#include "router_contact.hpp" #include "constants/version.hpp" #include "crypto/crypto.hpp" #include "net/net.hpp" #include "util/bencode.hpp" #include "util/buffer.hpp" #include "util/logging.hpp" #include "util/mem.hpp" #include "util/time.hpp" #include #include "util/file.hpp" namespace llarp { static auto logcat = log::Cat("RC"); NetID& NetID::DefaultValue() { static NetID defaultID(reinterpret_cast(llarp::DEFAULT_NETID)); return defaultID; } bool RouterContact::BlockBogons = true; /// 1 day rc lifespan constexpr auto rc_lifetime = 24h; /// an RC inserted long enough ago (4 hrs) is considered stale and is removed constexpr auto rc_stale_age = 4h; /// window of time in which a router wil try to update their RC before it is marked stale constexpr auto rc_update_window = 5min; /// update RCs shortly before they are about to expire constexpr auto rc_update_interval = rc_stale_age - rc_update_window; llarp_time_t RouterContact::Lifetime = rc_lifetime; llarp_time_t RouterContact::StaleInsertionAge = rc_stale_age; llarp_time_t RouterContact::UpdateInterval = rc_update_interval; /// how many rc lifetime intervals should we wait until purging an rc constexpr auto expiration_lifetime_generations = 10; /// the max age of an rc before we want to expire it constexpr auto rc_expire_age = rc_lifetime * expiration_lifetime_generations; NetID::NetID(const byte_t* val) { const size_t len = strnlen(reinterpret_cast(val), size()); std::copy(val, val + len, begin()); } NetID::NetID() : NetID(DefaultValue().data()) {} bool NetID::operator==(const NetID& other) const { return ToString() == other.ToString(); } std::string NetID::ToString() const { return {begin(), std::find(begin(), end(), '\0')}; } bool NetID::BDecode(llarp_buffer_t* buf) { Zero(); llarp_buffer_t strbuf; if (!bencode_read_string(buf, &strbuf)) return false; if (strbuf.sz > size()) return false; std::copy(strbuf.base, strbuf.base + strbuf.sz, begin()); return true; } bool NetID::BEncode(llarp_buffer_t* buf) const { auto term = std::find(begin(), end(), '\0'); return bencode_write_bytestring(buf, data(), std::distance(begin(), term)); } RouterContact::RouterContact(std::string buf) { try { oxenc::bt_list_consumer btlc{buf}; signature.from_string(btlc.consume_string()); signed_bt_dict = btlc.consume_string(); } catch (...) { log::critical(llarp_cat, "Error: RouterContact failed to populate bt encoded contents!"); } } std::string RouterContact::bt_encode() const { oxenc::bt_list_producer btlp; try { btlp.append(signature.ToView()); btlp.append(signed_bt_dict); } catch (...) { log::critical(llarp_cat, "Error: RouterContact failed to bt encode contents!"); } return std::move(btlp).str(); } void RouterContact::bt_encode_subdict(oxenc::bt_list_producer& btlp) const { btlp.append(signature.ToView()); btlp.append(signed_bt_dict); } std::string RouterContact::ToTXTRecord() const { std::string result; auto out = std::back_inserter(result); fmt::format_to(out, "addr={}; pk={}", addr.to_string(), pubkey); fmt::format_to(out, "updated={}; onion_pk={}; ", last_updated.count(), enckey.ToHex()); if (routerVersion.has_value()) fmt::format_to(out, "router_version={}; ", *routerVersion); return result; } bool RouterContact::FromOurNetwork() const { return netID == NetID::DefaultValue(); } std::string RouterContact::bencode_signed_section() const { oxenc::bt_dict_producer btdp; btdp.append("a", addr.to_string()); btdp.append("i", netID.ToView()); btdp.append("k", pubkey.bt_encode()); btdp.append("p", enckey.ToView()); btdp.append("r", routerVersion); if (not srvRecords.empty()) { auto sublist = btdp.append_list("s"); for (auto& s : srvRecords) sublist.append(s.bt_encode()); } btdp.append("u", last_updated.count()); return std::move(btdp).str(); } void RouterContact::Clear() { signature.Zero(); enckey.Zero(); pubkey.Zero(); routerVersion = std::optional{}; last_updated = 0s; srvRecords.clear(); version = llarp::constants::proto_version; } util::StatusObject RouterContact::ExtractStatus() const { util::StatusObject obj{ {"lastUpdated", last_updated.count()}, {"publicRouter", IsPublicRouter()}, {"identity", pubkey.ToString()}, {"address", addr.to_string()}}; if (routerVersion) { obj["routerVersion"] = routerVersion->ToString(); } std::vector srv; for (const auto& record : srvRecords) { srv.emplace_back(record.ExtractStatus()); } obj["srvRecords"] = srv; return obj; } bool RouterContact::BDecode(llarp_buffer_t* buf) { Clear(); if (*buf->cur == 'd') // old format { return DecodeVersion_0(buf); } else if (*buf->cur != 'l') // if not dict, should be new format and start with list { return false; } try { std::string_view buf_view(reinterpret_cast(buf->cur), buf->size_left()); oxenc::bt_list_consumer btlist(buf_view); uint64_t outer_version = btlist.consume_integer(); if (outer_version == 1) { bool decode_result = DecodeVersion_1(btlist); // advance the llarp_buffer_t since lokimq serialization is unaware of it. buf->cur += btlist.current_buffer().data() - buf_view.data() + 1; return decode_result; } else { log::warning(logcat, "Received RouterContact with unkown version ({})", outer_version); return false; } } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::debug(logcat, "RouterContact::BDecode failed: {}", e.what()); } return false; } bool RouterContact::DecodeVersion_0(llarp_buffer_t* buf) { return bencode_decode_dict(*this, buf); } bool RouterContact::DecodeVersion_1(oxenc::bt_list_consumer& btlist) { auto signature_string = btlist.consume_string_view(); signed_bt_dict = btlist.consume_dict_data(); if (not btlist.is_finished()) { log::debug(logcat, "RouterContact serialized list too long for specified version."); return false; } llarp_buffer_t sigbuf(signature_string.data(), signature_string.size()); if (not signature.FromBytestring(&sigbuf)) { log::debug(logcat, "RouterContact serialized signature had invalid length."); return false; } llarp_buffer_t data_dict_buf(signed_bt_dict.data(), signed_bt_dict.size()); return bencode_decode_dict(*this, &data_dict_buf); } bool RouterContact::decode_key(const llarp_buffer_t& key, llarp_buffer_t* buf) { bool read = false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictList("a", addr, read, key, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictEntry("i", netID, read, key, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictEntry("k", pubkey, read, key, buf)) return false; if (key.startswith("r")) { RouterVersion r; if (not r.BDecode(buf)) return false; routerVersion = r; return true; } if (not BEncodeMaybeReadDictList("s", srvRecords, read, key, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictEntry("p", enckey, read, key, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictInt("u", last_updated, read, key, buf)) return false; if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictInt("v", version, read, key, buf)) return false; if (key.startswith("x") and serializeExit) { return bencode_discard(buf); } if (!BEncodeMaybeReadDictEntry("z", signature, read, key, buf)) return false; return read or bencode_discard(buf); } bool RouterContact::IsPublicRouter() const { if (not routerVersion) return false; return addr.is_addressable(); } bool RouterContact::IsExpired(llarp_time_t now) const { return Age(now) >= rc_expire_age; } llarp_time_t RouterContact::TimeUntilExpires(llarp_time_t now) const { const auto expiresAt = last_updated + Lifetime; return now < expiresAt ? expiresAt - now : 0s; } llarp_time_t RouterContact::Age(llarp_time_t now) const { return now > last_updated ? now - last_updated : 0s; } bool RouterContact::ExpiresSoon(llarp_time_t now, llarp_time_t dlt) const { return TimeUntilExpires(now) <= dlt; } bool RouterContact::Sign(const SecretKey& secretkey) { pubkey = llarp::seckey_topublic(secretkey); signature.Zero(); last_updated = time_now_ms(); signed_bt_dict = bencode_signed_section(); return CryptoManager::instance()->sign( signature, secretkey, reinterpret_cast(signed_bt_dict.data()), signed_bt_dict.size()); } bool RouterContact::Verify(llarp_time_t now, bool allowExpired) const { if (netID != NetID::DefaultValue()) { log::error( logcat, "netid mismatch: '{}' (theirs) != '{}' (ours)", netID, NetID::DefaultValue()); return false; } if (IsExpired(now) and not allowExpired) return false; // TODO: make net* overridable const auto* net = net::Platform::Default_ptr(); if (net->IsBogon(addr.in4()) && BlockBogons) { log::error(logcat, "invalid address info: {}", addr); return false; } if (!VerifySignature()) { log::error(logcat, "invalid signature: {}", *this); return false; } return true; } bool RouterContact::VerifySignature() const { RouterContact copy; copy = *this; copy.signature.Zero(); auto bte = copy.bt_encode(); return CryptoManager::instance()->verify( pubkey, reinterpret_cast(bte.data()), bte.size(), signature); } static constexpr std::array obsolete_bootstraps = { "7a16ac0b85290bcf69b2f3b52456d7e989ac8913b4afbb980614e249a3723218"sv, "e6b3a6fe5e32c379b64212c72232d65b0b88ddf9bbaed4997409d329f8519e0b"sv, }; bool RouterContact::IsObsoleteBootstrap() const { for (const auto& k : obsolete_bootstraps) { if (pubkey.ToHex() == k) return true; } return false; } bool RouterContact::Write(const fs::path& fname) const { std::array tmp; llarp_buffer_t buf(tmp); auto bte = bt_encode(); buf.write(bte.begin(), bte.end()); try { util::dump_file(fname, tmp.data(), buf.cur - buf.base); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::error(logcat, "Failed to write RC to {}: {}", fname, e.what()); return false; } return true; } bool RouterContact::Read(const fs::path& fname) { std::array tmp; llarp_buffer_t buf(tmp); try { util::slurp_file(fname, tmp.data(), tmp.size()); } catch (const std::exception& e) { log::error(logcat, "Failed to read RC from {}: {}", fname, e.what()); return false; } return BDecode(&buf); } std::string RouterContact::ToString() const { return fmt::format( "[RC k={} updated={} netid={} v={} ai={{{}}} e={} z={}]", pubkey, last_updated.count(), netID, version, fmt::format("{}", addr), enckey, signature); } } // namespace llarp