface with public address bool GetBestNetIF(std::string& ifname, int af = AF_INET); /// get network interface address for network interface with ifname bool GetIFAddr(const std::string& ifname, Addr& addr, int af = AF_INET); } // namespace llarp #endif