#pragma once #include "ip.hpp" #include "net_bits.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { static auto net_cat = llarp::log::Cat("lokinet.net"); } // namespace namespace llarp { struct IPRange { using Addr_t = huint128_t; huint128_t addr = {0}; huint128_t netmask_bits = {0}; constexpr IPRange() {} constexpr IPRange(huint128_t address, huint128_t netmask) : addr{std::move(address)}, netmask_bits{std::move(netmask)} {} explicit IPRange(std::string _range) { if (not FromString(_range)) throw std::invalid_argument{"IP string '{}' cannot be parsed as IP range"_format(_range)}; } static constexpr IPRange V4MappedRange() { return IPRange{huint128_t{0x0000'ffff'0000'0000UL}, netmask_ipv6_bits(96)}; } static constexpr IPRange FromIPv4(byte_t a, byte_t b, byte_t c, byte_t d, byte_t mask) { return IPRange{net::ExpandV4(ipaddr_ipv4_bits(a, b, c, d)), netmask_ipv6_bits(mask + 96)}; } static inline IPRange FromIPv4(net::ipv4addr_t addr, net::ipv4addr_t netmask) { return IPRange{ net::ExpandV4(llarp::net::ToHost(addr)), netmask_ipv6_bits(bits::count_bits(netmask) + 96)}; } /// return true if this iprange is in the IPv4 mapping range for containing ipv4 addresses constexpr bool IsV4() const { return V4MappedRange().Contains(addr); } /// get address family constexpr int Family() const { if (IsV4()) return AF_INET; return AF_INET6; } /// return the number of bits set in the hostmask constexpr int HostmaskBits() const { if (IsV4()) { return bits::count_bits(net::TruncateV6(netmask_bits)); } return bits::count_bits(netmask_bits); } /// return true if our range and other intersect constexpr bool operator*(const IPRange& other) const { return Contains(other) or other.Contains(*this); } /// return true if the other range is inside our range constexpr bool Contains(const IPRange& other) const { return Contains(other.addr) and Contains(other.HighestAddr()); } /// return true if ip is contained in this ip range constexpr bool Contains(const Addr_t& ip) const { return (addr & netmask_bits) == (ip & netmask_bits); } /// return true if we are a ipv4 range and contains this ip constexpr bool Contains(const huint32_t& ip) const { if (not IsV4()) return false; return Contains(net::ExpandV4(ip)); } inline bool Contains(const net::ipaddr_t& ip) const { return var::visit([this](auto&& ip) { return Contains(llarp::net::ToHost(ip)); }, ip); } /// get the highest address on this range constexpr huint128_t HighestAddr() const { return (addr & netmask_bits) + (huint128_t{1} << (128 - bits::count_bits_128(netmask_bits.h))) - huint128_t{1}; } bool operator<(const IPRange& other) const { auto maskedA = addr & netmask_bits, maskedB = other.addr & other.netmask_bits; return std::tie(maskedA, netmask_bits) < std::tie(maskedB, other.netmask_bits); } bool operator==(const IPRange& other) const { return addr == other.addr and netmask_bits == other.netmask_bits; } std::string ToString() const { return BaseAddressString() + "/" + std::to_string(HostmaskBits()); } std::string BaseAddressString() const; std::string NetmaskString() const; bool FromString(std::string str); void bt_encode(oxenc::bt_list_producer& btlc) const; bool BDecode(llarp_buffer_t* buf); /// Finds a free private use range not overlapping the given ranges. static std::optional FindPrivateRange(const std::list& excluding); }; template <> constexpr inline bool IsToStringFormattable = true; } // namespace llarp namespace std { template <> struct hash { size_t operator()(const llarp::IPRange& range) const { const auto str = range.ToString(); return std::hash{}(str); } }; } // namespace std