#include #include #include #include "buffer.hpp" #include "pathbuilder.hpp" #include "router.hpp" namespace llarp { namespace path { PathContext::PathContext(llarp_router* router) : m_Router(router), m_AllowTransit(false) { } PathContext::~PathContext() { } void PathContext::AllowTransit() { m_AllowTransit = true; } bool PathContext::AllowingTransit() const { return m_AllowTransit; } llarp_threadpool* PathContext::Worker() { return m_Router->tp; } llarp_crypto* PathContext::Crypto() { return &m_Router->crypto; } llarp_logic* PathContext::Logic() { return m_Router->logic; } byte_t* PathContext::EncryptionSecretKey() { return m_Router->encryption; } bool PathContext::HopIsUs(const PubKey& k) const { return memcmp(k, m_Router->pubkey(), PUBKEYSIZE) == 0; } bool PathContext::ForwardLRCM(const RouterID& nextHop, std::deque< EncryptedFrame >& frames) { llarp::Info("fowarding LRCM to ", nextHop); LR_CommitMessage* msg = new LR_CommitMessage; while(frames.size()) { msg->frames.push_back(frames.front()); frames.pop_front(); } return m_Router->SendToOrQueue(nextHop, msg); } template < typename Map_t, typename Key_t, typename CheckValue_t, typename GetFunc_t > IHopHandler* MapGet(Map_t& map, const Key_t& k, CheckValue_t check, GetFunc_t get) { std::unique_lock< std::mutex > lock(map.first); auto range = map.second.equal_range(k); for(auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { if(check(i->second)) return get(i->second); } return nullptr; } template < typename Map_t, typename Key_t, typename CheckValue_t > bool MapHas(Map_t& map, const Key_t& k, CheckValue_t check) { std::unique_lock< std::mutex > lock(map.first); auto range = map.second.equal_range(k); for(auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { if(check(i->second)) return true; } return false; } template < typename Map_t, typename Key_t, typename Value_t > void MapPut(Map_t& map, const Key_t& k, const Value_t& v) { std::unique_lock< std::mutex > lock(map.first); map.second.emplace(k, v); } template < typename Map_t, typename Visit_t > void MapIter(Map_t& map, Visit_t v) { std::unique_lock< std::mutex > lock(map.first); for(const auto& item : map.second) v(item); } template < typename Map_t, typename Key_t, typename Check_t > void MapDel(Map_t& map, const Key_t& k, Check_t check) { std::unique_lock< std::mutex > lock(map.first); auto range = map.second.equal_range(k); for(auto i = range.first; i != range.second;) { if(check(i->second)) i = map.second.erase(i); else ++i; } } void PathContext::AddOwnPath(PathSet* set, Path* path) { set->AddPath(path); MapPut(m_OurPaths, path->TXID(), set); MapPut(m_OurPaths, path->RXID(), set); } bool PathContext::HasTransitHop(const TransitHopInfo& info) { return MapHas(m_TransitPaths, info.txID, [info](TransitHop* hop) -> bool { return info == hop->info; }); } IHopHandler* PathContext::GetByUpstream(const RouterID& remote, const PathID_t& id) { auto own = MapGet(m_OurPaths, id, [](const PathSet* s) -> bool { // TODO: is this right? return true; }, [remote, id](PathSet* p) -> IHopHandler* { return p->GetByUpstream(remote, id); }); if(own) return own; return MapGet(m_TransitPaths, id, [remote](const TransitHop* hop) -> bool { return hop->info.upstream == remote; }, [](TransitHop* h) -> IHopHandler* { return h; }); } IHopHandler* PathContext::GetByDownstream(const RouterID& remote, const PathID_t& id) { return MapGet(m_TransitPaths, id, [remote](const TransitHop* hop) -> bool { return hop->info.downstream == remote; }, [](TransitHop* h) -> IHopHandler* { return h; }); } const byte_t* PathContext::OurRouterID() const { return m_Router->pubkey(); } llarp_router* PathContext::Router() { return m_Router; } void PathContext::PutTransitHop(TransitHop* hop) { MapPut(m_TransitPaths, hop->info.txID, hop); MapPut(m_TransitPaths, hop->info.rxID, hop); } void PathContext::ExpirePaths() { std::unique_lock< std::mutex > lock(m_TransitPaths.first); auto now = llarp_time_now_ms(); auto& map = m_TransitPaths.second; auto itr = map.begin(); std::set< TransitHop* > removePaths; while(itr != map.end()) { if(itr->second->Expired(now)) { TransitHop* path = itr->second; llarp::Info("transit path expired ", path->info); removePaths.insert(path); } ++itr; } for(auto& p : removePaths) { map.erase(p->info.txID); map.erase(p->info.rxID); delete p; } for(auto& builder : m_PathBuilders) { builder->ExpirePaths(now); } } void PathContext::BuildPaths() { for(auto& builder : m_PathBuilders) { if(builder->ShouldBuildMore()) { builder->BuildOne(); } } } void PathContext::TickPaths() { auto now = llarp_time_now_ms(); for(auto& builder : m_PathBuilders) builder->Tick(now, m_Router); } void PathContext::AddPathBuilder(llarp_pathbuilder_context* ctx) { m_PathBuilders.push_back(ctx); } PathHopConfig::PathHopConfig() { llarp_rc_clear(&router); } PathHopConfig::~PathHopConfig() { llarp_rc_free(&router); } Path::Path(llarp_path_hops* h) : hops(h->numHops) { for(size_t idx = 0; idx < h->numHops; ++idx) { llarp_rc_copy(&hops[idx].router, &h->hops[idx].router); hops[idx].txID.Randomize(); hops[idx].rxID.Randomize(); } for(size_t idx = 0; idx < h->numHops - 1; ++idx) { hops[idx].txID = hops[idx + 1].rxID; } } void Path::SetBuildResultHook(BuildResultHookFunc func) { m_BuiltHook = func; } const PathID_t& Path::TXID() const { return hops[0].txID; } const PathID_t& Path::RXID() const { return hops[0].rxID; } RouterID Path::Upstream() const { return hops[0].router.pubkey; } void Path::Tick(llarp_time_t now, llarp_router* r) { auto dlt = now - m_LastLatencyTestTime; if(dlt > 5000) { llarp::routing::PathLatencyMessage latency; latency.T = rand(); m_LastLatencyTestID = latency.T; m_LastLatencyTestTime = now; SendRoutingMessage(&latency, r); } } bool Path::HandleUpstream(llarp_buffer_t buf, const TunnelNonce& Y, llarp_router* r) { for(const auto& hop : hops) { r->crypto.xchacha20(buf, hop.shared, Y); } RelayUpstreamMessage* msg = new RelayUpstreamMessage; msg->X = buf; msg->Y = Y; msg->pathid = TXID(); return r->SendToOrQueue(Upstream(), msg); } bool Path::Expired(llarp_time_t now) const { if(status == ePathEstablished) return now - buildStarted > hops[0].lifetime; else if(status == ePathBuilding) return now - buildStarted > PATH_BUILD_TIMEOUT; else return true; } bool Path::HandleDownstream(llarp_buffer_t buf, const TunnelNonce& Y, llarp_router* r) { for(const auto& hop : hops) { r->crypto.xchacha20(buf, hop.shared, Y); } return HandleRoutingMessage(buf, r); } bool Path::HandleHiddenServiceData(llarp_buffer_t buf, llarp_router* r) { // TODO: implement me return false; } bool Path::HandleRoutingMessage(llarp_buffer_t buf, llarp_router* r) { if(!m_InboundMessageParser.ParseMessageBuffer(buf, this, r)) { llarp::Warn("Failed to parse inbound routing message"); return false; } return true; } bool Path::SendRoutingMessage(const llarp::routing::IMessage* msg, llarp_router* r) { byte_t tmp[MAX_LINK_MSG_SIZE / 2]; auto buf = llarp::StackBuffer< decltype(tmp) >(tmp); if(!msg->BEncode(&buf)) return false; // rewind buf.sz = buf.cur - buf.base; buf.cur = buf.base; // make nonce TunnelNonce N; N.Randomize(); return HandleUpstream(buf, N, r); } bool Path::HandlePathTransferMessage( const llarp::routing::PathTransferMessage* msg, llarp_router* r) { llarp::Warn("unwarrented path transfer message on tx=", TXID(), " rx=", RXID()); return false; } bool Path::HandlePathConfirmMessage( const llarp::routing::PathConfirmMessage* msg, llarp_router* r) { if(status == ePathBuilding) { // confirm that we build the path status = ePathEstablished; llarp::Info("path is confirmed tx=", TXID(), " rx=", RXID()); if(m_BuiltHook) m_BuiltHook(this); m_BuiltHook = nullptr; llarp::routing::PathLatencyMessage latency; latency.T = rand(); m_LastLatencyTestID = latency.T; m_LastLatencyTestTime = llarp_time_now_ms(); return SendRoutingMessage(&latency, r); } llarp::Warn("got unwarrented path confirm message on tx=", RXID(), " rx=", RXID()); return false; } bool Path::HandlePathLatencyMessage( const llarp::routing::PathLatencyMessage* msg, llarp_router* r) { if(msg->L == m_LastLatencyTestID) { Latency = llarp_time_now_ms() - m_LastLatencyTestTime; llarp::Info("path latency is ", Latency, " ms for tx=", TXID(), " rx=", RXID()); return true; } return false; } bool Path::HandleDHTMessage(const llarp::dht::IMessage* msg, llarp_router* r) { // TODO: implement me return false; } } // namespace path } // namespace llarp