#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace llarp { namespace service { Endpoint::Endpoint(const std::string& name, AbstractRouter* r, Context* parent) : path::Builder(r, r->dht(), 3, path::default_len) , context(parent) , m_Router(r) , m_Name(name) { m_Tag.Zero(); } bool Endpoint::SetOption(const std::string& k, const std::string& v) { if(k == "keyfile") { m_Keyfile = v; } if(k == "tag") { m_Tag = v; LogInfo("Setting tag to ", v); } if(k == "prefetch-tag") { m_PrefetchTags.insert(v); } if(k == "prefetch-addr") { Address addr; if(addr.FromString(v)) m_PrefetchAddrs.insert(addr); } if(k == "min-latency") { auto val = atoi(v.c_str()); if(val > 0) m_MinPathLatency = val; } if(k == "bundle-rc") { m_BundleRC = IsTrueValue(v.c_str()); } if(k == "on-up") { m_OnUp = hooks::ExecShellBackend(v); if(m_OnUp) LogInfo(Name(), " added on up script: ", v); else LogError(Name(), " failed to add on up script"); } if(k == "on-down") { m_OnDown = hooks::ExecShellBackend(v); if(m_OnDown) LogInfo(Name(), " added on down script: ", v); else LogError(Name(), " failed to add on down script"); } if(k == "on-ready") { m_OnReady = hooks::ExecShellBackend(v); if(m_OnReady) LogInfo(Name(), " added on ready script: ", v); else LogError(Name(), " failed to add on ready script"); } return true; } bool Endpoint::IsolateNetwork() { return false; } llarp_ev_loop_ptr Endpoint::EndpointNetLoop() { if(m_IsolatedNetLoop) return m_IsolatedNetLoop; else return m_Router->netloop(); } bool Endpoint::NetworkIsIsolated() const { return m_IsolatedLogic && m_IsolatedWorker; } bool Endpoint::SetupIsolatedNetwork(void* user, bool failed) { return static_cast< Endpoint* >(user)->DoNetworkIsolation(!failed); } bool Endpoint::HasPendingPathToService(const Address& addr) const { return m_PendingServiceLookups.find(addr) != m_PendingServiceLookups.end(); } void Endpoint::RegenAndPublishIntroSet(llarp_time_t now, bool forceRebuild) { std::set< Introduction > I; if(!GetCurrentIntroductionsWithFilter( I, [now](const service::Introduction& intro) -> bool { return now < intro.expiresAt && intro.expiresAt - now > (2 * 60 * 1000); })) { LogWarn("could not publish descriptors for endpoint ", Name(), " because we couldn't get enough valid introductions"); if(ShouldBuildMore(now) || forceRebuild) ManualRebuild(1); return; } m_IntroSet.I.clear(); for(const auto& intro : I) { if(router->routerProfiling().IsBadForPath(intro.router)) continue; m_IntroSet.I.push_back(intro); } if(m_IntroSet.I.size() == 0) { LogWarn("not enough intros to publish introset for ", Name()); return; } m_IntroSet.topic = m_Tag; if(!m_Identity.SignIntroSet(m_IntroSet, m_Router->crypto(), now)) { LogWarn("failed to sign introset for endpoint ", Name()); return; } if(PublishIntroSet(m_Router)) { LogInfo("(re)publishing introset for endpoint ", Name()); } else { LogWarn("failed to publish intro set for endpoint ", Name()); } } void Endpoint::FlushSNodeTraffic() { auto itr = m_SNodeSessions.begin(); while(itr != m_SNodeSessions.end()) { itr->second->Flush(); ++itr; } } bool Endpoint::IsReady() const { const auto now = Now(); if(m_IntroSet.I.size() == 0) return false; if(m_IntroSet.IsExpired(now)) return false; return true; } bool Endpoint::IntrosetIsStale() const { return m_IntroSet.HasExpiredIntros(Now()); } util::StatusObject Endpoint::ExtractStatus() const { auto obj = path::Builder::ExtractStatus(); obj.Put("identity", m_Identity.pub.Addr().ToString()); obj.Put("lastPublished", m_LastPublish); obj.Put("lastPublishAttempt", m_LastPublishAttempt); obj.Put("introset", m_IntroSet.ExtractStatus()); if(!m_Tag.IsZero()) obj.Put("tag", m_Tag.ToString()); auto putContainer = [](util::StatusObject& o, const std::string& keyname, const auto& container) { std::vector< util::StatusObject > objs; std::transform(container.begin(), container.end(), std::back_inserter(objs), [](const auto& item) -> util::StatusObject { return item.second->ExtractStatus(); }); o.Put(keyname, objs); }; putContainer(obj, "deadSessions", m_DeadSessions); putContainer(obj, "remoteSessions", m_RemoteSessions); putContainer(obj, "snodeSessions", m_SNodeSessions); putContainer(obj, "lookups", m_PendingLookups); util::StatusObject sessionObj{}; for(const auto& item : m_Sessions) { std::string k = item.first.ToHex(); sessionObj.Put(k, item.second.ExtractStatus()); } obj.Put("converstations", sessionObj); return obj; } void Endpoint::Tick(llarp_time_t now) { path::Builder::Tick(now); // publish descriptors if(ShouldPublishDescriptors(now)) { RegenAndPublishIntroSet(now); } else if(NumInStatus(path::ePathEstablished) < 3) { if(m_IntroSet.HasExpiredIntros(now)) ManualRebuild(1); } // expire snode sessions { auto itr = m_SNodeSessions.begin(); while(itr != m_SNodeSessions.end()) { itr->second->Tick(now); if(itr->second->ShouldRemove()) { itr = m_SNodeSessions.erase(itr); continue; } // expunge next tick if(itr->second->IsExpired(now)) itr->second->Stop(); ++itr; } } // expire pending tx { auto itr = m_PendingLookups.begin(); while(itr != m_PendingLookups.end()) { if(itr->second->IsTimedOut(now)) { std::unique_ptr< IServiceLookup > lookup = std::move(itr->second); LogInfo(lookup->name, " timed out txid=", lookup->txid); lookup->HandleResponse({}); itr = m_PendingLookups.erase(itr); } else ++itr; } } // expire pending router lookups { auto itr = m_PendingRouters.begin(); while(itr != m_PendingRouters.end()) { if(itr->second.IsExpired(now)) { LogInfo("lookup for ", itr->first, " timed out"); itr = m_PendingRouters.erase(itr); } else ++itr; } } // prefetch addrs for(const auto& addr : m_PrefetchAddrs) { if(!HasPathToService(addr)) { if(!EnsurePathToService( addr, [](__attribute__((unused)) Address addr, __attribute__((unused)) OutboundContext* ctx) {}, 10000)) { LogWarn("failed to ensure path to ", addr); } } } #ifdef TESTNET // prefetch tags for(const auto& tag : m_PrefetchTags) { auto itr = m_PrefetchedTags.find(tag); if(itr == m_PrefetchedTags.end()) { itr = m_PrefetchedTags.emplace(tag, CachedTagResult(tag, this)).first; } for(const auto& introset : itr->second.result) { if(HasPendingPathToService(introset.A.Addr())) continue; std::array< byte_t, 128 > tmp = {0}; llarp_buffer_t buf(tmp); if(SendToServiceOrQueue(introset.A.Addr().data(), buf, eProtocolControl)) LogInfo(Name(), " send message to ", introset.A.Addr(), " for tag ", tag.ToString()); else LogWarn(Name(), " failed to send/queue data to ", introset.A.Addr(), " for tag ", tag.ToString()); } itr->second.Expire(now); if(itr->second.ShouldRefresh(now)) { auto path = PickRandomEstablishedPath(); if(path) { auto job = new TagLookupJob(this, &itr->second); if(!job->SendRequestViaPath(path, Router())) LogError(Name(), " failed to send tag lookup"); } else { LogError(Name(), " has no paths for tag lookup"); } } } #endif // deregister dead sessions { auto itr = m_DeadSessions.begin(); while(itr != m_DeadSessions.end()) { itr->second->Tick(now); if(itr->second->IsDone(now)) itr = m_DeadSessions.erase(itr); else ++itr; } } // tick remote sessions { auto itr = m_RemoteSessions.begin(); while(itr != m_RemoteSessions.end()) { if(itr->second->Pump(now)) { itr->second->Stop(); m_DeadSessions.emplace(itr->first, std::move(itr->second)); itr = m_RemoteSessions.erase(itr); } else { itr->second->Tick(now); ++itr; } } } // expire convotags { auto itr = m_Sessions.begin(); while(itr != m_Sessions.end()) { if(itr->second.IsExpired(now)) itr = m_Sessions.erase(itr); else ++itr; } } } bool Endpoint::Stop() { // stop remote sessions for(auto& item : m_RemoteSessions) { item.second->Stop(); } // stop snode sessions for(auto& item : m_SNodeSessions) { item.second->Stop(); } if(m_OnDown) m_OnDown->NotifyAsync(NotifyParams()); return path::Builder::Stop(); } uint64_t Endpoint::GenTXID() { uint64_t txid = randint(); while(m_PendingLookups.find(txid) != m_PendingLookups.end()) ++txid; return txid; } std::string Endpoint::Name() const { return m_Name + ":" + m_Identity.pub.Name(); } bool Endpoint::HasPathToService(const Address& addr) const { auto range = m_RemoteSessions.equal_range(addr); Sessions::const_iterator itr = range.first; while(itr != range.second) { if(itr->second->ReadyToSend()) return true; ++itr; } return false; } void Endpoint::PutLookup(IServiceLookup* lookup, uint64_t txid) { // std::unique_ptr< service::IServiceLookup > ptr(lookup); // m_PendingLookups.emplace(txid, ptr); // m_PendingLookups[txid] = std::move(ptr); m_PendingLookups.emplace(txid, std::unique_ptr< IServiceLookup >(lookup)); } bool Endpoint::HandleGotIntroMessage(const dht::GotIntroMessage* msg) { auto crypto = m_Router->crypto(); std::set< IntroSet > remote; for(const auto& introset : msg->I) { if(!introset.Verify(crypto, Now())) { if(m_Identity.pub == introset.A && m_CurrentPublishTX == msg->T) IntroSetPublishFail(); return true; } if(m_Identity.pub == introset.A && m_CurrentPublishTX == msg->T) { LogInfo( "got introset publish confirmation for hidden service endpoint ", Name()); IntroSetPublished(); return true; } else { remote.insert(introset); } } auto itr = m_PendingLookups.find(msg->T); if(itr == m_PendingLookups.end()) { LogWarn("invalid lookup response for hidden service endpoint ", Name(), " txid=", msg->T); return true; } std::unique_ptr< IServiceLookup > lookup = std::move(itr->second); m_PendingLookups.erase(itr); lookup->HandleResponse(remote); return true; } void Endpoint::PutSenderFor(const ConvoTag& tag, const ServiceInfo& info) { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) { itr = m_Sessions.emplace(tag, Session{}).first; } itr->second.remote = info; itr->second.lastUsed = Now(); } bool Endpoint::GetSenderFor(const ConvoTag& tag, ServiceInfo& si) const { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) return false; si = itr->second.remote; return true; } void Endpoint::PutIntroFor(const ConvoTag& tag, const Introduction& intro) { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) { itr = m_Sessions.emplace(tag, Session{}).first; } itr->second.intro = intro; itr->second.lastUsed = Now(); } bool Endpoint::GetIntroFor(const ConvoTag& tag, Introduction& intro) const { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) return false; intro = itr->second.intro; return true; } void Endpoint::PutReplyIntroFor(const ConvoTag& tag, const Introduction& intro) { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) { itr = m_Sessions.emplace(tag, Session{}).first; } itr->second.replyIntro = intro; itr->second.lastUsed = Now(); } bool Endpoint::GetReplyIntroFor(const ConvoTag& tag, Introduction& intro) const { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) return false; intro = itr->second.replyIntro; return true; } bool Endpoint::GetConvoTagsForService(const ServiceInfo& info, std::set< ConvoTag >& tags) const { bool inserted = false; auto itr = m_Sessions.begin(); while(itr != m_Sessions.end()) { if(itr->second.remote == info) { inserted |= tags.insert(itr->first).second; } ++itr; } return inserted; } bool Endpoint::GetCachedSessionKeyFor(const ConvoTag& tag, SharedSecret& secret) const { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) return false; secret = itr->second.sharedKey; return true; } void Endpoint::PutCachedSessionKeyFor(const ConvoTag& tag, const SharedSecret& k) { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) { itr = m_Sessions.emplace(tag, Session{}).first; } itr->second.sharedKey = k; itr->second.lastUsed = Now(); } bool Endpoint::LoadKeyFile() { auto crypto = m_Router->crypto(); if(m_Keyfile.size()) { if(!m_Identity.EnsureKeys(m_Keyfile, crypto)) { LogWarn("Can't ensure keyfile [", m_Keyfile, "]"); return false; } } else { m_Identity.RegenerateKeys(crypto); } return true; } bool Endpoint::Start() { // how can I tell if a m_Identity isn't loaded? // this->LoadKeyFile(); if(!m_DataHandler) { m_DataHandler = this; } // this does network isolation while(m_OnInit.size()) { if(m_OnInit.front()()) m_OnInit.pop_front(); else { LogWarn("Can't call init of network isolation"); return false; } } return true; } Endpoint::~Endpoint() { if(m_OnUp) m_OnUp->Stop(); if(m_OnDown) m_OnDown->Stop(); if(m_OnReady) m_OnReady->Stop(); } bool Endpoint::PublishIntroSet(AbstractRouter* r) { // publish via near router RouterID location = m_Identity.pub.Addr().as_array(); auto path = GetEstablishedPathClosestTo(location); return path && PublishIntroSetVia(r, path); } struct PublishIntroSetJob : public IServiceLookup { IntroSet m_IntroSet; Endpoint* m_Endpoint; PublishIntroSetJob(Endpoint* parent, uint64_t id, const IntroSet& introset) : IServiceLookup(parent, id, "PublishIntroSet") , m_IntroSet(introset) , m_Endpoint(parent) { } std::shared_ptr< routing::IMessage > BuildRequestMessage() { auto msg = std::make_shared< routing::DHTMessage >(); msg->M.emplace_back( std::make_unique< dht::PublishIntroMessage >(m_IntroSet, txid, 1)); return msg; } bool HandleResponse(const std::set< IntroSet >& response) { if(response.size()) m_Endpoint->IntroSetPublished(); else m_Endpoint->IntroSetPublishFail(); return true; } }; void Endpoint::IntroSetPublishFail() { auto now = Now(); if(ShouldPublishDescriptors(now)) { RegenAndPublishIntroSet(now); } else if(NumInStatus(path::ePathEstablished) < 3) { if(m_IntroSet.HasExpiredIntros(now)) ManualRebuild(1); } } bool Endpoint::PublishIntroSetVia(AbstractRouter* r, path::Path_ptr path) { auto job = new PublishIntroSetJob(this, GenTXID(), m_IntroSet); if(job->SendRequestViaPath(path, r)) { m_LastPublishAttempt = Now(); return true; } return false; } bool Endpoint::ShouldPublishDescriptors(llarp_time_t now) const { if(NumInStatus(path::ePathEstablished) < 3) return false; // make sure we have all paths that are established // in our introset bool should = false; ForEachPath([&](const path::Path_ptr& p) { if(!p->IsReady()) return; for(const auto& i : m_IntroSet.I) { if(i == p->intro) return; } should = true; }); if(m_IntroSet.HasExpiredIntros(now) || should) return now - m_LastPublishAttempt >= INTROSET_PUBLISH_RETRY_INTERVAL; return now - m_LastPublishAttempt >= INTROSET_PUBLISH_INTERVAL; } void Endpoint::IntroSetPublished() { m_LastPublish = Now(); LogInfo(Name(), " IntroSet publish confirmed"); if(m_OnReady) m_OnReady->NotifyAsync(NotifyParams()); m_OnReady = nullptr; } bool Endpoint::DoNetworkIsolation(bool failed) { if(failed) return IsolationFailed(); m_IsolatedNetLoop = llarp_make_ev_loop(); return SetupNetworking(); } void Endpoint::RunIsolatedMainLoop(void* user) { Endpoint* self = static_cast< Endpoint* >(user); llarp_ev_loop_run_single_process(self->m_IsolatedNetLoop, self->m_IsolatedWorker, self->m_IsolatedLogic); } bool Endpoint::ShouldBundleRC() const { return m_BundleRC; } void Endpoint::PutNewOutboundContext(const service::IntroSet& introset) { Address addr; introset.A.CalculateAddress(addr.as_array()); if(m_RemoteSessions.count(addr) >= MAX_OUTBOUND_CONTEXT_COUNT) { auto itr = m_RemoteSessions.find(addr); auto range = m_PendingServiceLookups.equal_range(addr); auto i = range.first; if(i != range.second) { i->second(addr, itr->second.get()); ++i; } m_PendingServiceLookups.erase(addr); return; } auto it = m_RemoteSessions.emplace( addr, std::make_shared< OutboundContext >(introset, this)); LogInfo("Created New outbound context for ", addr.ToString()); // inform pending auto range = m_PendingServiceLookups.equal_range(addr); auto itr = range.first; if(itr != range.second) { itr->second(addr, it->second.get()); ++itr; } m_PendingServiceLookups.erase(addr); } bool Endpoint::HandleGotRouterMessage(const dht::GotRouterMessage* msg) { if(msg->R.size() == 1) { auto itr = m_PendingRouters.find(msg->R[0].pubkey); if(itr == m_PendingRouters.end()) return false; llarp_async_verify_rc* job = new llarp_async_verify_rc; job->nodedb = m_Router->nodedb(); job->cryptoworker = m_Router->threadpool(); job->diskworker = m_Router->diskworker(); job->logic = m_Router->logic(); job->hook = nullptr; job->rc = msg->R[0]; llarp_nodedb_async_verify(job); m_PendingRouters.erase(itr); } return true; } void Endpoint::EnsureRouterIsKnown(const RouterID& router) { if(router.IsZero()) return; RouterContact rc; if(!m_Router->nodedb()->Get(router, rc)) { LookupRouterAnon(router); } } bool Endpoint::LookupRouterAnon(RouterID router) { if(m_PendingRouters.find(router) == m_PendingRouters.end()) { auto path = GetEstablishedPathClosestTo(router); routing::DHTMessage msg; auto txid = GenTXID(); msg.M.emplace_back( std::make_unique< dht::FindRouterMessage >(txid, router)); if(path && path->SendRoutingMessage(msg, m_Router)) { LogInfo(Name(), " looking up ", router); m_PendingRouters.emplace(router, RouterLookupJob(this)); return true; } else LogError("failed to send request for router lookup"); } return false; } void Endpoint::HandlePathBuilt(path::Path_ptr p) { using namespace std::placeholders; p->SetDataHandler( std::bind(&Endpoint::HandleHiddenServiceFrame, this, _1, _2)); p->SetDropHandler(std::bind(&Endpoint::HandleDataDrop, this, _1, _2, _3)); p->SetDeadChecker(std::bind(&Endpoint::CheckPathIsDead, this, _1, _2)); path::Builder::HandlePathBuilt(p); } bool Endpoint::HandleDataDrop(path::Path_ptr p, const PathID_t& dst, uint64_t seq) { LogWarn(Name(), " message ", seq, " dropped by endpoint ", p->Endpoint(), " via ", dst); return true; } std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > Endpoint::NotifyParams() const { return {{"LOKINET_ADDR", m_Identity.pub.Addr().ToString()}}; } bool Endpoint::HandleDataMessage(const PathID_t& src, ProtocolMessage* msg) { auto path = GetPathByID(src); if(path) PutReplyIntroFor(msg->tag, path->intro); msg->sender.UpdateAddr(); PutIntroFor(msg->tag, msg->introReply); EnsureReplyPath(msg->sender); return ProcessDataMessage(msg); } bool Endpoint::HasPathToSNode(const RouterID& ident) const { auto range = m_SNodeSessions.equal_range(ident); auto itr = range.first; while(itr != range.second) { if(itr->second->IsReady()) { return true; } ++itr; } return false; } bool Endpoint::ProcessDataMessage(ProtocolMessage* msg) { if(msg->proto == eProtocolTraffic) { llarp_buffer_t buf(msg->payload); return HandleWriteIPPacket(buf, std::bind(&Endpoint::ObtainIPForAddr, this, msg->sender.Addr(), false)); } else if(msg->proto == eProtocolControl) { // TODO: implement me (?) // right now it's just random noise return true; } return false; } void Endpoint::RemoveConvoTag(const ConvoTag& t) { m_Sessions.erase(t); } bool Endpoint::HandleHiddenServiceFrame(path::Path_ptr p, const ProtocolFrame& frame) { if(frame.R) { // handle discard ServiceInfo si; if(!GetSenderFor(frame.T, si)) return false; // verify source if(!frame.Verify(GetCrypto(), si)) return false; // remove convotag it doesn't exist LogWarn("remove convotag T=", frame.T); RemoveConvoTag(frame.T); return true; } if(!frame.AsyncDecryptAndVerify(EndpointLogic(), GetCrypto(), p, CryptoWorker(), m_Identity, m_DataHandler)) { // send discard ProtocolFrame f; f.R = 1; f.T = frame.T; f.F = p->intro.pathID; if(!f.Sign(GetCrypto(), m_Identity)) return false; auto d = std::make_shared< const routing::PathTransferMessage >(f, frame.F); RouterLogic()->queue_func([=]() { p->SendRoutingMessage(*d, router); }); return true; } return true; } void Endpoint::HandlePathDied(path::Path_ptr) { RegenAndPublishIntroSet(Now(), true); } bool Endpoint::CheckPathIsDead(path::Path_ptr, llarp_time_t dlt) { return dlt > path::alive_timeout; } bool Endpoint::OnLookup(const Address& addr, const IntroSet* introset, const RouterID& endpoint) { auto now = Now(); if(introset == nullptr || introset->IsExpired(now)) { LogError(Name(), " failed to lookup ", addr.ToString(), " from ", endpoint); m_ServiceLookupFails[endpoint] = m_ServiceLookupFails[endpoint] + 1; // inform one auto itr = m_PendingServiceLookups.find(addr); if(itr != m_PendingServiceLookups.end()) { itr->second(addr, nullptr); m_PendingServiceLookups.erase(itr); } return false; } else PutNewOutboundContext(*introset); return true; } bool Endpoint::EnsurePathToService(const Address& remote, PathEnsureHook hook, __attribute__((unused)) llarp_time_t timeoutMS, bool randomPath) { path::Path_ptr path = nullptr; if(randomPath) path = PickRandomEstablishedPath(); else path = GetEstablishedPathClosestTo(remote.ToRouter()); if(!path) { LogWarn("No outbound path for lookup yet"); BuildOne(); return false; } LogInfo(Name(), " Ensure Path to ", remote.ToString()); { auto itr = m_RemoteSessions.find(remote); if(itr != m_RemoteSessions.end()) { hook(itr->first, itr->second.get()); return true; } } if(m_PendingServiceLookups.count(remote) >= MaxConcurrentLookups) { LogWarn(Name(), " has too many pending service lookups for ", remote.ToString()); return false; } using namespace std::placeholders; HiddenServiceAddressLookup* job = new HiddenServiceAddressLookup( this, std::bind(&Endpoint::OnLookup, this, _1, _2, _3), remote, GenTXID()); LogInfo("doing lookup for ", remote, " via ", path->Endpoint()); if(job->SendRequestViaPath(path, Router())) { m_PendingServiceLookups.emplace(remote, hook); return true; } LogError("send via path failed"); return false; } void Endpoint::EnsurePathToSNode(const RouterID& snode, SNodeEnsureHook h) { using namespace std::placeholders; if(m_SNodeSessions.count(snode) == 0) { auto themIP = ObtainIPForAddr(snode, true); auto session = std::make_shared< exit::SNodeSession >( snode, std::bind(&Endpoint::HandleWriteIPPacket, this, _1, [themIP]() -> huint32_t { return themIP; }), m_Router, 2, numHops); m_SNodeSessions.emplace(snode, session); } auto range = m_SNodeSessions.equal_range(snode); auto itr = range.first; while(itr != range.second) { if(itr->second->IsReady()) h(snode, itr->second); else itr->second->AddReadyHook(std::bind(h, snode, _1)); ++itr; } } bool Endpoint::SendToSNodeOrQueue(const RouterID& addr, const llarp_buffer_t& buf) { net::IPv4Packet pkt; if(!pkt.Load(buf)) return false; auto range = m_SNodeSessions.equal_range(addr); auto itr = range.first; while(itr != range.second) { if(itr->second->IsReady()) { if(itr->second->QueueUpstreamTraffic(pkt, routing::ExitPadSize)) { return true; } } ++itr; } return false; } bool Endpoint::SendToServiceOrQueue(const RouterID& addr, const llarp_buffer_t& data, ProtocolType t) { service::Address remote(addr.as_array()); // inbound converstation auto now = Now(); { auto itr = m_AddressToService.find(remote); if(itr != m_AddressToService.end()) { auto transfer = std::make_shared< routing::PathTransferMessage >(); ProtocolFrame& f = transfer->T; std::shared_ptr< path::Path > p; std::set< ConvoTag > tags; if(GetConvoTagsForService(itr->second, tags)) { Introduction remoteIntro; SharedSecret K; // pick tag for(const auto& tag : tags) { if(tag.IsZero()) continue; if(!GetCachedSessionKeyFor(tag, K)) continue; if(GetIntroFor(tag, remoteIntro)) { if(!remoteIntro.ExpiresSoon(now)) p = GetNewestPathByRouter(remoteIntro.router); if(p) { f.T = tag; break; } } } if(p) { // TODO: check expiration of our end ProtocolMessage m(f.T); m.PutBuffer(data); f.N.Randomize(); f.C.Zero(); transfer->Y.Randomize(); m.proto = t; m.introReply = p->intro; PutReplyIntroFor(f.T, m.introReply); m.sender = m_Identity.pub; f.F = m.introReply.pathID; f.S = GetSeqNoForConvo(f.T); transfer->P = remoteIntro.pathID; if(!f.EncryptAndSign(Router()->crypto(), m, K, m_Identity)) { LogError("failed to encrypt and sign"); return false; } LogDebug(Name(), " send ", data.sz, " via ", remoteIntro.router); auto router = Router(); RouterLogic()->queue_func( [=]() { p->SendRoutingMessage(*transfer, router); }); return true; } } } } // outbound converstation if(HasPathToService(remote)) { auto range = m_RemoteSessions.equal_range(remote); auto itr = range.first; while(itr != range.second) { if(itr->second->ReadyToSend()) { itr->second->AsyncEncryptAndSendTo(data, t); return true; } ++itr; } } // no converstation return EnsurePathToService( remote, [](Address, OutboundContext* c) { if(c) c->UpdateIntroSet(true); }, 5000, true); } void Endpoint::EnsureReplyPath(const ServiceInfo& ident) { m_AddressToService[ident.Addr()] = ident; } bool Endpoint::HasConvoTag(const ConvoTag& t) const { return m_Sessions.find(t) != m_Sessions.end(); } uint64_t Endpoint::GetSeqNoForConvo(const ConvoTag& tag) { auto itr = m_Sessions.find(tag); if(itr == m_Sessions.end()) return 0; return ++(itr->second.seqno); } bool Endpoint::ShouldBuildMore(llarp_time_t now) const { bool should = path::Builder::ShouldBuildMore(now); // determine newest intro Introduction intro; if(!GetNewestIntro(intro)) return should; // time from now that the newest intro expires at if(now >= intro.expiresAt) return should; auto dlt = now - intro.expiresAt; return should || ( // try spacing tunnel builds out evenly in time (dlt < (path::default_lifetime / 2)) && (NumInStatus(path::ePathBuilding) < m_NumPaths) && (dlt > buildIntervalLimit)); } Logic* Endpoint::RouterLogic() { return m_Router->logic(); } Logic* Endpoint::EndpointLogic() { return m_IsolatedLogic ? m_IsolatedLogic : m_Router->logic(); } Crypto* Endpoint::GetCrypto() { return m_Router->crypto(); } llarp_threadpool* Endpoint::CryptoWorker() { return m_Router->threadpool(); } } // namespace service } // namespace llarp