#ifndef EV_WIN32_HPP #define EV_WIN32_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include "ev.hpp" #include "logger.hpp" namespace llarp { struct udp_listener : public ev_io { llarp_udp_io* udp; // we receive queued data in the OVERLAPPED data field, // much like the pipefds in the UNIX kqueue and loonix // epoll handles // 0 is the read port, 1 is the write port WSAOVERLAPPED portfds[2] = {0}; size_t iosz; // the unique completion key that helps us to // identify the object instance for which we receive data // Here, we'll use the address of the udp_listener instance, converted to // its literal int/int64 representation. ULONG_PTR listener_id = 0; udp_listener(SOCKET fd, llarp_udp_io* u) : ev_io(fd), udp(u){}; ~udp_listener() { } int getData(void* buf, size_t sz, size_t ret) { iosz = ret; return read(buf, sz); } virtual int read(void* buf, size_t sz) { sockaddr_in6 src; socklen_t slen = sizeof(src); sockaddr* addr = (sockaddr*)&src; unsigned long flags = 0; WSABUF wbuf = {sz, static_cast< char* >(buf)}; // WSARecvFrom int ret = ::WSARecvFrom(fd, &wbuf, 1, nullptr, &flags, addr, &slen, &portfds[0], nullptr); // 997 is the error code for queued ops int s_errno = ::WSAGetLastError(); if(ret && s_errno != 997) { llarp::LogWarn("recv socket error ", s_errno); return -1; } // get the _real_ payload size from tick() udp->recvfrom(udp, addr, buf, iosz); return 0; } virtual int sendto(const sockaddr* to, const void* data, size_t sz) { socklen_t slen; WSABUF wbuf = {sz, (char*)data}; switch(to->sa_family) { case AF_INET: slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); break; case AF_INET6: slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); break; default: return -1; } // WSASendTo ssize_t sent = ::WSASendTo(fd, &wbuf, 1, nullptr, 0, to, slen, &portfds[1], nullptr); int s_errno = ::WSAGetLastError(); if(sent && s_errno != 997) { llarp::LogWarn("send socket error ", s_errno); return -1; } return 0; } }; }; // namespace llarp struct llarp_win32_loop : public llarp_ev_loop { HANDLE iocpfd; llarp_win32_loop() : iocpfd(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WSADATA wsockd; int err; // So, what I was told last time was that we can defer // loading winsock2 up to this point, as we reach this ctor // early on during daemon startup. err = ::WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsockd); if(err) perror("Failed to start Windows Sockets"); } ~llarp_win32_loop() { if(iocpfd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ::CloseHandle(iocpfd); ::WSACleanup(); } bool init() { if(iocpfd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) iocpfd = ::CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, nullptr, 0, 0); if(iocpfd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; return true; } // it works! -despair86, 3-Aug-18 @0420 int tick(int ms) { // The only field we really care about is // the listener_id, as it contains the address // of the udp_listener instance. DWORD iolen = 0; // ULONG_PTR is guaranteed to be the same size // as an arch-specific pointer value ULONG_PTR ev_id = 0; WSAOVERLAPPED* qdata = nullptr; int result = 0; int idx = 0; byte_t readbuf[2048]; do { if(ev_id && qdata && iolen) { llarp::udp_listener* ev = reinterpret_cast< llarp::udp_listener* >(ev_id); if(ev && ev->fd) { ev->getData(readbuf, sizeof(readbuf), iolen); } } ++idx; } while(::GetQueuedCompletionStatus(iocpfd, &iolen, &ev_id, &qdata, ms)); for(auto& l : udp_listeners) { if(l->tick) l->tick(l); } if(!idx) return -1; else result = idx; return result; } // ok apparently this isn't being used yet... int run() { // The only field we really care about is // the listener_id, as it contains the address // of the udp_listener instance. DWORD iolen = 0; // ULONG_PTR is guaranteed to be the same size // as an arch-specific pointer value ULONG_PTR ev_id = 0; WSAOVERLAPPED* qdata = nullptr; int result = 0; int idx = 0; byte_t readbuf[2048]; // unlike epoll and kqueue, we only need to run so long as the // system call returns TRUE do { if(ev_id && qdata && iolen) { llarp::udp_listener* ev = reinterpret_cast< llarp::udp_listener* >(ev_id); if(ev && ev->fd) { ev->getData(readbuf, sizeof(readbuf), iolen); } } ++idx; } while(::GetQueuedCompletionStatus(iocpfd, &iolen, &ev_id, &qdata, 10)); for(auto& l : udp_listeners) { if(l->tick) l->tick(l); } if(!idx) return -1; else result = idx; return result; } SOCKET udp_bind(const sockaddr* addr) { socklen_t slen; switch(addr->sa_family) { case AF_INET: slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); break; case AF_INET6: slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6); break; default: return INVALID_SOCKET; } SOCKET fd = ::WSASocket(addr->sa_family, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, nullptr, 0, WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED); if(fd == INVALID_SOCKET) { perror("WSASocket()"); return INVALID_SOCKET; } if(addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { // enable dual stack explicitly int dual = 1; if(setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (const char*)&dual, sizeof(dual)) == -1) { // failed perror("setsockopt()"); closesocket(fd); return INVALID_SOCKET; } } llarp::Addr a(*addr); llarp::LogDebug("bind to ", a); if(bind(fd, addr, slen) == -1) { perror("bind()"); closesocket(fd); return INVALID_SOCKET; } llarp::LogInfo("socket fd is ", fd); return fd; } bool close_ev(llarp::ev_io* ev) { // On Windows, just close the socket to decrease the iocp refcount // and stop any pending I/O BOOL stopped = ::CancelIo(reinterpret_cast< HANDLE >(ev->fd)); return closesocket(ev->fd) == 0 && stopped == TRUE; } llarp::ev_io* create_udp(llarp_udp_io* l, const sockaddr* src) { SOCKET fd = udp_bind(src); llarp::LogDebug("new socket fd is ", fd); if(fd == INVALID_SOCKET) return nullptr; llarp::udp_listener* listener = new llarp::udp_listener(fd, l); l->impl = listener; udp_listeners.push_back(l); return listener; } llarp::ev_io* create_tun(llarp_tun_io* tun) { // TODO implement me return nullptr; } bool add_ev(llarp::ev_io* ev) { ev->listener_id = reinterpret_cast< ULONG_PTR >(ev); if(!::CreateIoCompletionPort(reinterpret_cast< HANDLE >(ev->fd), iocpfd, ev->listener_id, 0)) { delete ev; return false; } return true; } bool udp_close(llarp_udp_io* l) { bool ret = false; llarp::udp_listener* listener = static_cast< llarp::udp_listener* >(l->impl); if(listener) { ret = close_ev(listener); l->impl = nullptr; delete listener; udp_listeners.remove(l); } return ret; } bool running() const { return iocpfd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } void stop() { // still does nothing } }; #endif